Chapter 10
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I woke up in a cheap hospital gown. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

“I’m glad to see you awake. “ A familiar kind female voice said.

“Madeline?” I looked at her.

“Hi Thomas.” She smiled.

“Where am I? Why are you here? Where are my friends? Are they safe? What did you guys do to me? Are you working with the eliminators still? Also, who changed me?!” I shot the last question at her out of anger.

“Slow down. You need to relax right now.” Madeline came over to the bed and pushed me back down so that I was laying again.

“What’s happening?” I muttered, my head pounding.

Madeline frowned, “Don’t talk. It will only get worse.” She said it as if she knew I had a headache.

“But-” I began.

“Sh!” She put her finger to her lips as she shushed me in a harsh whisper.

I didn’t know what to do but I trusted Madeline so I kept my mouth shut. My headache slowly went down but never fully.

“I’m going to run some tests to see how you're doing, alright?” Madeline pulled on rubber gloves, “It will just take a few seconds. Nothing much.” She held a needle in one hand and pressed the other on my arm, “Please don’t twist or resist. It will only hurt more.” And with that she stuck the needle in my arm. I glanced down at it and barely felt a thing. It simply felt as though someone was pinching me. 

“And. . . done.” She pulled the needle out, now full with my blood, “Band-aid?” She offered it as though I was 5.

“I’m fine.” I said quickly as though if I didn’t say it fast enough she would give me one and then laugh and call me a baby.

“Alright.” She pulled off her gloves, “Get some sleep. You’ll need it.” She left the room, turning off the lights as she did. 

I layed down and closed my eyes. I fell asleep a lot faster than I had thought I would.

I woke up what felt like seconds later. I took a deep breath in and sighed. I looked around. I was still in a hospital gown, in the same room. Except there were a couple of doctors around me.

“Who are you?” I asked the nearest one.

It was a lady with short brown hair and green eyes, “You're awake.” She whispered to herself, “He’s awake!” She yelled out and tossed the clipboard that was in her hands up high, “Everyone! He’s awake!” She squealed and ran off. All of the doctors turned to look at me, shocked.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling extra confused. 

“Relax.” A male doctor came over and told me. 

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Dr. Nickelo.” The doctor answered.

“What’s happening? Why are you guys so shocked that I’m awake?” 

“Son, you’ve been asleep for a whole year.” 

“A whole year?!” I bolted right up.

“Yes.” The doctor answered slowly,

“What’s happened, well I’ve been asleep?” I asked.

“Commander X has taken the rest of your friends captive, Madeline is still in a cell, and well . . . Commander X has started a group called D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S,” The doctor smiled quietly and looked away.

“What’s that stand for? Or is it just dangerous?” I asked.

“Danger,Attack,Nuclear,Generator,Experiment,Round,One,Usa,Site.” The doctor paused, “But it’s not important.” He bent down and picked up the clipboard that the nurse had dropped earlier. He flipped through the pages attached to the clipboard.

“That’s a little much.” I muttered and rolled my eyes.

“Are you hungry?” The doctor asked.

I opened my mouth to say no but then my stomach answered for me by growling loudly.

“I will go get you something to eat.” The doctor set down the clipboard on the side table and walked out of the room. I looked around and noticed that all of the other doctors and nurses weren’t in the room. 

I grabbed the clipboard and started flipping through the pages. The pages were full of people that were labeled ‘subjects’. There were random people that I didn’t know like a person named Anna Larson but there was also Elijah, Liam and Mason. I kept flipping until I was on the last page. The last person was me. Different information like my birthday and my parents were on the page. It had my full name and every detail of my past life before anything bad happened. I heard footsteps and quickly put the clipboard back. Doctor Nickelo walked through the door.

“Here you go.” He gave me a ham and cheese sandwich with a bottle of water.

I ate it without a word, “Thanks.” I muttered afterwards.

“Of course!” Doctor Nickelo said way too cheerfully.

“How are you cheerful?” I asked, “Can I see my friends? Where am I? Where is everyone else?” 

“I’m cheerful because you finally woke up, maybe later you can see your friends, your at D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S‘s  hospital, and everyone else is . . .” He paused after answering all of the other questions carefully, “I. . .” He turned around in a circle, “I’m not completely sure. They should be back soon though. No need to worry.” He smiled and turned away to face away from me.

“Can I see them now?” I asked.

“No.” Doctor Nickelo said sternly and quickly.

“Fine.” I held up my hands and leaned back, my head touching the rough pillow. My head jerked up instantly after touching it, “Ugh. Horrible pillow.” I muttered.

“Better get used to it. It’s the same type of pillow in your cell. IF you get a pillow that is.” The doctor chuckled and kept chuckling until he coughed, “I honestly feel bad!” He kept laughing, “If only if only I could keep you away from it. . . oh I know! I could keep you in here, starve you and you wouldn’t have to deal with anything!” He started laughing again when the door to the room banged open. 2 men covered in yellow suits holding gun like things that had electricity crackling at the ends. Commander X stood behind them. He pointed towards Dr. Nickelo, 

“Get him. He’s officially gone crazy.” 

Instantly one of the men shot his gun at Dr. Nickelo. He fell to the ground sparkling and cracking in electricity.

“He didn’t touch you right?” Commander X came over to me.

“No. He was close though.” I felt anger boil inside me, “ You put me in here with a crazy person?!” All I could do was yell.

“I didn’t know he was that close to losing it.” Commander X protested, “Trust me. We wouldn’t put you in danger like that on purpose.” 

“Sure did seem like it.” I muttered under my breath.

Commander X sighed, “Listen to me son,-” 

“Don’t call me son. I am not your son, and I never will be.” I glared at him.

“Then what should I call you?” Commander X asked, sounding annoyed.

“Thomas.” I answered.

“Fine, Thomas. You need to come with me anyways. No matter what name I call you.” Commander X snapped his right hand. The 2 men put down their weapons and came over to me,

“Let’s go.” One of them directed me towards the door.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To your friends.” Commander X sounded like he was struggling to say it.

“Really?! But Dr. Nickelo-” I glanced at the man lying on the floor.

“Dr. Nickelo was insane. He didn’t know what he was talking about. Now do you want to see your friends or not?” Commander X answered quickly.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I headed out the door without another word.

We headed down a long hallway. They led me to a room and unlocked it, shoving me inside. They closed the door and locked it behind me.

I looked around the dark room and coughed, “Hello?” I called out. Silence. I sighed.

“Is that really you?” A voice said in the dark. 

“Who's there?!” I stepped back.

“It’s Elijah.” The voice answered.

“Elijah?” I said, my voice going weak.

Elijah stepped out in front of me.

“You're alive? They said you were probably dead.” Elijah stood shocked.

“Trust me. I’m as shocked as you. Apparently I was asleep for a year.” I shrugged.

“It really is you.” Elijah came over and hugged me.

“Where is everyone else?” I asked as I hugged him back.

“Asleep.” Elijah answered, “I’ll wake them up. They’ll want to see you.” 

Elijah went back into the shadows and I heard a groan.

“Really Elijah? Come on, we talked about this. I need my beauty sleep.” Mason’s voice echoed in the room.

“Mason. Thomas is here.” Elijah answered.

Mason suddenly came out of the shadows and ran towards me patting me on the back.

“Thomas!” Mason grinned,

“Hey dude.” I grinned as well.

“Liam is over there.” Mason pointed towards a corner.

I was silent for a moment.

“Hold on, let me get the lights.” Elijah’s voice echoed.

A bright light filled the room and I snapped my eyes shut. 

In the corner all curled up was Liam.

Elijah went over to him, “Liam.” He shook him.

Liam turned and looked at him. He looked tired and like he had been starving himself. His face was red and buffy and tears were still staining his face.

“Thomas is here.” Elijah answered quietly.

“He’s dead. They came in and said he is dead! He is dead! Stop tricking me!” Liam shot out, spit flying.

“Last time I checked I wasn’t.” I said out loud.

Liam’s head spun towards me, “Thomas. . . ?”

“Hey.”I came over to him and knelt down, “When was the last time you ate?” 

Liam grabbed me and hugged me tightly, “How is this possible?”

“I was asleep?” I shrugged.

Liam pulled back and looked me up and down.

“It’s been too long. I wasn’t doing well without you.” Liam hugged me again.

“Okay, love birds.” Mason sighed, “Lunch is here.” 

We all got lunch and I stared at Liam as he slowly ate.

Elijah looked at him shocked, “He’s eating.” He mouthed to Mason.

I gave Liam my lunch and Liam looked up. He shook his head.

“I don’t need it.” He said as he kept shaking his head handing the lunch back.

“Yes you do. Besides, I ate before I was shoved in here.” I handed him my lunch again.

Liam sighed and ate it.

I took his free hand and smiled. He looked up at me. 

The door swung open and Commander X came charging in.

“Thomas. Let’s go.” He demanded.

“Why can’t I stay here?” I asked, frustrated.

“Because I have. . .” He paused, “Plans for you.” He nodded, “Yes, plans.” 

“Ugh, why?” I sighed.

“Just listen to me!” Commander X pounded his foot on the ground.

I flinched, “What’s wrong with him?” I mouthed to Liam, he just shrugged.

“You need to listen! I have had enough of you! You are going to come, and you are going to listen to my every word or you will be the next Dr. Nickelo!!” Commander X pulled out one of the strange devices that the men from before had been holding. 

I felt my face go cold, my mouth opened but no words came out.

“Who is Dr. Nickelo?” Elijah asked.

“No one you need to know about.” Commander X held the device with both hands, the tip pointed at my chest. 

“Don’t you dare hurt him.” Liam suddenly jumped up and was standing in front of me.

“You want to be next?” Commander X offered.

“No! No he doesn’t!” I jerked up and pulled Liam to the ground.

Commander X raised his eyebrow. 

“I’ll come with you. Just don’t hurt him or any of my friends.” I walked towards Commander X, my head down.

“Don’t listen to him!” Liam yelled out.

Mason jumped up and held him back.

I nodded a thanks to Mason and he looked at me, sad and disappointed.

“Come along. Say goodbye. It might be your last time.” Commander X’s words pierced me and I swallowed hard. 

I came over to Liam and he stopped resisting and Mason let him go. He fell to the floor. He was shaking and I heard his sobs. I leaned down and hugged him,

“Shhh.” I whispered as I flattened down his hair, feeling tears of my own streaming down my face.

“I don’t wanna lose you again.” Liam sobs rang through my ears like sirens.

“You won’t. It’s gonna be okay.” But I knew it wasn’t going to happen, nothing was going to be okay anymore. I was being a straight out liar to Liam.

Liam pulled me close and kissed me.  

“Let’s go!” Commander X pushed me away from Liam and had me lying on the floor.

“You are such a baby.” He muttered.

“You're not losing your friends!” I yelled out as I kicked him in the groin. 

Commander X doubled over and held his groin, “I already lost mine!”  

“Can’t blame them for leaving you!” I yelled out as I darted up. 

“They didn’t leave me! They were killed in front of me!” Commander X all of a sudden was silent.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because. We were just like you guys. Best friends. I liked one of the girls. Her name was Meranda. She was beautiful. Black hair and shimmering brown eyes. Then they came and took her and the rest of my friends away. Away to a place of misery. They showed me clips from there. They were torturing them. They were torturing HER.” Commander X shook his head.

“I’m sorry.” I said, “But you can’t take that out on us. It’s not our fault.” I smiled, thinking maybe we were getting on the good side of him.

“No! No! No!” Commander X’s voice echoed through the room, “It is your fault! It’s all your fault! THEY took her away from me!” He pointed at Liam and then Mason.

“What?!” Mason looked shocked.

“Um, excuse me? Us?!” Liam stood up and pushed Commander X, “We didn’t do anything!” Liam looked like he was about to explode. 

I just stood there staring at Liam. I glanced at Mason. They couldn’t have done it. Could they? My lower lip trembled as I headed slowly towards the door. I opened it and it made a loud creaking noise. Everyone's head turned towards me.

“Thomas?” Liam looked me straight in the eye.

“Yeah?” I looked away.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Uh, nothing.” I answered.

“WHAT are you doing?!” Liam came and walked towards me, “You're NOT going anywhere.”

“Oh I’m not now am I?” I took a step nearer to him and looked him straight in the eye. I felt his breath against my face. 

“No you're not!” He pushed me against the wall, “No! You're staying here!” 

I glanced at Mason.

“You still love him don’t you?” Liam backed away, “Heh. Of course you do.” 

“No, Liam! I-” I took a step forward towards Liam.

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear excuses! Bloody go with Commander X! See if I care!” Liam pushed me up against the wall again and walked towards a corner.

Commander X came towards me and grabbed my wrist dragging me out of the room. He closed the door behind us, and pressed a button next to the door. I heard a clicking noise and felt my entire body go numb.

“Now are you going to listen to me?” Commander X asked.

“Yes sir.” I mumbled.

“Good.” Commander X spun around and started walking down the long blank hallway and I followed.