C10 – Story (1)
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I'm a new writer, my first time writing is on webnovel. so this is the second platform that I upload. if you want to read the story from webnovel click here
I'm more focus on web novel. I got a little reader here, though a perverted one I must say. I'm just a pooling system in here

"you heard what we say about ritual right?"

"yes." Evan though while listening seriously.

"okey, then let start from there then."

"So about ritual, do you remember last night you had sex with natasha, after you cum suddenly the room start to become bright that you close your eyes and after that you faint?"

"yep. I remember it. But I think it's because I'm tired after having sex."

"No, actually it's because a mana and power that enter your body. Because your body that can't bear the power, so your brain automatically puts you to sleep to prevents you feel pain."

Can you imagine your bones being crushed slowly from inside without anesthesia? Well let's make it simple. How about when you have a surgery tell the doctor no need to use anesthesia. Make it more simple? Okey. Then try this one, how about you make a little cut on your hand and sprinkle it with a salt or lime. Well? Already imagine it? Then can you imagine it when the pain was double, triple, or maybe a hundreds more fold painful than that?

You will die. Or maybe if you didn't die but you will become crazy. That's why your brain prevent you to feel it.

"wait a minute. How about mana then?"

"hmm~ how to put it. So in this world, I mean in our current world right now, there is two path that you can traverse. The first one is an easy one. That is the path of mana. Well about this one even though It's easy, you need to have some people to guide you."

"because a mana is air. mana is a fundamental things in this worlds. Life without mana is death. And death without mana is nothingness. A tree without mana will become dust that come back to nothingness. A water without mana will evaporate into nothingness. A fire without mana will go out and return to nothingness. An earth without mana will slowly rot and come back into nothingness. A person without mana then will die like a fish that got taken out of water, slowly die in torment like lacking an air. then that person will comeback into nothingness."

"mana is everything, and everything is mana. Mana have many different kind of branch. The branch is what they call elements. Elements have many different kind of branch too, though the fundamental one is five."

"The first is earth, this is the most fundament of all element."

Why you ask? Well, if there are no earth then what? have you ever seen a planet that made of entirely of water, fire or other elements? No right? Well even if there are planet like that out there, the core of that planet of course have a earth elements too.

"Second is fire, the second most important element."

If you just have earth, do you think the planet will form? Of course not! the fire will temper it the earth to for properly.

"Third is air, The third important in element."

When earth form the core and fire temper it, then the air compress it.

"Fourth Is water, The fourth important in element."

When everything is ready, then the water come to cool it down so it can properly be a wild core. Or maybe what they always call a star core.

"The fifth is the most important and the most fundamental one if you want to have a perfect balance. If earth can be said the beginning, then this last element can be said the ending. Well even though they say it's an ending but actually it's not, it's just proverb. And that is a wood."

Maybe you asking why wood? Why not other element? Actually if you calmly analyze you can find the answer. What make the other stars in universe different from the inhabited planet? Didn't they sames? Have a core? Then why inhabited planet form a planet and a wild core just stay be a stars? Well, this is the one that makes a difference between a wild core and a core that have a wood element.

When the wood element is added in to the core, the core started to have life on it's own. It's know that with the pitiful amount of wood element it have, it will not have a long life. So it's started to run in searching for something that can expand it's life. While actually it's just spinning in place. And the core keep spinning and spinning, slowly by slowly the wood element started to grow. While in the beginning it's pitifully low, as time went on it keep growing and growing until the core unknowingly start to attract the other elements.

More earth element keep coming while fire element the second that come and air element after that water element and lastly and not lastly is wood element. Then repeated circle is remake, until the core of the star form a planet.

While it's true that every balance core can become a planet, but not every core have balance element. There will always be anomaly. Like the sun in the sky. While it's true that it form a planet, but when the core start to form life, it got attracted too much of the fire element. So it's become a fire elemental planet. And it's uninhabitable. well of course it's exception for the people that born in that place.

"So everything in this world is make based on mana. Whether it's a big or small. Whether it's an inanimate object or living being, they are all make from mana. Even a speck of dust is a mana. So every thing that you see is mana."