CH2 – The End?
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The dark soon turned to red. 

ELIMINATED flashed in bright characters all over the screen. I tried to push down the seething rage back down, but I found that I couldn't.

To be eliminated, PERMANENTLY from a game that I had spend my life and soul on for YEARS was simply unbearable.

I logged out of the game, knowing full well that I would never log in again. 

I stormed out of my room, and into the living room. My roommate, Zoe was lying on the couch watching TV, but I ignored her as I went to our mini kitchen area. I grabbed a bottle of beer, popped the cap with my teeth, and downed it all in a few gulps. 

"Lil?" I heard Zoe say from behind me. "Whats wrong?"

I glared at her, already apologizing in my head, but didn't stop the words from coming out. "You wouldn't get it." I said, with bitterness in my tone.

She sighed. "Is this about the Wars? Please tell me you didn't go... you said—"

"I HAD TO!" I roared. My anger had a quick fuse, and what was initially targeted at GtP and Daybreak now was targeted at my poor roommate. 

She gave me a pained expression, but something in it made me know that she understood. My rage calmed a bit, just enough to realize that I shouldn't have raised my voice. 

"I'm sorry.. it just—"

"I know.. just, try to cool off a bit, okay?"

"Okay..." I could feel the alcohol start to get to me so I gave her a quick hug and left. I didn't think she was too surprised, because my mood wasnt too stable. (just like irl… ha)

Closing the door quietly.

I hopped in my car, ignoring every red light in my body to not drink and drive. I took a swig of the beer. 

I tried to remember why I was in the car and driving but I couldn't remember. I just drove where my hands took me, everything done by instinct and not by action.

I saw the green light flash yellow and accelerated down the street. 

"Green for go, yellow means go faster, reds just a suggestion." I remembered something I heard some time ago with a laugh. As I passed the line, the light was red. I saw a flash of white light to my left, followed by a shrill noise.

I looked out of my window in horror as the truck loomed over my car. 

A searing pain running through my side. A flash of rainbows and white light blinding me. Intense heat burning in my thigh. It became hard to breathe. I saw everything and nothing at once. Felt everything, remembered everything at once, then nothing at all.

*cue fade*


short and sweet- i want to get to the plotline soon aaand

lol not even 500 words cring ok anyways ty for reading like and su— wait

folololow me please and vote

we're going to get to the main plotline next chapter sooo