Ch-32 Do you want to make a deal?
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After a while, the palace said "The mission has been completed, issuing the mission reward."

General Luo was naturally looking forward to it, before leaving he had asked about the reward mission.

The voice at that time told him "The reward will be an ability, judge Luo is a martial path warrior, so you will be given a martial type ability of your current strength level."

He was looking forward to it.

General Luo was just waiting, when he noticed some liquid water suddenly appeared and covered his whole body.

"Glug glug glug" finally the blue liquid left and he was freed.

"Hup! hup! hup!" he breathed heavily for a while and slowly inspected himself.

He didn't find anything strange with his body.

"The ability has already been given to you" the voice said.

'Huh….what ability?' he asked "What kind of ability is it?"

The voice slowly gave a description of the ability.

"Blood drain :While punching, your hands will have a blood attribute. While using this ability, if you punch someone then the person being hit will have a continuous blood loss until he/she dies."

General Luo looked shocked. "this ability sounds quite….terrifying."

As a martial path warrior, he knows what it means to continuously lose blood during a fight.

"But how do I use it? Can you tell me?." He didn't feel anything at all, so how was he going to use it?.

"Explore yourself" the voice said.

'Explore yourself… the power is inside of me?, the voice is telling me to stop looking at things externally but also find power within our inner self...this must be a lesson that I should remember for my life.' he closed his eyes and began searching his inner self.

He first saw a boundless amount of energy and a destructive power that could destroy anything in its path.

'It seems like this power is my calamity inducing technique that I practiced for a long time.'

The destructive attribute of his technique got mixed up with his true strength and energy.

He had long seen this, so he kept searching for other unique things but unfortunately didn't find anything.

After opening his eyes he looked confused.

"Where is the power? I didn't find anything."

The voice replied "You only explored your inner body not the outer body, the power is in your hands."

'what?' he checked his hands carefully and found two deep red nerves like tattoos on his two hands.

"Ohh!!, So this is the power… come i don't feel anything?"

The voice replied "This ability is not yours, it was given to you by the palace, so it is still an external ability. You can assimilate this ability inside of you but first you have to understand its power, mechanisms and find a way to integrate it properly in the future. For now you can use it after chanting 'Blood drain" in your mind."

"Ok….." he didn't ask anything else and decided to test this ability after going back.


Bennet was calmly sitting in a corner resting.

Opposite her were sitting Qing fa, Bhatian and Weng, Qing was looking at her hatefully.

"If she helped the judges earlier then Weng wouldn't have been hurt like this."

Weng noticed her hostility and calmed her down. "Don't worry about it, she also couldn't predict that such a terrifying being would attack us, we are all members of the same organisation after all, we should refrain from fighting each other."

Bhatian just stood there silently, it was her first time seeing such severe injuries.

'Being powerful is hard….' that's what she thought but it didn't stop her from pursuing strength in order to live peacefully.

"I know….but did she really go with us to help?...I felt like she was just there to inspect us and look at her eyes…..I don't think I can ever trust her." Qing fa said this with a frown.

Weng sighed "It is okay if you can't trust her but at least don't be hostile."

Qing fa looked at him incredulously "What do you think of me? No matter how much I don't like her, why would I be hostile to someone much more powerful than me?."

Weng calmly looked at her "Didn't you have the guts to challenge Mr. No face? Now that I think about it, you did seem like an arrogant person back then."

"Oh….so what do you think about me right now?" Qing fa pointed at herself and asked curiously.

Weng after some careful thought replied"You..…..are quite ordinary."

Qing fa looked stunned for some reason, she looked at herself and then at Bhatian seemingly asking for her opinion.

Bhatian didn't know what to do in this situation, seeing that Qing fa was staring at her, she could only say "You are a very kind person"

This time a smile formed on Qing fa's face"Yeah! I am not just an ordinary person, after all I am very kind, I am also a cultivator and a beautiful woman. I don't know why Weng thinks of me as an ordinary person...." She unknowingly began acting like a narcissist.


Weng and Bhatian weirdly looked at her and could only helplessly listen to her.


Bennet slowly opened one of her eyes after Qing fa looked away from her.

"Does she not like me?" Bennet noticed Qing fa staring at her resentfully a long time ago but acted like she didn't notice her because she wanted to know why she was looking.

"It seems like she does not like me….well, it doesn't matter. If she attacks me I will kill her…." A cold glint flashed in her eyes but she suddenly realised that they can't attack each other here and the cold glint disappeared and an inaudible sigh escaped from her mouth.


After a while Feng Shu came forward and asked the palace voice.

"Who was the one that attacked us? It seemed like someone even more powerful than a transcendent or martial saint expert, and what exactly was that place?"

Hearing her question Bufang stood up, he looked curious.

Not only him, there were other people that had went for the mission and were also interested in knowing about that weird place.

Afterall the mission turned out to be much more dangerous than they thought.


After a while the voice answered "That place was a naturally formed blood world. A blood world is formed after the accumulation of small particles of blood in space."

'Eh what? Small particles of blood in space? There is blood in space?'

Zhang was confused and unintentionally opened his mouth "There is blood in space?"

Realising that he had suddenly asked something he shut his mouth and became anxious.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him, their stares made Zhang uncomfortable.

'Wow….Mr No face just asked something.'

They had always unknowingly thought of him as the strongest expert in the Martial palace.

Defending them from that powerful attack earlier also confirmed his strength.

Such a person's words will always be taken seriously by them.


The voice replied to Zhang "Yes, there are many blood particles in space as many beings die there every second."

Zhang was again confused but this time he asked in a hushed tone, so that only the voice could hear him. " fights in space? Are there other humans or species there?"

The voice gave an affirmative reply again.

Getting the affirmation from the palace Zhang went into deep thoughts.

'So there are other species outside…...if there are so many strong beings in space then why is earth not invaded or destroyed yet?…'

He was worried about earth now,'What if some strong being attacks us? Would we be able to defend ourselves?"

He didn't want to think too much about it, he just had to get stronger and the problem would be solved…..simple.

He decided to directly go to the cultivation room to rest for a bit and then start cultivating.

With this he disappeared from his original position while everyone watched him.


General suddenly stood up and asked "What sbout the monster that attacked us, was he someone as strong as an Matial God, immortal or Magical God?"

This time the voice couldn't give a detailed explanation "Name is unknown but strength should be on the level of an immortal."

After hearing this they became excited and began jumping around.

"I knew it!! That being was extremely powerful!. Heavens! I just ran away from an existence that was on the same level as Martial God!!." General Luo was overly excited after the incident.

Feng Shu and Bufang both looked at each other remembering about their past discussion when Bufang first arrived in the Shu faction of the Aru continent. Today Feng Shu's bit of doubts were confirmed.

everyone cleared their doubts for a while before they started disappearing, it seemed lke they were also going for the cultivation rooms to cultivare or increse their power.

Daoist Po and Guo nine had already started cultivating in their rooms way before them.


Inside one of the rooms.

Guo nine could be seen absorbing energy from the surroundings of the hut.

"Shuuuuuuuu" A big spiral of spritual qi went insode his body before being consolidated in his dantian.

The concentrated energy suddenly burst and went in all parts of Guo nine's body.

"Ummm" his body hurt like crazy because the energy was reconstructing his body to be able to house a core and a soul later on."

This process was an important step on the path of cultivation, it was also very painful.

Most people can reach the foundation establishment quite easily, the process was only painful but not too difficult to reach. With enough will power any one with some cultivation talent can reach foundation establishment realm."

It seemed like he would reach it before the end of the meeting.

In an other room Daoist Po silently meditated with a cool posture.

"Hm….I havd already stabilised my realm, it is time to increase my power and reach the peak of my current realm before trying to breakthrough to the next level."


After god knows how many time had passed the voice finally marked the end of the meeting for today.

Zhang was about to stand up and wait for his teleportation to occur when he heard the palace voice ask him something.

"Judge No face, do you want to make a deal with the palace?"

With the voice, some small bits of pizzas that Zhang brought way before came in front of him and started floating around him.