Chapter 10 – Questioning Decisions
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This chapter is a bit shorter and focused on Natasha, but I wanted to try and get something out tonight for you all. I will be posting 3 more chapters over the next week to make up for my absence due to work. Thank you all for your patience!

Quick Note: People with BDSM kinks are not always in character. Just because someone likes behaving like a slave in private doesn't mean they like it in their everyday life. I only clarify this point so people aren't confused when characters are introduced normally and then their identities are revealed down the line to be something you didn't expect. The Animal Masks (My name for the women playing the game)live perfectly normal lives outside of the bedroom and their characters will reflect that. (Well, they live complicated lives, but are normal people behind those lives lol) I intend to only hint at their sexual natures to keep the mystery alive, Jack guessing, and the fun going!

Hope you enjoy the chapter!



Jack Richards - MC. Tech Lead for The Cougar Club, and White Mask


White Mask - Legendary Dom of the porn industry and Jack's past alter ego.


Natasha Sutherland - CEO of The Cougar Club and The Cougar Club: After Dark as well as Jack's boss and ex-step sister.


Hannah Adams - Retired runway model & Personnel and Operations Team Lead for The Cougar Club


Gwen Collins - Retired lingerie model and the Product and Venue Acquisitions Team Lead for The Cougar Club


Kimiko Nori - Jack's neighbor who somehow knows his identity


Erin Schneider - Receptionist at The Cougar Club Office


Elizabeth "Liz" Ellis - Natasha's Secretary at The Cougar Club


The Animal Masks

Known: None

Unknown: Rabbit, Fox, Ocelot, Dolphin, Horse, Eagle, Monkey, Deer, Panther, Duck, Spider, Wolf, Lion, Snake, Lynx, Shark, & Blue Jay


The 4 Non-Players

Known: None

Unknown: 4


Chapter 10 - Questioning Decisions

Natasha sits before her computer in her apartment late in the evening. 

The ruined makeup of 2 hours ago had been replaced and, unless they knew her well, no one would be able to tell anything was wrong with her. Her professional mask was up and she was ready for this meeting. 

She had to be. The game was afoot and she had 17 anonymous and extremely powerful women to inform.

Natasha's computer screen showed a virtual meeting room with 18 attendants. Only she was allowed to talk while the rest chatted amicably using the text options. She was also the only one on the call that was allowed to use a webcam. The other 17 all had icons of various animals to shield their privacy.

"Alright, let's get this meeting started," Natasha says, quickly reading over the chat to see if there were any questions for her. 

Satisfied that there was not, she directs her attention back to the main screen once more which showed her own face looking back. 

Natasha could hardly stand looking at herself right now, the guilt and pain threatening to make her burst out in tears again...But she had a job to do as these women were not ones to keep waiting. 

She puts her best fake smile on and starts.

"You have all done a wonderful job integrating within the company. I am pleasantly surprised with how deeply each of you has taken on your new persona and character." Natasha starts but pauses when she sees activity in the chat.

[Dolphin: It has been a pleasure. I will admit, however...Jack is a lot more normal than I thought he would be. I half expected him to be an entitled jerk like most other celebrities I've met. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.] 

[Horse: Agreed. I wasn't ready for him to be so Kyute~!!!🤩]

[Fox: OMG! Right? 😳😻]

[Monkey: Totes Adorbs!💕💕💕]

[Tiger: Not to mention sexy!!! Those muscles...😶😳]

[Ocelot: He seems like such a nice guy...It's hard to believe he really is White Mask at times.]

[Deer: You didn't hear him yelling at those contractors outside! hehe 😛]

[Fox: I did! He was really laying into them. 🔥💢👀Poor Erin though...]

[Blue Jay: She isn't an Animal Mask, obviously. Way too timid.]

[Snake: 🛑No guessing identities. That is against the rules. 🛑]

[Blue Jay: I was just stating a fact.]

[Deer: I wish he would visit our floor more though...]

[Eagle: He's been busy. Jack is an incredibly hard worker.]

[Shark: I sure hope he is a hard worker in other areas too~ 💕💋👅 ]

The chat soon devolved into laughter and lewd comments.

Natasha smiled genuinely at the chat. These were her people: Fellow hardcore White Mask fans. Even if they were all so different, this love for Jack united them.

She gave them a moment more before clearing her throat and continuing the meeting. 

"I'm glad you are all enjoying his company as much as I am. Now then, I have an announcement to make..." Here she pauses for dramatics with a smirk. She drags it out as long as she can, taking a deep breath, before continuing at last.

"The game has started. Jack knows and will be looking for your animals starting tomorrow."

The chat explodes with activity. 

Many say some variation of "FINALLY!" while others start conversations about strategies to keep him off their trail. Everyone is taking this very they should for the amount of money they paid to be here...

Natasha gives them all another moment before clapping twice to draw their attention once more.

"I know you are all excited, but, remember, he only starts with 3 animals. They were drawn by lottery as I promised, and here are the results: The first three are Rabbit, Fox, and Ocelot. Once Jack guesses one correctly, he will be given another animal drawn by lottery once more." 

Boos and jeers as well as celebrations for the lucky 3 were seen in the chat next. They quieted down much quicker this time, however, eager to hear what else needed to be said.

"Now, I will be taking questions in a bit, but first I want to rehash the rules. Keep in mind that there are no second chances. If you break a rule, you are out and you will not get a refund. No one here is going to risk their position for you to stay. Do not break any of the rules. I have eyes everywhere, and you all know how much of a bitch I can be when mad..."

Several comments stream in agreeing that Natasha can be a huge bitch. 

She rolls her eyes but smiles as she continues.

"To recap, here are the rules:

  1. You must never give away your Animal Mask identity to anyone except for Jack, and ONLY if he guesses it correctly first.
  2. You must never give away someone else's Animal Mask identity if you figure it out, EVEN if Jack asks you directly.
  3. Do not talk about the Animal Masks anywhere but in our chat group. There are 4 people who are not participating in the game and they have no idea what is really going on. I will be extraordinarily upset if one of them catches on...
  4. You may only make your moves and plays in the designated Flirting or Quiet Rooms. They are clearly marked on the building map I gave each of you, and the link to the map is pinned in the chat group comments. I will not be a stickler here, however, and if Jack comes to you directly or meets you in passing, you are free to do as you wish.
  5. Sexual activities in the office are ONLY permitted in the designated Quiet Rooms. Additionally, make sure you update the chat for which specific room you are in and for how long you are reserving it. This is for your safety as much as it is for your privacy. Also, for God's sake, please clean up after yourselves. 
  6. If you feel unsafe or are worried about the safety of others, remove yourself from whatever situation you are in and call me immediately. If you cannot remove yourself, text me. If all other options are not possible, use the emergency button on your provided work lanyard...And please keep those with you at all times. They are for your protection, after all. 
  7. Jack is not a sex toy. He is not a prostitute. He is a person with real feelings and emotions. You will treat him with respect and will respect his wishes and feelings at all times. If he doesn't want to do something with you, he has no obligation to do so, and you will not force yourself on him unless that is something you both agreed upon previously. If you find an issue with him or you are unable to form a meaningful connection, you will be refunded in full and allowed to leave.
  8. You may leave at any time, but don't forget the NDA and contracts you signed. I very much doubt you will live all that long if you spoil the fun of everyone here.
  9. No real feelings or emotions. None of you will end up with Jack at the end of this, and accepting that was one of the reasons you were allowed to be here at all. I don't want there to be drama or for emotions to make any of you do anything stupid to jeopardize this company.
  10. Do not bring your real lives or personal drama into the workplace. I don't want any current or ex-husbands/boyfriends banging down my door or for the cops to be called on us. Immerse yourself in the fantasy, in the character you are playing, and take your time...Or not. It is up to you, really. You paid to be here, so make it worth it for you.

Does everyone understand the rules? Does anyone have any questions?" Natasha finishes, looking at the chat. 

Everyone had heard these rules, or a variation of them, for months now, so there was very little that still needed explaining. Still, there were always questions. 

Sure enough...

[Lynx: Now that the game has started, can we know the identities of the 4 not participating? I really think it will help to make sure there are no slipups.]

Natasha sighs. 

"No, Lynx. For the last time, they are anonymous for a reason, and the only one who will know their identities is me. While they are not playing the game, they are a very important component of it and I won't divulge who they are."

[Lynx: Fine.]

[Ocelot: I have a question! Are there any rules for organizing outside meetups? I mean, I know we have to let you know of any dates we go on with Jack, but can we go out to drink and hang out with people from the office?]

Natasha smiles at that. "Of course! I hope that you all can build some friendships with one another, even if they are a bit false. I imagine this will take a long time, so we should get comfortable with one another. Just remember, no personal drama. If you don't like someone, don't interact with them. If I find out one of you is sabotaging the chances of another by saying bad things about them to Jack behind their backs, you will be out and I will share your real name with everyone."

That comment was met with complete silence in the chat. No one wanted their real identities known. That was kind of the point. It was the worst threat that Natasha could make. 

Even if some of these women had public names that people knew, they had real names that were hidden. Some for personal reasons, some for legal ones. 

[Ocelot:...Understood. Thanks...]

"Right, sorry for the mood killer." Natasha says with a chuckle, "I just want to make sure everyone knows the stakes. This is a game...but it also isn't for a lot of you. Don't worry, I will not arbitrarily hold your real names against you. I will only do that if you really, REALLY fuck up. Any other questions?"

There was another pause in the chat.

[Shark: Yeah, how big is Jack's 🍆again? They say the camera adds 2 inches~! 📏] 

Natasha laughed along with the long string of scandalous comments that followed. She really appreciated the way Shark could lighten the mood. 

Natasha didn't like being this stern or demanding, but it had to be done. This game was serious business and people's lives were at stake if something went wrong. 

Not for the first time, Natasha questions if this was the right decision...but she quickly dispels those doubts and moves on. 

'Too late for regret now. The only path available is forward. Jack may hate me now, but...but...'

She felt her eyes growing watery as she remembered his hate-filled glare toward her earlier this morning. 

Before she could devolve into sobs again, she quickly wraps up the meeting.

"If there is nothing else, then I will see you all tomorrow! Good luck, ladies."

After goodbyes were sent, Natasha slumps forward onto her desk, shoving the keyboard out of the way. 

'We had another date planned for tonight...' She laments as the time for ugly crying was upon her once again. 

Unfortunately for her, life had other plans as there was a knock at her apartment door. 

She wanted to ignore it, really she did...

'But what if it's Jack?...'

Staggering to her feet, almost drunkenly, she makes her way to the door and opens it. 

Standing before her is not Jack ready to go on another magical date, as one might expect. 

But the person in question was a welcome surprise nonetheless. 

"Hey, baby. You holdin' up alright?" The concerned and soothing voice of Gwen greets Natasha in her lovely southern twang. 

"N-No..." Natasha squeaks out before diving into Gwen's embrace; Happy to have her comfort and warmth in such a desperate time.

Gwen coos softly to her friend as she leads them both inside, careful of the bag in her right hand, and shuts the door behind her.

They sit down on Natasha's couch and Gwen puts the bag down so she can cradle the bawling Natasha in her arms. 

5 minutes later, Natasha is back under control, though her makeup is now ruined once more.

"I liked this shirt..." Gwen complains jokingly as she looks at the mess of foundation and mascara leftover from where Natasha had been crying on her chest. 

Sniffling quietly, Natasha answers back with a pitiful, "S-Sorry."

"All good, sweetheart. All good. Now, enough of the tears. I brought 2 bottles of wine, a shit ton of expensive sushi, and my favorite Rom-Com. We are getting plastered tonight and I won't hear a lick of arguments from you, understood?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am...Did you bring California Rolls?" Asks Natasha with a small smile.

"Cheeky brat...Yeah, I got your precious California Rolls." Answers Gwen as she pulls her friend in for another hug with a chuckle. 

"Thanks, Gwen...I really needed this tonight."

"Anytime, baby."

"Jack is going to need you too, you know. You and the other 3."

"I know. That is the reason we are there, after all. If he gets upset or needs support then, just like you, I or one of the other three Non-Players will be there for him...Though I will still fuck him if I can." Gwen finishes with a smirk. 

Natasha snorts and pushes her away, "I don't blame you."

"You shouldn't doubt yourself, Nat. I agree with your plan, and I truly think it'll work. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. You have the rest of your life to regret if this doesn't, but, right now, you need to put all your energy into making it work. You are doing this whole thing for the one you love. That takes courage...Even if it is backwards as fuck."

"Am...Am I a bad person..?"


Natasha hits Gwen on the shoulder, but Gwen just laughs it off as she gets up to go to the kitchen with the bottles of wine. She grabs 2 glasses and a corkscrew from the kitchen cabinets then opens and pours the wine as she continues.

"You survived over 10 years in the modeling industry, Natasha. Anyone who can live in that environment and thrive isn't a completely good person, speaking from experience. We have all done what it takes to make it...but, so what? You think the wider world is any better? Humans are all shit, Nat. All of us. We are horribly selfish, egotistical, greedy, backstabbing, fuckers, an' you can quote me on that. The only ones who aren't are just good at hidin' it or are the ones being walked over."

"That was pretty cynical," Natasha replies dryly.

"It's the truth. No one wants to admit it, but everyone knows it. The successful make it by stepping on the backs of the unsuccessful. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That is the truth of the world. So, I say again: So what?"

Natasha sits up and looks over at Gwen. She knew her older friend was wise and that 40 years of life made her words worth listening to.

"So what if you tricked him? So what if he hates you now? So what if you are a bad person? If he realizes his calling and how much he means to you, me, and so many others, damn the fucking consequences. Fuck the naysayers and prudes. You are doin' what you believe to be right and, by some stroke of luck, you got 21 of the most powerful women in the world to agree and join you. It's only wrong if it doesn't work, Natasha. Most of humanity's history doesn't remember the sad saps that did good deeds silently. It remembers those who say they did good deeds, or others that said it for them, and said it loud enough for everyone to hear. You gotta be loud, bold, and relentless in achieving your goals. You are only a truly bad person if you don't follow your heart and do whatever it takes to accomplish what you believe to be right."

"I think there are other circumstances that make for bad people, Gwen..."

"We ain't talkin' about them though, are we?" Gwen states simply as she returns to the couch.


"That's right. So follow through with this plan you started. Put all the effort and love you can into it. Make Jack realize his potential. Make him understand what he means to you and all of us. Force it through his thick skull that it's alright to be a Sex God. That people love him for who he is. That he has nothing to be ashamed of. That his years of struggles and hard work matter, and that his God-given talents are important. Then..."

"Then?" Natasha asks, on the edge of her seat.

"Then you get knocked up and married. I always thought your kids would be cute." Gwen finishes with a loud, mirthful laugh.

Natasha lets out a soft chuckle of her own, but it fades as brings her knees up and tucks her head behind them in the fetal position.

"...And if it doesn't work..?"

"Then at least you tried your best. You might be a bad person to him, but you won't be one to me and the girls, that I can promise you."

"Thank you, Gwen...This...This is what I needed." Natasha says as she lets out an unsteady breath as she straightens up again. "I will do it. I will work my hardest. I will show Jack what he is worth. That he is so much more than just a cock, scar, and mask. That he is loved and adored because of his talents and who he is. I will show my love and dedication to him and all he has accomplished...And...Yes. Babies do sound like a nice end to the story."

Gwen and Natasha laugh and enjoy the rest of the night together, eating sushi, drinking both bottles of wine completely, and crying over the silly B-rate Rom-Com Gwen brought. 

After that night, Natasha's resolve wavered no longer.