Chapter 2 – Where I Am?
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I look at myself in the mirror. I was a gray shadow or silohuette.

I had what it seems to be a school uniform with a vague emblen on it.

Looking more carefully I reconize it in an instant, it was the school where you spawn as the protagonist. Well it wasn't as spawn per se, it was the first art clip when you start the game. Telling the sad story why the virgin guy was virgin. Wait for it...Yep it was bullyied and humilliated with a fake date that in his head was almost the same as almost having sex.

The hate and humillation made him a full class neet with honors and a leecher of his family until he unexpetedly became a wizard at the age of 30.

And me? I was one of the extras wathching in the background while the MC was being bullyed. If I was laughing I could be a side-kick to the villian of his high-school but that is a big no-no for an extra without a shape.

So what now? What do I know of right now?

I'm male, since I don't have boobs. I'm underage since I'm in highschool. Oh and I'M IN A FUCKING SEX GAME. 

I clutch my head and locked my self in a bathroom stall.

I stayed there thinking it was just a dream. But just as I was thinking that the bell rang and my body move it all by himself.

I was walking without my control going someone. You know how terrifiang is that? Your "own" body moving on your own while you are being conciuncs and can't do jack shit? I was glad I didn't had any control on my excalibur either since I would be the only extra with wet pants then.

After walking on the corridors on the high-school I arrived at a classroom where I was watching the MC being bullyied. They were throwing him water and food on him while laughing at him.

And that made me think. The onlyones with color over here were people around the MC. There is two possibilities.

One, This is how the MC watched the world. So if I don't make myself "pop-up" I will be forever an extra or even worse, dissapear as I been forgotten.

Two, This is just a tutorial setting I'm forced to watch and after that I will be free.

Anyone with some brain will choose the first option since the possibility of dissapear was there. But not me, I don't give a fuck. Of course I'm afraid, no I'm terrified. But I will not be a side-kick of a 30-old dude with a mind a horny teenager chasing skirts all around.

Fuck that, I will be my own man since the beggining. If I gave two fucks of what people thinked of me I wouldn't trade sex for virtual sex don't you think? I do what I want When I wanted. Of course that also led me here. Karma is a bitch.

So I stayed silent and played my part of being a background character.

After a while the scene ended and "me" returned to a spot in a different classroom.

"Thank god" I muttered. I hoped I wasn't in the same classroom as the inbreed fellow like him.

Now what to do?

This is a fantasy world, with cliches all around. I will try to stay away from the targets since they will eventually sucumb to the plain MC with no reason whatsoever than being nice. Since woman like nice people is what movies/games tell. Single digits fellows will think that is the true, people who slep with women know that is not quite like that. You need to have differente aproches to different people. But some kind of people are so plain that you know exactily what they like. Aka basic bitches or fuck boys. 

Anyway I'm spacing out. My priority here is choose my path. In this game you basically have the 3 main options. Mage, warrior or Conqueror. The only option to be mage in this world is to have a grudge so big that you forfeit your human instict, to reproduce. And after a few year if you are consistent with your thinking you will have magic powers. It was just a coincidence that on the 3oth birthday the MC became a wizard. Some people became wizards at late 60ths or even later. Or be a descend of those few people, a family of wizards.

And those families don't like competence, so if a new family pops-up they send people to kill the noob wizard. The MC was safe by sheer luck or what people call plot armor. Where after he became a wizard he went to hunt mobs only to be gangbanged like a pornstar with a monster tentacle only to be saved by an old man who was a fugitive wizard living on the swamps. There he trained to be somewhat strong to conquer his first target, a female wizard from a respetable family who he charmed and promised to be married some day. With that promise he was now safe.

The second option was being a Warrior, where you ignore completely the magic and focus on traing your body and mental fortitude. The magic of this place is fueled by ether and imagination to bring shape and potency. If yo train enough as a warrior, all the spells before hitting you they dispel and only hit you with the raw ether. You get hit but only a fraction and the rest is up to the body to endure. That's why they train both of the mental and strenght aptitudes.

And the last option is a conqueror. You don't train magic or strenght, you only talk out of the way of danger. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but you could clear a good chunk of the game playing that way. But some people are so dumb or closed in mind that no matter how much you talk you might as well talk to a wall for all that mattered.

And the last option that the game doesn't mention is what I wanted to do. A merchant. Why the fuck would I risk my life leveling up when I can use money for that matter? Buy the best equipement for my level, have a bus rider (helping me level up so I can last hit powerfull mobs), train with masters, etc. MONEY IS THE BEST POWER.

Besides, the other routes seems really long and complicated, if I was playing normally I would choose warrior since I was the best for trolling wizards but now I'm living my fucking life here, I can't do shit that put me a risk if I don't want to. I do what I want, but that doesn't mean I'm an idiot jumping into danger.

With that in mind I resolved and walked out of the classroom. Time is money after all.