Chapter 8: Frostbite
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Okay, so... Marcel met the demon lord, they did this and that and then they had a talk. As the demon lord was still trying to enlighten the naive Marcel, Marcel tried to end him, in a sneaky way unbefitting of a hero with his sword, Frostbite.  

The demon lord caught wind of his plans and uh, managed to get Frostbite out of Marcel’s hand and told the sword to come out.  

Spoiler: Frostbite is a mega powerful dragon. Hehe, just kidding. If you read the previous chapter, then you’d already know. 

[End of Recap] 

After the demon lord told Frostbite to come out. The sword generated an immense large energy beam which took to the skiesFrom said huge beam of light came Frostbite, although Marcel’s not sure if that’s Frostbite since a man came out of the beam instead of the magnificent, regal and ginormous dragon that he expected. 

Marcel, still in bed with the demon suddenly felt extremely cold as if his body was close to the freezing point. He wrapped the sheets around his body, although they didn’t do much to help his situation. He remembered that if he was dealing with someone similar to a certain ruler of winter that he met just a few days ago, then he’d need a fire spell, so he generated a fiery aura around his body, more on that later, to stay warm. 

The man as if noticing that Marcel had been uncomfortable just moments before tuned down on the cold just a little bit. Marcel was no longer shivering like he had been earlier, so he took it as a good sign. 

“It’s been a while, Frostbite, hasn’t it?!” The demon lord asked the man.  

The man looked at him with contempt and disdain in his eyes and then replied, “Humph, don’t address me as if we’re close.” He said to the demon lord coldly, mirroring how suddenly the temperature in the room dropped considerable, making Marcel feel uncomfortable again. 

It looked like this conversation between the demon lord and Frostbite was going to happen whether he was there or not, so he just added a few more fire spells to feel warmer and listened to see which direction I'd lead to. 

“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. Sure, I may not be particularly close to you, but I also happen to your guardianDon’t act so coldly towards me. If your brother found out, he’d be very sad~.” The demon lord said and then he smiled to Frostbite. 

“Ha, guardian, yeah, right! This must be how you got my cute little brother to do your bidding. You probably changed his mind with that seductively innocent smile of yours and he fell for it, hook, line and sinker...” He ridiculed the demon lord and his ice-cold eyes were focused solely on him. His cold gaze turned into a passionate one as he continued, “Oh, how I pity my poor little brother for having been forced to take upon himself such a heavy responsibility.”   

“Hey, I never forced him to do my bidding! He just asked me for some advice and I gave it to him. The choice he made was solely his decision alone, not mine, and my smile isn’t seductive or innocent either. It’s just a normal smile!” He emphasized more on the seductive and innocent part. 

“Yes, yes. Tell that to my master next to you who had a nosebleed after seeing your smile.” He snickered to the demon lord, his eyes pointing at Marcel who was indeed bleeding from the nose; cause unknown. You try to guess what caused it. 

Yes, Marcel. The demon lord had forgotten all about him after Frostbite appeared that him seeing that Frostbite’s words weren’t just a taunt made him very worried. 

“Are you alright?! You’re not sick, are you?” He asked with an expression full of worry and concern. 

“I-I-I'm alright! It’s just that I was suddenly stimulated and it was way too much than I could handle.” Marcel mumbled while covering his nose with a hand, his words very unclear to the demon lord. The demon lord examined Marcel’s ambiguous words a few times but just determined that it wasn’t what he was thinking.  

“Anyway, are you hungry? You must be exhausted from yesterday. Let me call in someone to take care of you.” He expressed his concerns to Marcel. Frostbite who was impatient just couldn’t wait for the demon lord to finish whatever he was about to do, so he just said, “Forget about master for right now, you too have all of who knows how long to spend together, so I think you can stand to let us finish this conversation!” He exclaimed in a rather loud manner. 

“Okay, then let’s finish this right now. Like I said, I didn’t interfere with your little brother’s wish to take over from your father. It was his decision and his alone. He had already made his decision long before he came to meI’m pretty sure that no matter what I said, the results would have still been the same.” The demon lord was perfectly calm now and could speak with rationality. He had this smile on his face that made a certain someone’s nose bleed again. 

“Really, are you sure that Winter wanted to take over winter after our dad of his own will and not because of that mysterious power of yours that makes everyone follow your suggestions?” Well, that was an oddly specific question to ask the demon who indeed had the power to do so. 

“Yes, I already mentioned that six hundred years ago and then a thousand years ago and then... eh, do you want me to keep going?” He said to Frostbite who was beginning to feel like he really didn’t listen at all. The demon lord had fairly made his point. 

While they were both going on and on about past stuff, Marcel heard something rather interested and decided to ask about it. 

“Wait, Winter is your brother?!”  

“Yes, who else would it be if it wasn’t my cute adorable Winter. His long blue hair, silky as the flowing waters, his cute adorable body that never seems to grow up for some reason. His golden eyes as bright as the sun. Who is more adorable than my cute little brother?” He said like he hadn’t been angry just a few moments ago. A huge smile appeared on his face along with flushed cheeks and he looked exceptionally um... criminal-like from how he was swaying his body, making obscene movements. Oh, and don’t forget the ragged breathing as he was talking about his little brother. 

Yep, pervert in the building. It’s official, Frostbite is a brocon. 

“Winter, cute, adorable. How did that fit the image of the Winter he knew in any way?”, He thought, but alas, he had only known Winter for a minimum of just two days, so he can’t say that he knows the guy very well, but he could tell that Frostbite was indeed someone who loved his brother way too much. 

Frostbite continued to engage in such embarrassing behavior until he stopped and put back on his serious face. 

“But still, even if couldn’t stop him from making such a decision, how could you make him follow through with it in the first place. Weren’t you the only one who could have stopped him?” He said as he sunk his face downwards, looking sad. 

“Huh, do you think I didn’t try? Your father and I originally planned to have you take over as the next guardian of winter a long time ago, but then your brother suddenly came to me and told me about him volunteering to be the next guardian. He wouldn’t take no for an answer even after I explained all the downsides to him and the choice wasn’t exactly up to me. Your father unexpectedly agreed and when he left, Winter took over instead of you.” The demon lord was also looking sad as he explained how everything had happened. 

“He, he, he...” Frostbite was interrupted by Marcel, “He what? What exactly did Frostbite do?” That expression of naivety and being absolutely clueless was still plastered on Marcel’s face. Way to ruin an emotional moment here, Marcel. 

“Then I'll tell you the whole story. Instead of just telling you, how about I show you. The story of how Winter became the current ruler of winter.” said the demon lord as he faced Marcel and began talking.