Prologue IV – Guild Registration: Kyle the Fighter
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The examiner stared at the chubby halfling. "Do...Do you exercise?"


"No! I prefer sleeping and eating." Pan denied vehemently as if the thought of exercising would tire him out.


"Oh...then, do you like to eat healthy?"


"Hell no! I hate vegetables! I can stomach fruits since they're sweet but ugh, vegetables are the worst! Why do you ask?"


The examiner grimaced as he stared at the young healer's results.

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 2
Vitality: 5
Intelligence: 7
Charisma: 3
Luck: 4

"Then, how in the hell are you more healthy than the acolyte who exercises daily?" The examiner couldn't help but blurt out as he stared at the bulging belly.


"Maybe because I eat well." Pan replied while munching a drumstick.


"Where did you get that?" The examiner exclaimed as he grabbed the chicken leg straight from Pan's hands.


"Dammit! If you wanted one, just ask. Don't have to take it from me like that." Pan grumbled as he pulled out another drumstick from his bag.


While Pan continued to munch on his food, the examiner frowned and gave the drumstick back. He checked out Pan's flabby arms and asked, "How are you twice as strong as the acolyte? With his muscles, he could probably lift a boulder. But look like the heaviest thing you could lift is that drumstick."


"Hey! I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned. Besides, going out in the wilderness, someone like me needs to be amply prepared. Every time I go out, I would bring enough food for weeks."


"For weeks? That might explain your strength stat. Fine, then what about your intelligence? Do you like to study?" The examiner dismissed the first question and proceeded to ask about another issue.


"No. Ugh! Just thinking about studying makes me want to bash my head against the wall!"


"Then why do you have nearly double the intelligence of the acolyte? You're only a healer. You shouldn't need to read as many books as that of an acolyte."


"Exactly. The only reason I became a healer because 1) I don't need to exercise and 2) I don't need to study a lot. Maybe I'm just talented." Pan explained.


"What a waste of talent!" The examiner lamented as he shook his head with dissatisfaction.


"Are we done?"




"Good. I'll take my leave now."


Meanwhile, outside of the test room....


The guild assistant shuffled some papers together for the last time and beckoned for Kyle to turn in his application. "Hmm, fighter eh? How unexpected. Not to stereotype, but aren't elves more interested in archery than in melee combat."


"I like the graceful art of close combat over shooting at a distance. Archery just seems so boring." Kyle gestured that no harm was done. He looked at his guild card and nodded with a pleased smile.

Name: Kyle Windwalker
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Class: Fighter
Level: 1
Rank: G


Strength: ???
Dexterity: ???
Vitality: ???
Intelligence: ???
Charisma: ???
Luck: ???

After checking that everything was in place, Kyle gave a short farewell before opening the door to the second testing location.

Readers can vote three times. Please vote to determine the stats of Kyle Windwalker.

What are Kyle's stats? Choose three.
  • Strength Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Dexterity Votes: 7 77.8%
  • Vitality Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Intelligence Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Charisma Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Luck Votes: 4 44.4%
Total voters: 9 · This poll was closed on Jul 25, 2019 03:24 AM.