Infiltration 2
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Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Peace Walker has crossed the border and entered a U.S. military supply base on the southeastern shore of Lago Cocibolca. Coldman's targeting the MSF plant - that's us. Don't let it launch that nuke! Destroy Peace Walker!"

Chapter 4:
The Illusion of Peace

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf on a boat heading to the other side of the river.

November 23, 1974 
Rio San Juan, Costa Rica/Nicaraguan Border

Amanda:*Com* "Take the gondola west along the river. When you reach the northern bank, you're in NICARAGUA.  I've arranged for a guide to get you close."

Chico:*Com* "Snake...Wolf..."


Chico:*Com* "Sorry about the horse. It sure was pretty."

Wolf sighs and lights a cigar and thinks back on Operation Snake Eater. A single tear falls down her face.


November 23, 1974
U.S. Missile Base,
Southeastern shore of Nicaragua

Snake and Wolf are outside the supply base and Snake is using his camera to look around.

Snake:"Something's not right..." *He looks to the entrance gate.* "Gate guard doesn't look too bad."

Miller:*Com* "What do you think?"

Snake:"Gonna need some help."

Wolf face palms.

Then the camera shows the back of a truck with some boxes and two of them have a yellow tag on it. Then the camera shows Snake and Wolf taking cover on the side of a building. 

Snake:"This is Snake, can you hear me?"

Miller:*Com* "This is Miller, loud and clear."

Wolf:"We got in without a hitch."

Miller:*Com* "Good, there's an airfield on the other side of the building - on the northwestern shore of the lake, that's where they'll conduct the launch." *Wolf peaks around the corner and sees a tall building.*  There's a COMMUNICATIONS TOWER in front of you. I'm betting they'll control PEACE WALKER from there."

Wolf checks the ammo on her MK 22.

Snake:"KAZ, they're targeting Mother Base. Don't you think you should evacuate?"

Wolf:"I think you guys should."

Miller:*Com* "Nah.... Everybody here believes in you two, Boss, Major."

Snake chuckles and Wolf Pulls the slide back on her MK 22, loading it. 

Snake:"Alright, fine then. I've kinda gotten attached to the place myself.  What about AMANDA and her people?"

Miller:*Com* "They've been taken to safety, we can't involve them in this any further."

Wolf:*Tightening her bandana.* "Good. They've got their own cause to fight for."

Miller:*Com* "And Snake, Wolf.... Don't forget the bad guys've got PAZ." 

Snake/Wolf:"I won't."

Miller:*Com* "We're prepping a few backup units, Don't let 'em launch, SNAKE, WOLF. We're counting on you two!"

Snake and head around the corner and start to sneak around.

Miller:*Com* "See the communications tower to the west? Head for that, Snake. Wolf."

Then Wolf looks around the corner to see a soviet soldier. 

Wolf:"What in the hell?"

Miller:*Com* "Soviet soldiers? On an American base? Something's wrong here. Keep your eyes peeled, Boss, Major. "

Snake and Wolf sneak around the solder and head down in a tunnel and find a prisoner and Snake fultons them. Then they head down the tunnel and Snake shoots a soldier in the head with his MK 22, knocking him out and then he fultons him. Then they head onto and platform elevator and head down to the next area. 

Small Maintenance Dock

They get off the elevator and sneak head and take a few soldiers out and fulton them.

Miller:*Com* "Security is tighter around the central region. Might be best to fund another route..."

Wolf finds a prisoner and fultons them. Then they sneak around a drone and head toward the objective. They head up some stairs then down a hallway and go up more stairs to the roof.


They get to the rooftop and sneak around the right side and knock out some soldiers and fulton them. Then wolf shoots two guys across the way in the head and their both knocked out.

Snake and Wolf head down a ladder and walk across a catwalk to the other side and climb up a ladder. Wolf fultons the soldier she knocked out. Then they find and open door and head down a hall and find a door with a green light on it and go through it and head down the hallway.

They get to a monitoring room.

U.S. Missile Base, Nicaragua
Monitoring Room, Communications Tower

They see a screen with Paz on it.


Paz:*Screen.* "SNAKE!"

Wolf:"Can you hear us?"

Paz:*Screen.*"Wolf!... Si, I can hear you."

Snake:"Where are you?"

Paz looks around her room.

Paz:*Screen.* "I am not sure. I don't recognize it."

Snake:"What about COLDMAN?"

Paz:*Screen.* "He just left for the CONTROL TOWER... Said something about entering the final data."

Then suddenly a red light turns on in the room and alarms blare. One one screen it shows Snake and Wolf.

Paz:*Screen.* "What is the matter?"

Wolf:"We've been found!"

Miller:*Com* "SNAKE!! WOLF!!" 


Miller:*Com* "Snake, Wolf, you OK? All MSF's ready to move out. They're headed your way, on the double."

Snake:"Are you serious?"

Miller:*Com* "There's a skeleton crew manning the base.Everyone else is enroute to the base in Nicaragua. Snake, Wolf, think you can make it to that CONTROL TOWER?"

Snake:"Not sure why, but this place is crawling with Russian troops. Gonna have to force our way through."

Miller:*Com* "What the hell's going on?"

Wolf:"Damned If We know."

Miller:*Com* "Get over there quick as you can, you're almost there, Snake, Wolf, stay steady!"

Paz:*Screen.* "Snake, Wolf."

Snake puts a hand on the screen that has Paz.

Snake:"We're coming, Paz."

Paz:*Screen.* "Do not worry about me... I am an ANGEL OF PEACE. I will be watching over you two."

Snake and Wolf ready their assault rifles. 

Wolf:*Takes a deep breath and lets it out.* "HERE GOES NOTHING!" 



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