Chapter 50 Recruitment.
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I blame user "MIKAKI" for the addition of the POV Mari in this chapter.


Dance of Death (2015 Remaster) · Iron Maiden

POV Mari

"Mari: How was your day Chiyo?"

"Chiyo: Not much to say about it. The usual. Anything you wanted to ask? You usually call later in the evening."

"Mari: Mm...yes. Back when we were children, do you remember watching any memorable animated films or TV series?"

"Chiyo: Memorable? Hmm... I think that the ones produced by Studio Ghibli were the best. I remember the Princess Mononoke the most, she has animal companions just like you do."

' expected of Chiyo.'

"Mari: Were there any from foreign countries? I honestly don't recall watching much of anything on the TV."

"Chiyo: That's a tough one, let me try to remember... I think that there was a cartoon with a pink panther. It was made in the very old style of animation and... that's actually it, I think. So? Why the sudden interest?"

"Mari: We are having a movie night, but the new productions aren't up to most of our tastes. An old classic was decided to be our theme of choice."

'Sorry Chiyo. I can't say that it's for helping me fix Valentine.'

I've decided to refresh his foundations, as the most severe losses were to his first half of life. Values drawn from these works have helped a whole generation and if Chiyo turned out to be such a good person, then it's worth trying.

We talk for a bit longer and I promise to visit home soon to watch a movie with all three of us and perhaps joined by Miss Juliana's family.

I continue to compile a list of activities that help in forming a character. With the increasing allowable travel distance, we can take him to concerts and other events. Culture builds character. I just need to pick the right influences and everything will be fixed, becoming better than before.

"...I know that this isn't right, but it's the best that I can do."

I wanted to start sending him out with Juliana as a guide, but apparently the severity of an early incident was grossly downplayed. The slap that I reflexively delivered had resounded across the whole HQ. Admittedly, it was an accident caused by our lack of information and holding back in disclosing the full extent of our sensations upon the first level up.

I've apologized to her right after calming down and she readily accepted any punishment for covering up the matter. There is no point in a real punishment, so I've only amended that particular point in our information repository. After thinking about this issue a bit more, I've decided that it will not be brought to attention, hoping that it was one of the memories that were lost.

"I need to take some matters into my own hands. `Sigh. We are lacking trusted personnel on the outside. ...Father was right to involve someone loyal to a fault. It was our failure by neglecting to share important information."

Kate is training at least one person and we should do the same. I add a note to discuss this in more detail during our next meeting and continue looking through information of what Nerima City has to offer within 5 km of the academy.

'We have the requirement to deal with in two weeks... . I need to make him look more presentable to the new girls. I'll ask Hana first, then bring it up for discussion with the rest.'

The workload is never getting any smaller. Just as one thing is put in order, another is already knocking on the door. Both student councils will need to nominate junior members in a week, and a decision will be made a week after. Disaster drills will be performed, another sports competition held, etc. There is never enough time for rest.

.... ... .. .

For the next weekend, we have planned out a full day to revamp his image from a subpar pedestrian to something presentable. Like with most men, this has been met with resistance arguing that it's waisted effort and money.

"Valentine: I don't feel comfortable being here. My haircuts usually cost bellow 3000¥ and I have new hair clippers at home. This place doesn't look welcoming."

"Kate: Don't behave like a man child. This is the problem with most of you men, never taking the time nor effort for proper grooming. It was already paid for in advance, leaving now would be throwing away money."

'It would be best to not mention any prices today, for anything. He just might have a heart attack upon seeing the numbers.'

We are starting by polishing his normally shabby appearance in a salon, and apparently he has never been inside of one. I spy the hairdresser and beautician rolling their eyes before deciding to direct all their questions towards us.

'No problem to plunge into certain death, but trembling before a relaxing makeover session. This is sad to watch.'

We have the whole establishment booked so that we all can freshen up ourselves. Nothing beyond the academy rules, especially because we represent the students councils.

A trip to the tailor has similar protests raised and ignored in favour of focusing our attention on choosing the right materials. I find the available clothing at the HQ satisfactory, but the majority vote has decided to buy new clothing for outgoing activities.

Once the clothes arrive, our combined efforts will produce a dashing figure for long enough to present to the new girls. I doubt that it will hold for longer than that, not without continuous effort.

'I will be adding material on the importance of self-care to his learning program.'

.... ... .. .

Cepheid - Gaia (feat. Nonon & Sithu Aye)

POV Mayumi

"Mayumi: Anyone not up for it, this is your last chance. After this point, I give no guarantees."

I can't hide my excitement to finally get to experience the real deal magic! However little Anna has explained was enough to stimulate my past gamer self. My warning was heard but largely ignored by everyone.

The eleven girls standing beside me are the top of years two and three. Each trusted by at least two other people here. Each having shown good character over the years and during our close observation. Whether they pass the test or not, is up to their own effort.

We move towards the old prison entrance. This whole area is still under ongoing reconstruction, but we have a clear path towards the unlocked entrance. The inside is mostly striped bare but doesn't look all that miserable. This ancient place was long overdue for a renovation. As requested, we move downstairs to take our test. From the looks of it, the basement level is already fully furnished.

'Calm down. Don't be so excited to slay real-life monsters. Calm down.'

"Kate: Welcome, sisters. Please address me as Kate. I will be your judge for the first test. ...This way."

Judgement. The impartial gaze of the distant stars manifesting before us. That is the most accurate description of the power contained within her eyes. My excitement was erased before I could blink, replaced by awe and resolve.

'A price was paid in blood to get this power. It always is.'

The only free meal one can get is through their hard work. Nothing will be given out, only earned in earnest. I cast a glance at the others and see the same resolve burning in them.

We walk into what looks like a small room for storing cleaning equipment, but as I cross the doorway it turns into a whirling portal of water-like substance. I watch the ones following me emerging in the same way, with Kate coming out last.

'They have magic portals! YES!!'

We are given only a few seconds to admire the glowing portal before being ushered into the next room. As I look around, I measure it to be around the size of a large swimming pool. In a corner I can see the rest of the girls and a murder of crows looking at us.

"Kate: This test is very simple. Make it from this side of the room to the other. You have 10 minutes."

'It's not even 60 meters. Has she meant to say 10 seconds instead?'

"9 minutes and 55 seconds."

Without any further explanation we start moving forward... until the fourth step.

Kkha! Gghh! UuuTH! Hhkk!

"Meiko: The weak will be crushed!"

I feel as if someone hit me in the gut with a baseball bat. The pressure is making me nauseous and forces me to take a knee before I collapse. Those less lucky have become caterpillars on the floor.

"9.30." Kate leisurely walks a bit further before stopping and looking back at us.

"Mayumi: Gggrrind you teeth and move as one!"

I have a suspicion that there is a safe zone just past Kate, so I give the girls beside me a few slaps and get them to their feet. We stumble like dead drunken misfits and practically collapse dry heaving once the pressure disappears.

"8.35" Barely a third of the distance covered, and the second minute will be gone by the time we get back up.

'This "simple" walk is in hell mode!'

I swallow back the rising bile. A quarter of us empty it then and there. My head is pounding, ears ringing and I'm drenched in cold sweat, but I smile a gleeful smile.

"RreAdy." "Yyeah." "Go."

Another four steps... before I almost pissed myself.

"Risa: The weak will be cut."

My mind is screaming at full volume that I should turn around and run for my life. There is no ground in front of me, only the impossibly large blade of a shinigami stretching into the distance.

"7.45" Once again, Kate walks forward without a care in the world. Playfully skipping on the blade's edge. In my mind, the blade is screaming, wailing, promising a swift death to anyone daring to step on it.

'Move. MOVE COWARD! MOVE Gods damn it!'

My legs are shaking like a newborn deer's. It doesn't help me in any way that I'm not good with heights, and looking at the chasm freezes my attempts to lift my leg.

I feel my hand being squeezed and finally manage to lift my head, prying my eyes away from the terror inducing sight.

While I was panicking inside my head, someone has started forming a hand holding chain and is inching forward with every passing second. I do the same and grab the person behind me. After doing so, I close my eyes shut and trust in the others to lead the way.

"5.10" With Kate's voice the dreadful feeling faded and I open my eyes. Without noticing, I ended up on all fours panting like a dog. The rest aren't in a better shape.

'Halfway there. Just a bit more.'

These five minutes had me sweat more than a full day of training and I feel the adrenaline rush slowing down to a tickle. The second half of the journey is going to be won by grit and spirit alone.

"4.20" I've lost track of the time while recovering. Looking up I see Kate walking farther ahead among the flying crows. As a feather touches her, black chains rise up from the ground entangling her arms and legs, before snapping like paper towels without halting her advance. There are two dozen of those crows flying at different angles, speed, elevation and direction. Too many to allow us to move in a group.

"4.00" We look to each other, silently asking if anyone has any ideas.

"Make groups of three and move one at a time. Call out where the person moving forward needs to go next in order to dodge the crows."

A good idea. With extra eyes keeping watch in every direction we can avoid being caught by the crows. It also prevents us from getting in each others way while moving about.

Being a dead weight during the previous challenge, I volunteer to go last. It's the most risky part, when there is no-one looking over your back.

The first two groups make it across narrowly missing being caught, thanks to quick warnings from behind.

"2.30" There is no time left to wait. Our last group takes the plunge and moves forward. I take evasive steps back and fourth, keeping just out of reach. The exhaustion and cooled down body is making my movements all the more sloppy, the need to watch my back is distracting... and the sudden shout from the side was the last straw. I feel chains wrapping my limbs and drag me to the ground.

Having finished their duties, the crows fly away. Revealing that half of the last group made it and half were caught.

'NO! No no no! My chance!'

"2.00" I pull the damn chains with everything I've got. I yank at a single chain in a desperate bid to break it. There is no time to waste. The last challenge is just a step away and then the finish line!

'So close! Let go! Let go! LET GO!'

I can't do anything. I'm tightly wrapped in steel cables that laugh at the futility of my actions.

"Mayumi! Calm down! You'll hurt yourself!"

"Get a grip girls! One chain at a time!"

"Pull like you mean it! Put your back into it!"

"Mayumi: There is no time!"

Everyone returned to get us out, but there's no time for this nonsense. We are already exhausted and short on time. Nonetheless, they pull with all their might, snapping the first chain in a second! ... The second one gave way excruciatingly slow, stretching out before finally snapping.

Now, there is no strength left in anyone. The third one does not even look to be bothered by the force applied. It will hold me chained to the last second.


'Failure, complete and utter failure.'

"We'll give it another go." "Yes. Mayumi will negotiate for another attempt." "Some group training will improve our chances."

There is a chance for a last ditch attempt to work. They would only need a running start and make a leap, letting momentum carry them over to the finish line.

"Mayumi: Yeah, I'll get us another chance in a month or two."

They all sit down, exhausted, sweating and resigned to let this chance slip away.

'There is still time before we graduate, we can attempt again. Probably. I should have asked Anna about the consequences of failing the tests more extensively.'

There was no doubt in me that I will pass and get my hands on magic powers. I didn't come across the thought of asking: what if I fail?

"Kate: Zero. Haa...a battle lost so badly is... distasteful. ... But much less than betraying your sisters. The ONE and ONLY reason for leaving your sister behind, is if she is sacrificing herself to save you from certain death. Anyone lacking that commitment, is not one of us. ...I hope that you never get to experience that."

Her last words are merely a whisper in the breeze. Drowned out by the realization that we haven't failed.

'...We passed?!'

"...I'll take you to the showers. This room needs mopping and ventilation before we can continue."

There is a mess of bodily fluids left behind by us and it probably smells bad. We are guided out and led upstairs to take a shower and dip into a hot spring.

"We moved upstairs by at least two floors. I don't think that we are in the same building anymore."

"That room was as big as the whole building, it's obvious that we aren't in that little basement anymore."

"Anyone wants to admit that they wet their undergarments?"

"In your dreams! Mine are sweaty, that's all there is to it."

A bit of banter to relieve stress and reaffirm our bonds. Feeling like the world is solely focused on crushing you and having a shoulder for mutual support is a novel feeling for most of us. One that is embraced with open arms at this moment of leisure.

We find our clothes freshly washed and dried after what was no more than 10 minutes. Furthermore, they are perfectly clean of any old stains or smells.

"There must be magic equipment everywhere or a very high-tech laundry room. These sportswear served me for a year, and they never were this clean."

The feeling of putting on clean clothes after a hot bath is heavenly.

"Kate: A little snack to get your energy back, then we continue with the test."

'A bite to eat would help. I feel physically drained.'

10 minutes have never forced me to almost collapse from exhaustion. I'm thankful for this little break to recover my strength. As are all the others.

We move up another level, making this structure have at least four levels underground and confirming that we have indeed been transported to somewhere else.

A couple of tables with light snacks, salads and drinks greeted us in a cleared out room repurposed to welcome us. I jump in to quench my thirst before going for a sandwich. It tastes delightful, smoothing my tension and exhaustion, making me reach out for another after the first one disappeared.

"It's the mysterious food that suddenly appeared and then as suddenly disappeared. I've tasted it once before."

"Kate: Indeed. Not everyone needs to be a combatant, there is no shame in choosing a supporting role. At the end of the day, what matters is your own dedication. Be it healing, fighting, research, arts, sports, business, etc. It's your choice to make, and your effort will make it a reality."

Not all of us have that choice at home, having expectations to fulfill and family duties to attend to. An earnest freedom to choose is a cause for careful consideration on our part.

We are given half an hour to digest our thoughts and the food. After that we make our way back down to the huge room for the next test.

"Mari: Well done so far, sisters. I'll be taking over for the next part. Unfortunately, combat will be required to advance beyond your limit. It may not be you fighting personally, but your sister wielding the weapon to clear a path forward. The fact remains that you will be on the front lines, trusting your sisters with your life. Observe and prepare."

There is a pile of weapons lying in a corner, from swords to guns, including riot gear. I look towards Anna holding a long spear, Yumi with a massive warhammer and Tai is standing seemingly unarmed.

The next moment, Gods be damned monsters materialize out of thin air, roaring battle cries and savagely charging forward. Lumbering, galloping, flying, darting, swarming, a veritable tide of horror is surging to be met by three girls.

And meet the monsters the do. Anna is manifesting angelic wings, soaring upward and raining down enough firepower to press everything into mush.

A swing of Yumi's mighty warhammer is sending shockwaves that are ripping the monster into chunks that turn into light particles and disperse.

There are three instances of Tai moving in and out of the carnage before us. Picking off the agile and sturdy monsters that get too close to us ,or anyone else, with barely a flick of a hand. The display of raw power has us starring agape, not comprehending the possibility of what is happening.

A hundred monsters were exterminated in under a minute with not much more than a drop of sweat glistering on any of them.

"Mari: Choose your roles and get ready for combat."

"What do we do?!" "We could use the Roman style formation?" "Right, safety in numbers. Shield wall and spears out." "Can we use archers?" "There were flying chickens, we need a ranged weapon to bring them down." "If it's shooting upward, I can do that safely." "We need to be mobile. Those dinosaur things had spiked tails for swiping and I doubt that we can hold back its weight."

"Mayumi: We should act in pairs, divided into three layers. 6-4-2 it will be easier to provide assistance on short notice and we will keep the backline safe."

We try making a half circle formation, focused purely on frontal assault and vulnerable to flanking. It's a risk we accept after taking into account that the monsters charge headfirst and trusting that the second line will be able to cover our shortcomings. If there are too many monsters, we can easily switch to another formation.

I take up my shield and level my short spear. It feels much more real than playing video games. Feeling the trembling as monsters charge towards you is not fun in the slightest.

"Mari: You won't be asked to fight a horde, but be ready for a challenge. Stage 1, begin!"

I count five monsters on the ground and one in the air. Two slow and lumbering at the back, two bug like things, one ape and one chicken.

Pop! Pop! Twack!

The backline shoots down the lone airborne target, then switch to sending fire between our ranks.

"Mayumi: Close ranks! Shield wall!"

I give the signal to move, and we receive their charge. The long spears shoot out between the gaps and skewed the aggressive beasts. We take a step back as the big ones swing down their arms, making solid impacts that send forth tremors. We gang up on them, without being tied down by the more agile monsters we can dispatch them in half a minute.

"Haaa...haa..haaa.." "fuuu..fuu.." "... .. . It looked easier to do than it really was."

'Six people hitting a lone monster for half a minute. We are not going to hold against a larger group.'

"Mari: Stage 2, begin!"

'Damn it!'

"Mayumi: Shoulder to shoulder! Form a tight ring! Shoot overhead!"

There are too many small and agile things running towards us, they will take our exposed back if we don't close the formation.

We bunker down, stabbing and stabbing again. Pushing past the protesting limbs, past the spikes of pain caused by a monster. We hold. We hold together or fall together. Drawing strength from being one solid unit.

"Mari: Stage 3, begin!"

"Mayumi: Form a box! Fall back! Step on my command!"

We can't weather this onslaught. The only option is to fight a retreating battle to flee backwards. The next wave is upon us in a mere second. We brace, push, step back and repeat. My hands are buzzing from all the hits I've tanked and the number of times I've thrust the spear into a screeching monster. This is somehow worse than the first test.

Once we stumble back to where Mari is, the monsters disappear, along with our strength. We collapse as soon as the immediate danger is out of sight, unable to do anything but become sprawled puppets on the floor.

"Mari: Good work, sisters. We aren't seeking death, there is no reason for us to fight a loosing battle. Protect one another and come back alive. That, is your duty. Everything else is secondary to your lives. ... This is enough for today, take another shower and eat to your heart's content. Tomorrow we will be giving lectures on the basics, then a lecture on specific encounters, a lecture on mana application, a lecture on weapons handling, a lecture on... ."

'?! We have fewer lectures during school days! Oh...there definitely will be tests. I was hoping for normal adventuring.'

After a physical beating, we will be subjected to a mental beating too. Can't complain about the lack of variety, but it just confirms that we are fully trusted with this knowledge.

We are helped walking back upstairs and I feel ready to crash after another dip into the hot waters. This is the most severe training I've ever been through.

'The food is great though. I'd love to have this instead of my usual lunch.'

`Cling, cling, cling!

"Mari: Sisters. I would like to introduce to you the Keeper. Some, may have heard or seen him a while back. At that time... he was recovering from the injuries sustained while protecting us. It got.. worse, before getting better. I.. wouldn't be alive if not for the sacrifices made, maybe none of us would... ."

I almost choked on the bitterness and regret oozing out of them. Mari has the worst expression out of them all, but there is shame on everyone's faces.

I take in the young man standing beside them. With a head of salt and pepper hair, he has a hand trying to cover the patches of gray, while having a difficult expression on his face. He has a well-kept appearance but gives off an older vibe than his face suggests.

I've heard about a visiting chef in bad health, however the description was largely off from what I see before me.

"Kate: You can call him Valentine or chef when in public. We've pulled some strings to get him a fake official identity, but he prefers it this way. If you need help with any facilities, you are free to ask him for help if none of us are available. If we can't help you with something mana related, then seek him out. He hasn't fully recovered, so don't ask him to be your sparring partner. Also. Even if he can speak any human, animal and alien languages, it doesn't mean that you should bring him your homework, or your pets for that matter! If you become unable to eat anything but his masterfully prepared food, then suck it up! I call seniority privilege over any of his new dishes."

Kate dispersed the awkward atmosphere by getting a light laugh out of us.

"Valentine: Ladies, I may be slightly... crippled in my battle prowess, but please rest assured that working in the kitchen is a favourite pastime of mine. I'm more than happy to provide any assistance necessary, and should anyone request emergency help, this body of mine has enough juice for one last fight to hell and back."

"Mari: Further questions will be answered after the lectures. Most of you are already sleeping on your feet. I would like to avoid carrying you all back to your rooms."

'Is he an alien? How strong is he to be able to save THEM? How strong are the monsters that can force everyone here into a dire situation? ...Is he permanently crippled?'

I become keenly aware that attending the lectures might be a difference between life and death. That all the information that they have was earned by putting their lives on one end of the scales and doing everything possible so that they won't tilt the other way.


Devil's deal, just like in a casino, the house has rigged the odds. I've got no "MC/Hero" here, just a man caught between a rock and a hard place trying to play the hero. Now, all of the chips are on the table, the cards were dealt. The question is... what game are we playing?
