7: Failed to Kill the Boss
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If I don't want to be weak, I need to involve myself in this fight.

"Boss, looks like the Hobgoblins did their parts!" 

I watched as everyone followed my orders to a tee.

At the end of the day, the Berserker Goblin had no way out.

The Hob Goblins cut him right at his ankles, and because of his large size he went down to his knees pretty hard.

"Our turn!" 

I watched as the two assassins took their chance to use Backstab.

"Hey! Watch out!" The tank yells putting up his shield at the right moment.

"Damn, we missed our chance, Boss!" Ying Lue yells.

I don't think this plan will go as well as I hoped.

The Berserker Goblin's ankle wounds had healed themselves and he was back on his feet.

Shit, not good!

"That plan won't work on this guy, looks like." I muttered.

So how would one take down this monstrous thing?

"Boss, what do we do now?" Kim Sung asked coming to stand beside me.

It was a great question.

I glanced around the boss room, looking for anything that could give the answers.

The Goblin Berserker was raging and doing its best to step on the others.

I even noticed that the Hobgoblins were being pushed back.

There was something we can do to take this guy down. 

"Archer, looks like this one is yours!" I yelled out.

If he can learn to use "Triple Honing Strike" then this monster had no chance

They need to blow this guy to smithereens all in one go.

This will give the Goblin Berserker no chance to regenerate.

"The what now?!" Xian Tiang asked looking back at me with a confused expression.

"Don't worry about it, I'll help you achieve it, just keep consecutively shooting arrows at the monster!" I yelled out at him.

He shook his head and reconcentrated his attention on the Goblin Berserker.

"Here goes nothing." He mutters.

Just as I had told him he began to let loose arrows one after the other without fail.

He had to do this for two minutes.

I hope this works, I just assumed this would be a skill since most times in games the "Triple Honing Strike" appeared.

"Uh, boss. I got some kind of screen. It says I gained a new skill...but..." He looked back at me.

I felt my heart drop, since his face already told me everything.

"But..." I asked him with a frown.

"It's saying something like I learned a new skill called Homing Blast." He says.

I perked up instantly.

"That's great!" I said excitedly.

"How much mana do you have left?" I asked him.

He took a pause to check his stats, "looks like I can shoot about three of these." He points out.

"Perfect. All you need to do is shoot all three at the same time.

"All three? How the hell...?" He asked looking at me as though I've lost my mind.

"Don't know, figure it out. Best hurry or our other teammates will get killed." I told him.

Xiang Tiang's jaw dropped from my answer, "are you saying I'll be the cause of death of all my teammates if I don't somehow shoot these all at once?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

I nodded and made a gesture with my hands towards the Goblin Berserker.

Right now, everything is on Xiang Tian's shoulders.

If the others die, I had no hand in it whatsoever.

Well....I may somehow feel a bit guilty though, just a bit.

"Fine, I'll do it!" Xiang Tian says with determination.

I gave him a thumbs up, "that's the spirit!" I shouted.

If this goes wrong, then I should probably be prepared to be the only survivor.

I waited while Xiang Tian aimed at the Goblin Berserker.

The others were still doing their best to distract it.

"I got it! Consecutive Homing Blase!" Xiang yells.

He suddenly released a spray of arrows three times in a row.

I'd have to applaud him for his speed.

"Watch out!" I yell to the others.

They all dodged or came running back as quickly as they could.

Just as they did a blast of arrows landed a direct hit to the Goblin Berserker.

The arrows erupted once they landed on the Goblin Berserker causing the big guy to yell out from the pain.

The smoke cleared after a while but with no luck the Goblin Berserker still stood.

This time he was missing his arm, a part of his face, and some of his stomach.

This did not last, each of those missing parts regenerated.

"I'm out of mana boss!" Xiang tian shouts lowering his bow.

"Shit! Boss it's not looking good." Ying Lue says sitting down on the ground.

Everyone seemed to be running out of stamina or mana.

This was the result of a powerful monster against low leveled human.

I don't see us winning here anytime soon.

"That's enough. Let's recover our stamina." I tell them.

We couldn't lave like last time, so instead we found a place to hide behind inside the boss room.

I distributed Recovery potions that I bought a while back before stepping inside this room.

"We are really at a disadvantage here." Kim Sung whispers.

"Yeah, if we can't find its weakness we might as well kiss our survival goodbye." Li Mo agrees.

I sat there quietly while peeping around to watch the boss carefully.

An opening. Something that will tell me it's weakness.

So far, its regeneration has slowed from the constant attacks.

What is it?

What do I need to see?

Nothing is giving me any obvious clues or anything.

I sat back and pondered over everything I know about video games.

I wonder if there is something I can remember.

A big monster like this has got to have something, some kind of weakness.


While attacking it head on, the others seemed to be doing okay, beside it's regeneration.

It's slow in attacking and seemed to focus more on strength and offensive attacks.

It's true that somehow landing a huge attack on it could work.

But no one here has such an attack.

Am I missing something?

I stared at Li Mo with a thoughtful glare.

"What?" He asked.

I blinked.... "Oh!" I said with a smile that spread slowly.