Chapter 45: Violence, and lots of it (part 2)
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I mentioned this on my profile page, but I'd like to say it here as well. I wrote a short one shot called An Unfortunate Twist of the Novel's Scenario feel free to go check it out. Also some feedback on the fight would be appreciated. I haven't gotten much feedback on the few prior fight scenes so I don't really know if they're clicking or not. Finally I'd just like to say that there should only be one maybe two chapters left in this arc. I'm gonna try to jam pack as much horror into the final chapter as I can because I scrapped the more scary rounds.

The box surrounding us blocks out the sun, however it isn't completely dark. Now that their isn't as much light pollution, my flame armor is completely visible. It's pale luminance provides just enough light to see. I knock an arrow and try my best to aim it at Lavalivarus.

"A bow? Are you sure you want to challenge me with that? You look like you don't have any training and we're in an enclosed space."

Lavalivarus is correct in his observations. We're in a tight space and I don't know how to really aim this thing, but those factors will be working to my favor here. I fire my arrow and it completely misses. I immediately ready my second one and fire again. Than another and another and another. The strength and direction don't matter. I just rapid fire them off.

"What? You're just gonna dump your load on me hoping one hits or someth-"

Lavalivarus suddenly sidesteps mid sentence. Its of course because an arrow almost hit the back of their head. With a clearly practiced movements Lavalivarus catches the second arrow that almost hits him.

[A round tip?]

These arrows I'm shooting aren't your average arrow. They're custom made just for this strategy. The arrows aren't meant to sink into a target, rather they bounce. The tips of the arrows are made of a fantasy material exclusive to Esu. Its a metal that bounces like a rubber ball. With some wind magic I can keep the arrows bouncing as well as control where they move. In this enclosed space they'll be the perfect annoyance. Oh and of course they're still metal so...


They conduct electricity.


Lavalivarus chucks the arrow away but the lightning still hits their arm. Their body rapidly convulses and the smell of burnt flesh fills the air. The lightning fills the room with brilliant blue light as it forms a constantly moving web in the room. Considering that I already fired off all my arrows I take the time to form a new sword. Right as I finish Lavalivarus comes out of their daze.

"Well I certainly wasn't expecting that, but-"

I'm already going in for a slash. Lavalivarus being quick on the uptake manages to get a block in. He's about to go in for a counter attack but is forced to reposition due to the web.

"I take it you're not much of a talker then?"

"I can talk, the topic just needs to be interesting."

The sound of our swords clanging reverberates through the room.

"Is your sword school an interesting enough topic?"

"I suppose?"

"I just gotta ask, is that the revibret style of sword play?"

"I know my teacher mentioned what school they practiced and I think it sounded like that name."

I duck under a particularly deadly side slash.

"Did they have a letter rank? Revibret dojos give letter ranks to it members."

"Ahh yeah I definitely remember them saying they had a S rank."

Damn it I almost managed to hit their arm there.

"Well hot damn, I'm probably gonna have to pay them a visit after this. I always love how members of that dojo put everything on offense. Its really fun to go against.

I can tell Lavalivarus is going easy on me. I can tell their plan from their thoughts. They're leading my movements in a purposeful manner. They're lowering their movement speed to be slightly faster than me. If this goes on they'll put me into a position where they can suddenly use their full power to surprise me. They're toying with me. Of course I'm wise to their plan so it won't work on me.

"Hey aren't you doing way to good here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I got the speed advantage, right?"

"You certainly do."

"But you're managing my attacks with ease! Its like you know what attacks I'm using before I do them. You'd expect to take at least some damage with this difference in speed and skill right!?"

"Maybe just not be so predictable then?"

Lavalivarus pauses for a second and just gives me a blank look. I give him a smile back. Our silence continues for a moment before he goes for a sudden stab and I easily dodge because I knew it was coming before hand.

"SEE?! You definitely have some bullshit going on!"

"Nah man, you're just easy to read."

"What the hell! I've been mixing up sword styles with every attack! I'm using litteral centuries of sword knowledge! What do you mean I'm predictable?!."

"But you're only using your sword."


"I know you can use a wide variety of spells, so why don't you?"



The akward silence that follows doesn't really fit the music.

[...Hey, I just realized something.]

Oh thank Vil'anth! Sky broke the silence!

[Yes my host?]

[I didn't notice it at first because I'm used to you being in my head, but isn't there another presence?]

[Wait . . . Yeah now that you've mention it there's definitely something without a doubt.]

Uh oh, that's not a good train of thought.

[Hey I've been keeping quiet despite my numerous questions so you can focus on fighting, but I think this is to important to stay quiet about. Should I withdraw? It seems they're on to our strategy.]

No, Lyra, keep the connection open. Even if they know I'm listening there isn't much they could do. To cut it off they'd have to attack you which would leave them open to an attack from me.

 Although, while I do say that, I should probably try and finish this quickly as drawing out the battle will only raise the chance that the other side manages to pull one over on me. Changing my plans I cast a spell that I've been keeping in my back as a trump card.


Sky's body falls limp like a puppet with its strings cut. I probably don't have a lot of time to act before they start healing, so I don't waste time and swing my sword down on their wrist. My sword hits with incredible force. However I don't get the feedback I expect from the hit. Instead of the feeling of cutting through flesh like butter, my blade bounces off and it feels like I've hit metal. It's only then I realize my mistake.

Armor changes your character's appearance in the game. However the dlc outfits aren't an armor set. They don't have stats or special effects they're purely cosmetic. The outfits go over  your armor. You still keep your armors stats. I didn't realize it worked the same way in this world because my sword has yet to hit Sky's flesh. All the damage I've done has been done with magic. I just assumed Lavalivarus would be cocky enough to go around with skimpy bikini armor.


Their laugh sends shivers down my spine.

"You froze the blood in my brain. Hahahahaha."

I back pedal to make space.

"Such a simple quality of life spell optimized to kill in such a clean, easy, and efficient manner."


"It's so efficient that I'd say it takes the fun out of killing. Congratulations, you've made a method of murder so effective that you've completely stripped the fun from it. I think you deserve a reward."



They give me a taste of my own medicine. Of course I'm still alive. I'm still in perfect control of my dragon body. It's just that I can't control my Bernadette body. I could try fighting Lavalivarus with my dragon body, but that would make striking at their arm specifically difficult. Kinda hard to move such a large body with precision. I could wait for my blood to thaw so I can fight with my Bernadette body again, but by then Lavalivarus would've probably moved on meaning I'd have to find them and by the time I locate them they'd be stronger. I need another body. Preferably one without a brain. I have such a body don't I?

Right as I rise I'm met with an entertaining scene.


[Y-you were serious about that?]

[Of course I was! Why wouldn't I be?]

[A-ah . . . O-ok.]

[Hey what's up host? You seem strangely bashful there.]

Sky's voice comes out as barely a whisper despite being in their head.


Lavalivarus's eyes glaze over for a moment as he scans through Sky's memories of the past few moments before suddenly stopping after recalling his shout.

"Ah I slipped up."

Lavalivarus's face quickly turns pink.

[U-um I-if you maybe, um... c-called me like that again, I think that make me a little happy...]

[S-sure. . . Huh?]

Oh thank Vil'anth they noticed my presence. I don't think I could've stand watching them flirt any longer. I want to flirt with my wife as well, (maybe Vil'anth too) but I'm stuck here. Can you not rub it in my face? Lavalivarus turns around to face me

"Well that's gotta be the quickest I've seen someone turn into a spirt. Usually it takes a week or two before they start coming at me for revenge. Not like they ever have memory of why they want it though."

I shed my Bernadette body so I can take up my spirit form I used in the previous round. Its silent now. The music came to an abrupt stop when my brain became a popsicle. 

"Is it time for round 3?"

I respond by stomping the ground. Debris rises up into the air because of it. Using magic I form each piece into many swords. A whole arsenal's worth of weapons float behind me ready to carve up my enemy.

"You always seem to have a new gimmick, huh? Well that's fine by me."

I send my arsenal flying towards Lavalivarus. He rushes forwards in response. He deflects a few swords before jumping on and running along a particularly long sword. As he goes he dices the projectiles I lunch at him. Lavalivarus even launches a few spells at me. I make my best effort to dodge them but in the end I have to subtly manipulate my body's shape to avoid them. It isn't long before Lavalivarus finally reaches me and we engage in cqc. They attack me with a wild flurry of slashes. Each hit drains a little mana but I've got ridiculous amounts in reserve. I send off a detached arm and use it to punch my opponent. Lavalivarus completely ignores my attacks and continues their relentless offense. They simply take the hits and rely on their rapid regeneration to keep fighting. Their blood flies all over with my every attack, and my mana disapates. 

Our clash is just violence in excess. We both attack and attack and attack, ignoring defense. We gouge, slash, stab, cut, bite, punch, kick, headbutt. Each attack landing with great effect only to be regenerated soon after. Me by leeching mana off Lavalivarus and they by their natural regeneration. It's both pointless and satisfying in equal measure. Like beating a punching bag. I let out my pent up frustration. I've been abducted by some death god bitch and forced to do their chores. I've been forced to shoulder the burden of taking down a practically immortal being. I was forced to deal with some buffoons from the organization. I've been forced to see my friend's corpse. However I'm  free to vent out all my rage into this perfect punching bag. Looking into Lavalivarus's eyes I feel that perhaps they're doing the same. Their face looks like they're having fun. They're saying stuff in their mind but I don't bother to listen. I focus entirely on what they're doing next.

However despite our best efforts, the fight must eventually come to an end. Our emotions cool down. Only one of us is allowed to continue living. Our movements slow down a tad. Instead of wild slashes, they become precise cuts. Calm and calculated. It is now that our gap in skill becomes all the clearer. Even with my ability to know what Lavalivarus is gonna do next, I don't know how to properly counter a number of their strikes. I try to go for a cut at their neck to slow them down, but I'm beautifully parried.

Lavalivarus's eyes change. Sky's in control now. I can see what happens next. Time feels like it slows. I can see Sky's muscles subtly tense. Raw power coalescing into a single strike. My spine tingles; I feel a sense of fear crawl up my back. Not a fear that comes from uncertainty or being unable to comprehend something. Its the opposite. Its a fear that comes from knowing exactly what's going to happen and knowing there is little you can do to stop it. In this brief moment of slowed time I feel dread. 


With that simple phrase time returns to normal and Sky thrusts their blade through my chest with such ease its like there was nothing in the sword's way in the first place.

"Urghk... D-da. . .mn"

My feet collapse under me. I can't lift them. Sky gets really close. Close enough to whisper in my ear.

"Hey, dragon. I'd like to apologize for my previous words. I don't know your name, but I now know that you're probably not Bernadette and that it was a bit rude to berate you like that. Also, while Lavalivarus may seem a little grumpy right now, but at the end of the day we both had a lot of fun."

"A-ah . . . Upgh"

"Hey, can I get your real name? I think it'd be worth remembering."

[Forget it. They're a vengeful spirit. They wouldn't be able to remember who they were.]

[Really? That's a shame. I wish we asked before killing them]

I shakily raise my hands to touch her shoulders.

[What's it doing? OI Sky, I got a bad feel-]


Shocked by my sudden shout, Sky attempts to step back but can't as she's stuck or rather her sword is.

"H-Huh?! Why can't I pull out my sword?!"


When I formed a connection with the Garnitharist meat puppet, I used my electricity to form a connection. This is just conjecture, but considering Lavalivarus is connected to the wire leviathan maybe their power to control a host has to do with electricity. If that is the case, couldn't I do something similar? Couldn't I maybe overwrite the pairs link? Of course me doing this now was a spur of the moment decision. It was worth a shot to open a whole in my chest at just the right timing to make them think they got me only to clamp down on their sword. Now I'm in the perfect position to test out my theory.


Sky lets out a shriek of agony as electricity passes through them lighting each of their pain receptors on the way.

[SKY! ZZZZRRRT SK... OU ... N..D ... G..T ... AWAY!]

Lavalivarus voice becomes much harder to hear because of my interference. 

[Fl . . . Ame 

In a fit of desperation, Sky stifles their screams and tries to use a spell. Even if the phrase is broken up their might still be a chance it fires off. A mid-game spell fired at point blank would be devastating, however my methods of stopping the spell from firing are limited. My hands have to stay on Sky to make the minute adjustments to voltage for complete control and I dont think my legs would be able to cause enough pain to get them to mess up the pronunciation. Really there's only one way I can come up with at the moment, my tongue. I go in for the kiss. 

[So suddenly! And with another girl too... do you know no shame?]

I ignore the virgin's comment and finally take complete control. I unclench Sky's hand and Lavalivarus drops to the ground with a clang. As I pull back from Sky they collapse on to the ground unconscious. 

I can feel Lyra still staring at me with a disapproving (... and isn't there a little envy mixed in?) Look. Yes Lyra that kiss was entirely necessary and I didn't do it just so I can make out with a cute girl. You should know this; you were in my head the whole time.

[I was indeed in your head.]

Haaa... this is why you're still a kiss less virgin. We can argue about this later, right now we need to deal with the sword.

I pick up Lavalivarus and I feel power rush into me. Their voice speaks into my mind.

[I have been. . . I. . . I,  begrudgingly, have been bested by you. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a hypocrite. I have lost so you have proven that you're existence is more important than mine and Sky's combine. Our lives are now forfeit.]



Yes. Yes it is.

[Hey, I know that this is selfish of me to ask, but could you make Sky's death quick? I . . . I think seeing her suffer would break me.]

Woah THE bad juju sword is asking for mercy?

[Not mercy, but a painless death. Even I grant that to those who ask.]




...Christ I kinda feel like a piece of shit having to do this. They definitely deserve this but I think stab a sword through someone who looks like my friend would be difficult. Fighting them is one thing because they're obviously someone else, but when they're unconscious like this? 

[...I see. Thank you. I trust you're strong enough to survive this, so I'll take myself out.]

Lavalivarus blade begins to glow as mana from the air rushes into it. SHIT! Its gonna blow! Thinking quickly I use [Larceny] on myself to quickly transport the blade to my dragon body high in the sky. With all the might in my long snake-like neck I launch it even higher into the sky and try to decend as quickly as possible. 

The sword explodes in the sky like fireworks celebrating my victory. Just as I feel like patting myself on the back, I feel an urge. Its violent. I want to hurt. I don't care what. Things need to die, painfully. I slam myself against the box. Sky won't do, she's incapacitated. Lyra on the other hand? She's prime for the slaughter. 




With every hit the box cracks. Another head of mine feels serene. I recognize that my main body is acting out of line. Something is wrong with the mind, so I cast [clear mind] on myself. The urge is gone.

[Damn, I knew that fail as soon as I saw the dragon body, but it was worth a shot. My bacterial form isn't as strong as the utter beast that took over Garnitharist. At most I can only control 1 maybe two heads.]

Should've known he'd try something.

[Well I think you're pretty interesting. Not as good as my Sky of course, but she's just a replica right? Looking through your memories you're the only thing that's "real". If you ever need to slay a god or two... Call me.]

With that I feel Lavalivarus go dormant inside of me and am surrounded by a white light.