Chapter 46: Death’s at my back
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It feels kinda strange going back to having a chapter only be 1k words. It's certainly a lot easier on me. This chapter still took a bit to get out though because I spent a decent chunk of time looking into cryptography and making sure an easter egg or two worked properly. Gotta set up the foundation for that spin off that I'm calling Sam's Nightmare ;). Please Don't bully me to hard if I make a mistake. I did the encoding by hand using a table I made myself

Anyways this is the final chapter of this arc. I'm thinking about making a little write up on my thoughts on these past few chapters. Just to put my reasoning for it and the lessons I've learned all in one place. I've put a lot of my thoughts in the comments, but they're spread out over the comments in the arc and some comments are easy to miss.

Karakata's usual smile isn't there. No No No, I was met with a much more grim expression. It's a kind of face I'd imagine a soldier makes when their commander orders them to charge into oncomming fire. She seems to be hesitant about something, but I have no clue what. In the mean time, I check to see if I'm all  here and it seems like I am. That makes thing significantly easier.

"You will not cease. You will not cease. You will not cease. You will not cease. You just gotta do it."

I can hear them mumbling under their breath, but I can't quite make it out. Just as I'm about to use a spell to try and pick up what they're saying, Karakata finally speaks up, their face morphing into one that conveys concern.

"Hey, I know that we've had our differences, but in that last round you seemed different."

I form a sword and Lavalivarus slots themselves into it.

"Damn slaying a god already?"

I'm well positioned now. The judges glare, but remain still. Conviction burns in Karakata's eyes as they continue, ignoring my blade.

"It was when you slaughtered Jackel. I thought it was slightly out of character, so I looked you over more closely."

I feel my emotions flare. Rage builds. Just like with Cornelius. Just like with Jackel. 

"The results of that little check up were quite intriguing. It was almost like you were a-"

1. I pounce. 

2. All seven of my dragon heads bite into Karakata's bitter flesh, restraining them.

3. I rush in with my main body.

4.I raise Lavalivarus. 

5. For a brief moment, I see Karakata's usual smile, wide as always.

6. I bring down my blade. 

7. Decapitation.

It was as simple as that. Karakata's head fell to the ground. Not even a hint of resistance. I feel my emotions settle down a little. 

I'm suddenly hit by a large wave of nausea. Its coming from my dragon body. I look myself over only to find that my heads are starting to corrode. A viscous black liquid leaks from my mouths. I start to stagger. I lose control over the Garn meat puppet. I feel crippled. I can no longer hold myself up, so I collapse. Karakata's smiling face is right in front of me. It's only now that I realize just how much their body had decayed. I had bitten into that.

Karakata's face warps. Their maw opens wide, covering their face in an endless abyss. A hungry, hungry void. It swallows the shadow judges. The shadow snake slithers out of my pocket and into the hole. The rest of Karakata's body is also consumed by the enduring depths. 

When all that's left is me and the unholy nothingness, it screams. 


I couldn't even begin to comprehend what the hell that sound meant. It just hurt my ears and I so desperately wanted it to stop. I try to feebly cover my ears, but I can't. I feel my end start to wash over me. Its sticky and slowly crawls up my back.

But then it stops. All of it. The screeching, the creeping death, the null. They just vanish. Well the sticky feeling is still there, it just receded. Rather than saying I was given more life, its like my death was reduced. With my strength returned, I get up only to hear an unfamiliar voice to my right.

"I go away to deal with a few trifle and I come back only to find a rat turned to treachery."

I turn my head to see who's talking, but I quickly decide to keep my eyes down at my feet. In the brief glimpse I saw a very large skull. Something in my body is screaming to not get a direct look at whatever they are.

"Ah, my apologies dear, it seems like my servant decided to get uppity and caused you some troubles."

I can sense them start to move clockwise around me, but don't hear any foot steps.

"Hmm, it seems like you and I are anathema. That's fine you don't have to look at me if you can't stand it."

I ticklish sensation makes my spine tingle. It's a feeling similar to the tickle you get when a spider crawls up you leg. I feel it eight, no nine, times as whatever it is circles behind me.

"Even if you instinctually hate me, I still want to reward you for dealing with that bug for me."

A putridly sweet smell is in the air like someone left some juice in the sun for a week by mistake. 

"That enemy of yours, the wire leviathan. You cannot kill it by yourself. Your powers are both that of life. However I on the other hand..."

Their words are like like honey. Their proposition seems massively beneficial, but my instincts scream that there must be a lie hidden in it. I can't figure out what the lie is, but it must be there somewhere.

"The wire leviathan has made a massive breach in etiquette and must be dealt with. I would've likely been the one sent to put an end to it anyway."


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend right? Just call for Lasakata when you're ready to strike and I'll help you."

My reason says this should be a massive boon but my feeling scream that it's a curse.

"Lets send you back now ok? I've got a lot of work to do in the mean time, so think my proposition over well."


I open my eyes and everything is blurry. I can hear and see a bunch of frantic motion and talking but I'm a bit to groggy to make it out. I feel some large and soft things envelop my arms.

"How are you feeling?"

A voice that I dearly missed brings everything back to focus.

"Exhausted, my dear."

Mi'ara, who is hugging my right arm, giggles.

"Even though you've been asleep for a little over a month?" Vil'anth asks.

Wait . . . Vil'anth?

When the hell did Vil'anth get a physical form and why are they hugging my other arm?!

Ok that second question is rather easy to answer.

Don't think I haven't noticed you. You may view me as evil, but I don't think we are necessarily enemies.  If you want to talk again in the future just remember that, DEATH is only the beginning.