Chapter 142 – Preparing for the Future
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"The smoother a transfer of power goes, the better the results tend to be for everyone involved. Especially for the ones who were in the position of power prior to the transfer, as they tend to have a habit of getting removed in more violent transfers." - Andromalus Davren, considered one of the earliest pioneers of political sciences.

"Yeah, a lot of what we did is to help prepare for the transition to come," said Zoya as she chatted with Aideen and Artair that night. Aideen had asked the woman if she was not worried that the governess might have hard feelings over the transition of power Grigori mentioned back at the mansion. "In fact, it might be within the next decade or so. Father did plan to abdicate the duchy to eldest brother and focus on his ministerial work instead."


"And then you and your siblings would take over the cities to solidify the grasp on power?" asked Aideen for some clarification from the therian woman. Beside her, Artair had not looked surprised, as his father had originally intended for him to take over one of the cities as well. "Are the current governors fine with that?"


"To be honest, by the time it happened, most of them would welcome the chance to retire and relax," replied Zoya as she poured more of the strong liquor the locals favored into her glass. The drink was high in alcohol content, and would have likely knocked most humans out with no more than a couple of glasses. Large therian breeds like her tend to have higher alcohol tolerance, though. "And their successors would work as our aides anyway. All three of the governess' kids would be working with me when I take over, so in a way they didn't get shoved away either."


"That would definitely appease most of them all right," Aideen admitted with a nod. Even so, she doubted things would go that smoothly. She was not as naive as when she was young, and knew what ambition and greed does to people by now. "No offense, but I doubt there wouldn't be a bad egg or two in the bunch even so. Ones who aren't satisfied with their lot."


"Oh yeah, those would always show up every now and then," nodded Zoya as she agreed with Aideen's words. "Our people are much simpler than yours, though. If these ambitious people prove capable and competent, they are welcome to earn themselves a better position. If they aren't… well… nobody would be crying over their carcasses."


"That's… quite pragmatic of you people," said Aideen after she pondered Zoya's words for a moment. "A holdover from the tribal rules? Or just how your people preferred to do things in general?"


"More the latter, to be honest, and I can only speak specifically for those from my tribe and related ones," replied Zoya, to which Artair also gave a grunt of agreement. "One thing you have to understand is that we therians are very varied in nature. For my kind specifically, we tend to defer to the authority of those who had proven themselves worthy of leading us. To challenge authority only has two results: either be the new authority, or be a carcass."


"By comparison, the governess and her folks are more peaceful. They tend to be merchants and artists at heart. She's a rare one whose idea of artistry involved armies dancing to her tune in the battlefield," added Zoya while Aideen digested the information. Artair already knew most of it, since he had after all grown up with Zoya and the rest, and was only there to accompany Aideen. "It's why she was made governess-general after all. She used to serve as dad's tactician during the civil war."


"That's quite an achievement all right," noted Aideen. "Earlier you also said that your father planned to abdicate the ducal title in the near future?"


"Pretty much. It was apparently a bit troublesome to handle both the duchy and his responsibilities as minister. Even these days Grigori had mostly taken over the duties back home, so dad's mostly just observing to make sure he got it all in hand before going through with it," replied Zoya with a nod before she took another drink from her cup. "That and waiting for little Maria to grow a bit older, I guess, since if she proved up to it she'd take over for Weslom in the south."


"That's the larger of the port cities if I remember right, was it not?" asked Aideen in turn as she helped herself to some local fruits set on a platter between them. "I remember Artair talking about it before, the one you were supposed to take over before the change of plans?"


"That's the one," answered Artair with a nod as he meticulously braided Aideen's hair from where he sat beside her. It was a difficult task, since her hair was never that long, and his large, paw-like hands weren't particularly suited for such detailed movements, but it was a habit he had developed over their years of being together, and one she found touching as well. "Plans change, though. Maria should be able to handle it fine. She's a smart girl."


"You weren't there when dad read the letter you sent to tell him you chose to live elsewhere," said Zoya with a smirk on her face as she took another gulp of her liquor. "He told her that you gifted her a city for her birthday back then. She was so happy that she barely slept the next two days."


"Even nowadays that kid is already learning her economics diligently, she didn't want to be found wanting when the time comes for her to rule there," she added with a slightly melancholic smile. "Sometimes I feel she's got the best head out of all five of us."


"I'm happy for her," said Artair with a smile even as his fingers worked Aideen's hair. "I'm happy enough where I am now, with her," he said as he leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead, which made her raise a hand and rub his mane in turn. "And I wouldn't trade it for anything else."


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