Chapter 242 – A Conversation from the Heart
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“Many would probably decry that getting rid of the assholes and unrepentant criminals you ran into does little to make the world a better place, that more like them would just sprout out anyway. I was fine with taking care of them one at a time, though. After all, I do have all the time in the world.” - Aideen deVreys, the Silver Maiden, Circa 448 VA.

“Well, well, this is downright a mess,” complained Rodolfo as he tried to clean the worst of the blood and other unmentionables off his clothes with the robe the unburdened had worn. The man himself no longer had much need of it, as he had tripped and fell on a rock when he tried to scramble away in panic, breaking his own neck on the spot. “I just hope we run into no guards on the way back to the inn.”


“Right, sorry about that,” said Aideen with a girlish giggle as she went around and put an end to the misery of the few thugs still clinging to life. While she herself was practically unscathed and had not even a single bloodstain on her clothes, Rodolfo was less lucky. Aideen was skilled, but not so skilled that she could prevent the blood splatters from hitting others around her when she fought. “I’ll help you clean up when we’re back at the inn.”


“Good thing I brought some change of clothes with me,” muttered the old knight. Rodolfo was somewhat tired this time, dealing with that many assailants that surrounded them took a toll on the old knight’s declining physique, and he was hard of breathing by the end. Even with his trained skills, he only took down two of them as he had to focus on defense, while Aideen had run roughshod over the rest. “Can I ask you to watch the surroundings while I change, Miss Aideen?”


“Consider it done,” she replied as she returned her staff back to its long form with a twist. The blades had been cleaned, the blood and bits of flesh on it sliding off like water off a duck’s back due to the enchantments, and she had folded them back into the staff. “No promises on not peeking, though.”


“Go ahead if this old body still catches your interest,” said Rodolfo with a chuckle as he struck an exaggerated pose that pronounced his still-solid muscles. He had taken off his blood-splattered shirt and cloak, and was in the process of removing the rest. “Though not like you haven’t seen everything already anyway.”


“Pretty sights are there to be appreciated, after all,” replied Aideen teasingly. She kept a proper watch of their surroundings, though, not that it was needed. The streets were unnaturally deserted, and even after the commotion, no guards were running towards them to investigate. Probably like Rodolfo said, they had already taken their bribes to turn a blind eye on things and wouldn’t come until later to clean up.


Aideen had at first felt bad about those who would have to clean the place up, with the gory mess they left behind, but if it would land on some corrupt guards, then that’d be just right and fitting. Many of the corpses strewn around on the ground were in pieces, as her weapon’s blades were overkill on unarmored assailants like these thugs.


The nearly gossamer-thin enchanted adamant blades had parted chainmail with ease before, much less when faced with only a thin layer of fabric and flesh. Where her strikes normally cut and maimed, they severed and parted with ease, as limbs, heads, and in a couple cases, torsos simply fell apart under their caress.




“Not that I’m ungrateful or anything, Aideen, but I’m rather curious on the answer to one thing if I may ask” asked Rodolfo later that night. The two of them lay on their bed in the inn, as they cuddled each other, their sweaty, naked bodies pressed against each other. The room positively reeked of sex, to the point that they opened the shutters to allow some fresh, cool night air to blow through. Aideen felt somewhat sorry for whoever later had to clean up this mess as well, but then again, that’s what the inn’s servants are paid to do. “Why me?”


“What do you mean?” Aideen asked from his side with some genuine confusion on her features. She had honestly not thought too much, and mostly sought some companionship to ease the loneliness, and have some fun times. “It’s not like I slept with you out of ulterior motives or something.”


“Oh no, no, that’s not what I meant, sorry if that’s what it sounded like,” said Rodolfo as he backpedaled with some nervousness before he looked her in the eye and said his next words. “I mean… I know I still kept in shape for my age, but there’s definitely many amongst the knights who looked better than me. Heck, given your looks I wouldn’t be surprised had you bedded the Young Duke himself, and he’d likely be a willing partner too!”


“See, the thing is, when you get to my age, all those young boys just felt… I don’t know… immature I guess?” said Aideen with a shrug of her shoulders. “I know some liked them for precisely that reason, though I prefer my partners to be more mature. As for the Young Duke… he’s a good man, I guess, but he’s also married. I don’t want to be a homewrecker.”


“A fair point, milady. I had once made the mistake of bedding a woman who lied to me about being single some years back,” replied the old knight with a sympathetic wince. “That was one fucked up mess I never want to repeat ever again.”


“What about you yourself, hmm?” Aideen asked as her hand seductively ran over his muscular chest, and lower. “I heard you’re quite the popular lover as well back there, with quite a few ladies young enough to be your grandkids pining for you and all.”


“That… might not be false, I guess. I had lived freely ever since I came to terms with my wife’s passing back then,” admitted Rodolfo with a blush. “I did try to make certain everyone I’ve been with knew that the relationship would be strictly casual and just for fun, though. Some of them do get rather… obsessed, unfortunately.”

“It happens to everyone,” she replied with a chuckle. “For now, let’s just shove the bad memories to a corner and have some fun ourselves, shall we?”


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