Chapter 1. The Skyclad Archbishop
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Hey! Uh... I'm back, I guess? A lot of things happened for the past months which really took a toll on my mental health. However, I'm finally on my track to write a brand new story which hopefully won't disappoint you, enjoy!


"Huh? What a strange phenomenon." When her awareness came back to her, Venna found herself in a place unfamiliar to her memory. Sitting on the ornamated throne, Venna slightly turned her head to her surroundings.

She was no longer inside of her lofty abode of a palace anymore as she found herself in a roofless ruin of what seemed to be a grounded throne hall. And what surrounded her now was a thick forest, silence as a site of a ruin could be.

Venna tried to look through her memory of what may have caused her predicament, but nothing rang the bell for her. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more of a headache it became for her. In fact, she realized that some of her memory seemed to be missing.

"Let's see… My full name is Venna Borimia, the Archbishop of Nezzerath Church of Debauchery and the vessel of Goddess Nezzerath. As for the last Round of Bishops who served me… I see, that's the limit of what I can remember, huh?"

Her personal information, the structure of the church, the sole savior of her belief, she had them all rooted within her mind. For whatever reason, however, it seemed like her memory about any mortals who had once surrounded her were all gone. 

"Church of Debauchery… Holy State of Etherium… uh… as for the countries we have relations with… fufufu, interesting…" 

There was neither face nor name Venna that could think of from her memory, and yet, a part of her mind still had the experience of having conversations with people of many nations which had come to convert their beliefs. And the fact that someone had altered her memory and sent her to an unknown land was greatly displeasing for Venna.

"Still, there's also a chance of some kind of supernatural phenomenon taking a place here…"

Venna recalled her conversation with one of her bishops about a mysterious phenomenon where a person got transported into an entirely different world from where the person came from. And the bishop even told her that they were also a victim of the said phenomenon.

'In any case, I have to be more cautious of my future actions… hm?'


Even from far away, Venna noticed a group of people were trying to enter the site on cat's feet. With their eyes met hers, Venna could tell from their reaction that they didn't expect this encounter to happen.

'Human? Four of them in total... A group of scouts, perhaps? They don't seem to possess any threat at a glance. Hm… yup, I don't see anything that can hurt me in their possession. Maybe I could dig some information from them.'

Initially, the unexpected visitors seemed a little agitated as they stood still from where they appeared across the ruin, that's until a girl, slightly more of a young adult, who appeared to be the leader braved herself to lead the others and march down the ruin toward Venna.

"Greetings, my name is Priscilla di Uivart, the Second Daughter of King George of Uivart. And these people behind me are my trustworthy retainers." 

Beautiful face despite her teenage-ish appearances, long silver hair reaching all the way down to her hips, and a pair of enchanting blue eyes which complemented her appeals even further. Even from her appearances alone, Venna could already guess that she's coming from a well established family.

"It's merely by a pure coincidence that we're ended up here before you, oh divine being of this forest. I wish our rude and inexcusable behavior can still be forgiven."

Venna, amused by the girl's apologetic behavior, let out a small giggle.

"My, what an unexpected guest you are! Well, truly, one wouldn't trespass someone else's property without a good reason, no?"

To this question, however, Priscilla seemed to be perplexed by something else as her face was visibly reddened like a tomato, so were her followers'.

"Is there something troubling you?" Venna asked the princess once again.

"Uhm, well… how do I put it… this might be rude for me to point this out but, is that how you normally dress?" The refined princess said as she casted her gaze down.

Looking at her own body, she didn't feel anything wrong with how she dressed herself. A pair of golden bracelets with on both of her wrists, an ankle ring on the right side of her leg, and a neat piercing right on her navel.

"... Ah~ I see! Fufufu, of course, that's how people would normally react, right?"

It took Venna quite some time to realize that she had been showing her bare, alluring brown skin to her guests like that was the most normal thing to do in the world.

"My! I humbly apologize for my lack of shame, however, this is how I normally dress. Oh, and while we're at it, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Venna Borimia, the vessel of Goddess Nezzerath, she who embodies lust. It's a pleasure to meet you."