True Immortal Sightings Report #5: The True Dragon God
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Report #5

Name: Kl'a'rder

Other Titles: The True Dragon God, Destroyer



  • Unknown

Danger level - Medium

Appearance - A lizard with wings on its back like the typical dragon but the size of the average star. Black scales. Glowing red eyes.

Behavioural report: Arrogant, dismissive



First-person View of an encounter:

" Mommy! Mommy! What monster is this?" I pick up my storybook and walked over to mommy. She was sitting in her chair, as usual, doing something with two sticks and strings. Mommy took a quick look at my picture book and smiled at me saying that it was a dragon. Now that I knew the monster's name, I continue looking at my picture book. As I looked at the pictures, I couldn't help but think about how majestic the creatures are. Oh, how I wish I could be a dragon too.

Suddenly, an evil person snatched my book away from me. I looked up and pouted at the evil person. Daddy stared back at me. " Go out and make some friends Jess. You are six years old now, you need to go out play more often." Daddy proceeded to pick me up and throw me out the front door.

Just as I was thinking about how evil my daddy was, I felt something. Something tugged at my tummy. Looking down at my tummy, I saw a very thin white string coming out of my belly button. Since daddy kicked me outside to play, I decided to follow the string. I focused on the string and started walking.


When I took my eyes off the string, I saw that I was not in the village anymore. I looked around and found that the sun was already setting. Did I not leave the house when the sun was rising? Starting to get scared, I focused on the string and started walking again.

When I lifted my eyes again, I was in front of a... dragon?!

' Calm down, little one. I heard your wish and decided to grant it to you.' I heard in my head. Staring at the dragon, I said. " My wish? The one where I said I wanted to become a dragon?" 

' Yes, child.' I wonder what dragon I will become.

' A dragon god, that is what you will become. Or goddess is more appropriate I suppose.' 

" Are you a dragon god, Mister Dragon?" I asked the nice dragon. Mommy said being polite will help me get the things I wanted.

' Haha! Yes, I am a dragon god. A dying dragon god to be precise.'

I gasped when I heard that Mister dragon was dying, " You are dying? should I get some people to help you? Mommy said that I can always go to Uncle Choo if I get cut."

' Ah, no child. My soul is fatally wounded.'

" You are hurt? Who hurt you? I thought dragons are the most powerful monsters!?"

' I once thought so too, but the sword god proved me wrong. I once thought that I was the strongest. Oh, how wrong I was. All it took was for one strike from the sword god. To put me in this state.'

" Sword God? Do you mean Asura? The God of swords?"

' WHAT! I mean, what does he look like?'

" Hmm... He has four arms a..."

' No, that is not the real sword god. The Sword God looks human, two arms, two legs. His sword is indestructible. Oh? It seems my time has run out. Good luck child! Your body will take some time to accommodate the changes to your soul so you will need to sleep for a while. This is my advice from a former dragon god to a new one, never think of yourself as the strongest. Open up your senses, sense the passing gazes of the ultimate ones. The eternal ones. They are your targets! Fulfil my last wish for me, child! Become The True Dragon God!'

I watched and listen to the dragon as he took his last breath. I felt the heat in my tummy growing. Curling up on the ground, I tried to do as Mister dragon said. To open up my senses. I felt the " gazes". The seemingly infinite power that each of them carries. I could feel two of such gazes on me as I writhed in pain on the ground screaming my head off. I could only see one of the entities looking at me. An impossibly large black dragon with red eyes looked at me and scoffed. With this, he turned away. 

I felt a different emotion well up. One I have never felt before. Yet as my soul, the very core of my being, changed I understood. It was something the old dragon god felt all the time... HATRED.