Chapter 2: A High Royalty, King Reign
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While I'm walking alone at the dark night, the sky seemed to be shining in a pure red and gold colors. I find it interesting and pretty amazing.

the surrounding started to smell like flower fragrance. I'm still curious for what's happening around me but since the time is so late, I hurried back to our house.

As I run back from our house, I'm suddenly feeling weak and sleepy. My body becomes so tired that I can't even run properly anymore. That's when I realized that the smell from back then is a deceiving phenomena.

In this world, they called it, Zaphire.

It is an air that produces a smell of flowers. It drains a person's mana drastically and poison their internal organs. In result, people will be most likely to fell unconscious right after smelling a lot of it.

"I feel so sleepy, why my body won't listen to me?"

As I slowly fell on the ground a strange person with a horn and red eyes come and get me and took me to his hideout deep in the forest.

As I began to gain conscious, I started walk up in a gray bed with a demonic layout of house. I started standing and leaving the room to thank the person who saved me last night.

*Opens the door*

"Good Morning, are you the one who picked me up last night? I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. I owe you one, I will repay your kindness someday, no matter what"

I said that loud with a truly thankful voice. I vowed for more than five seconds to express my genuine gratitude for the strange man.

"I did not do that out of kindness but rather than responsibility"

the strange guy said out in a very emotionless manner.

After asking the situation around. I finally asked him, what is he and where is he from? And due to my uncontrollable mouth I slightly become bit rude by asking what is the darkish purple light fire in the peak of his horn.

Then he replied,

"I am Raeven Loreade, I'm a demon from the far winter north. I don't usually speak out of this horn but since you have an unusual power inside you, I'll make an exception."

He said it in a very serious and manly way. I freak out when I realized he's from the northern demon realms. In the past, northern demons was characterized by being a warmonger. A demon who gets pleasure from a human and elven sufferings. This devils reason of living is mainly killing and make other people fear them.

"this is the flames of elven priestess, Sinnatra. She gave it to me during the war when we're suddenly encircled by the paladins of the far west kingdom, Garmhynl."

"I owe her my life and everything right now was all because of her. I'm still finding a way to return the favor of that priestess, and taking care of you is a good starting point."

I began feeling confused, making an oblivious face having no Idea what the heck is this strange demon talking about.

Suddenly out of the blue, a solid ice rain occurred along with a strong earthquake.

The birds started flying and the sky went black, generating a huge amount of thunder sound.

I began to experience an extremely heat inside my body, It was like blood is boiling inside me.

I started to wonder what is this irritating and uncomfortable feeling with my whole body, I suddenly hear a lot of war cries, hallucinating an event where elves, humans, beastmen, angels, and demon fighting each other to the death.

after the calamity, the temperature drops from Eighteen degrees to negative two degrees and the place began to snow blending with a color of white and red.

The interesting thing is I don't feel cold at all. I know it's cold but I feel that it is not cold.

I worriedly ask Raeven of what's happening to my body. Then he replied to me with a stare of a person being interested and amazed from what is happening.

"you effortlessly learned the cold immunity in just a few second due to your adrenaline."

"I trained for almost 2 years straight just to acquire the cold resistance but you learned it easily without struggles. It's amazing that you can pull it off easily!"

"Now, I'm starting to have frame in my mind why are you chosen by that magnificent power."

as he compliment my outstanding skills, I fantasized about being the hero of every races. Having many gorgeous servant from different races and calling me master.


"Ah! I think this timeline is created for me. I wonder how it feels to be admired and respect of"

I continued to fantasized of my self-proclaimed future.

"Master Kean, are you tired do you want me to massage your shoulders in a very gentler way?"

said the beautiful white skinned, green haired elf using in a whisper-teasing way.

"No, master kean wants his chest to be filled with relaxing oil first! right, master kean?

said the orange haired human with a fair colored skin in a confident and teasingly manner.

"I disagree with the two of you! master kean want his forehead to be massage and oiled first, it is the most important of all!"

said the black devil with a light brown skin with a shyly look on her eyes.

As I fantasized my face started to look like a pervert and a bit of blood fall from my nostrils.

Meanwhile, Raeven starts casting a Godlike look spell at my book. I asked about him what magic he's casting, then he answered that he's unchaining the first restriction of my magic degree.

that's when I know that he's casting a spirit magic. I wonder suddenly how a devil can cast a high tier elven and angelical magic.

"Hey, Raeven. You said you're a demon but how did you effortlessly cast a magical spell that is only unique to angels and high elves?"

I ask with a curious and interested tone.

"I learned it from my best friend. She's a Priestess and of the high-ranking elves from the south east kingdom, Vyrehala."

"We're like sibling that can't be destroy by anyone, she's like my acting big sister. Just so you know I lived my life at Vyrehala after my parents escape with me in Quilleth."

When he began to openly tell me his stories from his past I began to flashed back.

When I was young I was reading a book with a black feathered cover with a divine color on the outline of the front pages. The book contains a phrase, "A heavenly prince was held and kidnapped by two sinners and lived with their mortal enemy."

"Maybe it's just my imagination but are you a prince by chance, Raeven?"

then he was suddenly shook and freeze for a moment. He goes to the window then stare at the scarlet tree he took care of for more than 15 years.

"I don't consider myself as a prince of the demon kingdom nor I considered myself as a demon."

"I'm a mere stray individual that was raised in an elven kingdom, no more into it. I don't wanna involve myself with any demon kingdoms. I just wanna live a peaceful life fulfilling Sinnatra's wish. That's my only reason for living."

Raeven said in a sentimental and very calm manner.

As we continue to do Idle chats and get to know each other, I suddenly remembered about picking up a unique stone with a strange patterns. It was a shining zodiac sign imprinted in the center of the stone with a color of blended red and white.

I come to see outside and strangely realized that the snow had the same color as the shining color of the strange stone. I bring it out to Raeven and ask what is this.

Then Raeven answered with a seriousness in his face.

"That's a Sapphira, this is commonly used by the great sorcerers of the middle kingdoms with a Intermediate to advanced true magic power-level."

"Currently, there's only twenty-four sorcerer that reached high level of magic. They're called the Icositetragon, but I heard that nine was exiled because of their diabolical experiments."

"Only these fifteen sorcerer remained to their righteous path. I don't know for sure as one can can easily deceive others with their levels of magic."

All of the sudden, a mass of green, blue, and white dragons migrates and make a gesture of an incoming disaster. They fled the sky with panic and flee to the far south east kingdom of Vyrehala.

then Raeven hurries to pack his magic items and stack all his important items in his magic bag. In exchange for carrying a huge load of items, the magic bag consumes a mana per minute depending on the item weight and rarity. the rarer and the heavier then more mana will be consumed at the process.

Raeven and I flee the forest and returned to my hometown, my family understand the whole of his hard situation and openly accept him to live with us.

As his payment for his stay at our home, Raeven decided to teach me as best as he can until he has no more to teach and do a little bit of house choirs.

He teaches me all kinds of magic that's unique to my affiliation. I trained and study hard to the point I forget all the disaster happened a long time ago. I don't even mind the dragon's warning anymore, I feel like whenever I go, my magic can save me.

As the time goes by, I get to the day where I can easily cast an God & Devil magic. Since I acquired both of them I can fuse both divine and demon magic making it deal more damage to the target.

(--Five years later--)

Now that I've reached thirteen, my body began to matured and become physically strong.

"It's been five years, Raeven. I wonder if the dragons was telling the truth."

"Idiot! don't be so complacent just because nothing strangely happened in this region. I'm pretty sure calamity hits a lot of regions from the past five years."

Raeven scolding me after being so arrogant of my skills.

Right now, I treat him as my older brother, we became so close to each other and treat each other equally. He protect me, I defend him. Our bond to each other that exceeds even of my family.

just like the usual days, we began to spar and trained our sorcery and Sabreship.

All of the sudden a strange phenomena happened and the sky began to from a galaxy shape.

"Tsk! What now? what the heck!?"

Raeven response with an obviously upset face.

Demons and Vampires began to fall from galaxy look like thing. They began to start bringing chaos to our town, killing every single townsfolk.

All blood spread from the ground, louds screams of people asking for help never stopped.

Demons doesn't give mercy to the people, even pets are killed harshly hearing the scream of a dog and horse crying makes it more traumatizing for me.

On the other side, there's surprisingly a hidden basement in our house for our emergency escape.

My old man and his brother make it before even I was born into this world.

When we got under, my old man use his index fingers then a colored-green magic appeared on the edge. Suddenly, all the barrier lights become activated making the tunnel seeable.

The stones are quite polished and coated with a powerful magic barrier. We go across it walking for almost 4 hours to reach the exit.

after we reach the exit an unexpected event happen.

This tunnel is the connection between our home and Limniur, kingdom that accepts all kind of races blending each other. This is the trade capital of the world of Forsekai.

Humans, Beastmen, Elves, Devils, Vampires, Dwarves, and Dragon (Drake/Little dragon).

They all co-exist here without racial discrimination and cultural barrier. They're openly minded enough to learn and respect each other cultural beliefs and differences making the kingdom into a more peaceful and stable place. This is a truly example of a prospering nation!

As I entered the people started to make way for us and vowing to me, calling me young lord and the son of the hero, Reign.

"I didn't know you're Mr. popular, father"

I jokingly said to my old man with a teasing manner.

"Shut up, this is no time to be joking like this!"

then Raeven suddenly comes up saying with a deeply worried face.

"You're father is right, kean. This is no time to be fooling around we're in a deep trouble."

then my mind freeze for a moment as I discovered that my father is the true king of this country. I didn't know it at first because I thought that this kingdom is a free city where no one rules. I starting to get a better picture why my father was exiled from the nobility at this time.

"To the people of this city! Hear me out!"

My old man shouted it with a brave and fierce-looking face.

As he discusses the serious situation of the kingdom, it strange that the people around me doesn't feel any fear or worries inside their mind.

It appears that the people in this kingdom had so much faith with my old man. I slowly started to look up upon him and admiring his leadership to the people.

"I truly apologize for leaving the kingdom for thirteen years because of my selfish and personal interest. Right now, my selfishness ends here, I will start to sit at the throne again, we're going to do a heavy fortification around the kingdom."

"the usage of divine artillery and magic weapons are now starting to be implemented, I'll do everything in my power to make this kingdom a stable and peaceful country to its people. I, his majesty won't let your life experience suffering again."

and that's what I only remember on his speech earlier, right now, news have reach us that all regions except the Garmynhl has lots of raids for chaotic creatures.

Ghouls, Vampires, Demon are united and bringing a precise and smart offensive.

"why are they coordinated with each other? they should be just thinking of killing one another and bringing chaos. I can't believe from what I'm seeing"

Reign deeply worried about the Demon's advance. He started to bring up all his calculated strategies to his commanders to do a quick countermeasure when an unexpected raid comes.

"From what I heard, the exiled and missing icositetragon command their units. The sorcerer's gave them the ability to think, right now, they are smarter than every average person in this world."

One of commanders of the Limniur.

[Siepen Vaskiel - 2nd division Commander, Supreme Intelligence Unit.]

Another commander bring his self up.

"Yeah, I also heard it from one of the nobles in Garmynhl, those bastards experiments was for this time, they really planned it well."

[Cassiopeia Wilbert - 3rd Division Commander, Frontal Assault Unit]

The vice commander in chief speak up in an upset and strict tone.

"I quite understand your strategy, your majesty. Cassiopeia, Siepen why only three of us are present right now, this is an important day! where those two damn squirts!?"

[Amber Xaiang - 1st Division Commander, Dragon Knights Unit]

"Anyway, Let's discuss the matters for now, just tell them what will be doing, understood?"

King Reign Said with a leader face look.

"that's a pain in the ass but since it's your order, I'm going to tell them in the most interesting way."

Commander Amber said to the commander in chief's order.

The strategy meeting was on going for almost 4 hours without a break. After the meeting all respective commanders go their positions and do the things as planned at the meeting. Siepen fortified the kingdom's defense system through casting of advanced spirit magic.

Cassiopeia on the other hand distributed the armory and weaponry coated with a powerful divine-demon magic, all tools are refined and well created by the finest blacksmith in Limniur.

*Kean and Raeven on the castle grounds practices their sabreship, they experimented a lot of weapon coated in magic spells.*

"Yo Raeven, let's call this day! I'm so exhausted I need to do a physical and mental break right now or else I'll be dead before the night raid."

I said to Raeven as I breathe heavily because of no break practice.

"Alright then, let's call this a tie, the score is ten out of eight, I am two digits above you. Shzahahha"

Raeven speaking like his full of himself and making a weird laugh.


"I'll made it next time eleven out of ten, no matter what! nyahaha"

I said also in an arrogant manner. Raeven then wink and making a thumbs up gesture with his hand.

"I will look forward for it, my idiot brother."

We go home together, at the palace, I'm still not used to living this kind of place. The bed were so huge for a single person. Still, I would love living my life in luxury here. I'm not even worrying about my electricity and water consumption anymore unlike in the past life.

I also love this place the view is so great, I get to have my own maids, they're all truly cute and gorgeous. I hope this life will stay at it is. I know it's a bit optimistic for me to think like this but I really don't want this to have an end.

*knocks at the door*

"Master Kean, your ordered tea is ready here's the finest snack here paired up with a cold tea to make your sleep better."

Said the black haired main with glasses, Xinri.

I must act according to a proper way of being the son of the king and royalty. As I don't know what to do I act like the a mighty royal in front of my maid without the intention to offend and humiliate.

"You have my thanks, Silver haired beauty."


My maid find it adorable for me to act that way. She said that I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not, her respect for me won't deteriorate even I spoke to her in a childish way.

I feel embarrassed and can't seem to find a perfect response for her kind words.

"Now, if you may excuse me."

The maid leave the room and I began to think again the things that I would like to do but didn't have the chance to do so in my past life.

I remembered all of my regrets, I started wondering what did Shizu feels when she began to saw me laying at the ground cover with bullets shots, and blood spreading out.

"it's no point of thinking it right now, I'm now grateful for the life I have right now, I have no time to worry about things that doesn't exist around me anymore."

"Well I guess this is it for today, my Intense daily training with raeven has made me more tired and exhausted. Right now all I need is a good sleep and rest."

I now closed my eyes and turn side views hugging one of my pillow. I slept soundly and peacefully.

at the dawn, dragons started shouting in an unfamiliar manner, the dragon tamers can't seem to handle them making a huge disturbance at our silent kingdom. Dragons shouted as if they're experiencing pain and irritation. I sensed a magical disturbance upon the western area of the kingdom where nobility lives to.

I decided to tell this to Raeven and Elizabeth. I know nothing would change if I'm the one who gets in there as I'm still living in a child's body, I have no choice but to tell the adults the uncommon situation going around the kingdom.

"Now, I think it's time to go to the grounds to revised the spell I created to coat it into my sabre."

I get ready, wearing my armor coated with a high level of magic to make it lighter, Have more level of defense and to have more durability.

This day I finally came up a name for my sabre.

Since I love Japanese foods, I'll name it tempura. It is based on a thunder word from English language, Tempest but since I love foods, from now, you're tempura. temPUra-- that's how it is pronounced.

"Now, show me what you've got my beloved partner, I hope you won't break for an advanced coated demon magic."

I started casting a spell with my sabre, my sabre slowly coated with green devilish lighting.

My raw skill seem to increase significantly, I can sense every movement around me within three meter radius. I can move ten times faster than the fastest human in the world can do.

"This experiment was a successful one, I will let Raeven know our energy invested wasn't wasted."

But for the meantime, I'm going to refine it to an A-class grade sabre. I think my skills are high enough to handle a high tier class weapon.

I now then handed to the blacksmith all the tools and payments for my sabre upgrade and refinement, it will take a while before it's finished so I guess I'll just go to take it easy for now.

Unexpectedly, Sorcerer from the magic academy came to visit the kingdom.

When I heard that, I came in rush at the plaza to see my co-sorcerers.

When I go there, I suddenly went down after not seeing Roseweisse with them.

While I'm in a state of being frustrated, I sit on the bench instead and relax myself reading some light novels that I finished more than thrice.

Out of nowhere, a strange palm suddenly covers my eyes.

"Yo, Kean! are you sad for not seeing me there?"

The strange girl speaks to me in a teasing way.

And I accidentally said,


"Who the hell is Shiizu? you bastard play boy shit!"

She then strike me at my nape then kick my knees by his usual reactions.

"I'm not a play boy, you idiot! I just missed my old life, that's all!"

"Your old life? What the heck are you talking about you playboy? You can't make a pretty lame excuse to me, I know how boys think and act, they're all the same!"

"Idiot, I'm not making excuse! I'm telling the truth. It's up to you if you'll believe my words."

After the Immature fight, I became her tour guide to the kingdom, I introduce her to my old man which is the king of this country. I then lead her to the grounds where me and Raeven are training.

Out of boredom, I asked Roseweisse her age. Since I have no Idea from all the person I know in this world what are their ages.

"I'm already Seventeen you idiot, so call me Roseweisse Senpai!"

"No way, not in this life and not in the next!"

I replied with a sense of humor.

She then strike me with her heavenly divine spell but since almost five years has passed I can now defend easily with her incoming strikes.

"Oh! you got a pretty good defense already, young bastard."

Roseweisse full of herself said.

"Don't treat me like you're above me, you damn loli!"

I replied.

Then she suddenly make a strange offensive stance. Looking like she was trying to strike me with all magic power she got.

I'm preparing a barrier to prepare against her attack then she suddenly run forwards to me with her fist making a gesture that she will punch me head on.

As I cast magic barrier spell she suddenly jump on to me.

I was shock and can't move any of my arms, I can't seem to think carefully what the right words should I speak out to her.

"I missed you so much, I'm glad you're doing well. I'm so worried about you after what happened that time."

She then tell me that she hurried to check on my town after the disaster. After going to the town she suddenly can't move her feet and her body trembles with fear.

"I saw a lot of dead bodies of people and animals laying at the ground. The town was scorched to ashes and not a single standing structure remained."

Roseweisse thought that she won't be able to see me once again. So she feel so relieved after seeing me in my maturing form and doing well.

"I'm so glad"

She hugs me tighter and I can't seem to speak anything, I felt his worries are true and genuine, I began to feel her warmth.

Her eyes are full of tears, she cries and cries on my chest as she hold me tightly.

After those dramatic moments, I finally say my goodbye to her as it's starting to get dark outside.


"Goodbye? what goodbye? what do you mean?"

I was so confused to ask her but I guess she really needed to go home so I decided to say my farewell and safe travels to her.

I go home and went for a deep warm bath as it is my favorite routine after a very tiring day.

after that, I decided already to go in my room and have a rest.

I was freaking out from what I saw. I don't know what to do.

"Roseweisse! What the heck are you doing sleeping in my bed?"

"well, one of the maid said that you're thinking that this bed is too huge for you, right? so I decided to move into here. Now, stop being a child sleep beside me."

"No way! I'll sleep here at the ground!"

I replied back with a angry and a blushing tone.

then she suddenly pull me in then she laid at my shoulders.

sleeping soundly with on my arms as she hugs me. Right now, I don't know what to react. This is not right but the same time I love it.

"Shizu, forgive me!"

I said with a crying face as I fantasized shizu's feelings if she ever know this.

and then I started to feel sleepy at all, not minding Roseweisse sleeping beside me. I close my eyes and began to share my soundly sleep with her.

(--The next day morning--)

"Enemy Raid!"

The watch tower guards said it loudly. The soldiers get into formation quickly even the guard with a night shift woke up and took their armor because of this.

*Bell rang Loudly*

The bell at the plaza round so loud making the citizen cast their magic barrier to protect their homes from the demon raid.

when I turned back after sighting the happenings in the windows, a demon threatening to kill Roseweisse If I move even an Inch.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, mr. kean, I hope we get along well"

said the demon in a threatening tone.



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