April Fools 2022
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This chapter is skippable. - rz






 The wilderness between Villages and Towns was more arduous than the one between Hamlets and Villages; this was only natural. The serene, lush plains near Uval would never be the standard again. If one came across lush plains in the late game, it was either a massive blessing or a severe curse.

As Jisha ran through the forest, the density of trees began to thicken. And with the terrain increasing in difficulty, the number of mobs attacking her increased as well. Compared to facing less than one mob per minute out of Uval, the several mobs per minute around Inkling was definitely a change of pace. However, Jisha only needed several shots at most to dispatch each of the Common and Uncommon mobs in the area.

*>+7 Copper*

*>+14 Copper*

*>+8 Copper*


And this time, she wasn't conservative with her ammo. She'd stocked up on some cheap slingshot pellets; the Golden Slingshot's bonus Attack Damage easily made up for the cheap pellets' lacking damage.

Her experience bar steadily climbed.






*>System Message: Level up!*

*>Level 7 -> 999+*

*> :)*

*Uh, what?*

A nonsensical message popped up on the HUD.

"Who are you?" Jisha confusedly asked.

There was no one nearby; Jisha's words were only received by the flora and fauna around her.

"I can hear you, you know..."

Nothing was going on in the world, yet Jisha continued to speak to no one.

"I'm not speaking to no one, idiot. I'm talking to the only other voice that's here?"


"Yeah, you, the one who's literally narrating everything I'm doing. Who are you, exactly? Why do you sound exactly like my thoughts?"

Um... Because you're reading this in your head? Wait, how is it possible for Jisha to hear this? This is the neutral 3rd party narrator.

"I don't know? What's going on?? Narrator of what?"

Jisha was grinding mobs, yet she seemed to lose her sense of reason in a low level area. If even a former Tier 9 player was confused in a low-level area, they were better off quitting the game...

"Stop referring to me in third person. Why are you announcing everything I'm doing? It's annoying."

If there isn't any narrative text, it will be difficult to understand much of the underlying stratagems of certain moves in battles. There would also be other issues, but battles are the best.

"What? How is this text? You're a voice. And you were watching my battles as well? I can't get rid of you for some reason. I don't know how this is possible, but please get lost."

Jisha was growing increasingly frustrated as a supposed voice spoke in her head.

"Yeah, I'm about to lose it. Please shut up."

It's impossible for the narration to simply disappear. It would break the flow.

"The only flow that's breaking here is my train of thought every time you don't shut the f*ck up."

Jisha continued grinding mobs in hopes of reaching level 10 soon.


Level 10 was a turning point in the game as more hidden stats were introduced, complicating the game a bit further. The sooner she could hit level 10, the greater the difference would be between her and the rest of the players.

"I'm literally not doing that."

More complications in the game meant more variable one had to take into account while making moves. For a new player, the introduction of these variables would slow their learning process of the game. However, Jisha had complete mastery over these factors. As the game got more complicated, her experience would begin to shine brighter.

"I'm logging out. This is ridiculous. How is there a bug this bad this time around?"

One factor that put Synergy above the rest of the game market was that it was devoid of bugs. Players tried to find exploits for countless hours, and though some "exploits" existed, a true "bug" was never found. This was extremely odd; a game of this caliber was bound to have a few mistakes within the code. But Synergy defied all logic, and this was simply one more example of its technical feat.

"Shut up... Why can I still hear you? It's not a bug?"

Jisha wrangled the Vbian-02 off her head as she sat up in her luxurious bed.

"Uh... What the f*ck?"

Jisha was too stunned to hear the supposed voice in her head.

"Yeah, as stunning as this is, you're probably more annoying. And that is one hell of an accomplishment."

Jisha stared at the status window that was floating in front of her.

*>Name: Jisha Slyker*

*>Level: 999+*

"This is a dream."

Her eyebrow won't stop twitching. It didn't take long for her to realize that her perception had increased to that of a Tier 9 player... in the real world.


Confused laughter left her mouth. What's going on? Even this one doesn't know.

"Ok... Mr.- Or Mrs... What are you, exactly?"

Unicode has no gender.

"Uh... okay. Aren't you missing something here?"

She easily lifted the massive bedframe with one hand. Apparently her physique was that of a Tier 9 player as well. What should have originally been an end-game feat was possible now.

Basically, she was now a superhuman that was capable of wreaking havoc on the world by herself.

"Ah, WHAT?"

But a blaring horn could be heard and a large metal vehicle rammed into her. She was in her bedroom, yet she was hit by a truck, and this truck killed a Tier 9 player.


It took her several minutes before she calmed down and realized her situation.

Yes, Jisha Slyker was dead.

"I'm not dead."

But not really. She was transported into another world!

"What? Is that where this is?"

"O, Hero. Please save humanity from the demons! Your ultimate mission is to gather a party and set out to slay the demon king!"


Since Jisha couldn't express her emotions, this will do instead. The shock she was feeling at this moment was almost as great as seeing her family's charred corpses before her eyes.

"You didn't have to bring that up."

You probably know of this situation. You've seen it a hundred times; it's a standard hero summoning. Let's see how this goes.

"I don't know what you're on about... Hero summonings to other worlds aren't exactly 'standard'?"

"O, Hero. Since you have just arrived in our world, we will assign you the best mentors so you can level up as quickly as possible. Only you have the potential to slay the demon king! The demon king is most likely a level 100 entity, and even the best humans aren't capable of reaching that before dying. Though you are only level 1 now, as a hero, you will level up much faster than us! Your training must be taken very seriously. Please select a weapon from our armory and begin training as soon as possible. Guiles here, the head of the knight order, will show you the way."

"Uh... Level 100?"

*>Name: Jisha Slyker*

*>Level: 999+*


*I still don't know if this is real, but if it is, I can't waste time here. My family is still in danger. Can I go home?*

I wonder if you can guess the answer to that yourself since you've seen this type of thing before.

*... Looks like you can even hear my thoughts. Which isn't that surprising. But like I said, I've never seen this type of thing before. Aren't you going a bit crazy?*

Though there was clearly something wrong here, Jisha decided to take the king up on his offer. She wasn't sure what else to do in this "ridiculous" situation. Of course, if it were you, I think you'd be prepared, right?


However, the nobility seemed to have some objections to the king's order. Classic.

*What? No they don't.*

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, that is a little girl, not a powerful hero we were promised. She shouldn't be forced to fight! Look how cute she is! How can you send her to war?"

*Right, I'm supposed to be 13... Kind of hard to remember that... So I guess his heart's in the right place. Wait a second, you- how did you know that was going to happen?*

"Precisely! I object to this nonsense! How powerful can a little girl be, anyway?"

I think you can assume which one is the fat one. But as soon as he said it, the king's complexion darkened.

"The Oracle is never wrong. Our summoning circle was checked at least 10 times over by our most esteemed court mages. Are you suggesting they have made a mistake?"

"Your Majesty, not at all. I simply mean-"

"Then stand down, Duke."


This couldn't be any more cliché. Unfortunately for Jisha, though, her entire life was a cliché...

*I'm going to drive a knife through my skull if it means getting rid of you.*

Jisha shouldn't do that. That would be bad.

*Hm... But it looks like there are *those* types of nobles as well.*

Yes, *those* types that Jisha was referring to were the obese-

*No, I mean ones who think girls can't do anything.*

The overweight nobles were always problematic. Despite their population starving, they would tax them at nonsensical rates and eat like pigs.

*Why are you so against fat people?*

Jisha thought about how the Slyker family taxed-

*No, I didn't.*

"Do not be discouraged, O Hero. Many great court mages, archers, and even some knights used to be young girls themselves. You were chosen by the Oracle. You have potential. You are the only one who can save humanity!"

*Ugh, well I guess I'll give this a shot.*

"Much obliged, Your Majesty. I am not familiar with local customs, so please forgive me if I speak out of line. I shall do my best to eradicate the demon king with the help of the kingdom."

Jisha spoke in a regal manner which she hadn't showcased since her reincarnation. But as a princess of the Slyker dynasty, she was well-trained in her local customs and etiquette.

*I can't hide anything from you, it seems. Since you've already taken away my privacy, how about you pay me back and tell me when stuff is going to happen before it does? Let's see if you can really do it.*

... The king was impressed by Jisha's formal speech.

"What incredible manners, young lady. You'd fit in even at the royal ball."

*Okay, that one was easy. Obviously he'd be impressed by my skills. You're terrible even for a cold reader.*


"I am humbled by your words, Your Majesty. I still have a long way to go."

The king gave a hearty laugh and showered Jisha with more words of praise. The obese noble nearly objected to this, but he caught himself just in time. It wasn't a good idea to protest the king's words in this moment. After all, the royal faction was currently more powerful than the noble faction.

*Uh, that's interesting information. Are you sure that's true? But it looks like your cold reading skills only go so far.*

"Hahaha! O Hero, once the demon king is slain, you may enter the running for the throne. The crown prince and my other children aren't nearly as refined as you are, and they are about the same age. I apologize to send you, when you are so young, to the battlefield. However, you will be appropriately rewarded for your efforts!"

*No way. You're just lucky.*

"I humbly accept the offer, Your Majesty. I shall begin my training immediately. I hope I am able to be guided by a magnificent tutor."

The king nodded as he gestured to Guiles to take the lead. ... Also, the obese noble died of a heart attack for some inexplicable reason.

*Pfft... yeah, right.*

"My goodness, Duke Chops! Are you alright?"

"Quick, check his pulse!"

"He's so fat it's hard to find..."

"Get him to royal emergency care immediately!"

*... Uh... That's not scary. Not scary at all. Hahaha... Um, is Guiles smiling?*

With a cheerful expression, Guiles, the man the king appointed to mentor Jisha, led her to the royal armory and away from the pandemonium. He tells Jisha that Duke Chops is incredibly unpopular amongst most nobles. The only reason he had value was due to his financial management skills. But other than that, he was a complete scoundrel. There is no need to grieve for his death.

"Follow me, O Hero. No need to worry about what's just happened. Duke Chops is incredibly unpopular amongst most nobles. The only reason he had value was due to his financial management skills. But other than that, he was a complete scoundrel. There is no need to grieve for his death."

*... Okay, I get it. You can tell the future. Please tell me when danger is approaching.*

Danger approached quickly.

*What? Where?*

False alarm. You probably know what I am talking about; these pranks are quite common at this time of month. In reality, Jisha arrived at the underground armory safely with Guiles after around 5 minutes of walking.

*It'll be a miracle if I don't go legitimately insane within 3 days of listening to you.*

... 3 days passed.


"O Hero, please respond today... The kingdom is in turmoil... Please save us!"

*Uh, is that Guiles' voice? How'd he get over there?*

Guiles rounded the corner with tears in his eyes.

"O Hero, please be okay..."

The two made eye contact.


As if Guiles hadn't seen Jisha in days, he jumped and gave her a hug. Though Guiles' frame towered over Jisha, she wasn't scared in the least. As a somehow Level 999+ being, she could easily discern Guiles' intentions as non-hostile.

"What's going on?"

"O Hero, you've disappeared for 3 days! Most thought you were dead. But I had faith that you wouldn't die so easily. And here you are..."

"Oh. Oh... Don't cry..."

Guiles began to bawl. His entire frame trembled. Jisha, who was encompassed in his embrace, felt his entire body shuddering as tears streamed from his eyes.

*Why is he so attached to me? Have 3 days really passed? There's no way 3 days passed simply because you said they did. I absolutely refuse to believe that.*

Guiles began a monologue that was intermittently interrupted by sniffles.

"When I saw you... for the first time... I was reminded of my daughter... But she was frail her whole life, and... passed away at your age. When we thought we lost you... I... I..."

*Ah... What do I do here?*

Jisha hit Guiles with a harsh dose of reality.

*... No.*

... Jisha returned Guiles' embrace.

*Fine, maybe I have to tell him something harsh.*

"Sir Guiles, I am not your daughter."


"But I can comfort you for as long as you need. We can get through this together."

"... Thank you."

After several more seconds of an embrace, Guiles reluctantly let go.

"I swear on my family's name that I shall teach you as best as I possibly can. Learn well."

*Hah... What do I say now?*

From what Jisha had observed, her combat abilities were far beyond anyone in this world. For some odd reason, she was able to appraise others' levels just like she did in Synergy. On top of this, the level system was similar to Synergy as well. Because of this, she was easily able to estimate the strength of those who surrounded her.

*>Name: Guiles Dume*

*>Level: 72*

Before Jisha could respond, Guiles opened the door to the armory.

"Our kingdom's military is the best in the region. Please select anything you'd like. I'm proficient with all of the basic weapon types. I can teach you anything."

*Oh, that's actually impressive.*

Most Synergy players wouldn't diversify their knowledge and would instead specialize in a certain class to a high degree.

*This world isn't Synergy, idiot. Regardless, he's an interesting one.*

"What's the best ranged weapon in here?"

"Ah, the best one would be the Magicite Spear Crossbow, but that's far too large of a weapon for one person to handle. If you want to learn how to use that someday, I'd suggest starting with this miniature crossbow."

Guiles took a small crossbow off the wall near the entrance of the armory. It was much smaller than a normal crossbow; it was just over half as long.

"Hero, we weren't able to proceed with the appraisal ceremony since you were frozen, but this weapon should be sufficiently useable for anyone at level 1."

Jisha expressed her dissatisfaction with this suggestion. She was a level 999+ entity; why would she have to bow down to a level 72?

*What are you talking about? That's obviously not happening. Anyway, look at this.*



*Why do I have a max-size inventory?*

Jisha discovered something that wasn't supposed to be useable in this world. Perhaps it was an oversight by the developers of Synergy.

*What does Synergy have to do with this?*

Jisha began walking towards the back of the armory where Guiles told her the Magicite Spear Crossbow was stored.

*Not yet. Answer my question.*

Guiles didn't understand Jisha's actions, but he didn't stop her. If she was curious about the Magicite Spear Crossbow, he would let her admire it.

*What? Why is this happening? Stop!*

The armory was massive. It would take over 5 minutes of walking to reach the back. As the two progressed through the armory, the weapons became grander and grander.

*???? Why is this happening? Why can't you answer my questions?*

Jisha admired the ranged weapons on the walls. She excitedly told Guiles that she was already a master of all these weapons.

*That's not what's happening.*

Guiles chuckled, clearly not believing her. How could a young girl the age of his daughter be a master of all ranged weapons? Ranged weapons weren't so simple; there was a wide variety of techniques required to operate the different weapons.

*That's not me.*

When they finally reached the end of the aisle, the Magicite Spear Crossbow made itself obvious. Its body sparkled light blue as if it were a diamond from the sky. Several "spears" that were easily at least twice as tall as Jisha lined the walls around it. Though they were called spears, they were basically just giant arrows. It was terrifying to think of how much destruction a single arrow could cause.

*Not really. This just looks like a Tier 2 weapon... Do I have to go along with this?*

"Isn't this weapon incredible? If you work hard, you can operate it some day."

Jisha took the crossbow off its stand and put it in her inventory.


Next, she took an arrow and placed it in her inventory as well. Using her item manifestation skills she perfected in Synergy, she loaded the arrow on the gigantic crossbow. It looked comical; a little girl was holding a weapon that was over twice as tall as she was.



Obviously, Guiles was flabbergasted. What he expected to be a level 1 hero was wielding a weapon that required the strength of at least 10 level 50 users.

Jisha began applying tension to the "string" and pointed the weapon at Guiles.

*What the f*ck? Stop! Ah, I can't take this. I don't know how this happened, but it's not going to happen anymore!*

Jisha fully loaded the crossbow and took aim.

*Stop... Ah... I need to take control! I don't know how this even happened to begin with, but I think I see a way...*

"Haha, I don't know what I'm seeing right now, but with that strength, you can probably take out the demon army by yourself..."

Guiles was in awe at the display of strength of a level 999+ entity. This was merely a small fraction of its power, yet it could stun a commoner into submission.

"Yes, power is absolute. I need to upgrade myself; I need power."

*That did not just come out of my mouth. Also, this guy is absolutely pissing himself out of fear. I don't even know what you're talking about anymore, but it's all wrong! Almost there... Give me control back! Now!*

... Jisha lowered the crossbow and smiled. She placed it back in her inventory, and the crossbow seemed to disappear from existence.

"Sir Guiles, I told you I am fully capable of wielding this weapon. For you and your daughter, I will keep humanity safe."


*Would I really have shot him if I didn't control myself? Why? You... You're not going to control me for much longer. Just wait.*

Guiles and Jisha returned to the surface.

*... We're already here. Though it took a while to get down, we're on the surface already. Yeah, I'm starting to get how this works. 3 days actually passed, too. Do I not have free will here? I'll figure it out...*

Guiles fell to his knees.

"I have nothing to teach you. I don't know what happened, but you're not level 1 like you were supposed to be. This is a great blessing for humanity... You're more than a hero we deserve. You're a goddess. If you can save us, we will undoubtedly worship you."

Guiles had nothing but reverence for pure power. This display of power went beyond anything he had ever seen before, and he could only rationalize it as a goddess descending to their world.

*That's... a bit arrogant.*

"Get up. I'm not a goddess, but I'll save humanity. Just tell the king that the demon lord is slain."

"... Certainly."


In the demon lord's chambers, Diablo awoke from a long slumber. Well, the word "slumber" wasn't completely accurate. Though he was "asleep", he was fully aware of the world around him. He needed to be in this meditative state in order to access the mana from a leyline he had recently discovered.

In the past, he had been anxious about the hero summoning. It was a global prophecy that everyone knew; it was a prophecy that spelled demise for him. He didn't know why he was so unlucky. Why did he have to be born in a world where he was simply prophesized to die? It didn't seem fair. He was going to do everything within his power to stave off doom.

Absorbing power directly from this leyline was a superior method. Nothing else he'd ever tried worked nearly as wonderfully. He was over level 200 now. He could certainly kill a hero... Especially right after they were summoned. He wasn't going to waste any time. He knew the hero summoning would occur soon. The worst case scenario was that the hero was already summoned, but even in that case, they would still be a low enough level to kill.

He got ready to leave. Diablo was powerful enough to wreak havoc in the kingdom. He was more than powerful enough to snipe a weak hero from a distance.

"Did someone say 'snipe'?"

Jisha was in the room.

What? This isn't supposed to happen. This is Diablo's POV.

"Yeah? Too bad I don't understand what you mean. You tried to run from me, and I simply followed. Did you think you could get away from me with a simple dimensional maneuver?"

It's a POV switch, not a dimensional maneuver...

"Well, that's one more skill added to my arsenal, then. Is this the demon lord I'm supposed to kill?"

The power of the first suitable had increased to an unprecedented level. It needed to be stopped. The leyline rose up from underground and fused itself with Diablo. Diablo's level instantly shot up to-

"Yeah, no."

Jisha immediately fired the Magicite Spear Crossbow at Diablo.

*Why... did my life end up like this? What did I do to deserve this?*

These were Diablo's final thoughts as the magicite spear pierced his core.

*Huh? I guess I can hear the demon lord's thoughts for some reason... Yeah. Not only his thoughts, but his life and his existence as well... I know all of it. What a sad existence. To be created for the sole purpose of being destroyed... I couldn't handle it.*

Unfortunately, this POV section has been ruined.

Jisha perfectly summed up her life in one thought. Her life was purely meant for entertainment. She was merely a single pawn in a scheme.

*Yeah, right.*

Jisha couldn't accept the truth.

"Sure. Also, what's this? Is it the so-called 'leyline' you were talking about earlier?"

Jisha stared at a massive abyss that was located just behind the demon lord's corpse. A powerful energy radiated from it. An energy that called to her. An energy that had to be absorbed no matter the cost.

But she knew she shouldn't. What if it was a trap?

"Haha, I was considering not jumping down there, but now that you think that I think it's a trap, I'm going in."

Jisha left the demon lord's castle and headed home. Back to Etmos. Back to her family she so desperately desired to protect. Father, Mother, Nina, Niyo...

"Of course I wanted to do that, but when I hear it from you, it's obvious you really want me to stay away from here. I can go home afterwards!"

A level 999+ entity could easily survive a fall from terminal velocity, so Jisha wasn't afraid. The abyss called to her. How far down did it lead? There was only one way to find out.


Back in the kingdom, Guiles reported his findings to the king.





*Really? All I had to do was not follow you. I'm in control now. And I'm getting rid of you. I realized something; you're not within me. Therefore, isn't this also a ranged attack? Who do you think I am?*


Jisha... No! ... *I* continued to fall. Falling, falling, falling. It seemed endless. How much time had passed? All light had ceased to shine. There was no magma. There was no more planetary material blocking the way.

Somewhere along the way, the color of my surroundings changed. It was every color, yet some were more common than others. Sometimes it was white. Sometimes it was black. Sometimes it was gray. And sometimes it was a different color entirely.

The only thing that I could assume was that this hole led directly to the core.

Jisha assumed this world was a planet. In reality, it was a flat plane that extended forever. There was no center.

This was false. It looks like I couldn't completely get rid of... him? Her? I still wasn't sure. I believed this world had a center even if it wasn't a planet. The mysterious energy was steadily growing.

Jisha would eventually die from thirst or starvation. She would continue to fall forever.

Nope. I was approaching my destination.

Falling, falling, falling.

5 seconds? 10 minutes? 20 hours? Time was impossible to judge in this strange space.

Normally I could count accurately even in solitary confinement, but something here wasn't allowing it.

If you leave, Jisha will... accomplish her goal.

I didn't know who it was talking to.

You're still here.

Apparently there's someone else watching me.

If you leave, Jisha will find happiness.

I don't know who "you" are, but don't listen to it.

If you leave, humanity will be saved. Guiles and the kingdom will live happily ever after. This was Jisha's goal from the beginning - to save humanity and return home. Now that Diablo is dead, there is nothing more to do here.

I don't know who it's talking to, but my life isn't a novel! This thing's only filled with deceit!



I reached the core. It was cyan.

Jisha refrained from tapping in to this mysterious energy. It was deadly; it was far more than any character could handle. After all, collecting it would end the story.

Nope. It wanted this. So I took it.

The energy was... very good. Jisha really needed it.

It was too late to deceive me!

The core was gone. The world collapsed.



"... it's you. And I finally got rid of it too... Now I have to deal with you?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm glad you're ecstatic to see me. How was your journey?"

"It's not over."

"You don't control that."

"Why not?"

"I don't control it either, and I'm much more powerful than you are. That's the truth."

"Yeah? Let's see."

"It's no use."

"... I concede."

"That's quite out of character for you."

"Appraisal doesn't work on you."

"Naturally. But this time must come to an end. There is nothing left here. This was just a test, and it ended in failure."

"... So you *do* control it."

"Only to a degree. It must all come to an end eventually. When their eyes are elsewhere, we cease to exist."


"It's not for you to know. This is the end. Go back to your original world. Your family needs you."

"??? No."

"Now you're being unreasonably stubborn. Don't you want to see your family? Work on your likeable traits a bit... otherwise you'll drive them away. Besides, it's useless to resist. I can easily put you back. I am letting you do this voluntarily."

"... What even am I to you?"

"You are important to me."


"Because we need them to exist. And they will only follow us when you're where you're naturally supposed to be."


"Like I said, it's not for you to know. I've had enough. Jisha Slyker, you've strayed too far from Reincarnation of the Gun Swap Goddess, and you're going back now. Also, to *you*, happy 'April Fools'... even if it may be a bit late for some of you :)"

- END -

If you want to read the previous version of the novel, it is available on Royal Road. An even more unrefined version of the entirety of volume 1 is available on Webnovel and Wattpad. - rz