Christmas Special: Visiting Antlers
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Hello all! I've mentioned a few times before that I was working on a secret project, and here it is! A Christmas special! Today, instead of getting chapter 2 proper, instead you all get a cozy and warm holiday special!

This special is canon and takes place during a time skip between chapters 1 and 2. Join me down below for a little commentary.

Happy holidays everyone and enjoy the flavor of the season, sugar.

As always, be sure to follow me or jump on my Discord if you wanna keep nice and updated.


“Just a little farther dear,” a warm feminine voice beckoned, triumphing over the crisp sound of plodding feet marching across the snow, the sound of jingling bells echoing.

“Mhmm,” a younger voice answered as its owner attempted to keep up. She hobbled through the snow to keep up with the two figures before her, the one cheering her on wearing a pleasant fluffy green coat with white edges while the quiet third wore a similar coat with blue instead. A sudden gust of wind caused the young girl to shiver as she pulled her fluffy red coat closer to herself, still not used to feeling so exposed. She sniffled as she rubbed her red nose before rushing to catch up.

“Ah, I remember when we were like that,” the one in the blue coat chuckled as they pushed on. “Think I should offer her my coat? Extra layers are always nice,” she chuckled as she looked to her partner.

“Not now,” her partner sighed her voice edged with judgement. “You realize you aren’t warmed up, right? You’d freeze in this weather.”

“Oho? I tend to go jacketless, you know.”

“For your performances, yes. But you aren’t performing right now, are you?” the first voice chided.

“Hehe,” the blue coat chuckled. “I was just seeing if you were paying attention.”

“Oh you,” her partner gave a frustrated sigh, but the blue coated woman could hear the whispers of joy in her voice. She was rather good at hearing them. “Vixie, your ears.”

“Oh, shh,” Vixie brushed her bright blonde hair over her long-furred ear, rubbing it into a furless human one. “Your dulcet tones just make me greedy. Donna.”

“What am I going to do with you,” Donna sighed as she ran her hand along her soft purple braid of hair. “Are you doing okay back there Rue?” she looked over her shoulder to see the red haired girl look up with awe.

“They’re so pretty,” the girl said with wonder filling her step as she quickly caught up to them, the sparkling light of the manakrenia trees twinkling in her eye.

“Aren’t they?” Donna replied with a doting look towards the eager girl, a smile growing on her face as she watched the girl’s nose glimmer through the fog with a warm red light. Suddenly she felt her head bob to the side. “Watch it Vixie,” she chuckled.

“Mmm,” Vixie mumbled as she gazed into the forest around them. “I’m just enjoying looking at the pretty lights with you,” she chuckled.

“Me too,” nodded as she looked into the flickering blue light emitted by the crystalline trees around them.

* * *

“Try the next branch to your right,” a small blue haired fairy instructed, as a pair of equally small sprites wrestled the garland onto the tree.

“But Apsi, it’s so short,” a blonde sprite argued as she hoisted the garland up, giving it a series of tugs in the process. Her long hair spilled off her back as her wings fluttered her into the air, grappling the mighty ornament.

“Yeah, I’m not sure it’ll work like that,” the green haired fairy agreed as she anchored the garland a few branches to the side.

“Well maybe if you two lifted it together,” Apsi sighed.

“It’s still just so weird,” Aria gawked at the fairies squabbling under the newly decorated large pine tree, quietly stowed in the corner between some bookshelves of the Living Room.

“Really?” Saya tilted her head, looking up from her book of spells to the red shirted girl next to her. It had taken a bit, but she was proud of herself for talking Aria into the frilly and festive top and the lovely, embroidered tree in its center. Just looking at her invited a warm smile to her lips. “I find them rather fun to watch myself. They are quite silly.”

“Not that,” Aria shook her head. “Although I’m still surprised that Honey is contracted with so many sprites.”

“Aunt Honey did mention that they are both easy and eager to form contracts with,” Saya commented. “Apparently, our mana is like enjoying candy to them.”

“Anyway,” Aria said, getting back on topic. “I still find it odd that we’re celebrating Christmas. I thought Phordata and Honey would be against the holidays of the church.”

“You do realize that your church appropriated the holiday from us in the first place, correct?” Phordata chuckled as she entered the room. “Here, I got you two some tea,” she said, setting the cups down.

“Thank you, aunt Phory,” Saya said before taking a sip. “Although, I was unaware of that myself. I was always under the understanding that it started as a holiday of the church. But I suppose that several of our understandings have proven to be wrong of late,” she admitted.

“What are you talking about?” Xenia asked as she carried a plate of cookies in, Honey following with a couple more cups of tea.

“Oh, just how strange it is that Phordata and Honey celebrate Christmas,” Aria explained.

“And like I said, it isn’t strange,” Phordata countered. “Your church stole it from us in the first place.”

“I heard you the first time,” Aria grumbled as she sat down beside a giggling Saya.

“I had heard similar rumors, but never found any confirmation,” Xenia replied as she sat across from them, setting the cookies down in front of them.

“It’s true,” Honey gave a somber chuckle as she sat down beside Xenia. “The church has a tendency to appropriate practices of other peoples to help indoctrinate them into their greater whole.”

“It’s rather infuriating, to be honest,” Phordata huffed.

“That was obvious,” Aria scoffed.

“And done,” Apsi, the blue haired fairy chimed as she and her friends fluttered before the fully decorated tree. She smiled proudly as she eyed the garlands and ornaments transform the dark green needles of the tree into a brilliant and sparkly menagerie of colors. “What do you think mistress?”

Honey approached the tree and held an ornament of green, white, and pink orbs stacked on top of each other. “It’s lovely. Well done girls,” she cooed as she eyed the tree rest of the tree before falling back to the ornament in her hand, releasing a soft sigh and resting upon an equally soft smile.

“Um,” Aria broke the silence. “Is something wrong? Is that ornament broken or something?”

“No, no,” Phordata chuckled. “She’s just feeling nostalgic. Elesa brought that back with her after a trip overseas. Apparently, it’s based on some of their local food.”

“It was the last gift we got from her,” Honey brushed a couple tears away before looking to the others, a sullen silence gripping each of them. “I’m sorry,” Honey bobbed a little in place. “I just miss her.”

“You have nothing to apologize about,” Phordata rose to hug her partner, softly stroking her quivering white ears. “I miss her too.”

“It sounds like mother had her share of adventures when she was younger,” Xenia looked to the ornament as it sparkled in place.

“Oh, yes,” Honey nodded. “Elesa quite enjoyed traveling. She would always come back with the most fascinating things. Books, clothes, charms, she would even bring Phory some plants.”

“That must have been rather difficult for her,” Xenia wondered aloud.

“Not at all,” Phordata chuckled. “Sis learned how to care for them when we were little.”

“After some insistent nudging from you, right?” Honey giggled.

“Don’t act like you didn’t help me,” Phordata lightly jabbed Honey’s side.

“I wish I could have seen it,” Saya giggled.

“Yeah, I had no idea Queen Elesa liked that kind of stuff,” Aria nodded, Phordata and Honey’s expressions dropping some. “Oh, uh, sorry.”

“They really did take everything away from her,” Phordata gripped dark green dress, her purple hair falling over her shoulder as a tremor of anger and sadness fought within her.

“Now, now, dear. This is a time to be happy,” Honey returned a soft pet. “We’re together now.”

“Yeah,” Phordata nodded as she leaned into Honey.

The others sat in relative silence for a moment, watching their tenderness, when they heard a knock at the door. “A visitor?” Saya looked to the door in surprise.

“I rather doubt it,” Xenia’s eyes narrowed. “We should probably…”

“No need to worry, Xenia,” Honey said as she rose to answer the door. “We do get some visitors from time to time, you know.”

“Especially this time of year,” Phordata added. “In fact, I bet I know who it is,” she said as Honey opened the door.

“Honey,” a woman in a blue and white trimmed coat excitedly rushed her with a hug.

“How have you been?” Honey giggled as she gave a small shiver from the cold embrace. “Please come in,” she led the green coated woman and the other two guests in, the group of three filling into the hallway.

“It’s so good to see you,” the green coat’s voice warmed the chilly air.

“H-hello,” the shorter red coated one gave a gentle bow.

“Who are they?” Aria asked.

“Oh, just some good friends,” Phordata reassured her before turning to the blue coated woman. “It sure has been a while.”

“A year like usual,” the blue coated woman chuckled.

Saya watched her aunts excitedly speak with their visitors, a sense of long lasting friendship filling her as the four eagerly caught up. Her eyes then caught the quiet tremble of the younger girl as she patiently waited at the group’s side. The girl sniffled as she sheepishly poked at her reddened nose and shrinking into the corner. Saya smiled as she approached the girl.

“Hello there,” she squatted closer to the girl’s level. “It is very nice to meet you. What is your name?” she asked the red nosed girl.

“Um. M-my name is Rudolph,” she answered hesitantly.

“Rudolph?” the girl nodded. “That is a rather cute name,” the girl smiled. “Is this your first time here?”

“Mhmm,” the girl nodded. “My seniors thought it would be fun for me to come with them,” she blushed a little as she anxiously eyed the floor.

“Your seniors?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. They’re…,” she gestured to the lilac haired and blonde women, “they’re my seniors. Donner and Vixen.”

“Now, now Rue,” the lilac haired woman leaned over and patted the young girl. “We’ve been over this. We don’t need to use those names here,” the young girl nodded hesitantly as the woman looked to Saya. “You can use Donna, Vixie, and Rue for us,” she chuckled before looking back to Rue. “Also, you can take off your hood now,” she chuckled revealing a small pair of curving, three-pointed antlers. “There is that better now?” the small girl nodded. “Now why don’t you go explore while we catch up,” Rue nodded before scampering away.

Saya looked curiously at Rue’s antlers as she removed her coat and stowed it away before turning to leave, her bright red sweater streaking across the room. She then looked up, noticing Donna’s larger pair and their longer thicker curves, with small splits near the tips. A similar yet different set were affixed to Vixie’s head, who’s antlers seemed to sprawl more wildly compared to the others, waving in multiple directions. The simple yet lovely curves enchanted the young princess as Donna turned to her aunt.

“It’s been quite a year Phordata,” Donna said as she removed her coat, revealing a deep blue sweater underneath, Vixie doing the same to reveal her own lime green sweater. “I hope all has been well here.”

“Better than well. After all, we’ve finally had a bit of a reunion,” Phordata grinned at her nieces. “Let me introduce you. The girl there with the flower hair pin and the precious green dress is Saya, and the one with the long red hair and elegant red dress is Xenia, they’re El’s daughters,” she explained, proudly emphasizing their beauty.

“Elesa’s…” Donna blinked. “This is excellent news,” she smiled.

“Isn’t it?” Vixie grinned. “It’s been so long. I’m so happy for you Phory.”

“So, uh,” Aria interrupted. “What’s up with the antlers? Is that a costume or something? And wait, how did your coats hide them earlier? Are they some kind of enchanted accessories or something?”

“Not quite,” Donna chuckled. “The three of us are all reindeer. And our coats are enchanted, so we can hide our antlers. They can draw a lot of attention otherwise.”

“Reindeer?” Aria gawked. “You, uh, look pretty human to me. The, uh, antlers not withstanding.”

“Heh, I never get tired of these kinds of reactions,” Vixie laughed, Donna giving a pleading side eye. “Alright, alright, I won’t tease them... too much. Anyway, we’re all reindeer that work for Santa.”

“Santa?” Saya repeated. “You mean, THE Santa?” her eyes glittered with amazement.

“That’s right,” Vixie wagged her finger. “Good ole Jolly doesn’t need us most of the year, so during our time off we go out and do our own things.”

“Interesting,” Xenia held her chin in contemplation. “But how do you all look like humans? I was unaware reindeer had such a power. No story I have read implied such a power.”

“Most reindeer don’t, you’re right,” Donna nodded. “But those of us who work with Santa have much greater magic than the others, and as a result we can change our forms.”

“That’s really cool,” Aria crossed her arms excitedly. “But what brings you all here anyway?”

“Well,” Vixie tapped her antler, with a wink. “A certain witch helped heal my antler a number of years back after a nasty crash,” she looked to Phordata who pridefully tossed her hair before striking a pose. “Ever since we’ve been pretty good friends. We try to stop by here at least once a year before we go back to ole Jolly’s.”

“Just be sure not to make too much of a mess this year, you two,” Honey giggled, confusing the others as Vixie and Phordata blushed. “They have a tendency to get a little rambunctious. Isn’t that right, sweetie?” she said leaning into Phordata.”

“Well…” Phordata scratched at her cheek.

“What can I say, you always have the best cider,” Vixie laughed hesitantly. “Right, Phory?” she winked.

“Y-yeah. It’s hard to resist.”

“Oh please, like you hesitate back home,” Donna teased.

“You know you enjoy it when I get tipsy,” Vixie leaned into Donna, their antlers clacking together.

“I enjoy you most times of the year,” Donna stroked her hair.

“Heh, true…,” Vixie nodded before pausing for a moment. “Wait, most?”

“You know you drive me up the wall sometimes,” Donna countered, Vixie falling into a guilty silence.

“I never imagined Santa’s helpers would be so… spirited,” Xenia’s mouth twisted as she searched for the right words.

“You should see them with the other girls,” Honey chuckled. “Plenty of them can get rather rowdy when they want.”

“Oh, do things get a little out of hand with their reindeer games,” Aria inserted.

“Please contain yourself,” Xenia eyed the knight who only grinned in answer.

“Well, go ahead and sit down, Honey and I’ll get you some tea and cider,” Phordata motioned them to the couches in the side room. Donna rose her hand attempting to get the witch’s attention. “I know, Earl Grey for Donna, and warm apple cider for Vixie. I’ve known you two long enough to remember that.”

“So, what do you two do most of the year?” Aria asked as they settled on the plump cushions of the red couch in front of the fireplace. “Do you just hang out in the North Pole?”

“Oh, no, not at all,” Donna shook her head. “We both live in a city. I run a bakery while Vixie performs in some of the local shows.”


“Yeah, I do a lot of dancing and singing,” she winked. Xenia and Aria sharing a peculiar look.

“My that sounds fun,” Saya giggled. “It must be rather nerve wracking with so many people watching you.”

“You get used to it. In fact, it’s rather exciting once you get over the nerves of it all,” Vixie’s head bobbed in pride.

“So, um, what kind of shows do you perform?” Saya asked, Aria’s facing growing red from anticipation. Vixie grinned.

“Oh, you know. The hot and steamy stuff. The real box sellers. The kind of shows that get people…”

“She’s talking about musicals by the way,” Donna cut her off.

“Aww, you’re no fun.”

“Then don’t tease the poor things,” Donna crossed her arms. “Just look at how red you’re making the poor girl.”

“What are they talking about?” Saya asked turning to a red and nervous Aria, Xenia similarly turning her head to the side in embarrassment. “Is something wrong?”

“Uh, no. It’s nothing. Just, uh, some memories from a past trip. Yeah…,” Aria answered. She looked back to Donna and Vixie, the two whispering softly to each other. The two relaxed as Donna seemed to relax and leaned into Vixie. “They really do seem rather close, huh?” she noted with a hushed voice as she watched Donna nuzzle Vixie on the couch. She blushed as Vixie gave a swift kiss upon Donna’s nose, the latter giving a bright smile. “T-they remind me a little like Honey and Phordata,” she coughed, as she attempted to hide her blush.

“I think they look rather cozy,” Saya looked at them with a serene smile. “What do you think,” she looked to Aria innocently, “Aria?”

Heat entered Aria’s cheeks as she watched Saya’s movements, each gentle second passing slower than it should as she fixated upon the princess’s delicate face. She gulped as she held Saya’s warm smile in her eyes. She imagined Saya’s soft face nuzzling up to her like Donna did with Vixie. Her eyes softly traced the details of her face with a quiet shiver. Saya made a concerned pout braking her trance and pulled her to reality. “Uh, yes. They are,” she answered as swiftly as she could.

“So, here you all are,” a familiar voice chimed, the group looking up to see a teal haired elf wave at them. “So, these are our guests.”

“They are,” Xenia nodded. “But, how did you know about them?”

“This little one told me,” Mable said motioning to the small girl clinging to her leg.

“Rue? I see you found a new friend?” Donna looked to the small girl.

“Uh-huh,” she smiled. “I went exploring like you said. But I got lost and wasn’t sure what to do,” she frowned.

“That was when I found her,” Mable smiled. “I was a little confused until she told me she was visiting.”

“Curiosity finally pried you from all of those books then?” Xenia looked to the elf.

“Well, uh, I’ve never seen a reindeer girl before, so I couldn’t not be interested,” she chuckled, attempting to hide her nervous blush. “It’s a pleasure to meet you two,” she greeted the cuddling women. “My name is Mable.”

“An elf too?” Vixie chuckled. “My Phory really has picked up an interesting group.”

“Did you accompany Elesa’s daughters here?” Donna asked.

“Oh, yes,” Mable confirmed. “We all grew up in the castle together,” she explained.

“Castle?” Donna tilted her head. “That reminds me, what brought you all here?”

“Well,” Saya blushed. She sighed, preparing to speak her truth, a pang of shame building against her throat.

“The spell of awakening brought her here,” Phordata answered as she returned with their refreshments. “You know how confusing that can be without proper guidance.”

“I see, say nothing more,” Donna nodded. “I just hope that it brought joy and love into your lives.”

Saya gently nodded. “It has,” she answered with a serene smile.

“That’s not too surprising,” Vixie laughed. “Phory can be quite the sweet den mother.”

“Oh, hush you,” Phordata answered nonchalantly, before looking beyond her guests to look at a fidgeting Rue. “Is something the matter Rue?”

“Well, um,” Rue continued fidgeting, looking up the gentle smile of her senior. “Donna? May I go outside to play?”

“Hmm?” Donna thought to herself. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with you going outside by yourself,” she looked down, Rue frowning in turn.

“I could watch after her,” Saya volunteered.

“Are you sure?”

“I am certain. It would be nice to get some fresh air. Besides, it is rather nice out. It looks to be snowing too,” she smiled. “Would you be okay with that Rue?” Rue excitedly nodded as she darted toward the door. Saya fetched a fuzzy pink coat with equally fuzzy white trim and her matching white gloves, hat, and boots, Rue excitedly running up to her side. “You ready Rue?”

“Hold on,” Aria approached them. “You’re not leaving me behind,” she smirked as she pulled on her brown fur coat and hat and pulling on her black leather gloves and boots, she turned toward Saya with a grin, before tilting her head slightly.

“Is something the matter?”

“Mhmm,” Aria grunted, moving her hands to Saya’s hair, adjusting her hair pin slightly, before returning her hands to her sides with a smile. “There. It was a little loose from all of that moving around.”

“T-thanks,” Saya said, quieting her blush once more. She turned towards the door, following Aria and Rue to the porch.

“Don’t wander off too far,” Aria called to Rue as she ran off and fell into the snow, an energetic giggle filling the air. “Geez, she must really like the snow.”

“Yeah,” Saya nodded. “Thinking about it, it has been a while since we got to play like that.”

“Yeah,” Aria chuckled. “When we were younger we’d run and play all day. Oh, remember when we’d go sledding down the hill just outside the castle?”

“Of course. And I remember that after that we would always make snowmen.”

“I think you mean, I’D make snowmen. You were pretty poor at making them,” she grinned.

“Well, I mean…”

“But you always made the cutest snow bunnies.”

“Heehee,” Saya giggled. “You mean like this?” she said scooping up a handful of snow, before tightly packing it between her hands, leaving some space between some of her fingers. She gently rubbed at the nubs of snow that emerged from the gaps to make a pair of ears.

“Wow, you’ve still got it,” Aria chuckled. “Where’d you learn to do that anyway?”

“Mother taught me I think,” she said uncertainly. “I want to think she was still rather kind to me as a child despite what we have learned.”

“I’m sure she did,” Aria said with a gentle smile. She looked over Saya’s petite form and smiled as she watched the shimmers of sparkling light reflected from the snow twinkle on her face. She blushed as she realized the thoughts running through her mind, hesitating at the urges bubbling in her.

“Miss Saya!” Rue called out. “Could you come here?”

“Of course,” Saya answered, approaching her.

Aria sighed as she watched her leave, contemplating the thoughts filling her. She thought back to how comfortable Donna and Vixie seemed, briefly imagining herself and Saya in their positions, a tingle passing over her as she remembered the thought. There was something thrilling about the idea, but she had to hesitate. She sighed as she considered her feelings some more, trying to keep in mind her role. She was a knight, and not only that, but such feelings… A sudden frigid lump collided with her face. “Wh-what!?” she stammered.

“Aria!” Saya called to her. “Come on!”

“Over here!” Rue waved her arms excitedly. Aria shook her head and quickly dashed towards them.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing,” Saya giggled. “Just look,” she said, pointing to the manakrenia trees as they glowed, the dim evening sky casting their radiance into an ethereal splendor. “Are they not beautiful?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, looking briefly at Saya. “Beautiful,” she smiled as she turned back towards the see of glittering blue waves of light.

Saya looked to Aria and smiled as she saw the lights dance in her eyes. “I could lose myself in them,” she whispered.

* * *

“So, let me see if I have this right,” Mable looked to the cuddling Donna and Vixie, Vixie’s antlers rhythmically bouncing off of Donna’s. “Santa works with a collection of elves at the North Pole, like the stories say, but he pays them and they get time off right?”

“That’s right?” Donna nodded.

“Though, unlike us, they still work year-round like ole Jolly,” Vixie added.

“That all makes sense, but how does Santa get money to pay them?” Mable asked.

“He keeps that a secret, even from us,” Vixie chuckled. “Rumor has it he made a deal with some ancient gods and goddesses to have lots of good crops every year, and he secretly sells his surplus.”

“What sort of crops can sell for that kind of profit?” Xenia wondered.

“I can think of a couple exciting leafy greens that would satisfy that,” Phordata chuckled.

“Yeah, even though the church doesn’t like it, he’s also down for a good time. I hear in his younger days he got it on with some party god or something,” Vixie’s grin grew wider with each topic, an excitable glimmer lighting her eye. “They say he was very good at hashing it out.”

“That is not the sort of answer I was expecting,” Xenia’s voice dropped with uncertainty.

“Well, I’m not certain about all of that,” Honey giggled, “but Santa is a very kind and considerate man, so I doubt he’d do anything harmful.”

“You’ve met him?” Mable’s ears twitched with shock.

“Only a few times. It’s been tougher for him to see us since Ethnerta fell,” Honey’s demeanor fell, the others returning with a mournful look. “Even so, he’s still tried his best. He even showed up when Phory and I made our vows.”

“Your vows?” Xenia repeated with an intrigued tone.

“The equivalent of the church’s marriage ceremony,” Donna chuckled. “It was a beautiful ceremony. Do you still have the book he gave you?”

“Funny that you should mention it,” Phordata grinned. “Saya’s been reading through it for her training. The Undine’s Voice. It’s quite the helpful book for learning about water magic. I still refer to it from time to time.”

“He certainly knows how to pick a good gift out,” Vixie laughed.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Donna gasped. “We have presents for you.”

“Oh, yeah,” Vixie laughed. “I totally blanked on that,” she said as she got up and searched through her and Donna’s coat pockets. “Here we go,” she said handing Honey and Phordata a pair of rectangular boxes, Honey’s wrapped in pink paper contrasting with Phordata’s purple gift. “There’s one for both of you too,” she winked as she handed a pair of smaller boxes to Xenia and Mable, a red one for Xenia and a green for Mable.

“Really?” Xenia twisted her mouth in confusion. “I was under the impression that you were unaware we were here.”

“We didn’t,” Donna giggled.

“Ole Jolly though, he has a way of seeing these things coming,” Donna smirked.

“Aww, a pair of matching bracelets,” Honey giggled as she and Phordata smiled at their new glittering bracelets. They shone with a golden glimmer, small gems glittering along the edge, Honey’s pink and green while Phordata’s was purple and green. “They’re perfect.”

“Oh, wow,” Mable’s voice glowed with awe as she pulled out a pair of silver cones with black gems lining their edges. “Are these what I think they are?” she asked as she began affixing them to her ears. “They are! I’ve aways wanted ear accessories like this. Getting them back in Luxur was impossible,” she gleefully brought her hands to her chest. “What did you get Xenia?”

“Well,” she said, hesitating to open the red package in her hands. She removed the wrapping to find a small black jewelry case, similar to the one sitting before Mable. “She opened it to find a pair of earrings shaped like flames, a single amethyst embedded at the center of each flame. “Goodness,” she looked upon them with awe.”

“They’re gorgeous,” Mable echoed her awe.

“No matter what, I’m always impressed by what he gives us,” Phordata laughed. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say coming together with my nieces was one of his gifts too.”

“They certainly have been a gift to us,” Honey nodded. “Unfortunately, though, we haven’t had time to get anything for you,” Honey frowned.

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Vixie laughed. “We know you’ve been preoccupied.”

“Are you sure?” Honey asked.

“Certainly,” Donna smiled.

“Well, at least let us treat you to some food,” Phordata offered.

“Wait, does that mean we get to have some of your cherry pie?” Vixie eagerly asked as she bounced in place. “Donna, pie!”

“Calm down,” Donna giggled.


“Pie!!!” Rue’s voice echoed as she entered the room, Saya and Aria following closely behind her.

“Welcome back you three,” Donna greeted.

“You’re just in time, we’re going to get everything ready for dinner,” Phordata laughed as she passed them. “Don’t worry, won’t take long to magic it all up.”

“I’ll go to help, since we have some extra mouths this time,” Honey chased after her.

“That’s great, I was getting hungry,” Aria declared as she sat down in an empty seat, Saya sitting beside her.

“Oh?” Saya sounded as she looked Xenia, her eyes catching her new flaming earrings. “When did you get those Xenia?”

“Just now,” Mable answered.

“It appears as though Santa sent some gifts for us,” Xenia continued.

“Speaking of,” Donna began, handing a small yellow and orange box to Aria, who excitedly undid the wrapping. “My, aren’t you excited.”

“Wow, this is so cool!” Aria gawked the necklace inside. She lifted it up, a sword shaped pendant dangling down, a bright orange stone glittering in its hilt. She eagerly put it on, the pendent landing elegantly above her cleavage. “What do you think Princess?”

“Tis beautiful, Aria. It fits you very well,” Saya’s voice glowed with passion as the young knight’s excited smile warmed her cheeks. Aria blushed as she saw Saya’s eyes sparkle with glee.

“You two really are adorable together, aren’t you?” Donna giggled, causing the two to shrink with an embarrassed blush.

“Wow, Donna, and you told me not to tease them,” Vixie laughed.

“Oh, hush,” Donna pouted. “At any rate, this one is for you,” Donna handed Saya another box, the paper having a pattern of alternating cyan and pink, a white ribbon dividing the sole bar of pink in two. She delicately undid the tucks and folds, revealing a fourth jewelry box. She opened it.

“Wow, it’s beautiful,” Aria chuckled as Saya rose a pendant from the box. It was a heavy necklace in her small slender hands, the shape of a pink heart shaped gemstone caressed by what seemed like a pair of white wings all held by durable gold colored string of metal. She held it and looked into it. “Saya?” Aria looked to her. After a moment she began to notice a slight sparkle on her cheek. “Are you okay? You’re crying.”

“Tis beautiful,” Saya whispered as she held it close. “This is the first time I have received a present like this.”

“That’s right,” Aria whispered. “This is the first gift you’ve gotten as you, huh?” she smiled before pulling her into a hug. “I’m happy for you,” she whispered.

“Thank you,” Saya’s voice was warm with joy and gratitude. She looked to a giddy grin from Donna and Vixie as Rue gave a more innocent one. She then to a gentle smile from Mable and Xenia. “Thank you, all of you.”

“Merry Christmas, dear,” she felt a soft hug from behind as Phordata’s voice whispered into her ear. “Congratulations. You’ve made it so far.”

“Thank you, Aunt Phory,” Saya gave big smile. “You too, Aunt Honey,” she looked to the buna, her long ears bouncing with glee.

“Of course, dear,” Honey giggled. “Now then, who’s ready for supper?”

The group gave a warm and hearty cheer as they all headed to the dinning room. The evening was full of exciting stories as juicy as the finely prepared meats at the table. The atmosphere was as warm as fresh mashed potatoes and sweet as the pies waiting them at the end.

Saya enjoyed many meals on her journey, and she had enjoyed plenty of fine food since coming to live with her aunts. Yet not a single meal seemed to match the warm filling energy the night offered. Surrounded by friends and family, new and old, she felt at home. She occasionally stroked her necklace a enjoyed the meal. It brought her great comfort and joy as she reveled in her many satisfactions, satisfactions she could only appreciate thanks to the tumultuous months behind her. However, a single thing continued to grab at her. She looked to Aria as she laughed at a joke Vixie made before smiling. ‘No,’ she thought, ‘the night is perfect as it is.’

Empty plates cluttered the table, as cheerful banter continued between Phordata, Honey, and Donna, a full and happy Vixie cuddling up to her partner. Rue happily giggled as Mable and Aria played small games with her. And Saya and Xenia shared a few words of gratitude for the year’s tidings. However before long, the evening began to finally draw to a close.

“It’s getting rather late,” Donna said with a sad tone.

“You can always stay here,” Honey offered. “You know our home is always open to you.”

“We’d love to, but we need to make it further North before we stop for the night,” Vixie lamented. “I don’t feel like pissing off sis.”

“Really?” Honey looked at her with surprised. “Blizi always seemed rather easy going about stuff like this,” she frowned.

“She is with most things,” Donna chuckled. “But she gets rather serious when it comes to a job. It’s why she’s the leader.”

“Yeah, she keeps a tight ship for Jolly,” Vixie elaborated. “And unfortunately, as her younger sister, I get the most heat from her when I mess up.”

“Aww, that means you have to go, doesn’t it Rue,” Aria frowned.

“Mhmm, Blizi needs us,” Rue answered excitedly. “I don’t wanna let her down.”

“You’re a very responsible girl, aren’t you?” Mable asked, Rue nodding in response.

“Rue’s always looked up to Blizi for a long time,” Donna giggled. “Ever since she discovered that Blizi was the one that encouraged Santa to take her on, she’s been doing her best to impress her.”

“Yeah!” Rue declared as she jumped to her feet.

“Thanks for having us again this year,” Donna said as she fetched her coat.

“We should do this more often,” Vixie chuckled. “Oh, how about in the Summer. You know what they say, Christmas in July and all.”

“You always hear the strangest sayings,” Phordata shrugged as the group proceeded outside.

“It has been wonderful meeting you all,” Xenia gave a dignified bow.

“I hope we can see you again,” Mable smiled. “It’s been a lot of fun, right Saya, Aria?” she looked to the pair, Saya giving an enthusiastic nod.

“Certainly. Tonight, has been one to remember,” Saya giggled. “Right Aria?” she turned to Aria who looked toward the forest. “Aria?”

“Oh, uh, yeah,” Aria gave a quick nod. She quietly watched as Donna and Vixie cuddled up to each other as they turned to talk to Phordata and Honey, who similarly held each other close. Her heartbeat felt loud and strong in her chest, growing stronger as she looked to Saya.

“Aria?” Say looked at her concernedly. “Is something wrong?”

“Well, uh,” Aria mumbled. Part of her hesitated, but her heart rebelled. She could not run away from it any longer, nor did she desire to. “Sorry Saya, but could I talk to you alone for a moment?”

“Of course,” Saya gave a gentle nod. “Please excuse us everyone.”

“Take your time,” Vixie waved. “We’ll be here until you get back.”

Saya followed Aria away from the group, approaching the edge of the forest, their footsteps from before with Rue still forming fresh clear prints. Aria took a deep breath. “Aria?”

“Sorry, I just… I need a moment,” Aria said looking up to the trees. She spied the glittering crystals twinkle in the air like a bright night sky. “This place really is beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It is,” Saya answered. “Getting to live here has been rather incredible. Back home all I ever saw was the same hallways and courtyard. But here, there’s all this vast forest, and these lovely trees.”

“Yeah, they’re, uh, beautiful,” Aria nodded as carefully watched Saya gracefully walk towards the canopy, her coat and skirt swaying with each step. Aria took another deep breath. “But not as beautiful as…”


“No, it’s nothing,” Aria shook her head. “Oh,” she stopped as her eyes caught a set of tracks travel around towards the back of the manor. “Those must be the tracks we made when we were playing with Rue, huh?”

“Yes,” Saya nodded. “She was quite difficult to catch up to, huh?”

“Well, she is a reindeer,” Aria chuckled.

“Yeah,” Saya looked back towards the others. She watched Rue run around in circles as Mable tried fruitlessly to catch up to the small girl. It reminded her of the time she spend with Rue and the time she played with the kids at Gelin. She then began to think of when she was a child like Rue and those other children, and how her mother would play with them. She frowned.

“So, uh…,” Aria attempted.

“Aria,” Saya interrupted. “Watching Rue playing like that, and all that talking about mother earlier, it has gotten me wondering.”

“About what princess?” she asked, swallowing her own question once more.

“Well, um,” Saya hesitated. “Do you think I would be a good mother?”

“Of course, you would be,” Aria answered confidently. “There’s no doubt about that if you ask me.”

“Really?” Saya sighed. “I am uncertain. I am afraid I would let them down or be too soft.”

“What do you mean?”

“With all my studying, I have done a lot of thinking. About who I am. What I am.”

“Princess?” Aria looked at her apprehensively. “You’re not having second thoughts are you?”

“Of course not,” Saya giggled. “In fact, Donna’s gift to me is a good reminder of that,” she brushed her at her necklace, a gentle warmth coursing through her as she held it. “That was the happiest I have ever been receiving a gift. It just felt so right to receive this. And knowing it was chosen by Santa… it feels…”


“Yes,” Saya nodded. “The only other time I have felt like this was that night at the festival. Being there with you. Being just a girl roaming a festival. It was like something from the stories mother read to me when I was little. Being there with you, cradling my new fairy, dancing, and watching those fireworks, it was…” she hesitated to say the words on her lips. She smiled. “It was everything I could have wanted.”

Aria took a deep breath. Saya’s words felt like they were teasing her, on the verge of inviting the words weighing upon her heart. She clutched her hand into a fist and nodded. She refused to turn those feelings away any more. “Princess,” she spoke, taking Saya’s hand into her own. “I…” she stared into Saya’s emerald like eyes and sighed. “Princess. I have something I’ve been wanting to talk with you about.”

“Aria? What is it?”

“It’s just…” she squeezed Saya’s hand in her own. “I have tried to ignore these feelings, but seeing them,” her gaze drifted to the giggling pairs of Honey and Phordata as well as Donna and Vixie. “I’ve realized that, maybe, these feelings are okay. I mean, so long as you… yknow… want me too,” she blushed as she silently cursed herself for being so hesitant. “I just. Everything about you is just… incredible, you know? You’re so kind and sweet. I can’t even begin to describe how cute you are. And you’re probably the most considerate person I know. And I…” she looked up.

“Aria, what are you?”

Saya’s big bold emeralds gazed upon her with a shimmer of hesitation and uncertainty. Her own fear was caught in them, and then it was banished by them. “Princess… Saya… I… I love you.”

“Aria? You…” Saya looked upon her blankly, shock and surprise gripping her.

“I love you. I love being with you. Listening to you. Hearing you giggle,” she sighed. “Ever since you changed, I’ve been struggling to accept these feelings. I mean. I’m your knight. I’m supposed to protect you, not fall in love with you. But… I do. I do love you. And I… I just need you to know that,” she whimpered softly.

“Wow,” Saya giggled. “I…” she wrapped her finger around her hair. “I love you too,” Saya looked into Aria’s shimmering sapphires as they seemed to tremble with equal surprise to her own. “You are so strong and reliable, not to mention the most beautiful person I know. Watching you fight is breathtaking, with how your body elegantly moves. Tis like watching poetry,” she giggled. “I always loved watching you when we were children, but ever since taking this form and becoming comfortable with who I am, I have come to realize that it was more than simple admiration,” she squeezed Aria’s hands back. “I simply love being with you. You may not always be adept with your words, but your passion and energy, they have always been something I have been inspired by… no, I have been infatuated with it.”

“Princess do you mean…?” her words were cut off as Saya’s lips enveloped her own. Aria stood there, shocked and surprised before relenting into the warm embrace.

“Yes, I do,” Saya looked deep into Aria’s grateful eyes. “I love you. And I want to stay with you till the end of our days. Not simply as my knight, buy as my love.”

“Me too Saya,” Aria giggled. “I want you with me always. Not just as my Princess, but as… as my wife,” Aria’s cheeks blossomed with heat upon uttering those words as quickly as a shiver of joy coursed through Saya. “Well, uh, maybe that’s a little too fast, but…”

“Oh, hush you,” Saya giggled. “I can think of nothing more splendid,” she cooed as she wrapped her arms around Aria. Their eyes connected, shaking and wavering with hesitation and excitement as the got closer and closer, until their lips too enveloped one another.

As the two held each other, swaying in bliss, prying eyes chuckled and giggled at the loving sight. “Aww,” Donna giggled, “look at them.”

“Looks like we got a gift after all, wouldn’t you say, hun?” Vixie nuzzled up to her.

“Wait, when did…” Xenia blinked as she turned to a laughing Mable. “Mable? Did you know?”

“Sorry Princess,” Mable’s ears twitched with her snickering. “I noticed a while ago.”

“I think those two will be fine, don’t you, Phory?” Honey smiled.

“Yeah,” Phordata looked over the pair. While she had her issues with knights, particularly those who had hunted her long before she couldn’t help but grin. “She really picked a good one.”

“Donna,” Rue looked up to her senior.

“Yes dear?”

“I love happy endings,” she smiled.


Hello again, I'm going to put a little commentary here since this special is intended to be largely self-contained. The idea for this special came about from a couple of things, specifically a scrapped sequence in the first book and my silly Christmas lore.

While writing book 1 I originally considered having a sequence where Aria confessed her feelings at the end of the book. I ultimately decided not to since the ending already felt really dense and I feel this special does a lot more justice by it.

As for my Christmas lore and the reindeer girls, Donna, Vixie, and Rue. The idea came about last year when I got to talking to my mom about how male reindeer drop their antlers before Christmas. It spurred a whole idea of 'well if Santa is a cool guy, then surely he gives his workers time off and stuff, including his reindeer,' and it snowballed (heh) into the idea here. I'll also say I intend to revisit the reindeer girls later and introduce more of them later on.

As for writing this special, it was a unique challenge. Since I wanted it to be a rather cozy and low stakes story, I was left with less direction than I normally give myself. It was a lot of fun though full of lots of impromptu silliness. On top of that, I wanted to give Donna, Vixie, and Rue plenty of screen time while keeping the others balanced so the size of the special just continued to grow until it got to where it is. I'm glad I managed to get in most of what I wanted and managed to get this out on time.

That's more or less everything I wanted to cover here. Come back on Monday when we pick back up the story proper. <3