Chapter 5: Writhing Shadow 
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Panda Hippo Gnu Deer!

I wish everyone a good 2022.

This year has been rather eventful for me. Of course I started posting here, but also New Year's day of 2021 was when I finished the first draft of the first Floroma book, so to be this far into posting book two means a lot to me.

Hope everyone has a good New Year's day and has a good year this year.

As always, be sure to follow me or jump on my Discord if you wanna keep nice and updated.



“Damn!” Rosa grunted as she caught an oncoming blade with her own. “What are they all doing here!?” she questioned as she repelled the blade, throwing the mercenary backward.

The Lumina Knights were swift as they gathered their members and marched from the town. They hadn’t made it far before they were blockaded by the suspicious group of mercenaries. Before they could call for their surrender or declare their identity, the aggressive men had already set themselves upon them.

“Aria,” Fiona called out. “Protect the Princess!”

“About that, Commander,” Aria answered. “She’s already taken the high road to go on ahead.”

“And you let her!?” Fiona grunted as she swept at mercenary.

“If what we suspect is true, then someone has to make it on ahead, and none of us are nimble enough to make it up that cliff face thanks to our armor!” Aria grit her teeth as she braced herself for an enemy’s attack. “Besides, with her gone, I can give my full attention to these guys!”

“Aria, what’re you saying?” Brooke asked as Aria darted ahead. She suddenly sank to a stop, her feet crunching into the snow and soil beneath her.

Aria took a deep breath as she braced herself for the oncoming strikes. “Oh, mother earth, anchor me with your might,” she chanted. A warm energy seeming to trickle out of her armor as her armored body dug deeper into the ground. Each strike was strong enough to knock back most knights much less herself months ago, but they didn’t even seem to make her flinch now. The mercenaries grimaced in shock as she grinned in anticipation.

She pulled at her blade back causing the series of blades caught against it to slide off and plummeted toward the ground. As the men regained their footing, their lifting gazes were met by the whipping the wind off her blade, the mercenaries flying back and colliding with the twisting curve of the cliff face behind them.

“What was that!?” Altina questioned as she brought her hands to her mouth, in awe of her fellow.

“Oh, just a little enchantment on my sword put on it by my master,” Aria grinned. “And a little anchoring spell,” she chuckled slightly. Although she wasn’t willing to admit it to the witch’s face, she was thankful for the power Phordata had leant her as Saya trained. She could feel the power course through her and its mighty force. She had come a long way from her constant stumbling when she first started.

“So, that is the power of a spellsword,” Fiona smirked. “She has learned well in our absence.”

“Let’s go, everyone!” Aria confidently declared. There was little the mercenaries could do to resist her and the other knights. In due time they began to fall from their positions and scattered like a flock of startled birds. Her confidence buzzed as she ran on ahead to join Saya and help her defend whoever had emerged from the forest. It was then that she heard a loud cracking sound, followed by another. Her heart jumped before she darted onward.

She felt utterly foolish as she beheld the scene before her. So, she had bested some mercenaries. It was something she and her fellows had done many times before, and she knew better than any of them the powers that dwarfed them. Powers like Phordata’s. But she never expected such a threat to present itself here.

They were lucky last time. Phordata bore no ill will. She could’ve crushed them, but she chose not to. William on the other hand had malice in droves. He always seemed to enjoy harassing Xenia and Saya, though she had no understanding as to why. Yet he was just an entitled noble of a prince, nothing too dangerous. That’s what she thought at least, not that it changed the reality before her.

She looked on at her gasping Captain, Princess Xenia, as Saya and Mable held her, William snaking off beyond the ridge. She gripped her enraged fist and discarded her fury. It was her duty to carry her Captain back to town, William could wait. Saya worriedly walked beside her as they passed through the streets, focusing the healing comfort of her magic to her sister’s aid. She made certain not to show her hesitation right now though, Saya was visibly shaken as it was, and she needed someone to support her now. Aria gave her a gentle nudge, Saya looking up to her with a teary expression, the knight reassuring her with a strong yet gentle smile. Her warm smile seemed to calm Saya into a smile of her own. “It’ll be okay,” she promised her princess.

“Yes,” Saya nodded. “She has us after all,” she looked tenderly at Xenia.

The group silently made their way to the building the Lumina Knights were using, and quickly readied Xenia for bed, removing her heavy armor. The group buzzed around until nightfall, giving them all little time to linger and stew in their frustrations as the knights cluttered the hall with bated breath until Fiona finally instructed them to retire for the night.

“They’re really worried, aren’t they?” Mable watched the final knight head upstairs.

“Yes,” Fiona nodded. “But not as much as Princess Saya,” she eyed the tired Princess watch over her sister, her drowsy head bobbing up as she fought her weighty eyelids.

“Xenia,” Saya sighed wearily as she wobbled over the bed.

“Hey now,” Aria said, catching her. “Are you okay?”

“I shall be fine,” she responded holding her head. “But I am still concerned about her.”

“You’ve done enough for her tonight,” Mable said with a soft voice, attempting her most comforting smile. “Her injuries have all closed up, and she’s resting well now.”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. You’ve been working yourself ragged for hours,” Mable scolded her. “What good will it be if Xenia wakes to find you sick because of your efforts?”

“I would rather be sick than watch her suffer,” Saya frowned. “I...”

“The captain will be fine,” Fiona said entering the room. “Princess, Mable is right, you’ve done more than enough to see the Captain to recovery.”

“But,” Saya protested.

“It is rather humorous, honestly. You are rather adept at healing, but it would seem this is your first time providing such care,” Fiona chuckled, Saya looking nervously to the side. “She simply needs her rest now. Closing wounds are important, but the body needs to rest after such ordeals. And you are no exception.”

“Please Saya, listen to them,” Aria pleaded as she held Saya’s hand in her own, her grip tightening with worry. “Fiona, do you have a room we can use?”

“I have several,” Fiona nodded. “I’ll show you to them.”

Saya sighed. “Very well,” she relented. “Rest well sister,” she said giving her sister a gentle hug before rising to leave.

“Don’t worry Saya,” Mable said, “I’ll watch over her.”

“Thank you, Mable,” Saya bowed. “Now shall we be off?” she turned to Fiona who nodded and guided them upstairs.

“Feel free to take your pick,” she smiled, waving to a series of doors upstairs, each with lush accommodations behind them. “This place is apparently an Inn during the busier seasons, so everything should be up to your standards.”

“How about this one Princess?” Aria pointed to one, Saya nodding as the two walked towards it.

“Hold on,” Fiona gave them an odd look. “Is it necessary to help the Princess to bed?” she asked confusedly.

“Uh, well...” Aria blushed, Fiona cocking an eyebrow of suspicion.

“I rather enjoy her company,” Saya giggled. Fiona looking at her unsurely. “Did you not tell her Aria?” she looked to a bright red Aria.

“I… uh.”

“I… see,” Fiona acknowledged, clearing her throat, quieting a growing blush. “I apologize, I just…”

“Tis alright Commander,” Saya giggled at her embarrassment. “Well then goodnight,” she bowed before pulling Aria into the room, only the faint sound of giggling escaping the door.

“By her light,” Fiona sighed scratching her cheek before returning downstairs. She returned to the makeshift medical ward to find Mable as she quietly watched over Xenia.

“Oh, welcome back Commander,” Mable greeted. “Is something wrong? You’re all red.”

“I, um,” she continued to blush. “Mable, were you aware that Aria and the Princess were so...” she coughed from her hesitation.

“Intimate? Yes, they’ve been getting rather close since we traveled,” Mable giggled. “I think they’ve become closer since the holiday though.”

“You make it sound as if it’s completely natural.”

“Well, it is, isn’t it?”

“I am not sure I catch your meaning.”

“Well, attraction takes all manner of forms. It’s not so abnormal for a pair of women to be attracted to each other, don’t you think?” Xenia asked.

Fiona sighed. “In all honesty, I have never quite understood the notion in general.”

“You haven’t?”

“Not particularly,” she shrugged. “I have never felt the need for such a relationship I suppose. But I guess, given all we’ve experienced, I suppose it really is not that unnatural, is it?” she looked to Mable. “What of you?”

“I’m not sure. I could see myself being with another woman, but I’d have to feel safe with them first,” Mable chuckled. “I can’t see myself with a man though.”

“Have anyone in mind?”

“Perhaps,” she gave a small laugh. Fiona joined in on her personal laughter, but louder. “What’s so funny?”

“I suppose it is the distance, is all. I do not think we could have had such a conversation back at the castle,” Fiona gazed out the nearby window. “All this distance has really made me start to realize how petty all the rules we adhered to really were. Particularly in contrast to the people here in Hollow.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when Saya and Aria returned all those months ago, and told me of the secrets the King was hiding, I was shocked, horrified even. I was unable to believe it. But as I have spent time here, I feel I have begun to understand,” Fiona smiled. “The people here do not have need of the King’s rigorous surveillance. Nor do they seem particularly blighted by their sacrilegious practices. They even seem more satisfied. It makes me wonder. Perhaps there is more to the world than I imagined back then.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Mable said with a hushed tone. “The Kingdom was simply full of lies,” she whispered.

“Did you say something?”

“No, nothing in particular,” Mable shook her head, her hair bouncing around her pointed ears. She looked to Xenia. “I do feel guilty though.”

“You said you suggested Xenia come here to relieve her stress, correct?”

“That’s right,” Mable sighed.

“Then there is nothing to feel guilty about,” Fiona rested her hand upon Mable’s shoulder. “You acted to help Xenia. You are not at fault for the actions of those mercenaries, nor of Prince William.”

“I suppose you’re right, but still.”

“Xenia most certainly would not want you punishing yourself like this,” Fiona smirked. “And she would also want you seen to bed.”

“Yes, yes. You’re right,” Mable giggled as the two left the room, dimming the lanterns. She took one lingering look back and smiled. “Rest well my Princess.”

The night sank into the town, the siren of sleep singing all to slumber, her song only dispelled by the oncoming rays of the morning sun. Aria quietly tumbled in her sleep, a soft grasp pulling her towards a soft form. “Mmm,” she mumbled as she sank into the comfortable warmth. She slowly opened her eyes, pried open by the interfering sun. She smiled as she beheld the gentle form of her Princess before her before pulling her close. “You did well last night, Princess.”

The slumbering Saya silently sank into her and giggled softly. “Is someone trying to talk me into staying in bed with her sweet words?”

“Hmm… Is it working?” she asked.

“Most certainly,” Saya wrapped her arms around Aria and cuddled up to her. “Let the sun have her fun with the others. We shall remain here for a little while longer.”

“I agree,” Aria cooed as the two lay in serene silence.

The sweet quiet was disrupted, as a knock rapped upon their door. “Saya, Aria,” Mable’s voice called. “It’s time to get up.”

“Mmm,” Saya grumbled and clung to Aria in protest.

“Is it urgent?” Aria asked with a matching passive aggressive tone.

“Honey is here,” the two looked at each other, Aria releasing a sigh as Saya pouted.

“We shall be down shortly,” Saya surrendered as the two rose and proceeded to get dressed, having to reuse the garbs the used the day before, Saya giving them a brief rinse.

“You’re pretty handy with cleaning, you know that?” Aria teased.

“Just as you are with dirtying them,” Saya poked back, finding a particularly sensitive spot, sending a squeak through Aria’s lips.

“Hey, that’s not fair!” she protested.

“I am quite aware, but I claim the privilege. Making you squeak is rather adorable,” Saya giggled with a highly teasing tone, as the two headed downstairs.

“You’re lucky you’re so cute,” Aria mumbled in turn.

“I am also lucky to have you to tease,” Saya giggled as she entered the hallway.

“Geez, you’re such a handful in the morning,” Aria chuckled as she followed her out. “Well then, let’s go,” Aria lead them to the stairs.

“After you,” Saya smiled as she followed her down. As they entered the Living Room, her eyes opened wide as she saw Xenia sitting in a chair, sipping a cup of tea. “Sister, why are you up?” she asked with an alarmed tone.

“It is nice to see you too, Saya,” Xenia chuckled. “I am doing quite well thanks to your magic.”


“She’s telling the truth,” Honey giggled as she sipped some tea of her own. “After I heard she was attacked I made sure to look her over myself. I’m rather impressed, I couldn’t even tell she had been hurt.”

“Truly?” Saya asked, Honey and Xenia giving an excited and cool nod respectively. “Thank the goddess,” she held her hands in thanks as Fiona arched her eyebrow in consideration.

“You two should really eat something,” Mable noted walking in from Xenia’s room with a bag of materials. “We need to be going soon.”

“Hmm?” Saya looked at her uncertainly. “What do you mean?”

“I came here because I grew worried,” Honey explained. “But that’s not the only reason. I also came because Phory wants you back, and quickly.”

“Did something happen?”

“Nothing bad,” Honey said. “We got a visitor after you all left, and she wants you present to meet her.”

“A visitor,” Honey nodded. “It must be pretty important for you to come here so quickly,” Saya sighed, Honey nodded. “Well, Aria and I can find some food along the way. I would rather enjoy another Danish,” she smiled. “I still wonder where the pastry gets its name.”

“Some fantasy story I believe,” Mable commented. “I think that story you picked up was inspired by the same stories.”

“Hold on a moment,” Fiona interrupted. “Isn’t the trip at least a day in length to get there?” Fiona asked. “It took us half a day to get there from the town’s outskirts, and there’s still the forest, correct.”

“Oh, navigating the forest doesn’t take much time,” Honey giggled. “And it doesn’t take that long by foot.”

“As it turns out, we took a pretty poor and indirect route that time,” Aria said hesitantly. “Guess that’s what happens when you don’t know the area.”

“The townsfolk may also have been testing us at the time,” Mable remarked. “They do like Phordata and Honey after all.”

“I, uh, see,” Fiona relented. “Well then, I wish you all safe travels.”

“Thank you for caring for them,” Honey said, giving Fiona an energetic handshake, taking Fiona by surprise. She looked to Honey and gave a confident nod. “Now then, let us be off.”

* * *

The morning sun continued to rise as the five went on their way to return, a heavy silence blanketing over them as they departed Hollow. As Saya and Mable quietly fretted over Xenia, the knightly princess in turn did her best to maintain a powerful visage to evade their concerns. Aria in turn maintained a careful watch around the land, suspicious of another sneak attack by the mercenaries. All the while, Honey quietly led them back toward the forest, her chipper demeanor seemingly smothered by her thick scarf.

As the group entered the forest, the thick fog began to descend once more upon them. When first they arrived, it was a pervasive force that blinded and separated them, swallowing them in its abyss. What they had not known at the time was that the fog was a natural barrier established long ago to keep out the less magically inclined. Mable’s prior awareness seemed all too obvious now, as the sole user of magic at the time, but now even Aria could see a viable distance. Saya’s sight was now unimpeded due to her mastery, and Mable’s was similarly all the clearer.

Xenia sighed as she clung to Mable’s side, her evident struggles with magic doing little to help her way through the thick cloud. Mable gripped her hand, calming her nerves as they pressed forward. In due time the group had made it to the glowing pink river of mana indicating their imminent arrival and prompting the end of the silence.

“Xenia, Mable,” Honey finally said as she slowed them to a halt. “I hope you two learned something from all of this,” she said, her warm tone gaining a solid firmness to it as she turned to face them. “Phory and I made that rule for a reason.”

“I’m sorry Honey,” Mable apologized. “I… Xenia had been struggling for so long, and I wanted to help. I thought seeing Fiona and the others would help her.”

“I understand that,” Honey frowned, “but this world is hostile to our kind. Even if this William was unaware of her being a witch, I am certain Zerto certainly deployed him suspecting you two would choose this path. You were lucky Saya managed to come to your aid when she did.”

“I know,” Xenia sighed. “I apologize for disobeying you.”

“Xenia,” Saya whimpered.

Honey sighed. “I am less upset that you disobeyed us. I’m more upset because of how worried I was,” she said quietly. “Phory and I finally got to welcome you into our family. If we lost you like that… so soon after… I...”

“Honey, I…” Xenia’s voice shook. “I am sorry I worried you like that. I did not consider how you must have felt. I am truly sorry. It was not fair to you.”

“Just, understand that we care about you, okay?” Honey said. “We don’t want to lose you like we lost Elesa,” her voice shook, sending a similar shiver through Xenia. Being lost like her mother. How could she have become so wrapped up in her own feelings of inadequacy that she failed to see the pain her mother’s disappearance still caused them? “And Saya,” Saya looked to her. “Thank you.”

“Of course,” Saya nodded. “I do not want to lose her either,” she looked to Xenia, who subdued an embarrassed blush. How long had it been since Xenia had worried anyone, much less Saya like this? She was always the one to defend her, the one to do the worrying. It made her feel so strange. This feeling. Did she feel… inferior? She froze for a second before noticing the others begin to pass her by, Mable’s gentle tug compelling her forward.

Her mind wandered again as they marched towards Phordata’s home, her mind lingering on what Honey said. She was not upset that she disobeyed, but that she was worried about her. It was an alien feeling to her. No, not alien, it felt rather nostalgic upon reflection. It was a sensation she had not felt since she was so young. Her mood dropped as she once again recalled the increasingly frustrating wall before her. Even still, she still boggled over a particular question. Why was it her first instinct to apologize for disobeying?

* * *

“Welcome back, my lady,” Vert greeted the group as they returned. “I am glad that you have all returned safely,” she bowed before turning her attention to Aria then to Saya. “Tell me Lady Saya, did my disciple perform well during you outing?”

“Geez, Master,” Aria chuckled. “You sound like you had no faith in my ability to protect her.”

“That would certainly be unfounded,” Saya said pridefully. “After all, Aria served me very well,” she teased Aria as she cuddled up to her. “She dispatched several mercenaries with ease,” she boasted.

“Yeah, your lessons really helped. Thanks for all you’ve done Master,” she bowed to Vert.

“Very well done then, Aria,” Vert nodded. “However, I expect you to exceed my expectations when training in the future,” she chuckled.

“You got it!” Aria answered excitedly.

“At any rate,” Honey interrupted. “Phory and our guest should be in the meeting hall upstairs,” she said before gesturing them to follow her.

They traveled up the stairs and down the slender hallway a way before arriving at a pair of elaborate doors detailed with a pair of women facing each other and flowers blooming around them. Honey gave a gentle, but certain knock before hearing a quiet “come in,” echoed from the other side, prompting her to open them.

The room was clad in a comforting yet bright red carpet with dark red walls, engulfing the room in a lively yet soothing energy. To the left of the doorway was a large fireplace with a lively fire rolling within it. Along the walls were a smattering of tables, chairs, and carts, perfect for small gatherings, the carts being a convenient destination to teleport food to for their small familiars. While the cart seemed clean, the deep markings in the carpets by the freshly moved furniture made it clear that the room had been experiencing a heavy period of disuse. Such a thing could not be said of the center of the room where a pair of large plush red couches stood facing each other, a long table separating them.

On the couch to the right, facing the fireplace, was Phordata, her long purple hair tumbling down her black dress, who upon setting down her tea, waved the others over. Across from her was an elegant woman with a long black dress, with long lacey sleeves and stockings to compliment her refined look. Most notable about her was the pair of velvety black wing shaped ornaments placed upon her head, both folding back toward the back of her head. As Saya sat down beside Phordata, she noticed another pair of wing like adornments folding across her abdomen, their points coming together just below belly. She felt a wave of fascination and attraction towards the beautiful guest who smiled elegantly as she set down her tea.

“Welcome back everyone,” Phordata said as she cuddled up to Honey who let out a small giggle.

“Ehm,” Xenia cleared her throat. “Aunt Phordata, I would like to apologize for...”

“It’s alright,” Phordata gave a small smile. “We’ll talk about all of that later. Although I’m certain Honey already said what I wanted to say,” she gave a knowing nod, causing Xenia to sigh then nod in return. “For now, I would like to introduce our guest,” she presented the ravishing woman. “Everyone, this is Abbysia. She hails from the land of Revan.”

“It is a pleasure to meet all of you,” Abbysia bowed in her seat with a lovely grace.

“Revan?” Aria repeated in shock.

“As in the legendary den of demons?” Xenia wondered aloud, her voice having a particular tremble to it.

“What would a beautiful woman like her be doing there?” Saya asked with a blush. She felt quite taken with her, and struggled to keep her focus, shaking her head as she realized what she had asked. “Apologies, that was rather improper of me to ask.”

“It’s no issue. I’m rather used to it,” Abbysia chuckled.

“You are?”

“Of course,” Phordata chuckled. “Everyone, Abbysia here is a succubus.”

“Wait, a succubus? You mean like a type of demon?” Aria asked in surprise as she hid her reddening cheeks. “One that…” she gulped.

“I did say she’s from Revan.”

“Speaking of,” the demoness interrupted, “while one could describe it as a den, Revan is more of a sanctuary for us demons. It’s our home, and the place where we are allowed to rest ourselves,” she explained. “We take refuge there to avoid the scornful eyes of others.”

“I had no idea,” Saya mumbled, shaking her head again. “Apologies, tis just that you do not behave as I always suspected a demon to act, much less a succubus,” she blushed. “All I have read implied your kind are… temptresses, I suppose. Among other things.”

“Oh?” Abbysia chuckled in a higher pitch raising her hand to her face, her ornaments revealing themselves as bat like wings with an eager flap, stretching from her head and back, while her seemingly brown eyes brightened to a vibrant crimson. “Is this more of what you had in mind cutie?” she winked sweetly, causing Saya’s restrained blush to explode across her face, her charms performing quite effectively. Abbysia sighed. “I apologize, it’s actually rather exhausting how people assume that all succubi are sex craved flirts. I mean, sure, we feed off sexual energy, but we’re not that different from other beings like yourselves,” she said as she brushed back her loose strands of black hair.

“Er, unless what I’ve heard is wrong, I was under the impression that succubi drain away people’s essences,” Aria looked at her hesitantly, scratching at her own blushing cheeks.

“In those so called ‘legends’ perhaps, but not in reality,” Abbysia explained. “Yes, we consume sexual energy, and sex helps stimulate us and helps us take in mana, but we don’t eat people or anything. If anything, we just take what a person naturally releases,” she shrugged.

“She’s correct in that,” Phordata crossed her arms. “Succubi have a bad reputation, as do incubi, but, and this goes for many demons, much of it is full of lies and inaccuracies. It is rather similar to what is said of ourselves. While there are demons that eat humans, it’s rarely been their preference outside of specific points of conflict in the past.”

“I see, I guess that makes sense,” Aria nodded. “It’s not like this would be the first thing we learned about that was full of lies,” Saya nodding in agreement.

“I’m glad you understand,” Abbysia sighed in contentment.

“Hmm,” Phordata gave a small chuckle. “I’m impressed. Seems you’re finally starting to accept the complex nature of things.”

“More like I’m just exhausted of being surprised all the time,” Aria lamented.

“Um, so why are you here?” Mable asked, Abbysia looked to the elf, the two locking eyes for a second. Mable’s face sparked with sudden apprehension as Abbysia looked at her with an intrigued look.

“Yes, I think it’s about time we got to that,” Phordata nodded.

“Right, then I should start, shouldn’t I?” Abbysia gave a quick nod. “I came to request your help.”

“Our help?” Phordata asked.

“Tales of your resistance against the human kingdoms is something that many of us talk about in Revan,” Abbysia explained. “It would be an understatement to say that your actions have been inspiring for us. For many of us it gives us hope for the future,” Phordata frowned as she spoke as she considered those words. “That’s why, I came here hoping you could help me.”

“Has something happened?” Mable asked.

“Lady Phordata explained to me about you four,” she looked to Saya and the others. “Given your comfortable lives, you may not know this, but there has been many a rumor among my people of humans who capture demons and take them to their kingdoms for who knows what reasons. Recently, most of those rumors have been centered around Luxur.”

“Luxur?” Saya repeated, a somber shock trembling in her voice.

“Yes,” Abbysia nodded. “In fact, I actually found proof recently that one of the ones behind these disappearances is a noble near the old border of Luxur and Ethnerta. And among those he’s captured… is my sister.” A hard silence fell across the room. “I’m terrified about what may be happening to her. My sister was always so kind and warm. She always went out of her way to help others, even at our risk. I couldn’t stand it if something happened to her. I need to help her, but my powers wouldn’t be enough,” she said looking to her hands. “But if I had your help, then maybe… I might be able to save her. So please, Lady Phordata, help me find her. I’m desperate and I have nowhere else I can turn to. There’s no one else who would even be willing to listen to me. Please help me save her.”

“Abbysia,” Phordata frowned. “I want to help you. Truly I do. I know what it feels like to lose a sister. But I’m not certain I can help you. The last time I fought Luxur, I… I nearly lost everything. And I can’t put my nieces into harm’s way. Not after I’ve finally had them come back to me,” Abbysia’s face began to fall. “I wish I could help, but I...” her voice shook.

“Aunt Phory,” Saya looked to her pleadingly then to the crestfallen Abbysia, then to her own hands. She was lucky to have her family, lucky to be surrounded by kind and caring people. But she was also aware of the pain and fear of losing them. She had been haunted of the idea of losing her sister, first out of rejection, and again as she barely stopped Xenia from vanishing from her life altogether. She looked to Abbysia, her sorrowful face reminding her of her pain. “I wish to help her,” she said with confidence, the others snapping to look at her.

“Saya, we just went through this with Xenia, we can’t…” Honey objected.

“I know that, but that is also why I know the pain she’s feeling,” Saya gripped her chest. “And besides, if Luxur is involved… if father is involved, then I want to… I need stop him.”

“But Saya,” Aria looked at her.

“It is father’s will that allowed this pain to fester. As his daughter… as a witch who has suffered because of him, I have to stop him from hurting someone else,” Saya looked to Abbysia who seemed to tear up at her argument. “Our family is at fault, and I have to stop it.”

“I agree with Saya,” Xenia nodded. “It will certainly be dangerous, but I refuse to be complicit in these vile machinations any longer.”

Phordata sighed. Then she chuckled, Honey giving a soft grin with her. “You two remind me so much of your mother. She would’ve said something just like that,” she smiled. “Alright, you win. We’ll help you Abbysia. We’ll help you save your sister.”

“Truly?” Abbysia quietly began to weep. “Goddess. Thank you. Thank you so much,” she cried, Xenia looking upon her. This young woman was so desperate because of her own home and father. She could not sit idly by as she suffered. She gripped her fist.

* * *

Xenia sat upon her bed as she quietly reflected upon her choices. She clenched her hands and tried to focus on her breath. She took a deep breath, and another, then another, she tried continuously, with each attempt feeling harder and more strained than the last. Her mind could not help but be scattered. Not only had she been struggling to use her magic for months, but she could also tell her training had begun to dull in her focus upon magic.

‘You are out of control,’ Sir Viren’s words echoed in her mind as they had done for the past several months. She recalled his harsh but effective training, as well as the other education she had received as a young knight. She also remembered how much it contrasted with Lady Ayana’s approach to her studies, how kind and considerate she was. She was specific in her critiques, and wise in her advice.

But even so, she was a weak ineffective girl under Ayana’s ways, and Sir Viren helped reveal that weakness and mold her into the tough knight she had become. Molded, hardened, and sharpened, becoming a sword of the kingdom. Becoming a tool of the kingdom. She sighed as her mind fruitlessly flipped through these ideas. It made no difference what happened to her, she was stuck this way now, and she still had no idea as how to proceed as the mere weapon she had been crafted into.

She shook off her stupor and focused again upon her trunk. She still had much to prepare for their departure ahead, and she had little time to linger on these idle thoughts.

In a nearby room, Mable stood before her own trunk, quietly folding clothes and stacking them upon her instruments. Her mind toiled with the events leading to William attacking Xenia. Sure, she was hurt too, but Xenia nearly perished, and that burden was fully upon her shoulders.

She nearly led her friend to slaughter. She may have intended to help her feel better, but all she invited was further pain to her. And that didn’t begin to approach the other shadows gnawing upon her mind. Was this harm the reason that she… she shook her head, desiring not to think such thoughts.

“I hope I am making the right choice,” the two girls whispered to themselves.