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It had been more than two months since I arrived inside the ring. One of the perks of living inside the ring was the fact, that since the day I arrived, I never felt hunger ever again. Useful, since, food and drink seemed really hard to come by.

There was no succession of day and night in this place so how could I count the time?

It was all thanks to an artifact, an hourglass the size of a man that will reverse once a month, six times during a year.

In this place the size of a basketball field, there were many other items just like that.

As I saw, a sword that could release lightning on its own, piles of shiny qi crystals, I started to understand in which kind of situation I found myself.

My life had just entered a new level of bizarre.

Every day, when I woke up, I will go around the inner space of the ring searching for any flaws that I could use to attempt my escape.

It was pretty laughable since I had never been well versed in physics, nor did I know anything about the law of space.

There were many crates in this place. Some were easy to open, others that had been sealed by unknown means that I could not even fathom.

One day, even though I did not know how, as the method involved a lot of striking, knocking, and hitting I managed to open one of the sealed crates.

Inside were row upon row of jade slips. Taking one of them in my hands I the jade seemed cold and warm at the same time under my touch.

There were mysterious symbols upon them, and for a second, I had the impulse to take a closer. But quickly, remembering how I got inside the ring, I restrained myself.

I continued to inspect the little treasury for weeks.

Apart from the qi crystal, there were wooden crates that contained strange plants, and fruit that looked delicious at first glance. Their smell was also enticing.

As time passed, I started to lose my sanity. At least once every two days, I will hear another voice as if there was someone other than me, but I had searched well and I knew that I was alone in this realm. I wondered if someone else will find the ring and join me, smiling at the tough that my companion could be a beautiful woman. That we will have a child and that this place will become our beautiful house.

I broke out of my trance and quickly erased the smile on my face feeling horrified.

" I am becoming crazy, starting to like this place. I need to do something now, even if it is crazy" I decided.

A crazy thing I did. I took one of the jade slips I had found and had not dared to touch, trying to inspect it.

As it got too close to my face, I started to feel a strong headache. I put it away for a second. Soon, gritting my teeth,  I decided to put it right in front of my eyes, and the next moment I felt as if my brain was going to explode and heard something break inside my head. I was assaulted by a strong sense of weakness and fell unconscious.

When I woke up, I was all foggy. I found that I was bleeding from my eyes, my nose, and my ears, I could not even move a finger. I could not even look at the hourglass to know how much time passed. I started counting the second and doing it seemed to suppress the pain.

Millions of seconds later I could finally move once more. There was some foreign knowledge in my head that I needed to organize, or digest as this knowledge seemed to indicate.

I learned that jade slip was, means, to transmit information more effectively. It was just like and USB Drive that could connect with people's brains. As for the reason, why it put so much strain, it was firstly because I was new to the process, and secondly, because my spiritual energy was too low.

"New words, new concept, discoveries..."

I tried to convince myself as I was holding the second jade slip in my hands. The result was the same, atrocious for my health and delectable for my intellect.

As I recovered, it was followed by the third, the Fourth, n-rth.

I was starting to feel like a masochist, feeling pleasure in pain.

I learned many things that made me hopeful, that I could one day leave the ring.

The first thing was the fact, that to activate, the jade slip, one needed to use spiritual sense. The source of spiritual sense was somewhere around the eyebrow. It is the reason why a weak being like myself could only rely on exhausting his spiritual sense to activate the jade slip. The consequences of this kind of activity were clear to observe.

The good news was that a space ring followed the same principle. One could inspect the inside with a spiritual sense. One could also take items from the inside out using a spiritual sense.

" does it mean that if I can train my spiritual sense enough, I will be able to escape from the ring?" The simple thought made me ecstatic.

I found that I could increase my spiritual sense, by training It as I was already doing through exhaustion and recovering; I could use treasures pills and ingredients; I could also cultivate as a higher realm mean an increase in a spiritual sense.

Invigorated, I started to proceed with that plan. 

In a jade slip, I found a cultivation technique, and skill to cultivate spiritual sense. Thanks to that, I could recover faster after studying every jade slip.

It was the only thing to do and it was somewhat fun.

The jade slips covered all kinds of subjects, covering many interesting fields, alchemy, blacksmithing, beast taming, herb gathering, gardening, swordsmanship, craftmanship...

I could feel my spiritual sense, growing every day. It felt both like a sixth sense and another limb. As I trained the reach increased from one inch outside my body to one meter.

I could move effortlessly, with my eyes closed, all my senses were enhanced, and even without them, I could rely solely on my spiritual sense. I could also move objects using a spiritual sense.

I did not need to stand up anymore, to open a crate. I will make the fruit float toward me by itself. 

Even though I did not need to eat anymore, I grew fond of these spiritual fruits with a taste rivaling the best dish I had ever eaten.

One day, after, another training session I decided to release my spiritual sense around me. 

During these 2 years, it had grown to a point where it could reach every inch of this place, it was only blocked by the unknown silvery metal used to make the ring. For a month, my spiritual sense had been unable to go past it.

But after my recent breakthrough, I knew that my spiritual sense had reached a breakthrough both in quality and quantity.

Without surprise, my spiritual sense encountered resistance near the metal " walls" but this time my spiritual sense was even more elusive than in the past. It went past the silvery surface and the next instant I could sense in a one-meter radius area around the ring.

Unsurprisingly, I was not in the street anymore.

' now I can understand why no one joined,' I remarked sarcastically.

Everything was dark outside but thanks to the spiritual sense I knew that I was in a tunnel in a grotto, two meters deep underground.

I was even more surprised by the fact that from the exterior the room looked quite rusty.

" at this rate, no one other than me will touch it' 

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