Chapter 24 arc 3 YAY!
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FINALLY I GOT IT. Yeah, I'm going to mess my story up a bit further. BUT OH WELL *continues*


Fun fact, I have no idea what's going on either.



When I came back to reality, I saw the hero looking at me with her eyes squinted.

‘What?’ Was all that I could think before lots of unknown dark energy started to gather inside and outside of my body. I felt my body transform. When it finally ended, which was in a flash. I had another pair of wings on my back, then a pair of short, dragon-like horns protruded out of my forehead. Now that I looked at the hero again, I had a wider field of view and my sword was covered in a colorless flame.

(Look up ‘nitromethane’ it’s a cool gray-looking flame.)

I laughed.

“Heh, this is cool-” As I was talking, I started spitting out the same fire with every breath, it didn’t burn me or anything of the sort.

I didn’t even wait for a second and flew near the hero with the speed of sound, and this time I managed to take her arm.

“Aaaah!” She screamed in pain again.

I saw that annoying light again and her arm started growing back. I flew back again, and this time I inhaled deeply and then I spewed the colorless flame onto her.

Once it touched her, it stayed on like it was glued on her and the light stopped glowing.

“Tch, so now I can’t use the divine energy. She is harder to deal with than expected.” I heard her mumble.

‘Divine energy? What the fuck is that?’

When she saw my puzzled expression, she realized that she fucked up. She immediately used light mana to create an illusion of her running one way, when in truth she ran away the opposite way.

I decided to let her go, because she isn’t a pressing matter for now. The pressing matter is the dragon that’s been staring at me the whole time.


*POV – Rotsgard*


As we were watching the battle unfold between the Hero and the Demon Queen, Liliana was lured into the Hero’s trap and was thrown away by the explosion. She quickly stabilized herself in the air and suddenly started to emanate something dark. I couldn’t tell what it was, so I asked Eldur.

“M, tell me what is that dark stuff she’s emanating, because I can’t understand half the stuff about magic.” I turned to him, only to see the feller in tears.


“Eldur, are you okay?” I asked him.

“Y-yeah, sorry I lost myself a bit there. So, what did you want to ask me?”

“The dark stuff that the Queen is emanating, what is it. I can tell it’s not magic, but what is it exactly?”

“Oh that. That is special kind of Divine energy, oh, Divine energy is something that only Gods can use, and those who are close to any of the Gods or are related to them. In the hero’s case, she has blessings of the God’s as I can feel. Whereas the Demon Queen, her Divine energy has a very close resemblance to a god I used to know.”

“Hmm… So in short, this is something very strong and to not be on it’s bad side.”

“Yes, she already has the strength of an army, now with the Divine energy at use, she can demolish whole kingdoms if she wishes to.”

I could only sigh at this point.

“Really, what sort of neighbor do I have…”

“Oh, looks like the fight is over.” He suddenly spoke.

When I looked over, all I could see was a flash of light and then heard.

“Looks like I still can’t match a dragon.” I heard Liliana speak.

“Let me say. For a vampire-dragon deity, you are pretty weak. BUT, for a normal vampire or from a human’s point of view, you have the strength of an army.” Eldur spoke to her.

“So it looks like I still have ways to go, huh.” She landed on the ground from his arm.


*POV – MC*

After the hero ran away, without wasting a single moment I went for the dragon. I looked at him from my point and saw that he used a human form. I flew at him like a lightning bolt and tried kicking his head. Only to be blocked by his forearm. The force of our clash was enormous.

“Looks like I still can’t match a dragon.”

“Let me say. For a vampire-dragon deity, you are pretty weak. BUT, for a normal vampire or from a human’s viewpoint, you have the strength of an army.” He spoke.

“Looks like I still have ways to go, huh.” I landed on the ground and dusted myself. The matter of me being a deity just flew over my head.

“What the fuck were you doing?” I asked Rotsgard.

“Uhmm… We were doing negotiation talks.”

“We were drinking together.” The dragon gave it away.

I sighed, only to see more fire coming out of my mouth.

“Hey, what’s your name?” I asked the dragon.

“Oh, my name is Eldur, one of the five elemental dragons, the fire dragon. I kneel down before thy grace.” I could feel every bit of sarcasm going through his words.

“Geez, you may raise your head.” I answered with every bit of sarcasm I could.

“I deeply thank you.”

“Okay, shut up with it, or else I’ll take away the wine you’re drinking.”

““Okay!”” Both of them answered.

“So, Eldur, explain to me when will my new form go away. And what exactly happened to me that caused me to acquire it.”

“Oh, that is simple. It will go away in mostly an hour. As for what caused you to acquire it. It must be that you have some relations to the Gods.”

“Hmm… So, I’ll stay like this for an hour and I have some relations to the gods?”


“Pfft, impossible. Last time I met them it didn’t go well. I can’t remember seeing anyone else also.”

“You say that it’s impossible for you to be related to a God. But here you are, in this form you are a half god. When you will be able to fuse with it, then you will be a god.”

“So, I can become a god someday?”

“No, you are already a half God. You just need the other half to become a full God.”

“Okay, let’s leave it at that. So, what do you want in order to not destroy this place?”

“I wish to taste more of this wine and to meet Nyx once again.”

“Who is Nyx?”

“I believe you are related to her. Because right now you are emanating Divine energy that is almost similar to her own. It’s as if you were her daughter, but that is impossible, because she is cursed to be virgin forever.” He smirked.

“Oh.” I just realized.

“So that was what all of it was about.” I mumbled.

“What was she talking about?”

“Nothing much. Someone told me to get back at the battle, that’s it.”

“That sounds a lot like the Nyx I used to know, a battle maniac.”

“Okay, so who is this Nyx that you are talking about? Tell me more.”

“Where should I start? Ah, I can start from her status as the Goddess of Dragons.”

Ayyy, am alive. I re-wrote the end of this chapter because it gave me a creativity block. Now that it's gone, I should come back shortly.