Chapter 2 : Richard Wild Thorn
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The young master had changed. Once an equivalent to a rampaging boar, he turned into a subdued small hamster.

‘I should’ve given him a hit on his head a long time ago’

Looking at Richard who looked completely crest fallen, while hugging himself. Dorota smiled as she called to him.

“Come on young master, we must hurry before the master arrives”

At her words Richard gave her the coldest look possible from his pitiful state. To which Dorota gave a beaming smile and said,

“If you’re tired young master, I could call Bartha to carry you”

With a shudder that ran through his entire body, Richard briskly started following Dorota to the study room. Stealing a glance at Richard, Dorota thought to herself,

‘How cute’


‘I feel violated… I can’t become a bride anymore…’

As I sat in my study room, waiting for my ‘father’ Jan Wild Thorn. I questioned my life from now on, and how the hell, the other protagonists of those other world stories were able to get so used to such situations so easily. Wallowing in despair though, would’ve been the worst possible choice considering the circumstances. Looking through the books and documents in the study, I was able to figure out a lot about this world.

Arul, a world created by the ‘Creator’, a place of exile for the many races that once inhabited ‘paradise’. An amazing discovery, but the fact was, this ‘world’ was a more in-depth replica of a game I played.

“Puri, Puri, Princess: Heart of Love”

‘A goddamn reverse harem…’

With a cutesy name like that, you’d think of a light hearted read. It was a choice based visual novel about a daughter of a viscount who ends up being entangled with multiple handsome men and a plot to destroy the world. Why a manly man like myself was playing a game like this was simple. It had sex scenes, and the main character and side character girls were hot. A plus was that it was entirely animated.

There was a slight problem though, I skipped the plot.


I just wanted to see the sexy pictures, not read how some handsome dude was falling for me. If I knew this would happen, I might’ve paid more attention while playing the game, instead of just skipping the dialogue.

At least it wasn’t completely a lost cause, even if the majority of my memories on the game consisted of moaning, I still remembered about the character I was now.

Richard Wild Thorn, was one of the characters you meet at the start of the game. A drunkard, lecher with a quick temper. He dies immediately in his first encounter; a drunk Richard tries to cop a feel on the main character. The main character’s knight in shining armor Baron Arlo Tutuila arrives to vanquish the evil pervert. Imagine the cliché of a knight in a full armor arriving from the woods, riding a majestic white horse.

So long as you avoided meeting the main character or refrained from drinking, you’d think you would survive fairly well.

Unfortunately, Richard was the Easter bunny of the game. Every single Easter egg found in the game, some way or another relates to Richard dying. A newspaper you get in a hidden dialogue option, tells the story of a noble dying from a stubbed toe. Yes, it was Richard.

‘How the fuck do you die from a stubbed toe???’

One hundred and one, that was how many Easter eggs you could find and how many ways Richard ended up dying. It was later known that the Easter eggs were spoilers for the developers’ new game, “Maid-Sama, Please Be Gentle!”.

‘… Was it you…?’

As I cautiously looked at the maid standing next to me, my mind was on full throttle. Dorota, the first person I met since coming to this world. A hundred percent pure evil individual that would take advantage of a defenseless person (Me). I’ve seen her employee records, she joined together with ‘Bartha’ just 3 months ago. She’s already the head maid in only 3 months when she originally applied for the regular maid position.

‘The beast and her master, out to kill Richard!’

‘Yes! That had to be it!’

But even with that information (complete speculation), I was totally stumped on what to do. It wasn’t as though I knew the complete reasons and how for him dying, only as far as the Easter eggs would let me know. And it was really not a lot. Defending myself wasn’t possible either, Bartha could just flick her finger to end my little life. Magic as well wasn’t possible, even if the game did have magic. It was at the level of just the game saying magic was used, never explaining how.

‘Should I just ask her…?’

Dorota seemed to notice my stares as she asked,

“What’s wrong young master?”

Making up my mind, I decided to ask her in the most roundabout way I could possibly think of.

“Dorota… am I really that unlikable?”

A/N: roundabout my ass.


Dorota was stumped.

In the first place Dorota’s only direct confrontation with Richard was in her interview and the day she was promoted. Dorota made an effort to stay out of Richard’s sight, considering the rumors and stories that were said about him. Today was the second day of being promoted to head maid. She only got promoted because the last head maid had recommended her, and Richard who was completely hammered at the time nonchalantly waved it off and let her take the position.

From what she had seen and heard of Richard thus far, he really wasn’t a pleasant person to be around. Richard is drinking almost 90% of the time, and when he’s drunk his lower half does the thinking. The 10% of the time he’s sober, Richard is easily irritable and often gets into fights with people. When he has his hangovers, his emotions and mood swings are so unpredictable that every employee in the mansion avoids him like the plague.

The first time she met Richard was the day of her interview. The pay was ludicrously high for a maid job, owing to the fact that Richard would ‘indulge’ himself occasionally in the maids’ work. His hair as dark as the night sky, yellow eyes that seemed to give a bright glow perfectly complemented his pale white skin. He would’ve been handsome if not for the blatant aura of purple lust coming from him.

Dorota was clever, she was able to convince Richard to sign a contract to let her only friend Bartha to be hired together with her. She knew Bartha would protect her from anything. When Richard met Bartha, he could only curse under his breath. As much of a scum Richard was, he had undeniable guarantee of always abiding by his contracts. As though the devils’ blood was present in him.


Coming out of her reminisce when Richard called her. Dorota scrutinized him,

‘He really is different…’

‘Did he really lose all his memories…?’

The Richard now was the complete contrast of the Richard she knew. His appearance was the same, but he was undeniably different. The largest factor was when he looked at her, his aura of purple lust was nonexistent. He was a lot meeker and she could see fear in his bright eyes.


Dorota spoke what she thought out loud.


Richard was utterly confused. Noticing what she had done, Dorota coughed and spoke

“Young master is very cute.”

‘Is this woman high?’


A response that could only come from a crazy person. Not only was this woman evil, she was clearly insane.

I knew Richard, since I had found every single Easter egg in the game. The descriptions of the Easter eggs were the only time I read, since it contained clues to finding the others. Though not much information, it could still paint a pretty clear picture. Richard was the furthest thing from ‘Cute’. ‘Handsome’ maybe, but ‘Cute’, impossible.

“Young master, the marquess has arrived”

As I was resolutely readying myself to find whatever excuse to fire and get rid of this evil crazy woman, a knock on the door and a man's voice announced the arrival of my ‘father’.

‘Why do I hear boss music?’