Season Final: Show Them What It Means to Be Number One!
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The camera opens up to Endeavor flying in front of the Nomu.

Hawks:"Endeavor, you can fly?!"

Endeavor:"I'm just not falling! Stay sharp! This thing can still move."

The Nomu starts to regenerate.

Nomu:"Y-You didn't think you... c-could kill me... w-with this f-fire."


Endeavor:"Regeneration... The one at Hosu could do that, too. A power I didn't see with the white ones... Does that mean the black ones are special? If that's the case, then this one's special even among them. Because... it can talk!"

A mouth appears on the Nomu.

Nomu:"...Did you?"

Endeavor:*Pulls his fist class.* "In that case! I'll take it alove to get information! Flashfire Fist... Hell Spider!"

Endeavor fires some shots at the Nomu and it dodges. Then the Nomu rushes at Endeavor and punches him into the building. Endeavor struggles with the grip of the Nomu. Then the Nomu puts more force into his arm and the window behind Endeavor Shatters. The Nomu pushes Endeavor through the building and out the other side.

Endeavor incinerates the arm that holding him and the Nomu immediately starts to wrap Endeavor up then the Nomu enlarges his arm and swings his arm through the building and cuts it in half at a angle. Endeavor gets out of the Nomu's grip and stops a ways from the Nomu. He has some blood falling down his face.

The top of the building starts to fall. Hawks uses his feathers to get people out of the building. The Hawks starts to fly after the Nomu.

endeavor:"Flashfire Fist... Hell Spider!"

Endeavor sends out multiple shoots and it destroys most of the Nomu's body.

Hawks:"Is that the best you've got?"

Endeavor:"Of course not!"

Endeavor sends out a whip like attack and it destroys the top of the restaurant. Rubble starts to fly everywhere and Hawks uses his feathers to catch the rubble. Hawks falls onto the roof of a nearby building.

Hawks:"You've never cooked before, have you, Endeavor?!" *He starts to run backwards to keep up with Endeavor.* "Your 'bits' are chopped to roughly! You need to cut them into even pieces."

Endeavor:"You should stop talking and save your strength for moving."

Hawks:"Well, when I lose too many feathers, it makes it hard to fly."

Endeavor:"Sorry about that."

Hawks:"Io should be here soon, anyway."

Endeavor:"I don't need help from the old man."


It's suddenly shoot in the side of the head. The Nomu looks down to see two local heroes.

Hero:"Endeavor! Hawks! We'll back you up!"

One Hero launches disks at the Nomu and the other launches his fists at it. The Nomu doges the disks but the fists hit him.

Nomu:Y-You're in the way!"

Suddenly white and grey Nomu's come out of the main Nomu.

Endeavor:'It split itself?! The colors are different... Were they stored inside its body? I'm starting to overheat...' *Endeavors thinks back on what the Nomu first said to him.* 'If we take those words at face value, then its goal is to fight against the strong.'

The Nomu starts to regenerate. 

Endeavor:'A very villain-like train of thought. So in order to continue its fight with me, it's splitting off my backup, huh? This Nomu... is thinking.'

The other Nomu's start to attack civilians, but Hawks stops them.


Hawks uses his feathers to move the civilians away.

Hawks:"OKay, get back until you can't see what's going on. To be frank, I'm pretty helpless against power types. My back won't be enough to let you feel safe. Io, please hurry up."

The camera moves back to Endeavor and the Nomu.

Nomu:"You... a-aren't firing... anymore? Th-Th-The heat rays. Or you can't fire? If that's the case..."

Endeavor:'You're perceptive, too, huh? Flashfire Fist compresses and contain flames under super-hot temperatures and releases them in a single-blow ultimate move. If I use it recklessly, my body temperature rises, and  my bodily functions deteriorate. But, on top of having less speed and power than it, I also don't know how many Quirks it has, so not using it would be fatal! My body continues to fill with heat. That was the reason... That was the reason... That was the reason...'

Flames bursts out of Endeavor and he shines brightly.

The camera moves down to a reporter.

Reporter:"Oh, just now! Can you see it? Endeavor! He's so bright, even at this distance! He;s discharging intense flames!"

The camera moves over to Endeavor and the Nomu.

Nomu:"Let me t-try out my power... m-my new strength on you!"

Multiple arms burst out of the Nomu and he launches them at Endeavor.

Endeavor:"Burn up in a purgatory where you can't run or regenerate fast enough and be quelled! Prominence Burn!"

Endeavor shoots a giant large fire blasts at the Nomu.

Endeavor:"I can't look pathetic... right now!"

Endeavor incerates the body but the Nomu's head is falling to the ground.

Nomu:"Too bad."


The Nomu flies at Endeavor and it slashes his face.

The camera moves to 1-A droms and the students are watching the News and they see Endeavor falling out of the sky

The camera moves to 1-A droms and the students are watching the News and they see Endeavor falling out of the sky. Shoto's eyes are wide.

The camera moves back to Endeavor and the Nomu is standing over him

The camera moves back to Endeavor and the Nomu is standing over him

Nomu:"Boring. A-Aren't there any stronger heroes around?"

The camera moves up to a news helicopter.

Reporter:"The villain that appeared suddenly is trampling the city all by itself! I can't confirm this, but it seems that many bioengineered human Nomus have also appeared. Currently, the heroes are fighting them and evacuating people. However, Endeavor, who was the first to respond, has been wounded... This scene... I can't help but remember the nightmare at Kamnio three months ago..."

The camera moves down to Endeavor and he gets back up and charges at the Nomu. He shoots at the Nomu and it doges.

Nomu:"Too slow."

The Nomu whips Endeavor away.

Nomu:"More.. m-more... power..." *The Nomu then looks off to the side.* "Humans... over there..." *The Nomu jumps towards where the civilians are.*

The camera moves over to the streets and the civilians notice the Nomu and they start to panic.

Reporter:"There's no Symbol... This is what it means to have no Symbol..."

The camera moves over to the 1-A dorms.

Shoto:"You've got to be kidding me..."

Tokoyami:"Everyone's panicking! This is bad."

Aizawa:"Todoroki... You already saw it?"

Sero:"Mr. Aizawa!"

The camera moves back to the reporter and a shadow flies over her.

Io:"Revenants: Slash!"

The camera moves to show Io, in casual clothes but wearing his cloak and has his mask on. He slashes at the Nomu and cuts an arm off.

Nomu:"S-Someone strong?"

Io:*Surprised.* "It can talk!"

Nomu:"F-Fight Well H-He-Hero."

The Nomu regenerates it's arm and punches at Io and Io doesges it and jumps to the sky.

Io:"It also has regeneration. Damn, I wish I had brought Dammerung." *Io grunts and grabs his stomach.* 'I shouldn't even be doing this stuff.*

The Nomu jumps at Io and tries to punch him but Io brings Stinger out and blocks the attack. Suddenly the Nomu grabs Stinger.

Io:"Uh, oh."

The Nomu pulls back on Stinger and Io flies at the Nomu and it punches him in the face, then in the stomach. Then the Nomu throws Io into the roof of a building. 

The camera switches Views to 1-A dorms.

Izuku:"Mr. Io!"

Sero:"This ain't good."

The TV shows Io getting up and he puts a hand on his stomach, some blood can be seen seeping into his white T-Shirt. 

Aizawa:"Come on, Io."

The camera switches back to Io. He spits out some blood and groans. 

Io:"I think my wound is starting to open up again."

Io jumps away as the Nomu punches the spot he was at.

Nomu:"You... a-are quick."

Io:'What kind of Nomu is this?'

Io slams Stinger into the roof and causes a smoke cloud around the Nomu. Io rushes at the Nomu and kicks it high into the air. Io jumps at the Nomu.

Io:"Revenants: Triple Slash!"

Io cuts the body into thirds. He uses his claws to cut the body into two pieces and Stinger to cut the head off the Nomu. He starts to fall.

Io:'Is it over?'

What Io didn't notice was that the Nomu's head was falling behind him and it regenerates its body and rushes at Io from behind.

Io senses something and goes to turn around, but the Nomu claws the back of Io's back. Io yells in pain and Io starts to fall faster. Blood is falling from four claw marks on Io's back. 

Nomu:"T-Too weak..."

The camera moves back to 1-A dorms.

They see Io crash into a building.

Tokoyami:"This can't be."

Ochaco:"Not, Mr. Io, too."

Denki:"How strong is that thing!"

The camera moves back to the Nomu and it's flying and it looks behind itself and sees Endeavor chasing it.

Nomu:"Can you also... also regenerate?"

Endeavor:'Don't lump me with you. I haven't been able to move my body in a while. But those moments Io bought me was good enough.'

The Nomu sends out many tendrils at Endeavor and he doges them.

Endeavor:'Propel your body onward with heat!' *Endeavor uses more flames to push himself and a tendril stabs him on the shoulder.*  'I'm grateful! I can stay conscious thanks to the pain. Don't let yourself go down! Fix your eyes growing dim on the chance at victory! Turn up the heat! More! Even more!' 

Endeavor:'Hey, bioengineered human! It'll be bad if your head gets injured, right? Stop seeking live capture! Go beyond! Beyond its reaction time! I'll go beyond, and I won't go down until I turn this ugly mug to ash!'

Endeavor:'Hey, bioengineered human! It'll be bad if your head gets injured, right? Stop seeking live capture! Go beyond! Beyond its reaction time! I'll go beyond, and I won't go down until I turn this ugly mug to ash!'

Hawks appears behind the Nomu and the Nomu goes after Hawks, and Endeavor keeps chasing after the Nomu. The Nomu lands a hit on Hawks and it destroys part of his visor. Hawks uses a bunch of feathers to propel Endeavor forward. 

Endeavor punches the Nomu and right in the mouth. Endeavor's fist gets stuck in the mouth of the Nomu.


Endeavor and the Nomu keep flying around.


Endeavor stops mid air and pushes back on the Nomu.

The camera moves down to the reporter.

Reporter:"E-Endeavor is fighting.... Even as he suffers... and struggles... He's fighting!"

Io lands on the roof of a nearby building and Endeavor notices and Endeavor points the Nomu towards the sky.


Pink and Purple lighting travels around Io's body.

Io:'One For All: Revenants Burst!'

Io jumps towards Endeavor and pulls his leg back.

Io:"Show them what it means to be number one!"

Io kicks Endeavor in the back and sends him and the Nomu high up in the sky. Io falls back to the roof of a building and crashes. Io lays on his back looking up to the shining light of Endeavor. He's breathing heavily. 

Io:'Come on Endeavor, you're the number one hero now. Show them your strength!'

Io sits up and watches as Endeavor incinerates all of the Nomu

Io sits up and watches as Endeavor incinerates all of the Nomu. Io smiles.

Io:"That's right, show them the true power of a number one."

Endeavor falls back to the ground and crashes. The smoke clears and the camera shows Endeavor standing up with his fist in the air.

The smoke clears and the camera shows Endeavor standing up with his fist in the air

Reporter:"Endeavor is standing! He's standing!"

Reporter:"Endeavor is standing! He's standing!"

Reporter:"Standing... with his fist raised high!"

Io stands up and almost falls over as he does. He walks to the edge of the roof and looks down to Endeavor.

Io:"This is what it means to be Plus Ultra."

The camera zooms out to a view of the city then turns black.


The camera opens up to the top of the hill out on the countryside. The bloodbead tree is much smaller now. Then three small figures can be seen climbing up to the top of the hill and after a few seconds they make it to the top. The sun is just rising over the horizon. The camera zooms in to show three children. They are Silva, Io and Cruz. Io is in the middle, Silva is on his left and Crus on his right.

Io:"It's so beautiful!"

Cruz:"I told you this was worth it."

Silva:"I only said that that I didn't want to wake up this early."

Suddenly Io puts his hand out to the sun.

Io:"This... This is the start of our journey!"

The screen fades to show the same hill. But this time an Adult Io is standing there, with two graves on either side of him. Silva's grave on his left and Cruz's grave on his right. The sun is setting on the horizon. Io lets out a breath and some smoke appears. 

The camera moves to show Io smoking a cigarette. He's staring off to the setting sun.

Io:"This appears to the the end of our journey and the beginning of my own." *He takes a puff of his cigarette and then lets out the smoke.* "It's wasn't supposed to be like this."

Io rubs his face.

Io:"Where did it all go wrong."

Io looks to his cigarette.

Io:"I haven't smoked in a very long time, but... god. I don't know how much long I can do this. I think I should just retire."

Io puts the cigarette in his mouth and stares at the sunset. 

The camera moves to the nearby forest and two figures can be seen. Dabi and Himiko.

Himiko:"He's alone and unarmed. We should just kill him!"

Dabi:"No, Shigaraki wants us to observe him. Besides, he has something planned for him."

The two start to walk farther into the forest.

Dabi:"And he has a special thing just made for him." *Him and Himiko stop walking.* "Butterfly."

A large figure floats out from behind some trees.

A large figure floats out from behind some trees

Dabi:"Let's go."


The three walk away and the camera zooms out of the forest and turns black.



2468 words

(Season 4 is now finished. I just want to say if you have made it this far into my story. Thank you sooooo much. It means a lot to me that you have read my story.)