Shadowy tunnels
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This is a bit of a smaller chapter but the next one should be a bit longer

Looking down at the copper taser probes sticking through my shirt I started to regret going to the servo for my mum. Expecting the worst, I collapsed to my knees. Looking back, I could almost envision the electricity coursing through the copper wires currently attached to my body.

And as the wires started to arc, I heard the captain checking the officer I barged into, who was clearly in pain. But as my shirt started to smoke, I realised something. The only indication the taser was working was a tingling spreading through my body. Slowly stumbling to my feet, I glanced back at the ambulance.

The officers’ eyes went wide as he let out a wet cough and a drop of blood came out. Quickly grabbing the wires and pulling them out, I heard the familiar puff of air as a new set of probes entered my body. But as before they only emitted indication, they where there was the light tingling spreading through my body like pins and needles.

Groaning, I turned around to face the captain and I proceeded to look down the barrel of his revolver. Slowly I raised my hands above my head, “Don’t move a muscle” he shouted at me as Doctor Cho dragged the struggling officer into her ambulance before driving off with the sirens blaring.

Seeing the chance, I took another step backwards while he was glancing in the other direction. But he quickly looked back at me. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO MOVE” he screamed at me as I froze on the stop, “GET ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES!”

Slowly I started to lie crouch down onto the metal grate as it uncomfortably dug into my knees. Feeling a tingling in my chest I froze. Hearing a sparking sound, I looked down to the grate as electricity was arcing between me and the grate. Before I could react, I heard a loud bang as the captain’s gun went off.

I saw my entire life flash before my eyes. Time seemingly slowed to a stop as I saw a metallic object spinning towards my head, cutting through the air like butter. Unable to move I watched it slowly crawl closer before it started to push into my forehead.

A strange heat filled my body as I felt the bullet slowly enter my head. Unable to do anything, I waited for everything to go black. But slowly, I felt time start to speed back up. And slowly I felt the now flattened bullet exit my head and fall to the ground.

Hearing a gasp, I turned to see the captain with his pistol barrel smoking with his mouth slightly open in shock. His eyes grew steely with resolve as he rose the gun again and kept pulling the trigger until he had emptied his gun. Unlike last time, time did not slow down as I felt about 5 rounds enter my body before blowing out the back covering the alley with my blood.

Stumbling back, I felt my shoes fall off my feet as I almost tripped over. “Leave me alone” I said in a watery voice as I watched the captain looking at me in shock. I would be too; I had just been shot 6 times and was still standing. Actually, now that I thought about, I didn’t even feel hurt.

Instead of feeling like I had just been shot 6 times I felt only a slight pain like someone lightly punched my shoulder. Gasping, I slowly raised a hand to feel the bullet wounds, but I could only feel my flawless skin. Looking back to the captain he slowly pulled out his radio and yelled for backup before slowly backing up to his car and jumping inside. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

Still standing on the grate, I slowly raised my arm to wipe sweat off my forehead. But seeing my hand I froze. Instead of the normal, slight tanned but still white skin I normally had, my hand was seemingly covered in a familiar metallic fluid. Quickly raising my other hand, I tried to wipe it off but once again froze as I saw it was covering my other arm as well. Looking down I could see this silvery fluid even through the bullet holes in my shirt.

Then I felt something begin to dig into my now bare feet. Looking down, I let out a gasp as I saw my feet quickly skink through the bared grate I had been standing on. Looking down I could see the grate led into the dark shadowy tunnels that was the drainage pipes. I managed to get out a quick yelp as my body sunk through the solid grate and I fell into the drainage system.

Groaning I slowly sat up, the faint light of the street flickering into the tunnel. Looking back down at my body I let out a sigh of relief, my body had gone back to normal, or at least normal if I was a girl. Glancing up I could see the captain who was trying to look down the grate to see where I had gone. Luckily, it seemed like the tunnels where dark enough that he couldn’t see me.

Stumbling away from the grate and walking a couple of meters away from the grate, I pulled out my phone and turned on the light. Muffling a scream, I watched as a rat the size of a small cat ran past my leg. Slowly walking forwards for another couple of minutes I saw the light of another grate just around a corner. As If on a cue, my phones light ran out of battery and the tunnel went almost completely pitch black again.

As I was walking forwards, I heard faint footsteps and voices coming from where the grate was. Freezing, I stopped moving and went dead quiet. A heat flashed through my head as I felt my vision took on the same silvery glint as before and my eyesight improve enough to make out basic shapes.

Rubbing my eyes, I watched at a guy wearing complete black tactical gear and what looked a black motorbike helmet walked past me, he was quickly followed by another person, this time a girl in the exact same getup without the sleeves or gloves. If it wasn’t for whatever was happening to my vision, I would have completely missed them.

“I thought you said there was a powerful shifted here” she said as they stopped at the intersection Infront of me.

“I told you to stop calling us that” He grumbled back as he tried to look down my tunnel, “And I did sense someone else down here.” He pulled out a pair of large blocky handcuffs and handed them to her, “Why don’t you try help instead of telling me how to use my power.”

“Where did they go” she growled at him as she pushed him towards the wall, “Don’t tell me your power isn’t working again.”

“Its still working” he said as he turned towards her as he clenched his fists, “Its almost like they are blocking me or something”

“Were they talking about me?” I thought as I started to back up slowly as I felt something brush my leg. Slowly looking down, I saw a large rat was slowly creeping past me. It slowly looked up at me and let out a loud squeal and ran towards the masked people Infront of me.

The girl jumped away from the guy, “What was that” she stammered, “Who’s there.”

“Get a grip, It was just a rat” the guy laughed, “So much for the fearless warrior”

“You’re the one that needs to get a grip” the girl growled as her hand seemingly solidified into what looked like bone. The girl used her now bone covered hand to push the boy down the tunnel. “Just keep looking before I get tired of your bullshit” she said as she slammed her hand into the wall leaving a fist sized hole in the wall.

Slowly they walked past and continued following their tunnel. Letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. They had powers too. Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked out of my shadowy tunnel and looked up to the grate which seemingly led into another alley. Letting out a sigh I grabbed the muck covered ladder. ‘Who were they’ I thought to myself as I slowly climbed the ladder, “And why were they looking for people in the drainage system.”

Pushing the grate off the exit, I stuck my head out and glanced around in the shadowy alley. As if on cue, my sight lost its silver tint and the alley was plunged into almost complete darkness, only lit by a phone screen at the entrance to the alley. Quietly, I pulled myself out and put the grate back.  Slowly I started walking towards the alleyway entrance one thought kept going through my mind, “What’s a shifted?”

Hey, thanks for the read

Releases are probably gonna be on Fridays or Saturdays now

Edit: Thanks for the 5k total views