Chapter 8 – An Interesting Arrival
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Content warning for the gratuitous depiction of DnD.  I had to be true to the fiction, but seriously go play something developed by independent queers or people of color.  The slightly bigger indy games I’m into right now are “Thirsty Sword Lesbians” and “Tomorrow on Revelation III

Also might have done some funny things with new chapter notifications as I had to delete one version of the chapter and publish another.  Apologies if it caused any confusion.


September 8th, 2032


    Just incomprehensible screaming as I think back to how hot Sylph is.  Being able to share to each other what the other person is feeling while touching them and being touched.  I'm so very okay with her completely wrecking me in every way I know she wants to, but how to make it so I can stay conscious and present and I'm the moment while she's doing so?  That's the rub.  

    Through the fungus I think I could see what happens to me as I get overwhelmed maybe.  Trace whatever connections within me causing the cascade of emotions and sensations that are just too much.  I could isolate the cascade away somewhere… but no, I want to feel it.  I want to be there for all.  Maybe there’s some way to boost my capacity for it somehow?


    After all the sexy fun and blacking out twice, I fell asleep in Sylph’s arms pretty quickly.  This time I had thought ahead and set an alarm with enough time to head home and get ready for work.  I made my Walk of Joy home again with Badger and we got ready for the day.  

    I was excited today since Sylph and I could now talk throughout the day.  Well not talk, but close enough.  The sharing our connection enabled was wonderful and I looked forward to the ongoing depth of connection with her this brought.  A very minor negative of our connection, is that Sylph began a delightful game of torturing me with with sharings of how I had made her feel the night prior or things she wanted to do to me.  She started teasing me the second I left her clearing.  That combined with some unreleased energy from last night required some relieving when I made it home.

    I dressed comfortably today, in ways I could hide possible squirmings and bulgings that would be especially embarrassing to me.  Some secure underwear and warm black leggings, covered by a teal empire waist maxi dress that came down to mid calf.  For extra warmth a nice gray wool cardigan.


    When I arrived at work I began delivering fancy coffee and adjacent beverages to my loved ones.  Larry eyed me suspiciously as I passed him his coffee.  “You are smiling too big, something happened.”

    My immediate blushing likely gave him all the information he needed, but I played it cool.  “Oh nothing much, just me completely falling for Sylph in so many ways.”

    “Nope that’s not it, at least not all of it.”  He gestured emphatically at me.  “This is a touch starved Marin finally got someone to touch look.  You are glowing and filled with bliss.  It’s disgusting… I love you, and I’m extremely happy for you.  Now hug me good morning.”  He opened his arms to me and I wrapped mine around him.

    “Good morning and I love you too Larry.”

    Someone must have walked up behind us, as Larry spoke to address them.  “Sylph has done things to our child and ey is going to be uselessly happy all day.”  

    I pushed Larry back to find Jessie had come to collect her coffee and hug, but was currently greeting Badger.  

    She looked up from puppy time and said, “Larry, you know we only pay em for eir company.”

    I scoffed at them both.  “I’ll have you know I’m plenty useful.  Your library would be filled with far too high a proportion cis white male authors if it weren’t for my efforts.”

   Jessie and Larry both conceded defeat and David’s warm voice was added.  “Are they teasing you Marin?”

    I sought refuge with David and a warm pancake smelling hug.  “They are, but it’s only because they’re jealous.”  I stuck my tongue out at Larry.

    It was right at that moment that Sylph shared the memory of her pressing me down into the bed with her hand and her lips.  Back in the now and my hug with David, my abdominals involuntarily clenched and my eyes fluttered.

    Larry cackled at me.  “What were you thinking there dear Marin?”

    I blushed furiously and made a mental note to not just blindly accept sharing requests from Sylph when I wasn’t ready for the consequences.  “Uh, Sylph…  She is a very skilled and talented individual… and memories have been wandering in from time to time.”  I smiled bashfully at my family.  “And yes, we did sex stuff and it was very nice, and no I am not going to discuss that any further other than to say I’m very happy and feel very safe and comfortable with her.”

    David pulled back from our hug, “So when do we get to meet her?”

    “I don’t know, we did talk about that last night actually.”  I gathered up this moment and David’s question, merged that with a collection of how I saw each of them in my mind, and added the embarrassing moment she had just put me through, and sent it all to her.  “I’ll ask her though, maybe we can set something up?”

    “You know we all don’t really do much that can’t be rearranged.”  Jessie said,  “Whatever works best for the two of you is what’s best for us” 

    Sylph shared back a simple thought.  “Let me see what I can do about that.”

    Well that sounded vaguely ominous, but I brought myself back to the conversation at hand.  “I know and It will happen.  I hate feeling like parts of my life are compartmentalized.  Oh that reminds me…”  I hastily pulled out my phone.  “I have to see about plans for when Lilly and Cairn might be here.”  

    I opened our group chat to find a playful exchange of memes that I missed out on last night.  I added my question.

  • 08:35 - Marinara: So did y’all think about when might work for a visit?  My library folks have offered to help with cost if that’s a factor.  
  • 08:35 - Marinara: I’m real excited about the possibility of introducing you to Sylph.

    They probably won’t be up for another hour or so judging by how late into the night their meme spamming went.  David had offered to help out getting them here and back safely.  Lilly still did a little bit of cam work to pay for her way through school.  So she probably couldn't pay her way, but Cairn was some form of freelance programmer working with AI networks or something like that.  They hadn’t really talked about it much but it felt like they did well enough with that and basic income to travel occasionally.  Either way they were coming and I was excited.

    Seeing my attention was occupied elsewhere, Jessie undid Badger’s leash and the triad went about their library duties.


    While I was waiting for their reply, and in between my own library routine, I began to delve into the possibilities that have been opened up with my new instincts.  I had an encyclopedia containing the knowledge of ancient star-fairing alien biologists residing within my head.  Many trans people become somewhat aware of the concept of biohacking through hormone replacement therapy and so many other alterations they can elect to undertake.  The concept has always thrilled me in my cyberpunk and biopunk fantasies; and now I could do that with a thought!  I pulled out my journal to make a list of things I wanted to mess with when I had some time to focus without responsibilities.

-Why did Sylph’s colony take root in me?

-Malicious Queer Genderfuckery!

-Activating sensory spore mode

-Look closer into messing with hormones levels and types

-Fancy stuff like super hemoglobin, better cellular energy storage, stronger muscles...

    I was contemplating other options when I received a sharing from Sylph.  The thought of her lifting me by my thighs, with strength I didn’t know she possessed, and pressing me up against a shelf of books.  Her tongue slowly trailing up my neck to finally bite down on my earlobe.  I had to brace myself against the table I was sitting at, and it took all my willpower to not just up and moan in the middle of the library…  I added another line in my journal.

-***Resilience against how fucking hot Sylph is!!!***

    I was still adding extra underlines and exclamations as my phone began buzzing at me.

  • 09:15 - CairnRocks🪨!: AAAA we’re gonna see you soon❣️
  • 09:15 - CairnRocks🪨!: no clue when though.  I am between gigs and can work remotely pretty well so I’m free
  • 09:16 - LillyVale: I have exams at the end of next week that I will have to be present for
  • 09:18 - LillyVale: But the lectures are all online.  Maybe this weekend would work assuming someone was available to pick us up from the airport in Denver.
  • 09:20 - Marinara: looks like the weather looks good and my car is functioning well.  I could get you!!!
  • 09:22 - CairnRocks🪨!: YAY! Let me look at flight schedule stufffffffff, bleh airports🤮
  • 09:23 - Marinara: I know you love me enough to brave them😝
  • 09:24 - LillyVale: We’ll be fine dear, plan on Saturday likely
  • 09:24 - CairnRocks🪨!: AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa!
  • 09:24 - Marinara: eeEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeee❣️

    Squweeeee I can’t wait to see them!  I let Sylph know I might have plans to pick them up on Saturday but she was welcome to join me.  Oh that reminds me I had something to share

  • 09:27 - Marinara: Oh by the way.  Who has two thumbs and did sex stuff with another person for the first time in 3 years?
  • 09:27 - Marinara: 👈👈😎💦 This enby❣️

    With that I sighed happily and slipped my phone into my pocket as it vibrated many times over the next several hours.  I love teasing them with lack of details.

* * *

    The rest of the day went like any normal Wednesday… Well sorta normal as I continued to have a teasing Sylph pinging my brain with sexy fantasies every so often.  But other than that normal library stuff.  Wednesday afternoons were special though as we had an after school queer tabletop gaming group for local kids.  One of my ideas I was very proud of.  Considering the library holds the only out queer adults in town, though I suspected several of the school teachers weren’t straight, we gave back to the community by having a place for the kids who didn’t feel like they fit in could fit in.  Letting them instead fit in with the 4 of us ill fitting queerdos that worked here.

    I loved these kids.  They were all making their way through school and still maintaining the ability to be kind and considerate to people other than themselves.  The kids really do be alright.  We had a DnD campaign going with me as the DM.  There’s a crap ton of far better independent games made by queers or people of color or people who were both, but this is what got the kiddos interested so I’ll do it.  

    The kids were all ready and I was all set for our campaign to resume.  I collected my excitement, basic understanding of what we were doing, and the thought of the smiles on all the kids’ faces and shared that with Sylph.  I’d been combating her fantasy sharings with sharing the mundanities of my life which she greatly appreciated and it brought me a bit of respite from her teasing.  She responded with the feeling of endearment she felt for me and the thought of kissing my forehead as she wished me good luck.

    The table looked slightly confused as the lovesick grin struck my face, but I recovered quickly.  I had practiced all day at recovering from the wealth of interesting facial expressions Sylph’s sharings had been bringing out of me.

    My voice was dramatic and old timey as I set the scene. “Your party is journeying on the way to Castellandia.  The road has been uneventful and the beautiful forest has been quiet… too quiet!  Can I get a perception check from everyone?”  The echoes of clattering dice filled the library.

    The kids all chimed in with what they got but Odio was the loudest of them all.  “Heck yeah, nat twenty!”  A consensus of congratulations was passed around the table to them as I prepared to dictate what they saw.  Odio was a wonderful twelve year old enby who was elated the day they came to me with their new name.  They had spent months refreshing name generators until they had found the correct combination of vowels and consonants that made up something unique and perfect for them.

    “Fesuvius the dragonborn sees the glint of steel and hears the breaking of branches on both sides of the road.  It’s an ambush by bandits!  Roll initiative!  Fesuvius gets a surprise action against them”  The glee everyone took from really getting into things was more than enough to make up for my aversion to playing the annoying giant of a system within the tabletop games community.

    Odio thought quickly and had his character cast a firebolt at where they saw the reflection of light, getting an amazing critical strike and damage roll taking one attacker down in a single hit.  “Fesuvius says to everyone “Don’t worry friends, for I will save you!””  Odio was the best ham that had ever hammed.

    I looked to my list of baddies.  “Okay next up is a bandit with a longbow.”  After some quick rolling of dice.  “Sienna, does a 10 hit your character?”

    Sienna was the newest and youngest in the group.  Jessie had convinced her mom to send her to us.  She was soon to be starting blockers to interrupt the wrong puberty from taking over, and knowing she wasn’t alone in town was a huge boost for her self esteem.  “Ah hah hah hah!  You can’t hit me with your puny arrows!”  Everyone at the table giggled at how wonderful her barbarian was.

    “You hear the bandit let loose a mournful cry of disappointment as they regret every action they’ve ever taken.”  I paused for more giggles.  “Okay, next is Bryanna or Naomi, you two are in such sync you both rolled the same and have the same modifier.”  I winked at them.  They had begun dating about a month after we started the club last year.  The library erupted in cheers when they told us.  Everyone had seen it coming.  David had to give us all the Librarian Shush, but also quietly hugged them both in congratulations. 

    The two of them were playing rogues and succeeded in slipping into the trees unseen to come up behind the dejected archer and quickly dispatch him.  They kissed and giggled to each other at their teamwork.

    “And now it’s the evil Bandit leader’s turn.  He lets out a bellow and charges at the cleric with the shiny vestments”  I turned to Zach, “Does a twenty hit?”  I asked with a villainous smirk upon my face

    “You know it does!”  Said an exasperated Zach with an eye roll.  He was the oldest of the group at seventeen and it surprisingly didn’t give him a feeling of superiority.  He had moved through the trappings of being a popular athletic kid, but being gay had humbled him resulting in a protective and nurturing soul.  He jokingly referred to himself as the party mom.

    I grinned a mildly evil grin, “Okay I’ll just go ahead and roll the bandit leader’s damage and…”

    My dropped dice rolled off the table.  "Crap!"  As I ducked under the table, the bell over the door rang, and she walked in.  My jaw dropped faster than my dice had, and my brain dropped all thought of the game on the table above.

    Her skin tone was slightly tanned, human skin color.  She had a face containing a nose with only two human nostrils, and human shaped eyes that were still very expressive and had that gorgeous golden glint.  She possessed a very human shaped antlerless head with long black hair, that was decidedly human hair and no longer feathers.  It was highlighted, in what looked like the best dye job ever, with the green blue and violet that graced the hummingbird that was her namesake.  Sylph had just walked into the library, the very same Sylph who I’d come to know and love… wait, did brain just think love?!  I quickly put that messy thought aside for later.

    Badger was making a ruckus of half howling grumbles as they sprung up from where they were laying and ran to the new arrival, ears up and wagging tail held high.  They excitedly sniffed at Sylph’s very well fitted black pinstriped pants as she removed her coat and squatted down to give the enthusiastic puppy some attention.  Underneath the coat was a white button down dress shirt with a black bowtie.  An vest sat over top of that in iridescent colors which matched her hair and the bird.  Gosh how can she be so hot?

    The kids began cackling at me.  I was pulled back to myself by their noise and noticed that I had my mouth open, gawking obviously at Sylph for the past minute while they all held back their laughter at me.  

    Naomi ducked under the table, and between giggles managed to say, “What’s that you were saying Marin?”

    I bashed my head on the table as I was getting back into my seat.  "Owwwww."  

    The table laughed at me.

     I regained my seat and my wits just barely enough to be silly at the kiddos.  “Head hurt, words hard, lady real pretty.”  It worked, and I was rewarded by renewed laughter at my expense.

    Sylph had obviously noticed the commotion and was walking directly to me, Badger bouncing around behind her.  “So nice to finally get to see your place of work Marin.”  She placed her hand on the base of my neck and I shivered slightly and leaned back against her arm.  The table snickered at me yet again.

    I looked up the arm to Sylph’s brand new human face and her impeccable outfit.  “I didn’t expect you today, not that I’d ever think of complaining at the idea of seeing you.  Especially not with you dressed up like that.  Uh… Sylph,”  I gestured to everyone seated around the table while not looking away, temporarily unable to pry my eyes from her.  “meet the after school gaming group.  Group meet Sylph, my uh… girlfriend?… I think?”  A questioning look on my face.

    Sylph took on that wonderful thoughtful look.  “Yes, that feels accurate.”

    Butterflies filled my entire chest cavity.  She’s my Girlfriend!

    Sylph turned back to the table. “And I bid all you travelers a good afternoon.”  She gave them all a graceful courtly genuflection which looked amazing in her fancy attire.

    Introductions happened around the table as I slowly recovered from Sylph’s beauty and grace… and the change in relationship status.  It was merely a label and it’s not like it actually changed anything.  It may just be a word, but it had meaning.

    In my peripheral vision I noticed the vultures had begun circling.  Larry had likely spotted the drama from his perch behind the counter.  My gaping jaw and extra awkwardness aimed at a tall beautiful woman who Badger already loved.  It was plenty enough information for him to put things together.  He had rallied the rest of the triad and they were now watching the situation for their chance to swoop in and feed off my embarrassment.  They all waved at me with carrion eating grins.

    I realized quickly that I wasn’t going to be able to focus on the game at all.  Sylph had started idly scratching the base of my neck and only proved the point as my eyes rolled back in my head.  The kids all giggled at me yet again, and I’m pretty sure the triad was cackling mischievously by the counter.  I shared with Sylph over our connection my desire for the power of speech and how distant the movements of her fingers were making that.  She smiled down at me and pulled her hand away, but not without trailing her fingers up the side of my neck and the back of my ear, causing my entire body to shiver, much to everyone's delight, my own included.

    “I’m sorry y’all.  This is Sylph’s first time here and those three loving assholes over there aren’t gonna allow me to focus on anything until I introduce them.”

    Zach just made a shooing motion with his hand.  “Just go already.  Give us a signal if you’re coming back or not.”

    “Thank you.  I’m really sorry.”  I pushed up out of my chair.  There was a bunch of snickering as they all wished Sylph good luck, as I took her hand and we started walking towards the counter up front.

    Sylph leaned to me and whispered, “It was not my intention to interrupt your game.”

    I shoulder checked her and gave her a look.  “If you’d have let me know you were coming today, I could have prepared.”

    She gave me the smirk.  I was blushing as we got into range of my family.

    Jessie spoke first.  “Marin dear, holding hands in a library?  How lewd.”

    “Yes, and as your punishment you are now required to introduce us to your devastatingly well dressed friend here.”  Larry added.

    “Oh be nice you two.  You are making this far harder on both of them.  I assume this is Sylph.  Do you hug?”  David, his arms wide.

    “Yes that is me, and I assume from the beard you are David.”  Sylph approached tentatively and was pulled into a hug.

    “Got it on the first try.  It’s lovely to meet you after how happy you’ve obviously made Marin.  I can’t believe it’s only been a week ey’ve changed so much”  He pulled back from the hug to look at me with a huge smile.

    “Well things did escalate rather quickly.”  Sylph let out a small nervous laugh.  “We were both uniquely available for something to happen, but I don’t think either of us knew that or had any idea of it as a possibility.”

    “Nope, I was not expecting meeting you.”  A far away look filled my face.

    Larry laughed at me.  “Marin honey, The way you were going, you weren’t expecting much of life at all.  I’m Larry, and Sylph my dear, it’s obvious that you have an eye for fashion.”  He moved in for his turn at a hug.  “We must talk all about it, but later.”  He pulled to the side and led her over to the remaining triad member.  “And this is our lovely wife Jessie”

    Jessie smiled mischievously, “So am I the one that now has to threaten her with never hurting our dear sweet Marin?”  

    Sylph looked suddenly very concerned and I scowled at Jessie.  “Jessie, be nice to my girlfriend.”  

    “Please ignore me.  I have no clue why anyone here puts up with my sense of humor.”  Jessie forced herself to look properly chastised.

    Sylph recovered quickly and took Jessie’s hands into hers.  ”It really is okay.  I can see where Marin gets some of eir… more playful mannerisms.”  She gave me a raised eyebrow for effect before pulling Jessie in for a hug.  “It is lovely to meet you, and I assure you I would never willingly allow anything to hurt Marin, least of all myself.”

    "What brings you to our library today, aside from Marin and three excellent additions to your social circle?"  Larry asked as the final hug broke.

    "Well meeting all of you of course, but also this is the first time I've really ventured into town since I've arrived here.  Marin gave me an excuse to stop being a hermit."  She gave me a very warm smile and I couldn't help but blush.

    "Sylph, would you and Marin be so kind as to join us for dinner this evening?"  David asked.  "We live just upstairs.  Both Jessie and I are very good cooks."  He added with an eyebrow waggle.

    Sylph looked to me to pass on the decision, to which I nodded at her.  "Yes, that would be lovely."

    Larry clapped his hands.  "Then it's settled.  Fancy family dinner to get to know the woman who's pulled our dear Marin out of eir funk."

    I was getting anxious, but it's only just dinner with family and my new girlfriend.  A new girlfriend I've only known for five days who happens to be an extraterrestrial that accidentally put a fungus in my head and hasn't talked with any humans other than myself.  What could possibly go wrong?


Random trivia tidbit: Credit goes to all 3 of my kids for generating the names of the tabletop group.  The name Odio and their dragonborn Fesuvius in particular was suggested by my son as they are also the first and middle names selected off a name generator to give the new dragon stuffie he got for xmas.  Don’t know how much they’ll all play into things later but I had fun introducing them.