Chapter 10: Visitors & Old Acquaintances
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Hey Everyone, I have a quick Ret-con for the story. I said Samuel was wearing golden contacts, but I am going to change that to them asking him to start wearing them AFTER Forks. Even though he was only there a day, I don't think it makes sense for him to show up on day 2 wearing contacts and people somehow not noticing them or their similarity to the Cullens. It just seems weird and would have brought up way more questions during Alice and Samuel's act at school. Plus, I kinda forgot I said that by chapter 4. lol 

So, Ret-con: Samuel does not wear contacts and has green eyes to everyone else. I will edit this in the starting chapters soon. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 10: Visitors & Old Acquaintances

Tuesday, Nov 15th, 2005 - Cullen House

Waking up in bed after blacking out on the couch was disorienting, but at least I wasn't in a forest.

Alice and The Cullen Clan made good on the promise of my safety, and I could feel my powers stirring inside me, showing I was welcome back in the house. 

I was also starving. 

As I groaned, fighting the remnants of a headache, a worried Alice quickly entered and started fussing over me. 

I got annoyed, pulled her on top of me, and then rolled over to pin her onto the bed, much to her amusement...

Fed and feeling better, I asked the important questions: What the hell happened, and what did they find out?

The answers I got were...not satisfying at all, but they were complete. 

"We found what we needed and know how to avoid triggering that state again, but...Sammy, I'm so sorry. I can't tell you everything we found—not yet, anyway. We are worried you might become like that permanently. Your mind is damaged, baby...I love you and promise to tell you everything as soon as Carsisle thinks you can handle it, but I don't want to lose you in the process...Can I ask you to trust me on this?" Alice explains, deep sadness in her tone as she lies on my chest and stares up at me with large golden eyes.

Blowing out a breath of frustration, I respond, "You can't tell me anything?"

"I can't get into the details you want to hear most, Sammy. They are tied to this condition, and there is a good chance you could black out again. With your current state of mind, we are worried too many of those blackouts might cause something to break permanently. Let me be clear: we are not calling you weak or fragile. You are the single strongest person I have ever known. You have a level of willpower that is, frankly, abnormal. At the same time, however, you have a genuine mental condition that we have to be both aware of and careful about treating. It is no different than if you had a disease or if something was physically broken with your body; we would do everything we could to ensure you are healed and treated safely. That is what we are doing now, and this is Carsisle's professional prognosis on how we need to proceed."1As a quick note: I am not a doctor. lol I am doing my best to make this sound legit, but I apologize if I am way off base.

'Well...shit. That doesn't sound good.'

I still wasn't happy, but I was very appreciative of Alice telling it to me straight. She didn't bullshit me about being fine, she didn't lie about my condition, and she told me clearly why they were proceeding this way and the potential consequences if they didn't...Could I really ask for more?

My gratitude for her straightforward honesty didn't stop me from pouting. 

Alice did her best to comfort me, assuring me how much she loved me and how we would get through this together. She promised over and over again that she would tell me everything as soon as Carlisle gave the green light. She told me how strong I was and how proud she was of me. 

Then she offered to "Cheer me up." Her smile as she slid down my body was downright lascivious, and the eye contact when she started unzipping my pants with her teeth was intense. 

That...worked in getting me to feel better. 

What can I say? I am a simple man. 

As much as I grumbled about wishing they would just tell me and get it over with, like ripping a band-aid off, I also came around to understanding their worries. During a moment of post-nut clarity, it finally clicked that the consequence of knowing could be losing my mind...That I could simply cease to exist...That there was a real possibility of never seeing, talking, or being with Alice again...

I suddenly had way less of an issue with it. 

If this was how things were, I just had to accept and trust them. They had earned that from me. The Cullens had done so much: They accepted me despite the Volturi hunting me, had forgiven me despite the problems I caused, and still welcomed me into their family even if I was not mentally stable. 

Alice's love for me had not changed with this news, which filled me with gratitude and joy. I could tell that whatever information they learned was extremely hard on her. She had deep bags under her eyes, and I could see she had been crying a lot. 

She had suffered for me, and I would suffer not knowing for her. 

'I will trust them, for now. I will trust in Alice and her love for me. She deserves that much, at the very least.' 

With that decided, and after another make-out session, Alice and I went downstairs to discuss our future plans with the Olympian Coven. 

* | * | *

Wednesday, Nov 16th, 2005 - Cullen House

"Thank you for meeting with us, Dr. Cullen. This is just a formality at this point, but we do have to be thorough in our investigation, you understand." The man who spoke wore a white dress shirt, blue tie, and black slacks. He stood at 5'6" with a classic gentleman's side part hairstyle to his dark brown hair, and his eyes matched the color. 

'This is what wizards dress like?' I wonder in surprise as I eavesdrop and peek from around the corner. 

"That's not a problem, Wizard Rowan. Welcome to our home. Please, let's take a seat in the living room," Carlisle answers smoothly. 

While they were getting seated, I risked another peek to take in the young woman with him. She looked more like a college student, with blue eyes and long, straight, auburn hair, which a yellow headband kept from her face. She wore a matching yellow blouse and simple blue jeans. She did not carry a staff, a wand, or wear a robe. 

'I feel let down.' I think as I duck back behind the 2nd-floor landing wall. 

"This is my apprentice, Stacy Melorn. I hope you don't mind that I brought her with me?" The male Wizard Rowan asks.

"Not at all. It is a pleasure to meet you, Apprentice Melorn. Now, how can I help with your investigation?" Carlisle greets the girl and quickly moves things along. 

"Right. So, as I said, this is just a formality. Your reputation in town and that of your children is beyond reproach. I read your report to the council, and several of your family were just as much victims of this rouge ice mage as the rest of the town. I also understand that you personally worked nearly 48 straight hours at the hospital after the incident...A monumental show of goodwill and dedication to the safety of this town and its people. I have no concerns and very few questions regarding this incident and how it relates to any of The Cullen family at this time."

I don't hear a response, but I can imagine Carlisle nodding with his customary professional smile firmly in place. 

"That being said...I do have other questions. Is working at a hospital difficult for you? I have never heard of anyone from the Red Court working at such a place...I admit that I had several concerns when I first came to town and read up on your Coven, but everyone I have talked to loves you. In fact, I haven't heard of a single complaint against you or seen records of a single attack in town since you moved in...Where do you get your blood from?"

The question was...well, I knew it to be rude, but the man did go out of his way to word it in the least offensive way possible. Something fishy was going on, and he needed to know what. The White Council may not be an official policing force, but any members of the Supernatural Community knew better than to make them enemies. 

There were thousands of them in the US alone. Few groups could face them and win; even fewer were willing to try. 

"I can appreciate your concerns, Wizard Rowan. My coven is a bit different from our kin. We do not drink human blood—not at all. I do not take blood from the hospitals if that is one of your concerns. We live off of the blood of animals and hunt them from places where they are not endangered. This is why our eyes are golden instead of red, an odd consequence of our chosen lifestyle." 

Carlisle pauses for a second, and I glance around the corner to see him leaning forward to show the White Council Wizards his eyes.

Leaning back, he continues, "As for my work at the hospital...That is just who I am. I have always been a doctor. I have always wanted to help people, regardless of their species, race, gender, or anything else. Even after I became a vampire, that drive in me has never changed. It took a lot of willpower initially, but I have long since conquered my bloodlust. I do surgeries nearly every day and have not once had a slip-up in nearly 100 years."

"Fascinating!" Wizard Rowan says, his excitement evident. "Truly! I have always wanted to meet a vampire...Well, under the right circumstances, I mean. I find your race extraordinarily intriguing and have studied the many different Vampire Courts for around ten years. Your choice of not drinking human blood is both noble and praiseworthy. I will be sure to include it in my report, as this is something I have never encountered in all my research."

He was practically vibrating on the couch as he smiled at Carlisle.  

"I am glad that you feel that way, and I agree with you. I've always felt it was a noble calling for our kind to rise above the temptation of blood and learn to coexist. It is something of a passion of mine...I will warn you, however, that we are not much liked or respected by our own kind because of it."

"That is truly a shame. If more vampires were like you, the world would be a much safer place." The wizard says gravely. 

"Master..." The female apprentice groans quietly as she nudges him in the side.

"Ah! Yes, sorry, I got distracted. We were actually wondering if Samuel Raith was here with you now? In the report and from our recently updated records, he joined your Coven after arriving here about two months ago. He was also at the dance, but no one has seen him since-"

Walking down the stairs while groaning and grabbing at my head, I call out, "Carlisle, can I go hunt yet? I'm starving, man!"

There is a gasp from the couch from a certain female apprentice, but I can hardly blame her. 

After all, I came down the stairs in sweatpants and without a shirt on. 

I may not have been built like a Greek statue, but I had lean, corded muscles—real muscles, I jokingly called them—designed for combat, survival, and maximum efficiency. 

This didn't mean I wasn't attractive, however. I had the looks of the guys on novel covers designed for sex-starved housewives. I had the body of a professional boxer or martial artist, and my pecks and 8-pack were quite solid and defined. The fact that something else was rather well-defined in my sweatpants probably didn't help the poor girl either.

Looking up in confusion at the gasp, I stare into the blue eyes of the auburn-haired wizard-in-training. 

Her face grows steadily redder as her eyes roamed my body, but I don't draw it out. I quickly give an awkward wave and say, "Uh...Hi...Carlisle, who are they?"

Sighing in a very human way, Carlisle says, "They are the representatives from the White Council. Good timing; it seems they wish to speak to you."

"Uh, right. I'm Samuel Raith. It's nice to meet you both. I...I'll go put on a shirt and come back down," I say awkwardly as I scratch the back of my head. 

"No..." Stacy lets out unintentionally, then slaps her hand over her mouth. She looks down at her feet as her cheeks color to the extreme. 

Before anyone can acknowledge that comment, Alice walks down the stairs and throws a grey long-sleeved shirt in my face before continuing past me to join Carlslie on the couch. 

"Hi! I'm Alice Cullen, Samuel's mate. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She says with a bright smile. If she is bothered by the apprentice's lapse in control, she doesn't show it at all. 

I put on my shirt and sat down on the stairs, grabbing my head once again and pretending to have a headache. 

"Ah...Uh, yes. Thank you. It's nice to meet you as well," Wizard Rowan says, giving Stacy some serious side-eye. "I am Wizard Rowan from The White Council of Wizards. We are investigating the blizzard and the possibility of a rogue ice mage on the loose. To be clear, we are not here to accuse or even interrogate you. We simply need to check in, get your story, and find out where you were on the night in question."

Alice gives her confirmation and I answer casually and with a smile from the stairs, "Alright, no worries. I attend Forks High School with Alice and her siblings. We did go to the dance that night and were headed home when the blizzard struck. We got separated in the chaos of the storm...Couldn't see 5 feet in front of our faces...Strangest thing I have ever encountered. It just appeared out of nowhere, you know?" 

I played my part, and I think I did a pretty good job, all things considered. 

"I see. What happened to you during the storm?" the male Wizard asks, nodding in agreement over the strangeness of the situation. 

"I tried to find the parking lot or the others but couldn't see anything. After about 15 minutes of walking around aimlessly, I realized I was on the road. I got frustrated and started to head in the general direction I knew our house was. The snow and wind were annoying but not really dangerous to our kind. I figured I would just meet them at the house or get clear of the storm and to safety." I narrate.

"In Carlisle's report, he mentioned you arrived not feeling well and that you have been recovering ever since, did something happen on the way?"

"Yeah, I saw a car crash into a snowbank on the side of the road as I was walking. I didn't want to leave him to get buried, so since the guy couldn't see me anyway, I pulled his car out by his bumper and dragged him over to a flatter section on the other side. It...well it took a lot out of me. I used way more of my energy than I should have, and I was feeling pretty crappy when I got home. Still am, actually. I just need to eat something, but Carlisle said we should wait until we got permission to leave Forks first."

The announcement that they were in the presence of a hungry vampire caused both Wizards to sit up a bit straighter. 

Quickly speaking to assure the vampire in question, Wizard Rowan says, "Ah, so you were the one that moved the car! Thank you. That was one of the mysterious events that happened during the blizzard. I am unsure if you heard, but the town seems to be attributing that to an Ancestral Spirit of the local tribe...Glad we could find a more logical solution. Anyway, I appreciate your time and the explanation. Your story and saving the driver match our timeline for the events, and I feel confident in my interpretation of your character. Please, feel free to go and hunt -We are not here to starve you."

"Oh, thank god," I grumble as I bury my head in my hands. 

"Your eyes..." Apprentice Stacy hedges quietly, "They aren't golden..."

Alice's smile is slightly teasing as she looks at the swooning magic user.

"When I'm hungry, my eyes return back to their natural state of green. I actually have silver eyes after eating, and we aren't sure why..." I answer, briefly looking up and allowing my eyes to change to silver before groaning again and grabbing my head. "It's annoying to have to wear green contacts at school..."

Both Wizards look shocked and curious at the apparent mystery. 

"As far as we know, we are one of the very few groups of vampires that do not drink human blood in the world. Most have golden eyes like us after feeding on animals, but Samuel is different. We are looking into a reason why, but, honestly, we don't have a large enough sample size to determine why it happens," Carlisle explains with a shrug of his shoulders. 

Wizard Rowan nods and says, "Fascinating..." while looking at us all like a puzzle he wants to solve. 

After that interaction, the two White Council agents asked to speak to the rest of the coven. They all came downstairs when asked, and the conversation was light. They confirmed the events as each person saw them. They didn't even separate us, so it was clear to me that this truly was just a formality for them. 

30 minutes later, they stand up to leave. Alice and I, along with Carlisle and Esme, walk them to the front door and say goodbye. I shake their hands, doing my best not to smirk at Stacy, who is still mortified by her earlier comment about my shirt and extremely bashful when I offer her my hand.

Before they leave, Wizard Rowan comments, "I wish I could have a longer conversation with you, Carlisle. There are so many questions I want to ask!"

Chuckling goodnaturedly, Carlisle responds, "You are welcome to stop by again for a chat if you want."

"Yes! I would be honored! We should talk over dinner and drinks sometime before we leave!" 

"Master..." Stacy groans again in a tone that speaks of familiarity. She had to chastize her master often, it would seem.

"Uh...r-right. No, what I meant was..."

"It's fine; I know what you meant. Come over for a chat. I would love to discuss the White Council as well. Maybe on Friday evening?" Carlisle answers amenable. 

"Sounds great! See you then!" The White Council Wizards leave with smiles, though Stacy's was definitely strained. 

When we close the door, the four of us all stare silently at each other, listening to their car start up before diving away.

After a minute of no one moving or speaking, I slumped and sighed deeply, "That went well."

"Better than we could have hoped," Carlisle agrees.

"It's good that he was a vampire fan-boy," Alice smirks. 

"And that Samuel seduced that poor girl in seconds," Esme comments with a chuckle of amusement. 

"She was so into you." Alice teases me with a smirk.

"Pretty sure I caught her checking you and Carlisle out, too. I think she just reads too many vampire romance novels." I answer her flatly.

A devilish smirk coming onto her face, Alice says, "Maybe we could-"

"No." I shut that shit down before she can even get it out.

"But...What if..." Alice then leaned in to whisper something in my ear, but I firmly told her no again despite the twitch in my pants.

She pouts.

Pausing slightly, Carlisle clarifies, "....About that, you didn't..." He trails off, gesturing to his eyes, then moving his hand to point toward me.

"Nah, I never use any mind magic on supernatural beings. First, it doesn't work on many of them, and second, if I fail, it can turn ugly quickly. It's rarely worth trying unless the situation is desperate. I know for a fact that White Council members have amulets that detect mind magic because my dad showed me his at one point." I answer.

"That was Samuel's natural charm...and his raw sex appeal." Alice chirps happily as she wraps her arms around my chest.

"Them coming back won't be a problem?" I ask.

"It is a complication, but it is not a problem. I am good at directing conversations, so it should be fine. I'm very impressed with your performance, Samuel. Coming down without a shirt to put them off balance and presenting yourself as hungry and in pain to increase the urgency of the conversation was masterfully done."

"Thanks, I'm just glad we could slip in the important bits. You really think the Volturi will see this?"

That was an odd part of the plan. Originally, I would have changed my name and worn the golden contacts, but Carlisle changed his mind during our planning session yesterday. Instead of hiding or slightly altering my name, appearance, and power (using the Lust Detection Ability we previously discussed), he wanted me to announce them while insisting I was a Red Court Vampire. This was a slight deception, with the majority being the truth.

He explained that hiding in plain sight would garner the attention we needed from potential allies while not antagonizing anyone. He assured me the Volturi would not act against us, as they would know exactly where I am, and Aria would not want to make this an issue in case Margret finds out.

I was...conflicted in accepting this. I had been hiding for 40 years...and now they wanted me to practically announce myself to them...?

'Still, do I want to run forever? Isn't this the perfect place to make a stand?' I consider, feeling dead-tired and ready to finally settle and secure some semblance of peace and stability in my life.

The alternative was leaving with or without Alice, and...well, that wasn't much of an alternative at all. I couldn't do that to Alice, and I would rather blow my brains out than leave her. 

'Fuck it. I'm doing it.' I decided in that moment. Maybe it was rash, but I was so very tired of running away.

I also didn't understand why the two Volturi leaders would be in conflict over me, but I trusted Carlisle's interpretation. He had not led me astray yet. 

"Yes, they have their spies in all the supernatural organizations. They will all see this before the end of the week." He nods gravely. 

This was a risk, and we hoped the gambit would pay off. We hoped that we might find allies among those who remembered my name or my family's name. 

We were not expecting this crazy idea to bear fruit quite so soon, however...

* | * | *

Friday, Nov 18th, 2005 - Cullen House

When Wizards Rowan and Melorn returned to our house Friday evening, they looked far from happy. In fact, they were both dejected as hell.

"Hello, Carlisle, it saddens me to say this, but we will not be able to have that discussion after all. The Council has called us back after we closed the investigation, and we have a red-eye flight to catch this evening. The most prevalent theory is that the rouge wizard has fled North if the blizzard's movement is any indication, so our search will continue in Canada...Well, some other team's search, anyway."

"I see; well, I appreciate you coming by to tell us," Carlisle answers with a commiserating smile, hiding his confusion as to why they would tell him this in person rather than just calling like normal people. 

"Uh, yeah...We also came to introduce our supervisor, who...wants to talk to you more about the incident," he admits sheepishly. 

I tense a bit at hearing that. We were all sitting in the living room, waiting for our guests. 

Alice quickly entwines our fingers and squeezes my hand encouragingly. I smile at her and do my best to push down the nervous tension. There was something apologetic in Wizard Rowan's tone that made me feel extremely nervous to meet his "Supervisor."

"Rowan, Melorn, get back to your hotel and finish packing. I will talk with them. I want to be ready to go in two hours." A man's deep, rumbling voice says, and-

'...hold on, do I recognize that voice?'

It was odd, like the ghost of a memory from long ago, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't picture who the person was or remember any details about them. 

I didn't have to wait long.

As the two initial Wizards shuffle away, shoulders slumped, a bear of a man steps up to shake Carlisle and Esme's hand at the doorway. "Wizard Gregory Mason," the man introduces himself simply.

He had to be 6'8" at least and was even bigger and more muscular than Ross. He had long brown hair with several braids featuring runic rings within them. His beard was equally brown, braided, and bejeweled. He also looked to be in his early 60s, as several streaks of grey could be seen in his hair. 

His eyes were a startling blue, and his expression, while stern, was a mix of anxiety and hope. He wore a long, brown leather trench coat over a black long-sleeved t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black leather boots. 

I blinked in shock when I saw him.

I knew him...I don't know from where, but I had met him at some point. 

When he entered the house, his eyes immediately found mine, and a giant smile made itself known beyond his bushy beard.

He waited for the door to be closed before saying, "You're the spitting image of your father, lad. God rest his soul...But you should've probably changed your name if you were trying to hide. I am not the only one curious about a Raith suddenly appearing in Forks."

"It was left intentionally, Wizard Mason. We hope that Samuel will be able to connect with people from his past. He has lost much of his memories from that time. We need face what might be coming for him." Alice answers at my side, not seemingly bothered by his appearance or his words towards me. 

'Did she know this would happen...?'

Just because Carlisle felt confident that the Volturi wouldn't immediately show up and kill me didn't mean we were going to sit back and relax. We were actively looking to recruit allies to help us if they did decide to come. This was supposed to be nothing but a long shot chance of reeling in someone from my past...but to think someone would actually show up nearly instantly...

'Yeah. She totally knew this would happen,' I decide, shooting her a side glare, which she ignored. 

The Wizard grunts and crosses his arms, looking me up and down while ignoring the house full of vampires around him. He looks completely at ease and confident, causing Janet to tense slightly.

"What, no hug for your uncle?" he finally says after the pause gets a bit awkward.

"U-Uncle!?!" Demand, my head tilting back in confusion. 

Chuckling sadly, he nods to Alice and says, "Aye, it looks like he has lost much...Then again, he was pretty young back then." Focusing back on me, he continues, "I worked with your father as his partner for damn near 15 years. He was the most arrogant, selfish, horny, silver-tongued bastard I have ever known...And he was my best friend. I miss him and your mother dearly."

Wait, what!?!

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments below!

Here are the 2 AI images for today:

Samuel - Pretending to have a headache

Wizard Gregory Mason - Samuel's Uncle?