Rise of the Undead king part 20
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We were in her room, she asked me to sit down on the ground and then she chalked a circle around me on her wooden floor. 'Okay Jacob, what are the first two colours you see when you close your eyes?'

I closed my eyes and didn't see anything for a few seconds.

I heard her voice again 'It usually takes a while. don't worry, just tell me when you see any.'

Ah there I saw something like spots. 'I see green and grey'

'Ah yes, the green must be a healing affinity and the grey must have something to do necrotic or undead. A weird combination, but now try and combine the two colours if you can, and keep your eyes shut.'

I tried to do this, but it was a lot harder than just seeing the colours.

She said something again. 'Yes as I see that frown on your face, you must have discovered this is pretty difficult. That's because it is your first attempt at controlling the energy.'

In the darkness of my mind, I saw the two colours slowly move according to my will, but instead of mixing, they would bump into each other and stay separated. As I sat there trying my hardest she told me that she was going to get something to drink for us. After what seemed like 30 minutes of me constantly failing I heard the door open again and smelt something like tea.

'Ah, Jacob you are still at it. Have you succeeded?'

I opened my eyes and saw Vel in her nightgown again, this time she carried a plate with two cups on it and some cookies.

'No, I really suck at this’

She looked at me as if she excepted it to be so and followed up with.

'That's completely normal, I think this is going to help you. It's sort of a cheat.'

I looked at her with a frown. 'the tea?'

'Yes, my family has experimented with certain herbs and substances which stimulate your will to control the energy and make it easier to control.'

After she told me this I frowned even more, if it was so wonderous. Then why had I never heard of something like it? So I asked 'It's dangerous isn't it?