2) sweet deal?
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The air of desperateness was palpable in its voice or more like his if you take in the masculine voice. The voice sounded forcefully tranquil and veiled in a lot of excitement, urgency, hope. Well, am I just imagining things or is it just me, like my deductioning capabilities failing me when I died. More like, as if 'hope' is truly a thing I'm picking up from whatever sensing capabilities I am having as of now are a thing, then I'd say time to play it to my advantage. What better thing to have freebies when you can get away with it, erm like how about driving a hard bargain of sorts. Well, I gotta play the part. 

[Hmmm, you know-how about, I'm sure that you are someone who has transcended being a mere mortal like me since I haven't heard from anyone else..]

[True indeed, but questions later, please, and don't worry about me reneging on my part of the deal]

[Umm, I haven't said anything though and]

Well can the dude read the mind or something ,or did he have a lot of guests like me ,or maybe him being shrewd even in desperation? 

[Yell away, I am all ears because someone as analytical as you is probably better than some calculating bastard and sorry I can sense all your feelings and emotions but just come out with your demands and make it quick kid]

[ Now now leaving all pretences are we, well works for me anyway but before we go into the demands, I have questions that need answers, you better be clear]

[Haaa, I did see that coming, so go on we're wasting daylight ]

Like I could see anything, other than sensing your voice 

[ oooo, totally forgot you're barely better than just a worm, even though you died a human, well that is when you got sucked into my domain as a matter of fact] 

Well, that's gonna go over my head if you ask me, and a fucking status debuff if I take game terms, that was meant to boot, I am going on a say that he just drove the bargain steep.

[I don't mind the fact that you have one up against me, as I said I will invest in you and you'll run some errands in the new world you'll be sent off to that is all I ask for]

So he says,

[ Then I'll take you up on the offer, let's start with questions like why and how me for starters] 

[Someone like you who need a purpose and the assistance to fulfil that purpose is always a welcome boon for me and for how I got to you, well you see it was more like you getting to me other than me getting you. You're in for the luck of your life I might add, and no easy way even in dumb luck you could have got to me because the odds are stacked against you and overwhelmingly so.]

[The planet you mentioned and can I contact you there?]

[The planet I won't go into details because you'll be there anyway and I'll add a part of me into your physical body that would require certain things to be done and a few things I'll add for the sake of convenience for us both, try to get a firm grasp on the concept of arcana to consider it your top priority when you start your life and I'll be in contact with you when you successfully achieve progress in comprehending arcana, it will become clear to you ]

[So I need to follow your instructions to a T and it'll be good enough for when I start]

[Precisely so and ill put you as a male human being so that you don't have any body-mind misalignment because I'll send you true soul as it is to your new body, anything else you want to ask??]

[Ermm if possible can you change my gender to women, as you already know it can and indeed read my whole life, being a man was an experimental failure and I don't want to repeat it so ill take my chances as a woman]

[Haaa, I kinda knew you would say that well I tried my luck into fast-talking you into it but, I'll be serious that the problems you'll encounter with it will be yours as well as mine to endure and I sure as hell will feel the sting if you go fucking nuts an..]

[ okay don't get crazy ill do it right this time okay. Just how desperate are you and it'll be good if I can know something about you , we'll be in this together so....anything ]

[Soo the thing is that I am not known for any good deeds I did and if you get a wind of my name don't interact with any of the people who are supposed to know anything related to me]

[ Anything to call you by...]

[The varlet of Mother Nisia, my name is Sinezar Nisia. Farewell and do well to not get caught and butchered by anyone related to the church even if you'll live about ten thousand years or so don't count on coming out alive when you get mutilated or something and take your time to keep track of things like the sociopolitical environment and movement of the Great tribes and why...]

That was when we got interrupted by something so bright that even someone like me who got busted up after death who can only sense sinezar talking to me can even perceive the aura of that entity.

[It's him and he is coming for me as well as you by default when I  struck the deal with you so I'll keep it brief collect my body parts that are kept limb by limb as 7 parts at that my head is in a high-security containment of sorts courtesy of the church, I'll give you directives on the fly and...Nah, do your own thing]

Without any more words as if time froze and reality shifted I saw my first colour and guess what its pitch black. A colour most people shrink away from and stereotypically attach everything from bad to evil with. Well for me I was relieved to be able to sense something close to the five senses.