7)Early teens……
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               Being born as a noble is considered to be a privilege, that every commoner, serfs, slave and even merchant look up to. But being the leader means you have to lead I guess, and a leader without any leadership skills usually gets the short end of the stick from the higher-ups. 

                    What I am trying to say is that you don't get a giveaway, if have anything at all, you still have to keep on earning to keep whatever belongs to you with you. That requires a wide assortment of skills when you are noble, that is also the reason why I attend parties arranged especially for kids our age to attend. 

             [Huuu, how much I hate parties ]

     At least in my opinion parties are events where the extroverts and the introverts are easily separated like how wheat is from the chaff. The extroverts who are boundlessly energetic work their magic, with thier words and the introverts, try their best to appear social adept and accomodating as possible. 

    [It's tiring me out with all the smiling and greeting everyone, especially the smiling ]

        Well for me as whose face is suspended in a state of perpetual frown I find it hard to smile, and every time I smile it's like I'm losing some kind of energy that lets me keep up my act.

             The little one's who are first-timers to the party is led by hand introduced to grown-ups and stepmom was with us all the time, its a standard etiquette where you meet and cordially greet everyone.  

            The dress codes to such parties are lax you could wear anything that finds your fancy be it revealing ones or conservative ones, that is for the women where they could wear gowns, frocks, shirts and skirts with frills and all I guess lady privileges. For men, they usually wear fancy shirts with waistcoats, suites with ties to complement with and pants or trousers according to how they like to wear them.

           After the meet and greet, is the party where the musicians hired play fine music to enjoy with some wines, juices and food, people chat with each other about a lot of things that could encompass gossips to things that intrigue an individual. It's considered as a means of getting insider information on things about the things happening inside and Outside of the Empire, if you know where to ask that is.

             My stepmom enjoys chatting a lot and she is quite the crowd puller too, then there is her son who is also attracting people and I tell you that damn kid sticks to me like glue and honestly its a bother for me because the effects are stacking up considering a lot of skirts chasing boys with their sunny smiles and even some girls approaching me to talk or dance. 

             I dance with a very small amount of people to make it formal and after that, I'm just out of juice to do anything and I retreat to a corner. 

             " I kinda knew where you will be," says Alinar after tracking me down 

   "Dear Mother's orders," he says when he sees me frowning, putting his hand in the air like he got caught in the act.

       "Mom gave no instructions like that and I'm pretty sure you are doing this on your own, " I say in retort. 

       " Alea, you know you really are an oddball, all of these people are enjoying the party and only you are behaving like an exhausted farmer waiting to return home" 

       I jolt up in surprise as I heard it and hurriedly asks him "Did it show up in my face " 

       He chuckles a little seeing me like that and says "It didn't show in your face or body language but I kinda have an idea that must have been your thoughts"

         " You brat you better no rat me out to mother " 

     " Okay, okay I won't say a thing to mother Leena, and besides nothing would have happened if you didn't kick up a storm and make excuses to not go to the party"

"Grrrr " I growl a little 

" That is so like you, acting all cute outward, to people who don't know you. Behave unrefined and unladylike in presence of people who know you" he giggles a little seeing me act like that. 

     "Well..." I ask him " what are you doing, buzzing around me like a fly" 

     " You know that you are quite pretty and a lot of boys are staring at you with love-struck expressions and it was funny seeing you turn down a lot of invitations to dance, and as one of the boys that danced with you they all came to me to erm.. you know to get close to you..... "

        Huuuu I take a deep sigh thinking about the trouble that is about to come over 

     " George, of House Clevinar and Max of House Windwell were both persistent in tr.." 

     "Ok, I know you dealt with them so why keep up with the charade, what do you want ?" I cut him off with an irritating face 

     "Ehem.." He blushes a little "You know me well too" 

I continue "I know you want something from me, is it the same request I turned down" he nods enthusiastically 

    I groan a little in displeasure at what I think he means and asks him for further clarification " aren't the maids enough for you " 

   To that, he replies "I want you, Lea, the maids are just not like you, you know back when we were small and I always slept with you and it was so soothing, it's just not same with the maids "

  '  Huu' I sigh again because I get the drift, where this stuff Is going on. When nobles reach an age of sexual maturity, they are imparted with the know how's on this kind of thing. For me, mom as in stepmom trained me and explained how women please a man. As for Alinar mom appointed the duties to head maid and a couple of maids to explain things to him clearly. Ever since learning this, he has been pestering me to be with me. 

         "I won't tell a word on how..." I again cut Alinar off before he starts his drama. 

I sigh again and looks straight into his eyes and tell him " Come to my room tonight, and I won't have you penetrating me also no blowjobs for you, too, if are oka..." I got interrupted with Alinar celebrations like he won some lottery. 

      I catch his arm a drag me outside to the balcony " keep it down will you"