Jake found himself in a large bedroom with newfangled lava lamps and a queen sized bed covered with white sheets and adjacent to it was a door to what he guessed to be the bathroom.
“What kind of waiting room is this?” Said Jake with a raised eyebrow his thoughts more nonplussed than confused.
‘This is not a waiting room this is my private quarters, and here there is no one to save you from me.’
Jake heard Krystal’s voice in his head and what followed was a headache inducing migraine and a sharp pulling force as if someone was attempting to yank out something from his mind.
Jake then heard a voice as cold as ice in his head ‘I don’t know who you are but sister Starlight would never partner up with anyone ever since she was an explorer and after she went missing for an entire year you! A cyborg, brings the map that she had went to get. I don’t know If you are an Idiot or just have guts to even try and impersonate as a friend of my sister Starlight, Now show me where you took her fiend and who put you up to this.’
The voice was similar to a loud speaker increased to full blast prompting him to think of Starlight and their first encounter, from the moment he woke up to this new side of the galaxy in a ship with a desperate Starlight who had been stuck in dead space for over a year and giving herself to Jake in order to power up the ship.
He thought of every single detail to how his large member felt the wet and tight warm slit of Starlight’s embracing meat fold, the ecstasy it brought him bursting with pleasure giving her his large volume of white creamy spunk.
These thoughts brought great, great pleasure to Jake who was surprised that thoughts could feel so, so pleasurable!? He was now losing grip of his lust and his hunger for sexual pleasure that he bottled up was now shattering said bottle, it was then that he heard it.
“Mmh! Y-you s-stop thinking about d-doing that with my sister S-Starlight. Ahh!” Said the shaky voiced Krystal between moans.
Jake who was now momentarily released from the psychic probing took this as an opportunity to explain himself.
“The reason why I’m thinking of this is because it really happened, and the AI of the Nova ship Ria was the one who sent me here.” He said hurriedly.
“Y-you liar you are probably in a coup with that lying Ria.” Said an unsure voice in Jake’s head.
Hearing the uncertainty in Krystal’s voice a smile crept on Jake’s face, “Then let me prove it to you that I’m not deceiving you.” He said confidently.
Silence stretched in the room and Jake’s mind but, as he was still contemplating why his system and cyborg body did not respond to Krystal’s surprise brain search a blue portal where he had stepped out previously opened up and the menacing but voluptuous figure of Krystal walked into the room fists bald up and walking apprehensively towards Jake like he was a wild beast that would devour her if she let her guard down.
“Isn’t that a little harsh treating me like I’m the bad guy here, I mean you are the one that tricked me into walking into a secluded area.” Said Jake who also backed away and sat on the soft bed that felt like resting on jelly.
“Hey! G-get off my bed!” Said the faceless Krystal her Jewels lighting up with a beet red color from which Jake guessed was her showing she was embarrassed, but he had no plans of getting up after the ordeal he was put through.
“Then try and get me off then, because I just got a migraine from your unwarranted search, tell me did it even cross your mind that you might actually be wrong about me and you almost turned me brain dead with that attack of yours.” Said Jake with an irked tone from the rudeness of Krystal and he was going to get out of here having punished her behavior one way or another.
“I-I am worried about my Sister Starlight, she is one of my true family members, plus what I did was not an attack to your mind it was not meant to kill you.”
Jake stared at Krystal with a poker face.
“T-then tell me this proof you have, and I will let you go, I brought you in my room as it is telepathically safe proofed except for me, and no one will be able to spy into our conversation or hear anything even if you scream from pain from when I find out you are lying to me.” Said Krystal with a menacing tone.
Jake could tell she was serious and he did not want to waste time anymore with this yandere. “Your sister Starlight is okay as you saw in my mind.” He said.
“Liar you must have tricked me when I searched your mind, since the moment you walked into the guild your mind was filled w-with dirty things, and when you looked at me you eve…even now you want to do those dirty things to me, you must have forced yourself onto my sister as well.” Said Krystal her orbs on her crown showing a faint red hue from her own embarrassing assumptions.
Jake sensing the hostility and the power emanating from her hurriedly shouted back too, “Shut up!”
Immediately Krystal was silenced as she sensed something inside of Jake, “I will never do something like force myself onto someone and that is a line I’m not willing to cross, If you don’t believe me then search my mind again I won’t try to resist this time.” He said with a determined tone.
Krystal was left speechless and stunned but the sudden outburst by the cyborg surprised her, as she knew that cyborgs where not as emotional as the one before her, but even though she had seen the mental images of her adoptive sister Starlight doing such obscene things she refused to believe it, she wanted to be sure that what she saw was not an illusion or trick to hide from her elite peak [F] rank psychic powers she needed direct contact and also know that feeling she had before she was cut off.
“Okay then stay still and don’t try to move then.
A wolfish smile then formed on Jake’s face as if a devious predator had trapped a rabbit in a corner.
@Asterioz wow thats was a really quick answer