Chapter 17: Showing Proof
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Krystal’s POV

She watched as the cyborg stared at her as she extended her hands to his head and felt him feebly attempt to relax his mind. Feeling the lustful yearning for her from the cyborg was something new to her, many had avoided courting her, as they were afraid of her psychic powers but, this cyborg with no psychic defense item and no special mental block innate ability dared to allow her full access to his mind just to prove a point even as it was the first time they just met.

Even for her race it was rare to have such quick trust to letting another freely enter one’s mind to do as they wished and she wanted to know what made him so confident, she had seen his smile and felt he had another agenda in mind.

‘Just what makes him so sure I won’t turn his thoughts to mush.’ She thought going into his head after a tip of her fingers got in contact with his head.

The mind of the cyborg in front of her played itself like a moving hologram animation she used to watch as a young child.

Speaking of child this caused the hologram animation to change and the appearance of a young human child appeared, his hair was light brown with light blue eyes similar to a water elemental gem core for a magical monster.

“Is this him?’

As if to find an answer to her own question she watched as the child was inside of what seemed to be a small room washed by the darkness of the night but the little box in front of the child released animated pictures of a screaming maniac with dark hair as he slowly turned his hair into a golden sheen, the child screamed happily while clenching his fists in excitement.

“I should focus and find what I want,” the thing about psychics was that they did not have the power to alter other peoples memories at [F] rank but, could only theoretically toss a pebble in a pond and await for the sedimented old memories to rise from the bottom of the waters.

And those pebbles were their own thoughts, emotions or desires as they permeated their targets. She focused herself and discarded her nostalgia about her childhood, and searched for her sister Starlight and what events led to this cyborg meeting her.

The holographic animations then shifted to the young child now grown up running towards a strange building barricaded with what appeared to be a primitive military force of some kind, to which the young man defiantly charged forward only to get killed by a metallic projectile similar to the laser guns she knew of but, were watered-down a notch or two.

Then after that a blanket of pink void shrouded her, and no matter how much she sent out her desires and emotions, no echo responded but only the pinkish void stared back at her blocking further attempts at peering beyond the pink cloud nebulae, this power was not of the cyborg it was a great power that eclipsed her feeble understanding of the mind, and it knew she was there.

She panicked! And sought to escape but, the power was too overwhelming for her. She was going to be crushed by it as pink clouds invaded her, however she begged for her sister Starlight to appear and a warm hand held her shoulders and pulled her out the assault.

She appeared once again in the memory of the insides of the NOVA ship. “What in the great cosmos was that presence? It felt so old and powerful, too powerful to dwell inside a cyborg mind. Not to forget this one is from a primitive world with no magic.”

She immediately knew it was not a planet in the universe of eldeon since all energy producers from suns, planet cores and other entities are born from a special type of rare magicule particles that is harnessed by empires known as primordial energy.

Primordial Energy was not an elemental molecule but it was the most sought after pure energy. When this rare energy is found in planets or suns in a solar system their primordial energy would be harvested by powerful empires to control and monopolize for the benefit of their space colonies.

“No! I might have seen it wrong, if this cyborg could produce primordial energy he would live a life full of danger and strife from all the big shots that want a slice of the goodies.” But as if to prove her wrong she heard Starlight’s voice.

“Hey! Produce some energy I saw your specs you are a model that can produce energy,” the animations forwarded to the horny cyborg kissing her sister Starlight’s lips to them starting to engage in their mating acts.

“Wait how does this have to do with producing energy, had Starlight finally lost her wits after being in space all alone with that annoying Ria Artificial intelligence and allowed herself to get taken advantage of?” She said regretfully shaking her head.

The sexual acts started to get more obscene she wanted to look away but, some kind of urge made her want to watch the events play out, she had no eyes outside but in the minds of others, she saw everything crystal clear and she was curious of the mating ways of her sister Starlight and the cyborg.

She watched as the cyborg had faithfully fondled the breasts of her sister and gently played and slowly licked her tits with his slippery tongue similar to a starving beast while, he buried his head between the triple twin ravines of Starlight’s naked large green skinned bosoms.

Krystal felt her breath once again quicken similar to the previous ambush she had done to the cyborg however she had become distracted by all of the sex, but this time she came prepared and was not caught off guard.

She saw the large veiny and fleshy member of the cyborg as it slowly inched towards the small wet slit of her sister Starlight. “How is that large thing going to fit?” She inquired and was answered when Jake’s rod plunged itself fiercely into the meaty cave, and the wet golden drool from Starlight’s snatch helped in making the large member invade its slippery walls.

Slapping noises and heavy moans of bliss was all she saw and heard, she then saw the faces she could not believe her sister Starlight was able to make, and the mad lip locking both these individuals demonstrated like savage beasts in heat.

She too as she stared did not realize she was slowly gulping in her phantom body out of an inkling of desire.