"Unhand her now! Before I beat the shit out of every single one of you"
Tomomi essentially choosing violence at first sight left them stunned, they never really expected her to do anything remotely violent considering just how indifferent she seemed to other kids. She was cheerful but kept that to herself since she didn't interact extensively with other kids so she gathered a reputation of being a pacifist.
They also knew that she was athletic and stronger than average thanks to her quirk, as strange as that sounded, but having the strength to the extent of cracking bricks with her bare fist was simply unthinkable at her age. or so Oka and everyone else though.
Tomomi raised an eyebrow at the gaping kids making them finally snap out of their shock, the three of them instantly became wary of her and took stances to fight her, letting go of Oka, although she did not notice since she kept staring into the eyes of Tomomi. Everyone kept staring each other down as if in a Mexican stand-off until someone lost their patience.
Yoshihama yelled, "Get Her!"
"Very Well!" She replied with a smile.
As soon as Tomomi took a step forwards she immediately heard a finger snap and slipped and started falling face first, Oka kept looking at her and saw how she got surprised, but she didn't even dwell on it for a second before extending her right hand to the side and trying to stop her fall with her left.
Her hand slipped on the concrete floor making finally landed on the floor, she tried to put force on her feet but couldn't get up since her feet kept slipping no matter what she did. Yoshihama closed the gap and tried kicking Tomomi's face but she started slipping to the right, making him miss his powered kick.
Tomomi's stretched hand had pulled her to the side rather smoothly at first, but she ended up being dragged on the floor at the last second, she frowned while thinking. after a few seconds, she looked at them.
"A quirk to remove friction and a strengthening one"
They were surprised by her correct assessment and Tomomi used their shock to run at Yoshihama even faster than before, pulling her fist back to punch at him made him cross his arms to block it
"{Rubber Pistol}"
She shot her first towards him at her shout, but to his surprise it went sailing beside his head, missing him entirely, Yoshihama looked at Tomomi's frown making him grin.
"So you can't eve-"
A familiar pained voice interrupted him, Yoshihama followed the arm beside him, the punch had landed on the wall behind and bounced from it, only to hit one of the boys behind Oka in his stomach, knocking the air out of him. His fist clenched as he went to look at Tomomi who now had a smug look on her face.
Yoshihama increased his speed as he went to punch Tomomi who grabbed her stretched arm, he knew that he wasn't stronger than Tomomi but her quirk was actually widely known, she could 'stretch' but it wasn't that she could just 'do it'. Basically, her body parts won't be stretched unless force is applied to them, so she could not move her stretched arm right now, so using this opportunity he was going to at least land his strongest punch in her smug face.
"Eat this!"
Tomomi saw how his fist glowed indicating that he was using a lot of force in the punch, Yoshihama saw her grabbing her arm as it was stretching back before pulling it to the side all the way with a smile.
"{Rubber Shotgun}"
She let go of it, making her whole arm bounce wildly in a place like a rubber band, the sides of her arm hit Yoshihama lightly on his cheek but he ignored this and went in to punch her, but the returning fist hit him in the back of the head making him trip forward without even trowing the fist.
"{Rubber Stamp}"
A yakuza kick landed in his gut and was blown away a couple of meters but manages to stay up although, with ragged breaths, Tomomi simply smiled as she approached him. grabbing him by the collar of his shirt he lifted him up to her eye level.
The image of a seven-year-old holding another one by the collar as if he was her worst enemy would be rather ridiculous to anyone, but for Oka, it was the image of a 'warrior' made reality. Oka kept looking at them for a few seconds before she looked in her direction.
Tomomi simply decided to deal with the only one that was left, she figured that he also had an interesting quirk but could not care less at the moment. With one hand she lifted Yoshihama in the air as he whimpered.
"This is yours right?"
"T-that's rig-ght!"
The last one barely could get his brain to function before he answered Tomomi's taunt hastily, She smiled cheerfully before lowering her center of gravity.
"He's all yours then!"
She threw Yoshihama at him without a second thought, making them crash and rolled away from Oka. Tomomi looked at the three kids who were holding their stomachs in pain as she nodded to herself.
"That should be enough"
She approached them as they started getting up startling Oka as well, Yoshihama pointed at her with fury in his eyes at being humiliated extremely easily.
"You'll pay for this!"
"Heh~" She smiled, but her eyes were not.
"Sure send me the receipt"
All three of them shivered a bit before their face became red in anger and ran away from her, leaving Oka and Tomomi to their devices. Oka snapped out of her and stood up in a hurry.
[Righ... this is too good to be true]
Oka had 'received' help before, but most people who were her friends had already abandoned her due to Yoshihama who actually had offered her help but ended up being another bully. so she simply decided to be cautious she bowed at a perfect 90-degree angle.
"Thanks for helping me!"
And immediately bolted in the opposite direction at her max speed, which wasn't that fast due to her still feeling pain from the previous gut punch that she received. as she was running away a hand landed on her shoulder making her hyperventilate a bit before turning her head.
[Not again!]
She began to tear up as she saw Tomomi's stretched arm holding her firmly in place. Tomomi approached her and told her in a very smooth voice.
"You should wait for people to accept your gratitude, but I guess it makes sense" Tomomi said while looking up, before releasing her grip and moving to Oka's side.
"Here" Tomomi streched her hand.
"You can't go to your parent's house in that condition," she said with conviction, Oka gazed at the eyes that radiated kindness and sympathy and decide to follow her.
[It's not like I had any say in that]
"Sorry but this is necessary"
Oka was getting cleaned up in the School infirmary after being dragged by Tomomi, Tomomi was cleaning her injuries in secret since that was what Oka asked for. Oka never like troubling the teacher about her bullying and even if she did, the bullying would just stop for a day or two before it intensified for the rest of the month.
Tomomi was taking care of Oka's injuries which included scrapes on her knees due to falling on the floor face first and the bloody nose that she had going. She also decided to brush her hair and fix her clothes, the whole process made Oka flustered at her appearance and made her realize that maybe, her parent knew about this.
[No that can't be the case... actually it could]
Her parent did teach her the sayings of warriors so maybe they wanted to learn something from this? she wasn't sure of a lot of things now but she was at least better than before.
As for Tomomi, Oka took into account not only her demeanor but also her impressions of her, being a pacifist that apparently got mad at bullies, and decided to trust her for now. So she told her everything while walking home, from her family's origin which was somewhat brushed off as 'pretty cool', and about her time in school.
She was actually getting a bit nervous, Tomomi's face changes rapidly from bad to worse, her elastic face even made it extremely obvious just how much she was thinking about the whole thing. Oka continued to the more serious stuff about her bullying with a bitter smile but managed to finish, Tomomi looked at her and nodded to herself.
Oka yelped after being hugged by Tomomi, she was flailing her arms for a bit before calming down.
"W-why? why did you hug me?" She asked while trying to get out of her hug only to be hugged a bit tighter.
"You looked like you needed one"
Oka stopped moving for a second before hugging Tomomi back. they stood like that for a few minutes before Oka realized her situation and let go of Tomomi with a blush on her face.
"A-ah sorry about that is just tha-"
"Don't even worry about it!" Tomomi patted Oka's head.
"Anyways have a nice day! see you tomorrow Oka!" Tomomi said as she left Oka at the bus stop.
"Un!" She nodded to her while waving, She looked at the fading figure of Tomomi and kept looking even when she had disappeared. With a smile on her face, Oka, for the first time in a while, was looking forwards to school.
The very next day, Oka was walking toward class with a nervous smile on her, it was definitely better than her fake one for sure but her thoughts were swirling around her, making her very anxious about even showing her face to class as it could be for the worse.
This was the 'break or make' moment, there were people that did help her before, but they were disappointing and even disgusted to her core, they were nice and helpful as long as they were alone with her. They simply never broke the status quo out of fear for themselves while leaving Oka to fend for herself.
She hated them.
They were people who wanted to be praised while not risking anything, they had proven time and time again that they would desert her at the first sign of trouble no matter the situation. Hypocrites and cowards who simply represented the exact opposite of the 'warriors' that she admired herself.
Even with her minuscule confidence, she knew that she was at least better than these people.
She didn't believe Tomomi was this type of person, but she was extremely scared of confirming it, her brain kept making the illogical leap that 'not knowing' was simply better than the possibility of failure. but her thoughts were snapped when she heard someone say from the window beside her.
"Hey Oka, Good morning!" Tomomi said with a smile while almost falling from the window, Oka mechanically look at her before taking a deep breath.
"Good morning Tomomi" She said calmly, she was observing Tomomi's behavior to try to see if she was being tricked again.
"Wanna sit beside me?" Tomomi declared without batting an eye, pointing at the empty seat beside her. Well, it wasn't empty, it had Tomomi's schoolbag in order to mark it as hers.
"I-I..uh..." Oka was flabbergasted, she looked at the sheer sincerity of her statement that she took a second to answer.
"...yeah, that would be nice" she answered with her gaze down, a bit embarrassed about her behavior. Oka simply entered the classroom and sat, before handing Tomomi's schoolbag back to her.
"T-thanks for reserving a seat"
"No problem"
The school wasn't a great one by any means of the imagination, so seats weren't assigned to specific students, instead, they kinda just sat how they liked. So most students simply as in groups of 4-5 with a clear leader, although a leader refers mostly to a single person who talked to the most people.
Reserving a seat was simply done to friends, Oka had never gotten this treatment so she felt pretty nice about it, students around Tomomi raised an eyebrow at this but then most simply forgot about it 2 seconds later. It would become gossip for those that didn't have anything better to do that 'Oka and Tomomi were friends' or that 'Tomomi strong-armed Oka into her servant' since her bullying wasn't that hidden.
Oka should meet Tomomi's dad for some training.
Edit: reversed names
If you want little spoilers regarding the story, then read the glossary.
Must protec oka
The sweet must portecc the sweet
I'm gonna get diabetes at this rate
Thanks for chapter
I for one thinks that stories with inserted characters that still end up exactly like canon is sort of pointless? Like if they being there changes nothing then what’s the point?
This is not to say that everything must be entirely different: small changes here and there is fine, it’s even fine if the ending is mostly the same just don’t make it a carbon copy!
I also like stories that is self aware, with characters that don’t manages to change anything in spite of all their efforts and essentially is trying to defy fate (or something).
There are many ways to make a known story enjoyable by exploring new sides and angles, but that is not achieved if the new aspects of a story is poorly glued into the story to just stand awkwardly in the background without anything really happening.
In that regard I think that this story has succeeded so far in that it gives a more in depth look in how the new elements fit into the story and I like the mc’s personality and actions so far…
I am eager to see where it’s all going in the end!
Have a good day
I don't know how to put this is it just me or does anyone else think Oka will be like zoro
thanks for the chapter.
It'd be neat to get a Buggy expy at some point. Obviously, there'd be no way for him to exist like that unless he was also a reincarnate from our Earth (or the mangas from the Before-Times are still around) Buggy is from Shanks' generation, so the guy would probably already have been working as a hero for a couple of decades or so. Just having another person around with meta-knowledge would be plenty of chaos to shift the timeline around and give justification for your changes.
You mean like setsuna tokage she basically has buggy’s powers plus she can regrow destroyed body parts
Thanks for the chapter~♪