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Now that we've gotten to 20k views on this story, I want to talk about how this story came to be in my mind. Well, to put it short, I was actually inspired by hentai. I know that sounds weird, but stick with me here. Well, I read a few hentai about succubus. People who read a lot of it should know the basic structure of how these work. 

There's this normal everyday dude who is just kind of chillin. If he's a teenager than he's either playing a game or coming back from school. If he's a man, then more than half the time they're coming back from work and regretting some parts of their lives. In a moment of uncertainty, the succubus comes in and says that she'll suck the man dry. Then they do the deed for like 10 pages, and the succubus is so impressed with the dudes semen or whatever that she stays. Then shenanigans happen if it turns into a series. 

Well, I thought about a few things, but it didn't really come into fruition until I read this one hentai. I don't remember the name of it, but the synopsis is that this dude goes to school like a normal kid, but he lives with a succubus. The succubus in this case is just a childhood friend, and interesting thing is that she can gain energy just by touching, not just sex. Which that got me thinking about how stale the other stuff I read was that such a basic change to succubus abilities felt fresh and new. 

Then there's the ending of the series where she wants to get pregnant by the MC. That's fairly normal stuff in hentai, but that got me to think something that I don't think a lot of people do. How would the baby be born as? How does a succubus baby even grow? Is it born fully succubus, fully human, or a mix of both, and how does that work? Those questions entered my mind, and I began answering them with my own head cannon of succubi knowledge. At this point is when Harmony was born in my mind. 

But I didn't have any story for it. There's no basic plot or direction for her to go, so then something hit me out of left field. First off, I'm a big V-Tuber fan. I don't watch twitch though because I'm not a fan of all the down time, but I do keep up with all the clips. Out of all the vtubers though, there is one that I like watching more than most. That vtuber being Ironmouse. She's probably the only vtuber where I'll suck up all the down time and just watch the stream cause she's just a genuinely good person.

Well, if you know Ironmouse and her fans, then you might have an idea where I'm going with this. She's friends with the youtuber CdawgVA and he's pretty good too. I watch his videos and trash taste all the time. Then I heard something interesting. A fan of theirs decided to make, I don't know if it was a webnovel or webcomic, based off of their friendship. It's called, "My Roommate is a Gremlin." That's when Ty was born in my mind.

So I had my basic story, but then what did I do from there. To be honest, I didn't really know much about where I would be going with this story until I began writing it. I had a basic plot that could be done in around thirty chapters, but I wanted to do more. I wanted to subvert the succubus creature on its head. I didn't really look in historical lore about them. Instead, I took inspiration from how succubi are portrayed in hentai, and brought that over to the story. Then all I had to do was make the succubi act like actual living beings rather than what they're portrayed as in hentai, that being sex demons that only exist to satisfy the fetish of the reader. 

So then I have a tragic tale of how succubi have been created which I will not tell because we'll get to it when we get to it. So then, with that, all I needed to do was think of a natural conclusion to how things would turn out. Believe it or not, I came up with the whole murderer plotline after I wrote the third chapter. Then I came up with a lot of other things after it. 

I'm not going to spoil anything but I will say this. There are two halves to this story. There's the slice-of-life drama that the story is right now, and once I get to a certain point, the entire series will switch up to a grimdark tale of the concept of what it means to be alive in this world. Or the world of My Succubus Roommate, I guess. I'm a big sucker of stories that start laid back but then shows a darker side to the story. Which actually brings me to my third piece of inspiration. 

The third inspiration for this story is an NSFW visual novel on titled "Lessons in Love." That game has an amazing story, actually one of my favorite stories of all time, and it starts out as an unassuming porn visual novel. Then, once the player gets to the room with clocks, the game showed its true colors, and they were absolutely stunning. I highly recommend it. The creator is still updating the game and there's around 30 or so hours of playtime. It's free too. All you need is the time to play it. 

So now that that's over with, I can finally get to the big thank you. Thank you to the readers who gave my story a chance out of possible thousands on this site. I'm not that confident in my writing ability, but I do know that I'm at least decent. I hope that everyone that reads this has a wonderful Happy Reading. Now thank them Ty. 


I said thank them.


The people that are reading your story.

"You do realize you're talking to yourself, right?"

Shut up, I'm trying to be clever here.

"You just come off as cringy."

And that's it for today. I'll update with a new chapter tomorrow and I hope that we can get 50k views soon. I hope everyone can have a wonderful day and enjoy some Happy Reading!