Chapter 27 – Valhallon
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Catherine touched herself, pinching her left breast. She felt only a numb sensation, no matter how hard she pinched

She was holding Michael's hand as she guided it to touch her other breast, feeling the warm sensation of being touched by a lover

"Not so hard. You might break my fingers again" Michael instructed

Catherine tried to be more gentle, as Michael would have to change to one of his other forms to heal

She now knew of his other forms, but she like Michael's original form the best

Since her recovery, Catherine's body had changed

It would seem that she could no longer feel very much from her skin, except when Michael touched her. 

His touch could come from any part of his body, and was especially intense during sex

Otherwise, touching anything and everything else, she could only feel a dull sensation, akin to touching something while wearing padded gloves

Somehow, only Michael's bare flesh gave her any sensations at all, and she kept holding his bare hand, rubbing it all over her body to feel warmth

She needed him to make her feel something again, if not it felt like she was just wandering around in a dream, without feeling anything

At night when they made love, she especially felt everything. She orgasmed several times each night, which was the complete opposite to the daytime where she barely felt anything

The other issue was that she now had to adjust to having incredible strength, able to bend metal and break stones barehanded!

It appeared that she somehow had the strength and durability of a zombie, or very similar to it

But she was now human again, having regained her personality and memories

The nymphs did tell her that Michael put her back together, but she didn't know what it meant. But she recognized the taste of Michael's cum, which tasted different from other men's cum she's tasted before

Besides that, there were other changes to her body

She found it hard to taste food. She could eat, but tasted nothing as everything was bland, and she couldn't smell anything, which negated her enjoyment of any food

Instead, the only thing she could taste was Michael's cum. This was not intentional, of course, but after trying to eat many times, she found everything unbearable and bland tasting. She found that she enjoyed his cum when she gave him a blowjob

This was why she wanted to taste Michael's cum, lick his sweat and even asked if she could smell his farts. He obliged, but apparently didn't and couldn't produce any farts 

Her own body too, didn't produce sweat or tears, nor did she defecate or pee anymore. Her whole body only produced Michael's "manjuice" as the nymphs called it. But funnily enough, she couldn't taste or smell her own sweat or juices, only Michael's

The nymphs were more than happy to lick her body when she sweat, but she couldn't feel their touch even when they touched her sexually while trying to extract more manjuice from her

At first, she didn't know how she felt about Michael and the nymphs. She knew that the nymphs hypnotized both her and Michael to have sex the night before she turned into a zombie

But after being restored, she couldn't survive without him as without him, she couldn't feel any touch, nor could she eat or drink

She didn't hate him for what happened, but did she love him? What about her ex-fiancee Azaham? She couldn't even remember how he looked like now as all her memories and emotions were distant

However, both Catherine and Michael's personalities were compatible even from the first time they met, and she definitely liked him as a person. As a lover, she needed his touch, so sticking with him was all she could do for now

Together, they were taking a journey together, venturing further north into Careyse

They couldn't stay in Rumalow, as this would attract too many questions.

It would be difficult to explain why he wasn't affected among all the adventurers, and why the Guildmaster's fiancee Catherine, the popular receptionist at the guild, who was last seen zombified, was fine and was travelling with him now

After all, if the survivors were interviewed, the last time anyone had seen her, she was a zombie!

Michael had already eliminated all the zombies by sucking out their energy with his vines, but even so, anyone from Rumalow would be thoroughly investigated

They travelled by foot, with Catherine tightly holding his hand, as the 3 nymphs frolicked around without a care in the world, skipping around them like butterflies around a flower.

They were headed for Valhallon, the capital of Careyse

Legend has it, it's white walls were the last bastion of mankind, that fended off the dragons in the north, and the demons of the south

It was from Valhallon that mankind defended and eventually counterattacked, carving out the land for the humans, eventually forming Bohering Plains and Evalonia to the south and Atlania to the East. 

Each nation had their own responsibilities with Careyse holding back the dragons from the Roof of the World, while Avalonia were to fight the demons in the south. Evalonia had the responsibility to keep in check the beasts from the sea

This was the reason Evalonia summoned heroes like Michael to kill the Demon Lord. They wanted to stop the threat once and for all with warriors from another world, who had the abilities to use mana or aura through their whole body, far surpassing the warriors of the land

Of course, Michael was the exception. Unable to handle mana, he was discarded. But somehow his last minute training enabled him to reverse the flow of lifeforce attacks by a succubus, vampire, werewolf, veela and even an alraune!

"Does this mean the other heroes could do the same?" Michael wondered to himself, looking at the nymphs playing with each other and then at his own body

He remembered Roland, Achilles, Cuchulain and Temujin being vastly superior in mana control than he was. If they taught him this ability, presumably they were much more powerful by now. 

But that didn't matter to him right now

Since he was not any chosen hero or whatever, even after the Kingdom of Evalonia framed him to attract the demons to kill him, he was going to live in peace. Besides, after the dragon attack after Dildao, the demon army should have assumed him dead anyway. 

If Valhallon was the strongest city to withstand demons, that was where he wanted to be to build a life for himself, and with his now many wives

Especially since King Gregoras reigned from Valhallon. From Catherine's description, and from the memories of the beings he absorbed, he was a legendary king, with his might sword Dragondeath, the mighty sword of his ancestors

He is rumored to be undefeatable, even in his younger days where he assumed the guise of the S Rank adventurer Rowhawk!

Valhallon was also the Headquarters of the Magic Tower, the guild of magicians. While there were mages who became adventurers and joined the Adventurers Guild for money, most if not all, learned their magic from the Magic Tower or thee Mage Academy, both run by the Magic Tower which set and thought a comprehensive syllabus

There were of course, other places that produced magicians, like the floating city of Twizzlegard. But they were a closed society of magical families, who kept their family and racial magic a secret. There was also the rumored city of Norestgul, the place of dark wizards. But that city was supposedly wiped out and all the mages killed, after they waged war against Valhallon


Weeks after travelling, and Michael felt he has been travelling non stop since arriving in this world, he and his women arrived at Valhallon

"State your name and business" the guard asked, standing at the door that led through the huge white walls of Valhallon. To Michael's surprise, the guard was a beastman 

"I am.. the Green Knight. I... we seek to visit the Adventurer's Guild here. I am from the Bohorian Plains" Michael said, deciding not to mention Evelonia

"And these are... your wife and daughters?" he asked again

"No! We are his wives!" Aria said, sounding irritated, removing her hood

"Oh? Forgive my rudeness" the guard said, realizing that the 3  teenage looking girls were nymphs

In Careyse, nymphs were apparently viewed upon as rare magical beings, even worshipped by some farmers who lived near the forests

After filling the log book, they were allowed into the city walls

Inside, the city was enormous and made even the capital city Edwardia of Evalonia look like a regional town

Like the rest of Careyse, the city was filled with races and beasts of all kinds

In fact, if not for Catherine and himself, he didn't see a single pure human in the area of the city they were in

Michael wondered if he should have used his Fenris beastman form to fit in. But none of the nymphs would like that, although it didn't matter to Catherine

He headed to the Valhallon Adventurer's Guild and registered again as a E Ranked Adventurer together with his "wives"

He did contemplate taking another occupation, but what else can he do? He wasn't a smith. Adventuring at least would bring him to see more of Careyse and was something he could do competently to earn money

He still had some money left from selling the treasures after conquering the alraune, but not much as the rest were gone after the shop selling the rest of the treasures was destroyed in the zombie attack on Rumalow. Furthermore, the shopkeeper had turned into a zombie and besides robbing the shop, there was no way to reclaim his treasures back. Besides, they left Rumalow to immediately try to heal Catherine and never returned 

With the remaining money, Michael rented a large room in a nice inn. The nymphs and Michael didn't really need to eat, nor does Catherine anyway, so they saved money on food. 

They already took a low level mission to hunt goblins 

With that, they started their new lives in Valhallon