Chapter 09 – Great Outdoors and an Engagement of Sorts
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Note: Thanks to all the readers.  It's good to know others are enjoying Jack and Anna's story.


So... your dad mentioned 'moose spiders'...”

Anna was driving. Her brow furrowed for a moment, then she cracked a smile.

Oh, he was just messing with you.”

Ah. Great.”

Some people call them that as a joke. They're just wood spiders or something. Mostly they hang out on the wharf for some reason.” She expounded.

Oh. Wonderful. Why is there a Klingon at camp?”

No, wharf spelled w-h-a-r-f. It's like, a small pier. For launching boats or fishing off of.” Anna explained.

Huh. Learn something new every day.”

Score one for me on the random info game.” Anna declared.

Okay. As long as we're on the subject of questionable shit I've heard today. You grabbed toilet paper for the outhouse. Does that mean what I think it means?”

Anna glanced over.

Have you never used an outhouse? You have been camping, right? Did you just, like, shit in the woods, or-?”

We mostly camped at, you know, camp grounds. They had public restrooms.”

This will be kinda like that. 'Cept there's no running water.” her cheery tone earned an unimpressed look from Jack.

Well, it can't be too bad, if you're willing to deal with it.”

You get used to it. Sort of.”

They rode a while in silence. Jack watched long stretches of forest pass by outside his window.

What's that say?” Anna asked of an exit sign.

Exit 59. Gas and food. By the way, does poor vision run in the family?”

Do what?”

Your mom wears glasses.” he pointed out.

Uh, yeah, on her side of the family. I can see fine right now, thanks. Anyway, I could always get contacts.”

Either way,” Jack said, “Find the right glasses and it's a cute look.”

Are you saying my mom is cute?” Anna asked after a pause.

Jack gave her a calculating look, then shrugged.

Isn't she?”

Well, I guess, but-”

Don't worry,” Jack teased, “I'm only into slightly older women.”

Oh, fuck off!” Anna laughed. “Keep talking, smart guy. You won't be getting into this woman.”

When your dad said enjoy it while it lasts, I thought it was gonna last a little longer...”

And never mind worrying about how cute my mom is. I don't wanna end up on one of those interviews on, like, Howard Stern or-”

Jerry Springer?”

Yeah, like that. Sat in between circus acts, listening to the host say, 'Now let's bring out Jack, who says he just likes slightly older women.'”

I think that might still be too vanilla for the shock jock shows.” Jack chuckled. “And my actual point was that I think you could totally pull off glasses.”

Mm. Maybe.”

And you run a book store, so you'd be sexy librarian adjacent, which-”

Is this another one of your fetishes that you waited to tell me about?” Anna cast a suspicious glance his way.

No, I was- Actually, maybe I'll start making up weird fetishes just to mess with you.”

Oh god, please don't.” she managed to wince and smile at the same time. She reached a hand over to trail her nails along his stubbled jaw. “Stick to eating my ass and rubbing my feet.”

Jack turned his head to take her thumb between his teeth for a moment.

Yes, Dear. What I was going to say is, you'd be all set to cosplay any number of sexy librarian type characters. You could even do pictures at Shelf Indulgence.”

Huh. Hadn't thought of that.”

That country store, is that on the way to the camp?” Jack asked after a time.

Uh, yeah. Probably pass there in about twenty minutes or so. Wanna stop?”

Yeah. Thought we could check and see if they have anything for, like, souvenirs. Something to bring back for Nikki and Crystal.”

Oh, yeah. Good thinking.”


The elderly woman behind the counter in the small store chatted them up while they looked around. She spoke at her own pace, which was slow, but made up for the lack of speed with extra volume. When Jack pointed this out to Anna in a whisper, she told him that the woman had been running the place since Anna's parents were young. She was something of a fixture. Jack smiled, seeing that visiting the place was a pleasant nostalgia trip for her.

In the end they paid and left with a brown paper bag containing a little glass bottle of authentic maple syrup, a flask shaped pint bottle of something called American Jugger's Apple Pie Moonshine, and several postcards. Among the post cards were four copies of a print featuring a little black and white image of the Junction Store below the legend; 'I grabbed some junk at the Junction.'

Jack had suggested they get the extra post cards so they could keep one, give one to Crys and Nikki, and then he could mail the others to Robert and Dan and Amy. It amused him to imagine how surprised they would be to actually hear from him – via snail mail, no less.

Back on the road, it wasn't long before they turned off onto a narrower, two lane road. Then onto a dirt road. And not gravel, but actual dirt. There were no signs to indicate the road had a name or speed limit. There were, however, the occasional ruts and potholes. Too, the road soon became considerably narrower as it wove into the forested area surrounding the pond. A certain limit of speed suggested itself to anybody not willing to risk damaging their vehicle, jarring themselves half to death, and potentially colliding with any oncoming vehicles.

They passed over a short log bridge spanning a shallow creek at one point. While he wasn't overly concerned, Jack listened intently in case it might creak ominously as they passed over, but it proved quite stable. Letting his eyes wander, he enjoyed the passing view of the idyllic old growth forest. Pines, poplar, and pale birches stood spaced as if to avoid crowding each other. Amidst them the ground was uneven and blanketed with layers of leaf litter and pine needles. Thick, soft looking moss blanketed large stones and the deteriorating remains of stumps and fallen branches. It all put Jack in mind of the poets and writers who had immortalized loving descriptions of nature.

Jack might have failed to notice the turn onto the driveway in to the camp had it not been for the carved wooden sign nailed up on a birch, reading simply, 'Durand.' Thankfully Anna was driving, and knew to expect it. The driveway turned out to be a loop that let back onto the dirt road again some forty feet down. Anna slowed and parked halfway along the loop.

Immediately in evidence were the camp itself, two small outbuildings – one of which Jack took for the outhouse, what with the crescent cutout in the door – a hammock strung between two trees, a canoe resting upside down nearby, and a path of flatish stones leading down an uneven incline to the water's edge. A simple boardwalk – the wharf – extended thirty feet out into the water.

Jack exited the car and stood enjoying the fresh air and calm while Anna went and checked under the stones near the cabin door for the key. When she had unlocked the camp and propped the door open, the two lugged in the cooler and luggage. Again, Jack stood around, this time inspecting the décor and furnishings and picture magnets on the refrigerator while Anna checked around to see if there were any sprung mouse traps.

With that done, Anna gave Jack a tour, which was, per force, brief. There was the main room: along the left wall were the sink, cupboards, electric range, and refrigerator with television perched atop it. In the center of the room was a rectangular hardwood table surrounded by chairs. In the far wall were two doors flanking a woodstove. Along the left wall, opposite the cupboards was an old plaid couch.

One door led to a bedroom, the other a hall. On the hall was a door to a second bedroom, and at the end of the hall, a back door leading out onto a little landing with steps which led down to a cleared area between the camp and the water. In that cleared area were a stone and mortar fireplace and a set of red wooden picnic table and benches.

In the course of the tour Anna noted a few points of interest. A chest of drawers in one of the bedrooms held, along with some spare clothes, a collection of board games and similar diversions. Under one of the beds were foam noodles and life vests for use in or on the pond. An old steel box first aid kit mounted on a wall like a medicine cabinet. And so on.

With the tour done, they decided to fix themselves a late lunch of sandwiches and nice cold beer from the mountain of supplies Anna's folks had forced on them.

So,” Jack asked between bites, “Did you have an itinerary in mind?”

Not really. We're here to relax and enjoy, right?”

Now you mention it, I'm surprised you're still wearing pants.”

For now.” Anna allowed. “And no real plans, but I was thinking we could take the canoe out. See the island. You can try fishing if you want, but I'll probably just bring a book.”

“And you have some experience with canoes?” Jack asked.

Yeah. Never been out in a boat?”

Never one that required paddles.” Jack admitted.

They're called oars.” Anna smiled. “And don't worry. I'll show you how to row and steer while we're in toward shore. Long as you don't try to stand up or lean over the side, we'll be fine.”

Jack regarded her thoughtfully.


Just a little surprised. I knew you grew up outside the big city, but I didn't realize you were such a country girl.”

I'm not, really. We would come stay out here for a week or so every summer when I was young. Picked up on things, but I'd probably still be considered 'city' by the locals.” Anna explained.

Jack nodded. As he washed down his last bite, he remembered something.

Mmp,” he rose to set his empty bottle in the sink, “I had something else for you – for your birthday. I thought it might be a good idea not to give it to you with half your family in the room.”

Anna raised her eyebrows.

Should I take my pants off now?” she smirked.

Obviously, any time we're alone together, but that's not what I meant.” Jack opened his luggage and dug out a sketchbook.

Ooh,” Anna wiped her hands on a napkin, “More art?”

Different art.” Jack took her now empty paper plate and set the sketchbook in it's place.

Anna gave him a curious look, then flipped open the book. On the first page, her own likeness looked back at her with a dubious expression, eyebrows raised.

Cute.” she turned the page, blinked, “Oh.”

Here she was depicted from a very bare chest up. Her breasts were thrust forth and framed by her arms. In her posture and expression he had managed to capture a distinctly seductive look. And he had remembered her little heart tattoo. While she admired the work, Jack moved around to rest his hands on the back of her chair and look over her shoulder.

Nice.” she acknowledged quietly before turning to the next page.

Which earned a suggestive murmur. In a very Jack display of simultaneous boasting and self deprecation, he had drawn himself in the process of pulling his shirt off over his head – his head still trapped in the shirt. He had given his abs a bit more definition than they boasted in reality, but she wasn't about to complain.

Great job capturing your best features.” she observed.

Thought you'd like that.” he agreed. “And I see my smartass-ness is still rubbing off.”

Anna nodded and turned the page again. The last few drawings were increasingly not of a family friendly variety. One of Anna in a pinup style, frontal and completely nude. Another, which got a laugh, of her fresh out of the shower – the only towel hanging from and obscuring something at crotch level. And the last...

Oh, wow. That's... Kinda hot.”

It was a view she had seen before, though not from a side angle. The drawing captured herself and Jack, face to face – or the space between them, anyway – where their cocks stood pressed together. He had even included the birthmark of which he was so fond.

Okay, yeah... I'm really glad you didn't accidentally give me these ones back at the house.”

Yeah, your mom probably would've been a little less... complimentary.” Jack agreed.

Anna half turned and tipped her head back.

Nice work. Thanks, Nerd.” she said before reaching up to pull him down for a kiss.

Oh,” Anna said when they ended the kiss, “I have something for you, too, but... I think I'll wait and give it to you later.”

There's nobody else here.” Jack pointed out.

Yeah, it's not like that.” she smiled. “Trust me. You can remind me tonight If I forget.”

Hm. Alright, Sexy. Gonna teach me the ancient art of canoeing now?”

Yup. Ummm... Grab one of the plastic grocery bags from that bottom drawer. Throw some drinks and snacks in there. I'll get the life jackets and my book.” Anna replied.

Life jackets?”

Yeah. You don't have to wear it, unless you want to. The seats in the canoe aren't exactly soft, so I sit on mine.” Anna explained.

Ah. Gotcha.”

Between the two of them, they managed to lug the canoe down to the wharf and ease it down into the water. Jack moved rather gingerly getting in and settling himself. While Anna gave him a quick rundown of how to handle an oar and steer from where he sat in the stern – the rear – seat, he gradually became accustomed to the balance and equilibrium of the craft.

After coasting slowly along near the shore for a few minutes, Anna suggested they cut away and head straight out toward the rough center of the pond. As they drew close to the rocky little island there – with one scraggly tree, it was like something out of a children's story – Anna further suggested that Jack listen for scraping. He was about to ask why she would say a thing like that when he noticed that there were stones under the surface, the depth being hard to judge, but close enough that he could see them.

Uh, this is exciting, but... Is there a reason we're visiting the island? There's barely room on there for both of us to sit down.” Jack asked.

Oh, yeah, no, we don't have to get out. It's all rocks anyway. Easy to roll an ankle.”

And you're already so good at that.”

Yeah, yeah.” Anna thrust her oar out over the nose of the canoe to fetch up against a nearby rock and halt their approach. “It's kind of another tradition. In the summer back when I was a kid, there were always other families up here. I'd hang out with their kids some. We'd get together to watch fireworks on the fourth. Or somebody's parents would take us out to fish at night.”

Jack wondered if this were going to come back around to explain the island visit, but held his tongue and listened.

And any time my grandparents were up with us, gramps would paddle us out here to touch the island. That's how he always put it. Said it was good luck.” She cast a smile over her shoulder. “Every time we came out he'd tell me a story about why it was good luck. It was a different story every time.”

Jack returned her smile. He swiveled his head slowly, gazing out over the still waters to the wooded shoreline. Glanced up at the cloudless sky. Breathed deep of the cool, clear air. Aside from the occasional annoyance of a hungry mosquito, it really was a beautiful, peaceful place.

So,” he said, voice a bit distant, “does that mean we should get lucky now?”

Probably, but not right now. I'm not dressed for swimming.”

She pushed off with her oar and they backed away from the island, turned, and set off again. When they were slowly gliding off to the East, Anna handed Jack her oar and carefully slid down into the bottom of the craft. She wedged her life vest against her seat and leaned back on it, retrieving her book from the bag they had brought along.

I'll just hold these, shall I?” he asked, laying both oars across his lap.

Thank you, dear.” Anna replied, wiggling a bit, then opening her book.

Jack rolled his eyes.

Alright, you read for a while, then we can trade. I brought one of my sketchbooks.”

Oh, nice. Lot of pretty scenery. And I bet if you did a nice one of the camp, they'd frame it.” Anna suggested, briefly looking up from her book.

So they glided along, Jack dipping an oar from time to time when they had become still. Eventually they traded off, and he did several sketches of patches of the bank with trees and stones and undergrowth. And the few other camps they passed. And, naturally, of his unwitting better half.

Okay, now lean back and turn your head.”

Hm?” Anna blinked, then caught on, “Oh, stop. We're not out here so you can draw me.”

Never a bad time to capture beauty.” Jack smiled.

Pfft. Eat me.”

Bend over.”

Hmph,” she tossed her hair in a haughty gesture, “Don't make offers if you're not gonna follow through.”

Jack slowly closed his sketchbook and tucked it, with his pencil, into their bag. Seeing his expression, Anna lifted one of the oars and tapped him lightly alongside the shoulder with the dripping end.

Stop, stop. There's no way.” she laughed.

Oh, who's chickening out now?”

I'm not- We can't just – in the boat. I mean, it'd be exciting... Until we end up in the water.” she shifted to look along the nearest shoreline.

Jack, meanwhile, leaned forward and dipped a hand over the side to test the water.

Yeah, that's still pretty cold.” he observed.

Yeah, 'cause that would be the only issue with dumping our stuff and ourselves into the pond, fully dressed, a hundred feet from shore.” Anna's tone was dry. “However...”


See that point where it's just rocks at the end? Looks like there's a small clearing in the woods there.”

Jack gave her a questioning look.

Unless you're not in the mood after all.” she made it sound like a challenge.

Mm. Don't complain when that sexy ass is sore on the way back.” Jack countered, holding out a hand.

Anna handed him one of the oars.

Promises, promises.” she laughed.

Shortly they coasted up alongside the rocky point Anna had suggested. Jack inexpertly disembarked, waved his arms when he very nearly tripped, then turned to lend Anna a chivalrous hand. Together they dragged the canoe in enough to ensure it didn't drift off while they were occupied.

Hey, grab the life vests. For padding.” Anna said before they began picking their way through the undergrowth to the clearing.

Woulda brought a blanket or something if I'd known...”

With the vests under an arm, he followed, nearly plowing into Anna when she stopped suddenly.

Shit. Stop.”

The undergrowth of the little clearing concealed the fact that it was essentially one big puddle. Which fact Anna discovered when her left shoe sank with a squish, shipping cold water, before she hastily lifted her foot again.

So much for not getting wet.” Jack commented.

Anna sighed, leaned back against him, and shook excess water from her shoe. Turning to face him, she gave him a look from under her brow.

Thanks. Got anything useful to say?”

Mm... If it started storming right now, we'd be in a classic 80s adventure movie. Er, actually, considering we were stopping to screw...”

Oh, yeah – a slasher.” she looked around at the woods, then down to her sodden shoe. “Very Friday the thirteenth. Except we haven't actually had sex yet, so...”

They began to trudge back to where the canoe was beached. This time it was Jack who halted abruptly.

What about that?” he nodded down along the shoreline.

What about what?”

That huge-ass boulder. We've got the vests for padding.”

The stone in question sat at the water's edge, surrounded by clumps of spiny grass. About six feet by four by almost four feet high, it was roughly rectangular in shape. It's upper surface was irregular, but generally flat-ish, and partially covered in thick, soft moss.

Anna considered for a moment. She shrugged.

I guess, as long as we're being adventurous...” she said, giving him an impish smile.

They made their way over to the great, squat stone – more careful of the state of the ground under their feet than before. Reaching their goal, Anna took the vests and set them to one side on the rough stone bed. Before she could hunch in preparation for jumping and scrambling up, she felt Jack crowding her from behind.

So, what was it you said... 'Eat me'?” he whispered in her ear while his hands deftly unbuttoned her fly.

Anna looked over a shoulder.

I did say that. You know, we're right at the edge of the water. There's nothing blocking us from view.” She pointed out.

Resting his hands against her tummy for a moment, Jack looked around.

Yeah, but there's trees around. You'd only be able to see us from the other side of the pond. And you'd need some high power binoculars for the show to be worth it.”

Mm. Still feels kinda naughty, being out in the open. Hope we don't get too loud.” her tone suggested that she was pleased, and not, in fact, planning on holding back at all.

She leaned forward against the massive stone, rolled her hips back, and wiggled her ass. Jack proceeded to work her jeans, and then panties, down her legs. Straightening again, he took a half step to one side.

You hear that?” he whispered sharply.

What?” Anna hissed, lifting her head to scan the woods around them.

The slap was masterfully executed, and tremendously satisfying. Like a gunshot, it echoed out across the water.

Hah!” Anna rose on her toes, twisting in place as a red handprint developed on the perfect white curvature of her right cheek. “Fuck! Oooh, Jesus, Jack.”

Too hard?” he asked, as she craned her neck to look back and see if her ass was literally glowing or just felt that way.

No. Stings like crazy. And surprised the shit out of me. Mm, kinda wanna be mad, but it was kind of impressive. With that set up, I wouldn't have passed it up either.”

You are the perfect girlfriend.” Jack laughed.

Aaand it's possible that I might, kind of, have a thing for spanking.” she added.

I was wondering when you were gonna admit that.”

Anna stuck out her tongue.

Eat me.” this time she made it sound less like a taunt and more like a command.

Sure you don't want me to balance things out back here?” Jack asked.

N- Well, maybe not so hard this time.”

Jack shook his head, grinning, and rubbed his hands together. He brought his left hand down across – with less stank on the swing this time.

Mmf! Mm, better.” Anna approved. “Okay, now eat me or fuck me. Come on.”

Jack lowered himself to one knee. He snorted at the sight of her Hackers tattoo, then leaned in to plant a kiss on the still brilliant hand print to the right. That done, he spread his hands over her ass, gently kneading. And when he thought she would soon voice her impatience again, he spread her beautiful buns and pressed his face into her nethers.

While Jack applied himself to their mutual pleasure, Anna widened her stance and raised her arms to lean forward against the stone, resting her head on her forearms. She let her eyes close. The feeling of the cool breeze on her exposed body added something to the effect of Jack's questing tongue, and she voiced her first moan as her soft, dangling cock swelled and peaked up from between her thighs.

She smiled when Jack reached a hand around and, after a moment's blind groping, found her shaft. Not for the first time she appreciated the fact that he always tried to keep things interesting. Even if it was just small changes to the most common sexual maneuvers. Not that she would ever be inclined to complain about his plain old unadulterated ass eating, but variety is the spice of life and all that.

More moans and murmurs followed as he toyed with her foreskin, drawing it over her tip and sort of rolling his hand while gently squeezing, effectively stroking just the swollen head of her cock. Meanwhile, his tongue trailed saliva from her balls back up and over her hole. Pursing his lips, he blew his breath out in a concentrated stream over the slick trail he had left. The unusual and unexpected cooling effect on such sensitive skin brought goosebumps and a drawn out 'ooo' from Anna.

Jack carried on, varying the sensations he inflicted. Licking, kissing, sucking, and tonguing. Stroking faster or slower. Teasing and fondling her balls.

Anna enjoyed, moaning encouragement for several lustful minutes before placing a restraining hand on Jack's hand to stall his stroking.

Mm, hey.”

Jack eased back, planting a last parting kiss before rising.

Help me up?” Anna asked, straightening and turning to face him.

Hm?” he wiped at his lower lip, “Oh, yeah. Um. Here.”

He moved over next to her and planted his back against the great stone and slid down into a 'hot seat' position. Lowering his hands between his legs and lacing his fingers, he waited while Anna removed her shoes and then her clothes. When at last she stepped closer, stark naked, Jack whistled appreciatively.

Smiling coyly, Anna carefully placed a foot to either side and leaned forward. Bracing herself with one hand on the stone beside Jack's head, she reached the other down to move her waving member.

Jack smiled, looking up at her, as she dragged the soft, hot tip of her prick down between his eyes to tap lightly at the end tip of his nose.


He tipped his chin up, feeling a trace of precum moisten his lips as he kissed her tip.

Cute. Alright Sexy. Unless you changed your mind and you're angling for a BJ...”

Nope. Just wanted to do that.” she said, lifting her right leg to step into his waiting hands.

Ally-oop.” Jack grunted as he helped her up onto the rock.

Retrieving her clothes from where she had left them, he tossed them up after her.

Here, we can use these for more padding.”

Ah. Hey, what if I actually care about my clothes and don't wanna get them all dirt and-”

You're right. Let's just go back to the camp. We can have nice, safe, non-spontaneous sex.”

Oh shut up. Get up here.”

Then maybe we can, hup, watch some Murder She Wrote.” he went on, heaving himself up next to her.

Keep talking and I'll opt for the BJ after all.” Anna complained.

Jack saw that she had splayed open the life vests and layed them in a line, then wadded her clothes to either side.

Now yours.” she said.

Hold on.”

He fished in a pocket and came up with what appeared to be a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer.

Got our cleanup covered, huh?”

Er, not exactly.” he replied.

He took her hand and turned it up. Popping the cap on the bottle, he squeezed a blob of pearly goo into her palm.

Guess you don't remember, but this was actually your idea.”

Is this- Huh. Nice. So, wait, have you been carrying this around on you, like, all the time?”

Not usually. I thought on this particular trip, since we were planning on coming out here, it might come in handy.”

Hm. Preparation.” she smiled an evil smile, squishing her fingers into the little puddle of lube. “That's the Nerd I-”

Tolerate?” Jack suggested, closing the cap on the tiny bottle.

Mm, here, give me this,” Anna took the bottle from him, “And get out of those clothes. I'll show you how I feel.”

Okay then.” He began stripping and laying his own clothes out atop Anna's. “Is this gonna do okay for padding?”

Let's find out.” Anna decided. “Lay down.”

I should've seen that coming.” he muttered.

He paused a moment to just admire Anna knelt there, all pale curves and raven hair, before wadding his pants and boxers to serve as a pillow.

As he settled back, Anna stood up next to him. There was the sharp plastic pop of the cap on the bottle, and Anna held it out. She turned it upside down and gave it a few restrained squeezes. Jack's eyes followed the dribble of lube from the bottle down to his crotch.

You really do like making messes.”

Sometimes.” Anna happily agreed.

Well, at least it's not cold.” he observed of the localized rain of water-based goo.

When she was happy with the mess she'd made, Anna closed the bottle and, bending, set it down near to hand. That done, she stepped one foot over to stand straddling Jack. Lowering herself to rest on his tummy, she half turned to thoroughly smear the mess of lube up and down Jack's cock – taking the time to slick some down over his balls as well, just for the fun of fondling them.

Slipping her glistening hand back between her cheeks, she greased herself up, rubbing and teasing her hole. She started to ease back, ready to take him inside. Then paused.

Is that good enough padding?”

Jack smiled at her concern. He shifted a bit. Resting his hands on the tops of her thighs, he gave them a squeeze.

It's not a waterbed, but it'll do.”

Good. Hold still a second.”

Reaching around to line him up, she rose on her knees and lowered herself again until she felt him glide along her cleft and come to rest pressed to her waiting pucker. Meeting Jack's eyes, she bit her lower lip as she let herself sink. Eyes locked, they groaned in shared pleasure.

Huh, mmm...” Anna's eyes closed as she finally came to rest against him again.

Leaning forward over him, she walked her hands up his midriff and out to his shoulders. She lowered her head to nuzzle in, kissing his neck. Jack smelled her hair as it brushed across his face. He curled his arms around her. Smiled as she nipped at his stubbled jaw. Returned the rough, suddenly urgent kiss she initiated.

While they kissed, she began to move. Shifting up and down, forward and back. Breathing harder. Moaning into their kiss.

Eventually breaking the kiss to catch her breath, Anna brought her hands up to cup Jack's face, her thumbnails rasping over his stubble.

And then he was sitting up, his arms still wrapped around her. Anna's movement stalled while she blinked in surprise. Jack's right hand dipped to her lower back while the fingers of his left combed up into her hair. There was a slow but strong pull, and Anna allowed herself to be drawn back, arching her back. She followed a gasp with one of her exultant purrs when Jack applied his mouth to her breasts.

All the more aroused by his show of measured force, control, and desire, she began moving again. She moved her hips, grinding forward and back, feeling her own hard-on juttering up and down against Jack's rippling abs even as his shifted inside, where it stretched and filled her.

Jack kissed his way up to her throat, moved a hand up to the back of her neck and drew her close. Anna rocked and bounced more and more urgently. They were both gasping as their lips met, opened to each other, parted, and met again. As they began to peak, Jack did what he could in the position, his legs and hips working to aid Anna's manic pumping.

Clinging to each other, they came together, their groans and cries echoing out over the water.

At first, lost in orgasm and oblivious to their surroundings, they failed to notice the voices. As the pleasure subsided somewhat and the noises they were making quieted into heavy breathing and soft moans, they noticed.

Well... no worse'n we used ta do.” It was a gravelly, dry old voice.

Henry!” An equally mature, but more feminine squawk.

When we was young. Heh heh.”

Anna's eyes popped open and found Jack's, equally wide, staring back. Turning their heads just enough to cut their eyes out over the water, they saw a paddleboat – the sort powered by pedals, like a bicycle – crewed by an elderly couple, passing by some hundred feet out in the pond.

Oops.” Jack managed.

Eep!” Anna tensed, pressing her face violently into the crook of Jack's neck. It was the most impressive reaction of panicked embarrassment he'd ever seen her exhibit.

'Course, you never wanted to be on top.” The old man carried on.

There was an outraged – or perhaps faux outraged – intake of breath, followed by the old woman's voice.

Just you never mind about that! Right out in the open... I'm sure I don't know.” She complained, though she sounded like she was holding back a laugh, rather than anger.

Heh. On we go, Junebug. Leave them be. Yessah. Let 'em enjoy it while they can.” The old man – Henry – said the last bit in a voice a good deal more louder and clearer than either of them had used up to that point, making Jack smile.

Raspy laughter trailed behind the paddleboat as it shrank in the distance before disappearing around a bend in the shoreline.

Anna gave a low groan that had nothing to do with pleasure. Finally drawing her face away from Jack's neck, she gave him a conflicted smile. Her cheeks were still rosey.

So... I guess we didn't think other boaters were a potential issue?” Jack asked.

Oh my god.” Anna smiled stupidly. “There didn't used to be many people coming out here at this time of year.”

Ah well. I don't think they were too traumatized.” Jack smiled, savoring Anna's adorably embarrassed smile. “And somehow I doubt they'll be calling the cops on us.”


Anna took his left hand and moved it down between them. Finding her still mostly erect, he gave her a few slow strokes. She twitched and purred as a last bit of warm liquid love oozed out over Jack's fingers. Enjoying her reaction, he pressed her length to his tummy and rubbed it side to side through the snail trails there.

So messy.”

Anna flashed her evil grin. She closed her eyes as she bumped her nose on his before angling her head for a kiss.

Only with you, Nerd.” she said quietly.

Lucky me.” He said, unironically. “Now...” He raised his now sticky hand between them. “What about cleanup?”

Reading the moment, Anna held his eyes as she licked and sucked her own salty fluids from his fingers.

I have some tissues in one of my pockets,” she said when she had finished, “I dunno what you're gonna do.”

Jack snorted.

Where's your shirt?” he asked, looking around.

What? You better fuckin' not.” She warned, still smiling. “Here, use your boxers. Then you can cram them in my mouth later or something.”

Jack raised his eyebrows.

Still that horny?”

Not right now. Just thinking ahead.”

I thought I might just wash off a little before I get dressed, if that's okay. Y'know, since we happen to have a whole pond handy. But don't worry – I'm sure we can find something to cram in your mouth later.”

Oh. You're gonna get dressed, huh?” Anna said in mock disappointment while hunting up her pants and searching out the aforementioned tissues.

'Fraid so, Sugartits.”

Anna carefully rose and proceeded to clean herself up while Jack slipped gingerly off the stone and bent to splash some water on his stomach. Anna gave a sympathetic wince when he cursed under his breath at the water's chill.

Hey,” she called, beginning to pull on her clothes, “We could get naked again when we get back to the camp. While we're inside, I mean.”

Jack turned back and reached up.

Clothes? And yeah,” he said as she passed him his clothes one article at a time, “That could be nice. Really seizing the opportunity to take Maximum Comfort to the limit, eh?”

Yup. In fact, maybe just almost naked. Might wear my comfy wool socks.”

When they had finished dressing and Jack had helped Anna dismount from the stone, they piloted the canoe back the way they had come. Skipping the stop off at the island this time – although Jack did point out that their luck had been mixed. He wasn't complaining, of course.

Upon arriving back at camp, they tied the canoe off to the wharf and headed in. Inside, Anna emptied soiled tissues from her pocket into the trash bin. Then, while Jack emptied the bag they had taken out with them, Anna began hunting around for something.

Whatcha lookin' for, Love?”

Ummm... Here we go.” She drew something from a cupboard and turned to lay it on the table. “The camp journal.”

It was a hardcover green military log book. The word Record was printed on the drab cover in all caps. Anna opened it and flipped to the last page with writing on it. Taking an inkpen from his things, Jack moved around the table to look over her shoulder.

People leave a note in there whenever they stay, huh? A little chunk of family history to look back on. That's cool.” Jack observed, holding the pen out in offering.

Yep.” She accepted the pen, thought a moment, then wrote a few lines. When she was satisfied, she moved to the side a half step and held the pen out again.

Your turn.” she said. “And don't worry. If things don't work out, I won't do like my aunt.”

Jack gave her a curious look while accepting the pen a bit uncertainly.

She was married once before, but it was way back. The story is, she caught the guy cheating on her. So, not exactly an amicable break up.”


Yeah, well, apparently she got a little burn-happy with anything that reminded her of him. Including the old log book they had here at the time, which he had written in.”

Oh.” Jack nodded. “Bummer. So... What should I write?”

Anna shrugged, giving a indefinite murmur. “Whatever. You write and draw for a living. Write about what we've been up to. Uh, well, a PG version.” She smiled. “Give your impressions. Then illustrate it.”

Jack pursed his lips, nodded. While he sat to think and write, Anna paced around to the couch. About the time Jack was finishing a half page sketch of the camp, she appeared behind him again.


Jack turned his head and got a faceful of breast. He blinked. Tipped his head back a bit.

Ah. I had forgotten about getting naked.” he admitted.

You all done with that?” she asked.

When he nodded, she closed the book and returned it to it's place in the cupboard.

Come read with me?” she asked.

Read with you?”

Yeah. You haven't finished all of those 'kill a billion demons' books yet, have you? And I've got birthday books to read.”

Yeah. Sounds good.”

And you can get naked now, unless you don't feel like it.” she added.

And you want to read, right?” Jack asked while they each retrieved their reading material before reconvening at the couch.

Yeah. I think our fun time on the canoe trip will tide me over for a while, but if anything pops up, we can handle that. Just thought it would be nice. Not every day we get to lay around naked together. You know, in the middle of the day, without it being about sex.”

Well, I can't promise anything,” Jack smiled, looking her up and down – and noting the wool socks which made the look a little silly but also cute, “but that does sound nice.”

Anna settled in, slouching against one arm of the couch, while Jack undressed. She spread her legs a bit, and Jack joined her, laying on his back with his legs propped up over the other arm of the couch, his head resting against her just below her breasts. They shifted around to get comfortable.

Good?” she asked.

Yeah. You?”


She held her book up over his head. Between turning pages, she held it one handed, absently combing the fingers of her other hand through Jack's hair. From time to time, she would move that hand down to trail her nails along his stubbled jaw. Jack, meanwhile, occasionally slid a hand down over the soft, smooth contours of her bare leg.

At one point Anna spoke up.

Hey Jack,” she lowered her book in front of his face and pointed, “Do you know this word?”

Ummm,” Jack refocused and peered at the text above her fingertip, “Squamous. This is that Weird Tales collection, isn't it?”

Uh, yeah, why?”

It's just the kind of unusual term Lovecraft or some of those other authors would use. It's like, having scales or scale shaped.” Jack explained.

Ah, yup. That makes sense. Thanks, Nerd.”

That's what I'm here for.” Jack replied amiably, giving her leg a gentle squeeze.

They passed an hour or so in this pleasant, peaceful manner. Then, while turning a page, Anna glanced down and noticed that Jack's reading material lay flat, closed, against his body. Shifting a flap of the dust jacket in to mark her place, she closed her own book and set it aside on the nearby windowsill.

Hey. You asleep?” she whispered.

Nope.” he whispered back. “Just relaxing. I finished this one.” He tapped the back cover of the graphic novel.

Mm. Sun's about to go down. I was thinking. We should cook out on the fireplace at least once while we're here.”

Yeah? What do you usually cook on the fire?”

If the stabby fork things are still around, we can do hot dogs. Aaand, um, sliced potatoes and onions. You get some tinfoil and butter it real good, then wrap the stuff up in there and poke some holes. Toss it in at the edges of the fire.”

You eat hot dogs? Like, not brats or something, but actual hot dogs?” Jack asked.

Yeah, yeah. It's fine. I'm allowed to have some horse dick on a bun once or twice a year. It's like... Going to a baseball game or getting drunk at a party. You know you're gonna eat stuff that isn't great for you.”

Horse dick on a bun. Nice.” Jack murmured, before replying, “Another camp tradition?”


Guess we'll have to get dressed for that.” Jack mourned, slowly sitting up and swinging his legs around.

Yeah, the mosquitoes get worse at night, so...”

Oh good.” Jack stood and stretched.

Part of the camp experience,” Anna assured him.

In a reversal of the usual order of things, she copped a feel of Jack's ass while rising to stand behind him. Jack turned and the two embraced and shared a short, sweet kiss.

I guess teach me how to butter tinfoil?” he said when they parted.

Anna laughed while moving to get dressed.

Clothes first.” she insisted. “Don't want your hot dog getting in the way while we're cutting onions and stuff.”

Jack pulled back on the same clothes he had worn earlier. Anna opted for a more casual outfit. Sweatpants and a figure hugging, long sleeved white top. Jack hadn't been watching, but could guess at a glance that she hadn't bothered with any underwear. A choice of which he heartily approved.

Once clothed, they prepped the meal at the table. Jack made short work of chopping onions and potatoes while Anna demonstrated overlapping sheets of tinfoil, then smearing them liberally with a stick of butter. On went the potatoes and onions, salt and pepper, and a few small nubs of extra butter. Anna deftly folded them into packets, jabs some holes in with the knife, and piled them on a plate. She also took up a package of buns. Jack grabbed the hot dogs and condiments from the fridge, and they took the operation outside.

After unloading the food on the table, they both looked at the fireplace and rolled their eyes. Anna ran back in to find some matches, and they soon had a small fire going. The onions and potatoes were tossed in, and while they cooked, the two found that there were several wood handled, two pronged skewers leaning against one side of the stone and mortar fireplace. After sterilizing the business ends by holding them in the fire for a few minutes, they put them to use with the hot dogs.

As the sun went down, dark clouds began to roll in. The mosquitoes did, indeed get worse, though the smoke from the fire helped a little. Jack griped, slapping at his neck, that they certainly seemed to like him more than they did Anna.

Must have a taste for sarcasm.” Anna quipped.

When the hot dogs were ready, Jack joked about letting Anna put the meat in the buns for a change, and went inside to fetch them a couple of nice cold beers. The sides came out well – only slightly overcooked on one edge of the potatoes. The two sat across from each other and enjoyed the food, beer, atmosphere, and each other's company.

As the last bluing light was seeping out of the evening, Jack caught movement in the corner of his eye. It was like a strange, angular shadow had flitted, folding and unfolding, before disappearing into the dark amongst the trees.

Wh-?” he flinched.

Anna gave him a knowing smile.

Noticed them, huh?”

Noticed... Noticed what?”

Bats.” she supplied.

He was ready to call her on messing with him, then reconsidered. What else could that have been?

I thought bats lived in caves and shit.”

I dunno where these one's sleep,” Anna shrugged, “But we always get them. Late spring, through summer.”

Huh.” Jack looked out into the deepening dark over the water and caught a glimpse of another one, zipping erratically along the shore line.

Don't worry. They eat bugs. And they're actually really good fliers, even though they look like they're out of control.” Anna assured him.

Jack nodded.

I'm not worried. Just surprised. And curious.”

Keep watching. Sometimes the moon lights up the water enough so you can still kinda see them.” Anna suggested as she rose and stepped away from the table.

Off to the little girl's room?”

Getting dessert.”

She returned shortly with the makings for s'mores.

Got any good campfire stories?” Jack asked while they roasted marshmallows.

Well, I've read all the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books.”

Yeah. Good stuff. Got anything more obscure, or local?”

Hmm. There was a story Dad told me once. Not like, a horror story, but kinda creepy. Really happened.”

Yeah? Let's hear it.”

Okay. So, when Dad was a kid, they kinda lived out in the woods. Long dirt driveway, couldn't see their house from the road. Forest all around.”

And back then it wasn't weird for kids to just walk a mile to each other's house or whatever. So Dad and this friend of his would hang out. And they'd wander around the woods. Then one day they found an open area. No trees. No roads or paths or anything either, though.”

Jack nodded, listening attentively while taking a bite out of his first s'more.

And there was some junk laying around. Including a really big pot and lid – like something you'd use to feed an army.” Here she paused to indulge in a bite of her own.

They also found a bunch of bones.” she continued around a stubborn bit of marshmallow, “Some of them pretty big. He said they were just kids and they didn't know. Coulda been cow bones or deer bones or something. They didn't think anything of it at the time.”

That is a little creepy.” Jack agreed.

Yeah, but the best part was after. Dad said him and his friend ended up in different classes in school and sorta drifted apart. Then he bumped into him again in high school. Said that memory popped into his head, so he started to ask the guy, 'Hey, you remember-' And the guy gave him a weird look and said 'The bones?'”

Hmp. Yeah, that is the best part.” Jack smiled.

While they sat finishing their snacks, a faint pattering started up. It grew slowly louder, and they began to feel the rain. The subdued rumble of far off thunder rolled from across the pond.

Guess we wrapped up just in time.” Jack observed.

They gathered up the food stuffs and hurried to the back door of the camp, ducking and laughing as the rain began to come down in earnest.

Inside, they put away the food, then stood for a moment listening to the rain drum on the tin roof.

See, if we were stuck outside now, it would be an adventure.” Jack commented.

I was gonna say 'shall we play a game?' But I can watch one of the other movies if you wanna go stand in the rain.”

Maybe I should get real adventurous. Carry you out there and toss you in the pond.”

Anna gave him an incredulous look.

Buuuut the couch isn't even long enough for me to sleep on, so... What do they have for games here?”


In checking, they found, among other things, a set of dominoes. Having learned to play just yesterday, Jack was happy to get some more practice.

Clearing the table, they dumped the tiles and settled in to play. Whether it was her experience or just luck, Anna took the lead early on.

Ever think of getting any more ink?” Jack asked as they mixed the tiles previous to starting a new round.

I dunno. Why? Think I need some more?”

Mmp,” Jack shrugged, “You've got, how many already?”

How many do I have, Nerd?” she smiled.

Um,” Jack thought for a moment, “Six, right?”

Mmhmm. What about you? Ever think about getting some?” she asked.

Thought about it once or twice. Never settled on anything. Got some ideas?”

Anna raised her eyebrows while scanning her tiles.

I'm not gonna suggest something for you to put on your body forever.”

But if I have an idea and show you a sketch, you'll tell me if you don't like it?” Jack suggested.

Yeah,” Anna sniffed, amused, “I can do that.”

They played on for a time. Jack managed to narrow the gap a bit, but Anna maintained a lead.

Don't feel too bad,” Anna teased, “I'm not beating you that badly. And you did just learn.”

Yeah, yeah. Let's try Scrabble next, and we'll see how much you gloat.” Jack countered mildly.

Anna gave an affronted 'hmph.'

You assuming I won't do as well at Scrabble?”

No,” Jack admitted, “I imagine we'd be on pretty even footing. But this is smack talk, right? 'Just wait 'til we play a game where my chance of winning is slightly better' doesn't sound as good. Plus we don't have any vidja games here, so I'm working with what we've got.”

Uh huh. I wouldn't mind a game of Scrabble, though. Might learn something. Although, it's a shame we don't have a dictionary. Could use Google, though.”

It was Jack's turn to feign offense.

Saying you think I would actually cheat?” he asked.

Not really, but... Again, sarcasm and smack talk are kind of the norm for us, so... It kinda becomes a habit.”

Heh. Yeah. Fair enough.” Jack nodded. “By the way, wasn't I supposed to remind you about something?”

Hm? Like what?”

I dunno. You wouldn't tell me, that's why I was supposed to remind you. That's right, you said you had something for me – when I gave you the... spicy drawings.” Jack recalled.

Anna's expression was blank for a second, then something clearly came to her.

Oh. Yeah. Umm. After this game.”

Shortly, and unsurprisingly, Anna hit their chosen point goal, winning the game. The two gathered the tiles up and replaced them in their case. Jack started to stand.

Where ya goin'?” Anna spoke up quickly.

I was gonna have another beer? Since we're indulging and all.”

Um, stay there. No, don't sit, stand. Just, stay there.”

Oh... Kay.” He stood, waiting uncertainly.

Anna left her seat and dug around in her luggage. When she had found what she was after, she turned and approached Jack, speaking quietly.

So, we um, love each other. And you gave me a ring, so I thought...” She stopped at arms length and held a small box up at chest height. She took a deep breath, not quite meeting his eyes. “Jack Wells, will you be my, like, indefinite exclusive significant other with no official government involvement until and unless we decide to get married or, you know, we get sick of each other?”

After that mouthful she took another deep breath and opened the box. Already at a loss, Jack leaned closer. It was what he thought it was. A ring. At a glance it would pass as identical to the one Anna was even then wearing.


Anna looked up at him from under her brow, looking about as ruffled and nervous as he had ever seen her. Or at least since the night he had given her the matching ring.

Zut alors.” He came up with, smiling faintly.

Anna's nervous energy became a sudden, involuntary laugh. She rolled her eyes and stepped closer.


And then he spoke in that rare, earnest tone, his eyes holding hers.

Anna Jean Durand...” Because he wouldn't be Jack if he didn't drag it out a little. “Of course I will. Nothing could make me happier.”

He swallowed, surprised to find his voice catching in his throat at the end.

Anna sniffed, her eyes glittering with gathering tears. She took the ring in hand and set the box on the corner of the table. Before she could ask for his hand, she lost it a bit, and rushed against him, hugging tight and pressing her face into his shoulder.

Jack held her for a time. He kissed the side of her head and rubbed her back, and held her. When she finally drew back, Jack lifted a hand to cup her face and wiped tears from her cheeks with his thumb. He tipped his head down so that their foreheads met.

Love you.”

Anna drew a shaky breath.

Love you, too.” she replied, barely keeping her voice from breaking up, before tipping her head up and kissing him.

Neither of them was in any hurry to end the kiss, and even when they did, they lingered, pressed close. Eventually Anna did draw back a bit, taking slow deep breaths, getting herself under control again.

She pouted, giving Jack a reproachful look.

Cracking jokes. Dummy.” But her pout broke into a half smile. “Gimme your hand.”

Jack smiled fondly and obliged. As Anna took his hand and carefully began sliding the ring onto his finger, he cleared his throat.

I, Jack Wells, promise to take you, Anna Durand,” he spoke quietly, “To have and to hold, and to hack the planet-”

Anna's expression shifted from touched and vaguely amused, to exasperated before she dipped her head, trying not to laugh.

For better or worse,” Jack continued, “With pizza and without, in sickness and in maximum comfort, with, um, love and surprise BJs, until the world ends or we both don't want to anymore.”

Anna shook her head, half sniffing and half laughing.

Jackass.” She muttered, subsiding. Again locking eyes with him, she added, “Me too.”


I didn't think I was gonna get all...” she gestured vaguely. “Worked up. Just got nervous at the last minute.”

Mmm. About the ring.” Jack took Anna's hand in his and lifted it, then turned his other hand to look at both rings at once. “How did you...?”

I kept the business card that came with the ring and brooch. When I decided to get you a ring too, I thought it would be neat if they actually matched. Contacted the seller that made mine,” she wiggled her finger, “sent some pictures and stuff. They made yours the same way, so it's unique, but it's a pretty close match.”

Ah. Smart. Thanks, Beautiful.”

Mmhmm. Hey. You wanna crash?”


After checking that around and cutting off the lights, they retired to one of the bedrooms. Anna crawled up the bed and burrowed under the covers. Jack, meanwhile lifted the outer side – the left side, just like when he slept over at Anna's place.

Jesus, how many blankets are on here?” he asked, surprised by the weight of the combined covers.

Probably nobody has slept in here since winter. It can get really cold, especially if the fire dies in the night.” Anna explained. “Just peel a couple down to the foot of the bed.”

Jack did so, then flicked the bedroom light off before climbing in. He turned and felt Anna move close. It was too dark to see anything. Sliding his hands out to hold her, he found she had shed her clothes. He felt with a foot and smiled. She still wore her socks.

So, I know it's normal to get freaky on a honeymoon, but... could we do that tomorrow?” Anna asked, snuggling up to him.

Jack felt around until he found the line of her jaw and kissed her.

Mm, sure. It probably wouldn't hurt us to recuperate a little.”

You could take this off, though.” Anna tugged at the hem of his shirt.

Yes, Dear.” Jack pulled the shirt off and tossed it down the bed.

Anna squirmed down a bit, then pressed close, curling an arm around him and resting her face against his chest.

Today was a good day.” Jack spoke in a reflective whisper.

Yeah. Hey, remind me to get a picture of our rings tomorrow.”

I'll try to remember.” He agreed.

Hmp. Recuperate. You prob'ly would've won scrabble.” Anna mused sleepily.

Jack grinned. She was awfully cute when she was half asleep.


After a few minutes, he shifted them around so that he lay on his back, and Anna settled against his side, one arm and one leg resting on him.

Goodnight, Sweetie.”

Mm, Nrp.” came the belated and muffled reply.


Jack woke when he was jostled.


He rolled from his side to his back and rubbed at his eyes.

Morning, sleepyhead.”

Cracking one eye, he saw that Anna sat on the edge of the bed, looming over him. She held a mug in one hand.

Coffee?” she offered.

He scooted up the bed, sitting up. He yawned, nodded, and accepted the mug. To his pleasant surprise, the coffee was hot, but not scalding.

Mmm.” he took a few long sips before lowering the mug again. “Thanks, S-”

Now try this.” Anna lifted something from the bedside table and began to hold it out as if to hand feed him.

What is it?” Jack asked as the something in question drew near.

Coffee cake. Traditional camp breakfast.”

Jack shrugged and took a bite. Nodded.

I could get used to this Honeymoon stuff.” he remarked, smiling when Anna rolled her eyes.

I let you sleep in a little, too. It's almost ten.”

That was nice of you. Um... If there's no running water...”

Oh, we brush our teeth in here – just use some bottled water. There's a spring up the road a ways, but it's questionable. Bathing is done in the pond, of course.” Anna informed him.

Or, hear me out, couldn't I just do a quick scrub up with a cloth and-”

Oh, come on, Nerd. It'll be an adventure.” she smirked.

Ouch. Using my own words against me. Bad waifu.”

Mmm.” Anna arched an eyebrow. “I'll be wearing a swimsuit.” She added casually.

Jack took another sip of coffee.

Like I said, I love adventure.”

Out in the kitchen, Anna refreshed her own mug of Joe while Jack plodded out and rounded up his toiletries and a change of clothes. He finished his coffee, then rinsed the mug, then proceeded to brush his teeth. When he had finished, he found Anna standing over her Weird Tales compilation at the table, reading and sipping her coffee. He slipped his arms around her from behind.

So,” he raised one hand over her book, displaying the new ring, “Would this make your parents more or less happy, if they knew about it?”

Anna took his hand in hers and moved it so that she could mark her place and close the book.

I think they'd really like to hear that we plan on getting married, but still, I'm sure they'll be happy.” She turned in his arms, “Of course, they'll probably think of it as one step closer to talking us into it.”

Jack looked thoughtful.


You never know.” he shrugged before stealing the first kiss of the day.

What does that mean?” Anna asked, pulling a face as the taste of toothpaste clashed with her coffee mouth.

Didn't you say something about a bathing suit?” Jack asked, as if he hadn't heard her question.

W- I have to change. And grab us towels. You go ahead.” She patted his chest, “I'll be out in a sec.”

Well, at least the sun is out again. Might not be completely freezin-ass cold.” Jack commented as he gathered his change of clothes, toiletries bag, and in a flash of foresight, his phone.

Outside, he made his way along the spaced stepping stones that led down to the wharf. Walking about halfway down it's length, he set his things down in a pile, making sure his phone was on top and in no danger of sliding off and ending up in the pond. That done, he stripped off his pants, then glanced around, shrugged, and shed his boxers as well.

He padded back and stepped off very near the water's edge. The bottom was a fine, silty sand this close to the shore, with only sparse small stones and the occasional clam shell to worry about. No problem there.

Jack drew a hissing breath. The air was warm enough for his liking, and the sun was shining, but the water seemed to think it was still winter. Not that Jack got around to visiting natural bodies of water often, so he didn't have much of a basis for comparison. This was probably normal for this time of year, but it was cold enough to make him pause before slowly wading out.

The incline was slight in the shallows, the water level rising up his legs only a couple of inches with each pace. He was only just past knee deep when he passed the point on the wharf where his things lay piled. Before going any further, he opened his shaving kit and withdrew a bottle of shampoo and another of body wash. He was about to resume his snail paced trek when movement caught his eye.

Anna approached carrying a towel on which sat a bottle of shampoo and what looked like a small plastic box. She wore another, rather over-sized towel, wrapped around herself. Making her way down to where Jack's things lay piled, she set down her own burden.

How cold is it?” she asked with a knowing smile.

It's not hot.” Jack glowered.

How about now?” she asked, pulled the towel open like a flasher throwing open their coat.

She wore a black one-piece swim suit. It left relatively little to the imagination. She enjoyed Jack's rapt attention for a moment before lifting the spread towel up behind her and turning to show off her backside.

Mmph. I knew I should add 'sexy mama' to the list of phrases to learn in French.”

I'll assume that was a compliment.” she turned to face him again.

Good. You look amazing – even with that tag sticking out.”

What tag?” she twisted around trying to see down her own back.

I'm kidding.” he laughed. “Just checking your ego real quick.”

She dropped her towel, hands on hips, and gave him the evil eye.

You do look amazing though.”

Hm. Thanks. By the way,” she pointed, “The shampoo is fine, but you know, bodywash isn't gonna work very well on anything under water.”


Just sayin', I don't think you're gonna wanna come back out of the water to wash your body once you've gotten wet.”


Here.” With little warning, Anna opened the little plastic box and tossed the contents into the water to one side of him.

After flinching from the little splash of water kicked up, Jack watched as a bar of soap floated back up to the surface.

Ah.” He said blandly. “Smart. Oh, wait a sec. Strike a pose.”

He made sure his hands were dry, then lifted his phone. Anna, feeling a bit cheeky, cupped her breasts in her hands and stuck out her tongue. Jack smiled and snapped the picture.

That'd make a hell of a Christmas card.” he joked.

Uh huh. Try not to lose track of the soap.” she said before leaning into a slow loping stride, then launching herself from the end of the wharf.

She went in at a shallow dive, raising only a small splash as her feet disappeared into the water. Jack watched a mental replay of those few moments, staring at the empty air where Anna had leapt. After several seconds he began to wonder how long she could hold her breath.

Finding the soap, he scooped it up and resumed slowly wading deeper. As he drew parallel with the end of the wharf, water licking less than entirely comfortably at crotch level, Anna finally surfaced, rising out of the water a dozen feet ahead.

She slicked her hair back out of her face. The surface only just lapped at the curves of her breast there, but she bent her legs, letting herself sink neck deep. It felt less cold that way.

If it gets much colder, I'm gonna be a woman with nothing to hide.” she smiled.

Aw.” Jack sympathized.

Would you miss it?”

I mean, it wouldn't change how I feel about you, but yeah. Cute, sexy, and I'd miss the extra handhold.”

Anna huffed, feigning umbrage.

I'll show you 'extra handhold.'” she skated a hand in an arc across the surface, kicking up a sheet of water that splashed across Jack's reflexively turning figure.

Stricken by the sudden touch of the icy water, Jack gave a strangled cry, tensing and arching his back.

Jee-zuss.” he gasped. With a hard, full body shiver, he grumbled, “No point waiting now.”

He let himself drop to his knees, sinking neck deep like Anna.

Woo! Huh.” He breathed. “Okay, that's better.”

Anna drifted slowly over, floating on her back. As she drew near, Jack saw that she had shifted her bathing suit where it passed between her legs, releasing that part of her that Jack had jokingly referred to as a handhold. He saw too, that he was, indeed, not the only one experiencing some shrinkage.

Jack rose a bit so that when she bumped into him, it was his chest and not his face. He carefully nestled the bar of soap next to her peaking package before pressing his hands up under her back as she reached back to hold his shoulders.

I think you owe him an apology.”


Anna made a vague, shrug-like movement.

I know some trans girls call theirs 'she' or 'her' or... girldick or whatever. But I always thought 'it's got a mind of it's own, but it gets a swelled head a lot, and it's almost always horny. Sounds like a guy to me.'”

Jack smiled.

Ah. I see.”

I'm sure that's not the first time you've heard me refer to my dick that way. I never thought to ask if that's, like, weird for you...”

I think my ego and... Sense of self or whatever... Can handle you using whatever pronouns you want for your cock.” Jack assured her. “Just don't stop shaving, eh?”

Let me turn around so I can bite you.” she threatened, shifting and putting her feet down to stand. “And I would stop, just to spite you, but I like being smooth.”

Lucky me.” He drew her close. “Although, for you, I'd probably even put up with hairy legs.”

Oh, now I feel special.” she said quietly, lifting her hands to the back of his neck and accepting a kiss.

As they ended the kiss, Jack noticed Anna had broken out in goosebumps. Then he realized that he had as well.

Shall we take this out a little deeper so we don't have to kneel to keep from shivering?” As they did so, he added, “And talk about that apology.”

Oh?” Anna turned as reached a point where the water lapped at her chin, “What kind of-”

Turning about, she found that Jack had disappeared. She just had time to register what he was probably up to before she felt his hands on her hips. Then something nuzzled against her thigh, then up against her crotch. There was an odd sucking sensation. Anna inhaled sharply.

Oh.” she gave a surprised little moan.

It turned out there was nothing quite like the feeling of slipping one's genitals from chilly water into a warm mouth.

Jack's hands moved to her ass, holding her in place as he pressed his face against her. He maintained a certain suction while swirling his tongue around.

Mmmm.” Anna purred, feeling herself begin to swell in response to Jack's attention. “You better not drown yourself sucking on my dick.” she murmured.

Just as she was getting fully hard, making for an interesting difference in temperatures partway down her shaft, Jack finally relinquished his oral hold on her and quickly surfaced. After a brief spluttering gasp, he wiped at his face before giving her a faint smile.

So,” he asked between deep breaths, “Was my apology acceptable?”

Yes,” Anna rolled her eyes, “It was kind of amazing, actually. I'm just glad you didn't drown yourself making it.”

Good. Shame I can't hold my breath longer, but I'm not sure I'd be able to swallow properly anyway... I mean, drowning on your-”

Okay, hush.” Anna laughed, pressing a hand to his lips.

I did have a different idea that might be fun before we wash up. We'll have to go back in just a little ways.”

Okay, but first,” Anna's smile took on a hint of mischief, “I gotta try that.”

Try-” Jack started, but she had already cycled a couple deep breaths, held a third, and dipped below the surface with a little bloop.

Opening her eyes and blinking, Anna did as Jack had done – catching hold of his sides and using him as an anchor against which to move. Drawing close she found that he was already hard. She shouldn't have been surprised, she supposed. He really did get off on getting her off.

Moving one hand down to grasp his shaft, she pursed her lips as she pressed them to his tip. Then slowly, carefully, she eased them forward, molding to his shape as she went. The analogy of trying to apply a rubber with one's lips came to mind.

She smiled to herself – though only mentally – finding that the sensations were interesting from this side of things, too. Such a fine distinction all along her lips where they felt either the cold water or the heat of his cock. And the way his bulging head grew hotter after entering her mouth, not having to compete with the chill outside.

She savored for a moment, then, perhaps tempting fate, slid just a little further down his shaft. When she felt him begin to kiss her throat, she withdrew before she gagged herself.

She surfaced to blow out her breath, spraying water, and sucked down several breaths just as Jack had done. Jack helped her smooth her hair back out of her face.

You okay?” he asked.

Yeah. So, how was it?” she asked, reaching one hand down again to wrap it proprietorially around his shaft.

I'm glad you decided to try it.” He enthused, then added, “And that you didn't drown.”

Me too. So, what was this idea you had?”

A few minutes later, Anna was floating on her back again, arms straight out from her sides. Jack kept one hand under the middle of her back to help keep her from slipping below the surface if she had trouble staying still or keeping her breath. And he was getting to use his bodywash after all – though, to be fair, it was essentially serving as a very lathery lube. With his free hand he held her well-lathered cock up from her body like a stout flagpole, slowly stroking.

What, are you determined to traumatize some more innocent boaters?” Anna had joked when Jack had explained the idea.

Don't worry. If anybody comes by, I'll just dunk you real quick.” Jack had countered. “But I was thinking, might be neat. Kinda like being weightless or something. Just relax and enjoy.”

It had seemed like it might be interesting. And even if it turned out to be nothing so memorable, it was still a free handjob while she relaxed.

At first he had just helped her stay afloat – touching her as little as possible while she closed her eyes and relaxed. Gradually, she had zoned out. Only vaguely aware of her own breathing, and of her body. And when Jack had begun caressing and stroking her, it was as if her whole awareness centered there, on the gentle touch and the soft, building pleasure.

Her breathing changed as Jack proceeded to add the body wash and began changing up the pace and length of his strokes. The muscles in the floor of her pelvis tensed and relaxed, but like her breathing, she had only a distant, disconnected sense of it.

Twitches and shudders traversed her body, but her moans and cries were much more subdued than usual, as if she were asleep and dreaming. Between the sunlight through her eyelids and her almost trancelike state, she already floated in a warm, nondescript haze. As all the movement and pleasure drew to a sharp point and her orgasm finally broke over her, the haze became a dazzling white blankness. An intense light-headedness seemed to bloom in her head, separating her from all else.

Outside her head, Jack braced the arm with which he held her up, lifting, as her hips jerked spasmodically and her back arched a little. He continued to stroke hard and fast, even as streamers of cum erupted , arching several inches into the air before audibly splatting down on the damp, dark contours of Anna's swim-suited tummy and breasts.

When her spasms had calmed down and her output slacked off to a dribble, he slowed, slowed, and finally stopped. He let his hand rest loosely holding the base of her shaft amidst the foamy remnants of lather. Watching her face, the expression there once again sublime, he waited while the tensing throbs in her nethers became weaker and she began to go soft.

Anna?” he asked a few seconds later. “Didn't break you, did I?”

She cracked her eyes, almost like a hungover drinker facing the too-bright light of day.

Wow. That was... Kinda crazy. Dunno. Weird. Intense.” she sounded a bit like she had just woken up.

But good? You'll be happy to know you made a little mess.”

Mmm. Yeah. It was good.” She raised her head a little to look down her body. “That's good. We can wash up now anyway.”

She brought her legs down, and, with Jack keeping a hand on her just in case,

she stood and began moving toward the wharf. She turned around, leaning back against the rough pine boards. After returning her sated sexy bits to her swimsuit, she splashed water over her chest to rinse away the last clinging spots of spunk.

So, Idea Man, got any special ideas about how I should return the favor?”

Actually, I thought I might delay gratification a while.” Jack responded, looking around for the soap.

He saw that it had floated in toward shore. Not wanting to expose any more skin to the extra cooling effect of the air, he swam in until he could walk his hands along the bottom. He snagged the bobbing bar in one hand, then slowly turned himself around and made his way back out to where Anna still stood.

Since when is that a thing?” she posed.

Maybe I wanna save it because I have some ideas for later.”

Hmm. Well, if you're sure.”

Trust me.”

Hmp. Okay then. That was fun, but let's hurry up and wash. I'm starting to cool off again.”

Taking turns with the shampoo and soap, they washed each other, though Anna let Jack tend to his downstairs, saying she would feel bad if she got him worked up again while he was 'delaying gratification.' After they dunked themselves to rinse out their hair, Anna was first to climb back up onto the wharf.

Jack, still in the water, sidled up to the wharf and dried his hands on one of the towels. He caught a few lovely candid pictures of Anna on his phone while she dried her hair, then her arms and legs. Finally wrapping the towel around herself, she glanced over.

You coming?”

Just taking a few pictures. Thinking about making a calendar.” he joked, setting his phone aside and heaving himself up onto the wharf.

Anna stepped deftly over and edged between Jack and his clothes and towel. She bent to take up the abandoned phone, then turned, her evil smile in full effect.

Ready for your close-up?” she asked, centering him in the phone's camera, “ Mm. Show me those abs.”

Jack smiled and shrugged expansively.

Little unfair, don't you think. The water was really cold. You were wearing a bathing suit, so it wasn't so obvious.” he griped good naturedly, but flexed and twisted his body slightly to accentuate his midriff.

And you were probably focusing on my ass anyway.” Anna pointed out, snapping pics.

I mean, yeah, there is that.” He agreed, turning back-to and raising his arms to stretch his lanky frame.

Rowr.” Anna approved.

Can I get dressed now – before I become the one with nothing to hide?”

Alright Nerd, here, stop whining.” Anna tossed his towel to him as he turned toward her again. “And if you're worried about making a bad impression with that crazy shrinkage, maybe I should take some more pics later when you're not... What was it... delaying gratification any more.”

Crazy shrink- Okay, now I feel attacked.” Jack joked, toweling his head dry.

Uh huh. Hey, do you think we'll want to take the canoe out today?”

Uh, I dunno. Do you want to?” He dried the rest of his body and made for his clothes. “I enjoyed our last trip, but I don't have a particular urge to go out again. Got some good sketches to work from already.”

Yeah. I'm gonna go get changed. After that you wanna help me bring the canoe in?”

And so they dragged the fiberglass craft ashore and lugged it back to where they had found it, tipping it upside down to stop any future precipitation from puddling in the interior. Afterward, Jack collected his shaving kit and phone and the two went back inside.

Hmm. Feelin' pretty good after that. Hey, I think I'm gonna go for a quick jog. Interested?” Anna asked.

Think I'm gonna do some drawing.”

Ooh, cool. I'll let you work on that and have a look when I get back. Pass me your towel. I'll hang them on the line outside.”

While she was out, Jack started by turning a couple of the sketches he had done while out in the canoe into lineart, then slowly rounding them out with detail and shading. He then took the sketchbook outside and found a good vantage from which to draw the camp itself. When he was more or less satisfied with the results, he went back inside. Finding the camp journal, he carefully tore that last drawing from the sketchbook, signed and dated it, and tucked it into the journal.

That done, he stood around thinking for a minute.


He got a bottle of water from the fridge, then sat down with his phone. Not that they weren't all lovely, but a couple of the pics he had taken of Anna on the wharf were particularly striking. With the late morning sun glistening on the wet curves of her body and the raven cascade of her hair. They would be good for practicing extreme highlights and shadows.

Fyew. I think I put on weight just from that meal at Mom and Dad's.” Anna observed as she re-entered the camp a short while later.

She walked around to the fridge to get something to drink. Her eyes had become accustomed to the bright daylight outside. When her remarks garnered no immediate response, she blinked a bit, then scanned the room. Jack was at the table, applying a light, careful touch to something. She moved quietly around the table to stand behind him and look.

Uhh...” Jack murmured distractedly, still focused on what he was doing.

Anna raised her eyebrows upon getting a good look at his work, then smiled as he trailed off verbally. She liked getting to see him so completely absorbed and zoned in. It was impressive, but there was also something almost childlike about it. Kinda hot – as any display of skill can be, but also endearing in a warm fuzzy sort of way.

Several seconds later, Jack lifted his right hand away. He regarded the paper with hand poised for a long moment, then set aside what turned out to be the little cylindrical stub of a sharpened graphite stick.

He slowly turned his head, as if part of him didn't want to leave the zone he had been in just yet.

Sorry... I was just finishing up. What did you say?”

Anna gave a little laugh, positive that he didn't realize how long it had been since she had spoken.

It's fine. I was just saying I really needed that exercise.” She leaned down close and pointed. “I see you're obsessing over my ass again.”

It's your entire body from behind, Goober. It's not my fault your ass is so attention grabbing.” Jack corrected amiably.

Pfft. I guess I'll take that as a compliment. Seriously, though... It's good. Like, it really looks like I'm wet.”

Heh. Thanks. I don't hate it myself. Also, that's what she said.”

Uh huh. I don't suppose you drew any of the pics I took?” she asked.

Uhh, didn't get that far.”

I'd use a calendar like that.” She nuzzled her face against his neck, nipped his earlobe. “Maybe something for Christmas this year?”

Hm. That's a thought. So long as I don't have to look at it too often.”

Aww. Didn't think you were that self conscious.”

Ehm, well, it's really more the art than the me that I might be self conscious about.” he admitted.

Aw. I guess I get that. Your own worst critic sort of thing, right?”

Yeah, but uh, I'll take it under consideration. For you.”

Mm. Okay.” Anna kissed him on the cheek.

Jack closed the sketchbook and tucked his art things back in his suitcase.

I'm gonna go down to the wharf and splash a little water on myself. And yes, I know, I could've gotten the exercise first, then washed up, but I hadn't thought about it then.” Anna explained before exiting.

Jack, meanwhile, considered the lunch that he was becoming hungry for, and the supper for later. He started water heating and tossed in some thawed chicken. Anna came back in and the two considered the prospect of lunch, deciding to eat something light and have an early supper.

Hmm.” Anna considered, while perusing the contents of the fridge. “Cucumber sandwiches?”

Do what?” Jack asked.

So Anna introduced him to the simple joy of chopped cucumber rounds and mayo on bread – salt and pepper optional. Nothing amazing, but Jack judged it a good snack to tide them over.

Wanna try and back up the trash talk?” Anna asked when they had cleared away the mess after eating.

Which trash talk are we talking about?” Jack asked.

The trash talk we talked about while I was winning at Dominoes. Up for a game or two of scrabble?”

Oh. Yeah, okay.”

They enjoyed the game, soon losing track of the usual competitive nature of it in favor of a different sort of competition. After an initial humorous gambit on Jack's part, they both carried on sneaking in amusing made-up terms or obscure slang between real words. Jack being Jack, eventually turned the tables by playing 'byre'. When he insisted that it was, in fact, a real word, Anna retrieved her phone and checked the interwebs oracle.

Well shit.” she said after blowing a raspberry.

When they wrapped the game, Jack excused himself to visit the outhouse – a singular experience that he was still getting used to. When he returned, stopping at the sink to wash his hands, he found that this time it was Anna who was absorbed with something. After drying his hands he seated himself in the closest chair.

A familiar little envelope lay on the table. Next to the envelope lay a small folded sheet which looked like a check. Anna was silently reading a much creased sheet of paper. Apparently finished reading, Anna refolded the sheet, biting her lip thoughtfully.


Hm? Oh... It was from Grandpa. Mom and Dad have reminded him about us. He um...” She swallowed, then smiled. “He calls you 'my fella.' He said, 'If your fella makes you happy and treats you right, that's what matters. Your Mother and Father will be waiting for you to get hitched. I wouldn't mind seeing that. But that's for you and your fella to decide.'”

Mm.” Jack smiled faintly.

He apologized about not being there at the house to meet you. And then there was this. I think it's probably why he insisted that nobody else opened the envelope.” She continued, sliding the check over in front of Jack.

It was a personal check made out to Anna. For two thousand dollars.

Jack cleared his throat, at a loss for a moment.

He said to put it toward a wedding or our own place or travel. Whatever we need.”

Wow.” Jack slid the check back.


Anna folded the check and placed it, with the letter, back in the little envelope.

He also said if you treated me bad, I should ask Dad for his old hunting rifle.” she laughed, then sniffed.

Jack nodded, smiling again.

Hm. Speaking of family... We should probably call your folks, or text at least. And check our phones, just in case there's any urgent news.”

Yeah. It's been kinda nice not checking all that stuff for a while.”

So Anna called and spoke to her parents, after which she checked her messages and a few social media sites. Jack checked to see that the backlog queue of pages for his webcomic had been running normally, then had a look at his social media, and lastly checked his messages – neither expecting nor finding much.

When he was done, Jack checked the chicken. The water had cooked down a great deal, so he poured in a bit of oil, BBQ sauce, added some finely diced tomato, and stirred it up.

Everything okay?” he asked when Anna had finished on her own phone.

Yeah. All good.”

Chicken'll be ready in a few. Wanna find something to go with it?”

They settled on shredding the BBQ drenched chicken and serving it on toast with a salad on the side. Not exactly fine dining, but it was tasty and filling.

Meh. Doesn't always have to be fancy to be good.” Anna observed.

After the meal, they decided to watch another of Anna's movies while relaxing on the couch. While Jack got the movie started, Anna built a small fire in the wood stove. Generally speaking, they both liked it on the cool side, but she was thinking ahead. Jack didn't think anything of it, but was a little surprised when Anna unceremoniously stripped down, tossing her clothes on one of the chairs.

Don't wanna waste the opportunity, remember?” she explained.

Once again gloriously nude, she knelt on the couch. After admiring the effect long enough for her to notice and pat the cushion next to her, Jack stripped down and joined her. Without speaking, she nudged here and pointed there until Jack sat with his back to the arm of the couch and she could scoot back between his legs – reversing their positions from the last time they had shared the couch, when they were reading.

The movie – a formulaic horror flick from the 90s – was mediocre, but some of the practical effects weren't too bad. Catching on to this right away, the two began commentating and joking, and referencing other movies that had made use of a similar scene or trope, but done it better.

While they carried on in this vein, Jack lazily ran the fingers of one hand back through Anna's hair. When she reacted with a contented purr, letting her head tip back, he applied his other hand as well. Combing through her raven mane, then gently massaging her scalp.

They left off critiquing – or watching – the movie. Anna closed her eyes and bowed her head as Jack's hands moved down her neck to her collar area, rhythmically kneading. He paused once, noticing his own hand, with the ring he now wore, alongside the tattoo on Anna's left shoulder blade.

Resuming the massage, Jack leaned forward and whispered in Anna's ear.

I got another idea.”


I'll get up. You lay down and I'll give you a nice rub down.”


When Jack stood, Anna moved onto her tummy.

But where are you gonna-” she began to ask.

Shh. Trust me.”

Jack kneeled next to the couch and again began applying those skilled hands that Anna appreciated more and more. He started on her thighs, rubbing, squeezing, and kneading his way down her legs. After working her thighs and calves, he bent first one leg and then the other at the knee, in order to bring her feet up and tentatively apply a thorough foot massage.

Anna showed no particular reaction when he began on her feet, and if not for the occasional murmur or groan when he pressed deep amongst the muscles there, he might have thought she was napping.

When he had finished with her feet, he adjusted the position of her legs and climbed onto the couch, kneeling with one of his legs between hers and vice versa. He then happily applied himself to the heavenly hills of her pert posterior, where he was perhaps guilty of lavishing extra attention.

But eventually he did move up her back. He had once watched some videos on professional massage. Between that and the knowledge of muscular anatomy he had developed while studying it for art purposes, Anna was quite impressed – and limp as putty – by the time he made it back up to her shoulders.

Letting her marinate in the relaxation a bit longer, he worked down her arms. As with her feet, he took extra care with the lovely complexities of her hands. He knew all about the muscular and tendons and little bones of the hands. Having worked through sore or cramped hands or a twinging wrist, he had read up on such things in particular.

While he was at it, he paused again, smiling when he noticed their matching rings right next to each other.

Alright, Beautiful. Roll over.”

Anna lay still for a few moments. She then emitted a continuous, vaguely grumbling 'mmmmm' as she shifted onto her back.

Jack started on her legs again, lifting one then the other and resting her ankle on his shoulder while he worked. Then up to her tummy and out to her sides. And up to her chest, where he caressed her breasts, gently gliding his palms over them. This time Anna's long 'mmmmm' was in a dreamy, faintly aroused tone. Her nipples hardened under Jack's hands as he rubbed and squeezed.

He moved out along either arm again before coming back to her neck and collar and face. Anna lifted her chin, breathing deeply as his fingertips massaged her temples while his thumbs moved in little circles against her sinus to either side of her nose.

Mmm. Jack.” Anna whispered, eyes still closed.

Bringing his hands back down along her cheeks, he brushed the pad of a thumb along her lower lip before lowering himself so that there bodies touched here and there. He felt her warm breath as he parted his lips to trail the tip of his tongue over the path his thumb had taken. Then touched his lips to hers, but only just.

He felt Anna's chest rising, her breasts pressed to his chest, as she had begun to breath more deeply. In answer to his restraint, she breathed a needy, plaintive little 'Nnth.'

Finally Jack tipped his head, crushing his lips to hers, his tongue slipping between.

Mmmph!” Anna pressed back into the kiss, breathing sharply through her nose.

She moved then, raising her arms to move her hands up his back, nails trailing pink whorls. Her body moved like a rippling wave, lapping against his.

When Jack pulled back again they were both breathing heavily.

This couch is too small and... cushiony.” Jack pointed out. “If you want t-”

The table.”

W- The table?”

Spontaneous. Adventurous. Remember?” Anna gave him her evil smile, eyes alive with building concupiscence.

Mm. Okay then.” Jack rose and helped Anna up.

After hesitating a moment, Jack hurried back to the bedroom.

Preparation is key, though, right?” he called over a shoulder.

He returned with a thick blanket. After clearing the table, he cast the blanket over it. Anna, meanwhile, hunted up a roll of paper towels, then from her suitcase, lube and the little vibrating wand Jack had given her for Christmas.

Leaving the paper towels in a chair, Anna climbed onto the table. Standing nearby, Jack considered her naked beauty hungrily, then gave her a questioning look.

Like we were.” Anna said, scooting and then laying back.

Missionary for the honeymoon?” Jack asked, smiling.

Yeah. C'mere.” Anna spread her legs and beckoned with a finger.

Perhaps getting better at the preparation game, Jack held up a finger. He disappeared for a moment, returning with a pillow to go along with the blanket. He mounted the table from the other end. Anna began to say something dismissive about the pillow when Jack hoisted her legs, hooking her heels over his shoulders, and told her to lift her ass.

Oh. Duh.”

Anna did as she was bid, and Jack situated the pillow under her ass and the small of her back.

Here.” Anna offered up the lube.

In the tradition of making messes, Jack first drizzled lube from a height onto Anna's tummy and the underside of her shaft, then inched forward and pressed his own stiff length down atop hers. With her lower body propped up on the pillow, Anna was able to look down along her body and watch.

Dick sandwich?” she said, surprising a chuckle out of Jack.

He dribbled some more lube and stroked their cocks together in one hand. Anna settled her head back with an approving murmur. Shortly, Jack settled back and deposited a dollop of lube on his fingers. This he closed his hands around for a few seconds before smoothing it down over her hole.

Anna moaned as Jack eased himself down along the slippery span of her taint to press into her. As the head of his cock disappeared, and her pucker closed behind to grip his shaft, Anna reached down, turning on the miniature wand.

Mmph, wow. That's strong for a little thing.” Jack commented when she pressed the head of the toy against herself just below her balls.

Mmhmm.” Anna agreed. “Keep going.”

Jack took his time inching deeper into her, the vibrations adding to the always wonderful sensations of her tight ass gloving his cock. He started his thrusting slowly, gradually picking up speed to a comfortable pace. Anna moved the vibrator for both their sakes, lest he continuously bump his pelvis into it, though she suspected the effect might be quite pleasurable for her.

She brought the toy up and, on a whim, touched it to one of her nipples. This proved quite pleasurable as well. As Jack moved one hand to her lubed up shaft to stroke her in time to his thrusts, she moved the buzzing head of the wand to her other nipple.

Mm, fuck.” she moaned, arching her back and wiggling lasciviously.

Keeping the same pace, Jack began to thrust deeper. Meanwhile, he brought his free hand out to the side, then snapped it in with a sharp clap against Anna's thigh.

Anna gave a sharp little cry, then bit her lower lip while giving Jack a look that simultaneously conveyed the thoughts 'I'm feeling it,' and 'fuck me harder.'

Jack smiled and reached his free hand forth, pointing and then gesturing. Anna raised her eyebrows curiously, but handed over the buzzing wand. Accepting it, he removed his now lube-coated hand from her cock and slid the head of the wand down along her shaft to nestle against her balls.

Oh.” Anna breathed after a gasp. She followed that up with more encouraging moans.

Further embracing the spirit of messy fun, Jack ran his lube-slick left hand along the outside of Anna's other thigh before delivering a balancing slap there.

Ah! Huh, hmmp, fuck... Jack... Faster...”

Her expression was that look of pleasure that could almost be mistaken for pain. That look that said it was almost overwhelming, and she was getting close.

Jack sped up. The sticky plap plap plapping of their lube greased contact came louder and faster. Anna's cries and moans were lent a vibrato quality and competed with the scraping of the table's legs on the floor. Jack held tight to one thigh with his free hand to keep her from shifting away.

As Anna's cries became more desperate, and Jack felt the first tell tales that she was about to cum, he moved the head of the vibrator up to just below the head of her cock. He circled his thumb and forefinger behind the little head of the toy and curled his other fingers around Anna's shaft in order to hold the buzzing bulb snugly in place while the two of them bucked and squirmed.

Oh G- Uh-” Anna breath caught as she Jack's pistoning cock and the sudden, intense vibrations brought her to climax.

Rrr, fuck,” Jack growled, his own breathing becoming ragged, “Yes, cum Baby, mmf...”

Anna clutched the blanket to either side of her. Her breath came in sharp little gasps as her body locked up. The almost violent, pulsing pleasure kept up, seemingly endless, even after her hot seed had ceased spurting from her throbbing cock.

And then Jack was peaking. Still thrusting urgently, though losing the rhythm somewhat as he too began to lose control.

It was all a bit too much. Anna noticed something besides the pleasure. Breathless, she tried to say something.

J- Huh, Ja-ack... W-wait... I, oh, God-”

She released the blanket and brought her hands up, but Jack was oblivious, eyes squeezed shut as he pumped her full. She couldn't seem to budge his hand – and then it was too late.

A short, forceful burst of fluid escaped her, spattering against her hands to spray both their bodies in droplets. And another. And another.

And finally, his movements slowing to a stop, well and truly spent, Jack took notice of the last unexpected misting.

Whu-” he managed, opening his eyes.

Let go!” Anna gasped.

Oh, shit,” he took his hand away, drawing away the vibrator, then turning it off, “Sorry, I- Um... Did you-”

Anna pouted, looking a little embarrassed and a little overwrought.

I couldn't help it. It was too much and you were... Off in Bust-a-nut Land.” She explained, her hands still held down near her crotch, now dripping on her tummy.

Jack coughed to cover an unintentional laugh.

So this is...” He shook his head. “I was making an effort. Then you go and do this...”

Anna's brow furrowed.

Obviously I didn't mean to, but you kept that damn thing on my-”

I'm not prepared to top this.” Jack interrupted. “Looks like you're gonna remain the queen of messy sex.” He cracked a faint smile.

Anna gave him a wide eyed look that said 'you ass', but the corners of her mouth were trying to quirk up into a smile.

Shithead.” she glowered, suddenly bringing her hands up and flicking her fingers.

Wuh,” Jack leaned back as a sprinkling of warm droplets assailed him.

Er, sorry. You asked for it, but I probably shouldn't have... Wait, you didn't do that on purpose, though, right? This isn't another one of your fetishes...”

Jack wiped a cheek.

Uh, I eat ass. The foot thing isn't even a fetish. And no, I didn't do it on purpose. I just,” he started to chuckle, “What was it? Got lost in Bust-a-nut Land?”

Yeah, well... sorry for, you know, pissing all over us.”

Eh, like I said, it's not my thing, but it's not gonna kill us. Sorry about, uh, vibrating the piss out of you.”

Okay, but the pillow under me is yours now.”

Jack snorted in amusement.

Guess I won't wipe my dick on it when I pull out then.” He joked, easing Anna's legs down.

Oh, there's paper towels in that chair,” she pointed, “You can probably reach with your long-ass orangutan arms.”

Jack started to move, then paused.


There came a familiar buzzing.

Don't even think about it!” Anna laughed. “My bladder isn't empty yet.”

The buzzing ceased. Jack leaned and reached and did, in fact, succeed in snagging the paper towels without uncoupling from Anna. Tearing off a half dozen sheets, he held them against her below their point of contact as he pulled out. He let Anna take hold of the wad and turned his attention to using more towels to wipe up the existent traces of Anna's Old Faithful impression.

So,” he asked, hook shotting crumpled paper towels at the trash bin, “It was good though, yeah? Up until you went all fire hydrant on us?”

Anna narrowed her eyes at him from where she still lay, then rolled them.

Of course it was.” Finishing with her own cleanup for the moment, she tossed her own ball of soiled paper towels in the bin. She eased the pillow out form under her and tossed it aside, then gestured. “C'mere.”

Jack moved to lay alongside her. He leaned over her and Anna cupped his face in her hands and kissed him.

That thing with the vibrator, while you were filling me up and going at it... Kind of amazing, actually. Just, maybe next time I'll hold the vibrator.” she smiled.

Understandable. Although, I can guarantee I'll be careful not to make that mistake again.”

Mm. As long as we're both naked anyway... We should get some soap and-”

I'm pretty sure a freezing-ass bath in the pond would ruin the afterglow.” Jack asserted.

I was gonna say a couple wet hand towels. And do like a gas station bath. Adventure is one thing. I'm not getting in that cold ass water right now.”

So they washed up, bringing in their towels from the line to dry off again. After which, Anna padded over and fed the wood stove from the stack of kindling in the wooden bin to one side. Jack stood by the stove and fished a slightly warm piece of BBQ chicken from the leftovers still on the stove.

Seeing an opportunity, Anna smiled and found her phone.

Hey Jack.”

When he turned, she snapped a series of pictures. He had started to go soft, but he definitely wasn't suffering from shrinkage. Also, she got a kick out of catching him looking surprised, with a spot of BBQ sauce on his chin. He briefly developed a stupid smile.

Have to save that for the calendar, eh?” he commented, wiping his face clean.


Putting her phone away again, Anna moistened a paper towel and wiped down the little vibrating wand before returning it to her suitcase. Jack, meanwhile, pulled the blanket from the table.

Uh, is there a viable way to wash this?” he asked.

Um. Just toss it on the couch. We can... Bag it and take it with us. Wash it and bring it back when we visit. There's so many blankets back there, nobody will miss it.”

Jack nodded, did as suggested.

We probably shouldn't stay up too late. Gotta get up at a reasonable hour to drive tomorrow.” Anna reminded.

The plan was to drive back early tomorrow, as Anna had arranged to work the late shift.

About that.”


If you had time, would you want to try to visit your grandfather?”

Anna looked at him uncertainly, then let her eyes wander.

I could go in. Ask somebody to check on him. See what kind of day he was having. If it was good, we could visit. If not,” he shrugged, “We could just leave.”

Anna regarded him again, still quiet. Jack plodded over and put his arms around her.

It's up to you, Love, but... I think we should give it a try. Just explain it to Mr. Lintz. I'm sure he can figure something out for one more day.”

I... Um. This is kind of weird, being naked.” Anna said after a moment.


But yeah. I wanna try.” She met his eyes for a second. “Thanks Jack.”

Of course.” He hugged her, rubbed her back for a moment. “Think I'm gonna put on some boxers or something.”

Pajamas sound good now.” she agreed.

She checked her things and decided on some comfy cotton panties and the same big Concrete Blonde shirt she had worn the other day. When she looked up from changing, she found Jack watching her. He wore boxers and, curiously, held a different blanket rumpled up in his arms.

Come on.” He said, moving to open the door.

Uh, where? Why?”

Well, someday you might look back and say 'I kinda wish I had done a little more of that corny, sappy stuff you see in the cheesy romance movies. Or something. So... Let's go lay on the wharf and look at the stars. At least for a few minutes.”

Anna's expression slowly softened. She tipped her head to one side.

Yeah.” she agreed, following.

Outside, she leaned against him and put an arm around his back.

Down on the wharf, they spread the blanket and lay down side by side. Anna found Jack's hand with hers and held it, rubbing a fingertip against the ring she had given him. They looked up at the star strewn sable of the night sky. So much clearer than it could ever be seen from the city.

After a few minutes Anna rolled onto all fours over Jack. She gazed down at him, face neutral, her eye seeming to search his.

You know you're stuck with me now.” she said.

Jack brought his hand up between them. He looked at the ring there, then back up at her.

That's the plan. You were right. The perfect partner should be your best friend. I lo-”

She cut him off with a sudden kiss. When she drew back there were tears in her eyes, but she smiled. She settled down with her head on his chest.

I love you too, Nerd.”