Chapter 39: The Trouble with Twins
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Ale and his parents did not quite understand how inquisitive two very sheltered teens could be. Then take those teens and make them fraternal twins that act like identical twins that read each other like a worn book and you have big troubles.

James, Jill, and Ale held several degrees in psychology, human behavior, and motivational theory but not one of them held a degree or the experience in dealing with Nicholas and Marta. While they seemed confident that they could handle this, I was not so sure that they even had a clue what they were facing.

Jill ran off to the kitchen to get drinks and snacks for the twins. I am not sure if it was a motherly thing or if it was a calculated tactic to make them comfortable. Either way, it was not going to work. I had seen these two in action and they were not going to let anything go easily.

About the time that Jill returned with the comfort food, Marta and Nicholas made their way into the conference room and took a seat. Marta was still texting back and forth with Brad. Marta leaned over and whispered to Nicholas, “You know this is the part where they tell us they are sending us off to some boarding school because they cannot fit us into their lifestyle. We will be lucky if we end up in a co-ed school; but most likely they will separate us.”

James saw where it was going, “Marta, we will not be separating the two of you and no one has said anything about boarding school.” Marta put down the phone and stared at James, “There were people at that party who suggested boarding schools to Ale and Alex. Ale said he would take them into consideration.”

Quickly, Ale attempted to explain that he was being polite. “Marta, I do not even remember the names of the places that they were suggesting. Your sister and I had been thinking about private school in the city so that you would be home every day.” That made Marta relax; just a little, “I would like to go to school where Brad goes to school.” Then she picked up the phone and continued to text.

Marta did not often have much to say, Nicholas had a tendency to talk for both of them and she would just agree. Once I asked her why she did not speak for herself, she answered “Because he knows what I am thinking, and he enjoys the confrontation.”

This time was no different Nicholas pressed the confrontation.

“Alex, why do these people call you Della?” Ale smiled and he took lead, “I called your sister Della Mare, it means “of the sea” it is a nick name I gave her.”

“Why do the other kids call you and Alex Sovereign Mistress and Master?” James took this one by the horns, “Because we belong to an elite society and Della and Alejandro are the Sovereign Mistress and Master of the society.”

It was a good strategy, tell the truth and keep it very simple. Well, it would have been if it were not the twins.

Nicholas looked at Marta as she texted away, “Marta would like to know if your “SOCIETY” is of those freaky cults that Mom and Dad always warned us about.” Marta looked up from her phone, “You aren't going to poison our Kool-Aid, are you?” Nicholas looked back James, “Or eat our livers with a nice wine.”

Jill intercepted the pass, “No children, we are not going to poison you or eat your livers. We do not belong to a cult. Our Society is secular. Nicholas why don't you let Marta ask her own questions. She needs to think for herself and not have you telling her what she thinks.”

Marta put the phone down again, “He asked you exactly what I wanted for him to ask you. He never tells me what I think or what to think. Nicholas would not be that rude. I prefer not to deal with the conflict, so he can continue to ask my questions for me.”

Jill looked perplexed and James was fascinated. That is when I stepped in, “They know what the other thinks most of the time. They finish each other's sentences, they have their own language, and they just know things about each other. They have done this their whole lives.”

Nicholas looked miffed, “What is the House of Purity and Pain?” Marta looked up again, “Brad said that the Society has 27 Houses. The ruling house or Sovereign House is the House of Purity and Pain. Our sister is the Mistress of the House of Pain and Ale is the Master of the House of Purity. In their “Society” Alex and Alejandro are royalty and now we are their heirs. By the way, that was my question too, see I typed it in right here and then Nicholas asked it.” She smiled and went back to her texting.

Nicholas looked directly at me, “So what was all the talk about nudity and sex? Are you sure this is not a sex cult or some human trafficking ring, is it?”

Ale took over, “No Nicholas, it is not either of those things. It is a secret Society that dates back to the early Roman Empire and the time of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and the rule of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.”

Oh, they changed tactics from straight and simple to overly complicated with a touch of information overload. They were better off not taking that route the twins would see right through it.

“At that time Caesar was out of control with his overindulgent behaviors and appetites. He was well known for his perverse and sadistic sexual cravings. When those cravings started moving from the slaves and commoners of Rome to the elite, something had to change. That is when the Society of the Chrome and Indigo was formed. The 26 wealthiest families banded together to set guidelines and rules for Caesar but still allowed him the sexual perverseness that he demanded. His house became known as the House of Purity and Pain.”

Ale was shocked to see that Nicholas was taking an interest in the history instead of being bored by it. Marta spoke up, “Nicholas, it was Caesar Caligula, the crazy one that built the aqueducts and was assassinated for wanting to be worshiped as a God.” Nicholas nodded his head in thought, “Yep, Marta and I did a project in history class on him, he was insane. We got an A.”

“Ale is trying to distract you with the details Nicholas.”

“But it is interesting; Marta!”

“It is irrelevant, Nicholas! They are giving you filler and not substance.”

Both of the twins were book smart, but Marta had a very special way of determining what people's true intentions were and what they may do. I always thought it was because she chose to be quiet and observe. She saw right through their tactics and pushed Nicholas back in the right direction.

“Ale, you are going to have to give me a history lesson later. Sorry Dude, no more distractions. Alex how did you get involved with all of this?”

There was the question, the one that would take most of the night to explain. “Ale could we please have coffee. We are going to need it.”

I had to meet the twins on a level they understood. “Okay Marta, put the phone down, I want your attention. Nicholas, I am about to tell you everything, but you are not allowed to make any childish noises or comments. I am not really comfortable telling you about all of this.” Marta complied and Nicholas nodded his head.

Ale brought in coffee, and I started. “Do you remember after my birthday and how depressed I got?” They both nodded. “That is where it all started, and it just progressed from that point.”

I explained how I had run into Ale, and he instantly took to me. I explained what had happened to me in the hotel room, how I was crushed, and how I was naive and vulnerable. Hours passed as I detailed everything that had happened, how I got the scars, how Ale had saved me. How I realized that I was in love. “Before I knew it, I was part of this world. I wanted to be part of this world. I needed this world to survive.”

Marta spoke up, “Obviously it was Stockholm Syndrome!” James, Jill, and Ale all looked at her, “I read, everything, a lot.” “No Marta, not Stockholm Syndrome. He was not my captor; he was my savior.” She looked wide eyes, “Ah, Nightingale's syndrome.” I looked at her and gave a stern look of disapproval and continued to tell the story.

Every detail was laid out and in the open. The only part I excluded was the part about our parent's deaths. That would have to be later after I see how they took everything else.

Nicholas looked at Marta and then around the room at all of us, “So, when's breakfast and where are all of the nude people? If this is my life, then I at least want to see nude people; so does Marta.” Marta looked up and nodded her head. “Marta also wants to start school immediately and go to the same school as Brad. I think I will go there too.”

I looked at them, there was no way it would be that easy, “So you just accept the status quo, want to be part of this world, and are okay with it?”

Nicholas stepped in, “Yea we are good with it. I heard what Mrs. J said when I was listening in. It all made sense. We do have a severe unhealthy curiosity because everyone hid it from us. Like that was the best idea, Marta hates when people hide things, it makes her push me to find the truth. And we both think that the truth about sex and sexuality would be nice. So, who is in charge of educating us?”

Jill, James, and Ale all agreed that Hilda would be in charge of the Societal education for the twins. Jill sent her a text and suggested that they start immediately. When that was settled, we sent Marta and Nicholas back to bed. We still had a lot to discuss with Ale's parents.

Jill and James were both amazed by Marta and Nicholas' ability to communicate. James went on and on, “You read about the twin studies, but it is hard to fathom until you see it. And for it to happen in fraternal twins of opposite sexes; it is truly rare. Amazing case right under our noses.”

Jill explained several elements in raising children in the society. One thing was that nudity was okay, natural, and normal. It was important to desensitize children to the human form. Her suggestion was that we do not react when they see us nude; act just like we would if we were covered. Jill also said since their desensitization was later that we may insist that all of the indigo remain nude in their presence.

I was concerned, “Isn't there something illegal about that?” James was quick to explain that there was nothing wrong with it as long as sexual activities like intercourse and oral stimulation were not part of the nudity. Then she explained about the nude beaches and pools in other countries where whole families practiced nudism.

“And what do I do when they make comments or act inappropriately?” Jill thought about it for a moment, “Punish them. Take things away. They should not be ashamed of their bodies either. Their shame of their own form may be the reason they would comment on others. And do not be surprised if they have a physical reaction to the nudity at first. Encourage them to explore their bodies and satisfy their own sexual needs. Masturbation is natural and healthy.”

James added, “Ale, your open-door policy will need to be lifted for the twins and with any sexual activity between you, Della, the Chromes, or the indigo. And if there is accidental exposure, do not stop what you are doing and try to hide it, just ignore them and continue. When you are done, have a discussion with them if they did not immediately turn away and honor the privacy that they interrupted.”

Jill interjected, “If they have questions answer them honestly without being embarrassed yourself. Della you will have to instruct all Chromes and indigo that sexual acts around or with the twins is prohibited.” I had to ask, “Jill what is the age of legal consent?” She took a deep breath, “For the state, 14 to 17 depending on the age of the older person. The older person cannot exceed 4 years of age older than the younger.” The twins are old enough to mingle with others between the ages of 13 and 19. More than half of the indigo are in that age range. When they turn 16 that extends by a year 13-20. The other Chrome teens will tell the about the guideline, you can be sure of it.”

Jill and James were insistent that wen the training Chrome and indigo return, we start our new lives as parents and Sovereign.


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