True Form
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Hey all! I realized I hadn't posted anything here in quite a while so I decided to write this cute lil' one-shot.  I just knew I wanted it to be gay, cute, and involve fairies.  The rest came from there - hope you enjoy!

Immediately the first thing I noticed was green.  Not green like grass or leaves or plants…just green color everywhere.  I experimentally reach a hand out and notice that…the green is moving?   I squint to get a better look when I notice an interwoven pattern.  Like a fabric.


This is my shirt isn’t it?

I immediately can’t help but start hyperventilating.  Either my clothes have become gigantic, or I’ve become incredibly small.  I try my hardest to find where the green is the lightest, and hazard a guess that doing so will let me escape out one of the holes.  Eventually that plan works, as I notice a fence of denim around me, which I eventually surmise is my jeans.   I also notice two more things.

One - everything around me is gigantic, confirming my fear (?) that I had shrunk.

Secondly - it finally hit me that I was also stark fucking naked.

I immediately rush to cover my privates as quick as I can when my hands notice something weird.  Expecting to find a set of outward facing genetalia to grab, I find nothing more than a flat surface with a small slit and bump.  Looking down to inspect further,  I-WOAH.

I guess that confirms it, doesn’t it?

Smacking me right in the face were two generously-sized breasts.

I’m a girl.  And tiny.  And naked.

At this point, it’s too much.  All I can do is scream.

Meanwhile, as my voice is shrieking out, I notice a giant girl turn around, and get down one one knee to look down on me.  She looked a lot like Alice, but I don’t quite remember Alice being 50 feet tall.

Granted, I also don’t remember being a tiny, naked girl.

“Alice…” I stutter out, making sure to cover my body as much as possible with my small hands “…is that you?”

“Alex?  Oh my god Alex, you’re so cute!”

I immediately feel my entire body heating up and turning red, my small arms and hands unable to cover it up.  Regardless, I find both hands are now covering my face.  I have to stop blushing - men aren’t supposed to blush. 

Well, to be fair, I guess I’m not much of a man right now, am I?

Before I can elaborate further on that thought, a larger set of fingers grab me by either hip and lift me in the air, until I end up on a giant, outstretched hand with faded cat scratches and chipped blue nail polish.   As terrifying as the experience was, being eyed up by my friend in this state was perhaps even more so, as I turned my back to her (oblivious that I was now exposing my behind to her).  She must hear my little lungs hyperventilating, because before I know it, I feel a finger softly head patting me.  As much as I should be complaining about being demeaned, I can’t help but revel in the amazing feelings the headpats incite within me.   After the headsets stop, Alice begins again:

“God, I know you like acting all tough and macho, but you look absolutely fucking adorable right now”

“Ahhhh!” I squeal.  There it is again.  What is that feeling radiating through me?  “You can’t just say that!”

“Why not?  It’s true”

“Why not?  Because I’m a man!” I spit out, though immediately after doing so realize how silly this sounds given the situation I find myself in now.

“Wait, you didn’t know?” She interjects.

“Know what?”

“Alex, that was a True Form potion” she says, taking on a more serious tone.  “You can fool yourself, hell you can fool me, but you can’t fool that potion.  It makes you into whatever form your soul finds most desirable.  In this case, a smol fairy girl.”

“Fairy?” I blurt out, only to turn around and notice a pair of small wings lying flat against my back.  Letting myself relax a bit more, I notice them stick out and begin flapping, causing me to effortlessly levitate in front of my friend’s face.

At that point, it’s too much.  I feel myself breaking down into tears - soft ones at first, but eventually large, ugly ones.   I was such a big, strong man, and now look at me.  Once again, Alice takes her finger and slowly starts petting my hair with it. I grab onto it like a life raft and hug it for dear life.  Eventually, I let go and look my friend in the eye again.

“So…” I meekly begin “you say that was a True Form potion?”

“Yup” she replied, plainly.

“And…so my true form is that of a small fairy girl?”

“It sure seems like it.” She again replies plainly.  Somehow she’s not getting nearly as worked up over this as me.

“But why?  I’m not supposed to be…”

“Why not?”

“I…I…” I find myself without any really good comeback.  I struggle to find any words to describe how I’m feeling, outside of the ones that have been staring at me this entire time.

“Alice, why does this feel so good?”

She cooes, and begins petting my hair again.  I don’t stop her.

“Alex, it feels good because you are a girl, and it’s the first time you’ve been able to see and be seen as one.  That’s completely natural”

“You mean…it’s okay to be a girl?” I timidly ponder.

“It’s worked pretty well for me, hasn’t it?” She retorts.

“Yeah, but you’ve always been a-“

She cuts me off

“As far as you know”

“You mean…”

“Yeah, my parents gifted me one when I was in grade school.  I’ve gone through what you’re going through before.  And I can say that your reaction right now is pretty similar to what I went through.  Honestly, it’s really wholesome seeing from the other perspective”.

Immediately, an entire wave of happy, warm, tingly feelings washes over me.  I drink in my body as if I’d seen it for the first time, which to be fair, is true in a way.  I notice how soft my skin is, the large-but-not-too-large breasts that lie on my chest, my thin arms, and my long, shiny orange hair.

This is me. 

I get to like this.  I get to like being a girl.

That’s a revelation that I surprisingly had never considered before.  But it’s one that I hold onto.  Because goodness knows it feels amazing.

“So…I guess this is me” I speak, quickly falling in love with my melodic soprano.

“It is.  And ‘you’ is pretty dang cute, if I do say so myself!”

I reach forward to give her a big hug, but then immediately remember that I’m a small fairy, so instead of grabbing what I expect to be my friends shoulders, I notice myself now face first in her breasts. 

“Uhhh….” She awkwardly says

Feeling emboldened, I flip over the fabric in front of me, and find myself sitting between her breasts within her cleavage inside of her scoop neck shirt.  She giggles to herself, which also makes her chest jiggle slightly all around me.

“Has my little Lexi found a comfortable spot to sit?”

Without any hesitation, I reply “Yes!  Boobs are nice!”.  Hey, if I’m gonna be a smol fairy girl, it’s part of my job to be silly and carefree, right?

She just laughs to herself again “God, Lexi, what am I gonna do with you?”

“Well, more headpats would be a good start!”