Chapter 658: Flora World Expedition Report
With everyone boarded, the Stargazer begins to fly away back toward space. It takes very little time for the ship to leave Flora World’s atmosphere.
Narrator: In the Stargazer’s conference room.
Zeth, Sasha, Kurt, Emily, Joe, Pearl, Lavana, Dusk, Herbie, Kasuma, Layla, and Jeff gather in the conference room and take their seats at the large table.
Joe looks over at Jeff with a confused look.
Joe: “Jeff? Shouldn’t you be piloting the ship?”
Jeff: “For now, it’s fine. The ship is running on autopilot. I think it’s best that I attend these meetings.”
Joe: “If you say so.”
Sasha: “Okay. Now let’s begin this meeting. We have a lot of information to discuss.”
Emily: “Given that Joe and I did not actually get to explore the planet with you, I’m very curious to learn what you all found out.”
Zeth: “Maybe not as much as we hoped to gain but we still found out some very important information.”
Joe: “Let’s hear it then.”
Zeth: “To start, there was indeed a pyramid on the planet. However, it was destroyed before we could learn anything about it. But we do know for a fact it is connected to the abyss.”
Kurt: “We even saw the villains behind this plot and learned their names.”
Herbie: “They must be pretty confident to call each other by their names in front of us.”
Sasha: “That’s right. Zeth did mention them to me. However, I was unconscious when they showed up so I didn’t get to see what they looked like.”
Lavana: “Their appearances were very unique. Even just getting a description will allow you to know who they are when you see them.”
Zeth: “Well, Sasha was able to learn some stuff too that the rest of us were not there for.”
Sasha: “From Grant, the son of Light God Daren, I learned of a mortal on the planet that used Abyss Magic just like Korobu. Her name was Anima and she wanted to take Grant into her abyss. Grant was able to kill her in the end. After all of the fighting was over, we went to see Flora World’s God of Death where we learned that Anima’s soul was never found and therefore, she was never brought to the God of Death for judgment.”
Zeth: “And that’s exactly how it was for Korobu too. This is not a coincidence. For some reason, the souls of mortal abyss users just disappear when they die. So far, we have no answer as to why or where they actually went.”
Joe rubs his chin as he processes this information.
Joe: “I can’t even think of a possible theory for this…”
Layla: “I think all we can do is just to continue exploring.”
Pearl: “Right. I don’t think any of us expected to find all of the answers in our first expedition. Whether it takes one more expedition or many more, we need to keep at it.”
Emily: “So, before we continue…”
Emily looks over at Kasuma and then continues speaking.
Emily: “Where exactly does she fit into all of this? An angel from Flora World is just coming with us?”
Kasuma opens her eyes wide and then stands bowing in a sort of panic.
Kasuma: “I apologize! I should have introduced myself sooner! My name is Kasuma! You see, Kurt inspired me to leave the planet!”
Kurt: “It’s okay, Kasuma. You can sit down. I’ll give a brief explanation.”
Kasuma: “Oh, okay.”
Kasuma sits back down as Kurt begins speaking.
Kurt: “She was not in a good place with the tyrannical rule of Light God Daren. Even with that over, she really wanted to see everything outside of Flora World. She wants a new beginning if that makes sense.”
Emily: “I guess that makes sense.”
Joe: “Well, welcome aboard the Stargazer. I hope you make yourself at home.”
Kasuma: “Thank you.”
Dusk: “Okay. Now to get back to the last points to talk about.”
Zeth: “Right. Although we only went to the planet to investigate the pyramid. We found ourselves in the middle of a conflict to take down a tyrannical light ruler. Although this ruler had nothing to do with the abyss plot, we decided we needed to help restore peace to the planet and end their conflict. Thankfully, we were successful in doing that even though it was a struggle at times.”
Joe: “It’s always good when you take down a tyrant. Maybe there was nothing about them related to the abyss plot but I’m glad we accomplished this.”
Emily: “They even sent someone to attack our ship. He was strong but we took him down.”
Jeff: “I was able to watch the whole thing from our camera systems. It was an intense battle.”
Layla: “We were lucky they didn’t send more people to attack. Joe and Emily had their hands full with the one opponent. Who would have stopped someone else from attacking the ship?”
Zeth thinks to himself for a moment before speaking.
Zeth: “Hmmm. We may have to leave more people at the ship during future expeditions. We will discuss that when we arrive at our next destination.”
Pearl looks around at everyone.
Pearl: “I believe that is everything we have to go over. I think we should end this meeting for now. We need more information before we can truly break everything down.”
Zeth nods.
Zeth: “Right. Everyone can go relax now. Sasha and I have reports to send back to Earth’s Heaven that we need to type up.”
Everyone stands up and begins walking out of the conference room.
Narrator: A little bit later in Zeth’s and Sasha’s room.
The room is dimly lit. Zeth sits at a desk typing on a computer while Sasha is sitting in their bed with the lower half of her body under the covers while she types on a laptop.
Sasha puts a couple of her fingers up to her nose for a moment. She then resumes typing and thinks in her head what she is typing.
Sasha: (Thinking) “In my battle against the Light God’s son, Grant, he told me about a mortal abyss user that was obsessed with taking him into her abyss…”
Sasha stops typing again and looks over at Zeth. His back is toward her due to where the desk is positioned.
Sasha: “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have me sit at the desk?”
Zeth stops typing and looks back at her.
Zeth: “You need to rest your body. It’s much better for you to be in bed than it is to sit at a desk.”
Sasha: “Sorry, I guess I’m just getting a little distracted from my work…”
Zeth: “You’re fine. Don’t worry, we can talk after we get this done.”
Zeth goes back to typing and thinks in his head what he is typing.
Zeth: (Thinking) “By the end of the battle, the pyramid had suffered major structural damage. Immediately after the battle ended, two previously unseen divine beings showed up and destroyed what remained of the pyramid. One of them is named Raylee. She was a fairy that was only about half of a foot tall. I didn’t even know that fairies were real. The other was a strange one. He was like a normal divine being but his skin was as white as a ghost and his eyes were completely black except for small white pupils. There were no irises. His name is Rom.”
Sasha has also resumed typing. She thinks in her head what she is typing.
Sasha: (Thinking) “Following the conflict, we met with Flora World’s God of Death. We learned that Anima was exactly like Korobu in that she died but her soul was not found. There is a connection but we are not even close to determining what has happened to them…”
Sasha stops typing and looks over at Zeth again.
Sasha: “I’m sorry…”
She takes a deep breath before she continues.
Sasha: “…but we need to talk now. I can’t focus because something is on my mind.”
Zeth stops typing and looks back at Sasha again.
Zeth: “Okay. What is it about?”
Zeth gets up and walks over to the bed and sits on it.
Sasha: “It’s… about a dream I had… No… A nightmare I had when I was unconscious…”
Zeth: “A nightmare?”
Sasha: “Yes. I would say that it is similar to the one you had that kickstarted this whole investigation.”
Zeth opens his eyes wide as he responds.
Zeth: “What happened in it?”
Sasha: “I saw you… get taken by the abyss. Then I saw Grant and others get taken by the abyss. And finally, I got taken by the abyss. It gives me this very foreboding feeling.”
Zeth: “I know how you feel. All we can do is continue our investigation. We will solve this and put a stop to it.”
Sasha warmly smiles and nods as she replies.
Sasha: “Right.”
Narrator: The investigation into Flora World has ended and now the heroes and now the heroes must move on to their next investigation. What lies in wait for them?
Chapter 658 END
To be Continued in Chapter 659: Deity of Suns
Arc Completed: December 5th, 2023