Chapter 662: The Dark Captors
In a first-person perspective, someone’s eyes begin to slowly open with the person’s vision being a little blurry for a moment. The person’s voice lightly utters some words. “W-Where am… I?”
Now in a third-person perspective, that person is revealed to be Zeth. He appears to be in a jail cell and his arms are restrained against the wall with steel restraints. He no longer has his brown leather jacket on. He fully becomes aware again and looks around. He tries to struggle against the restraints but when he does, magic energy in the restraints zap him. “Gah!”
Zeth hears someone’s voice. “Don’t bother. You can’t break free.”
Zeth is alerted as three people walk into the room that his jail cell is located in. The man in the middle looks the most important. He has fluffy but short black hair and he has Dark Divine Eyes. He looks like the equivalent of a human man in his 30s. He wears a dark green military uniform that is buttoned in the middle. The buttoned part is lined with a dark yellow line.
Narrator: Dark Divine Being Leader – Ronzic.
The man to Ronzic’s right has a buzz cut and he has Dark Divine Eyes. He has a bulkier body build. He looks like the equivalent of a human man in his 30s. He is wearing a similar uniform as Ronzic.
Narrator: Dark Divine Being – Biff.
The woman to Ronzic’s left has long black hair in a ponytail and she has Dark Divine Eyes. She looks like the equivalent of a human woman in her 30s. She is wearing the female version of the uniform that the other two are wearing.
Narrator: Dark Divine Being – Laura.
The three of them walk up to Zeth’s jail cell. Ronzic looks at Zeth with disgust. “So, the light trash has finally woken up?”
Zeth grits his teeth as he looks at them. “Who are you three?”
Ronzic growls with more disgust. “Show more respect, light trash. My name is Ronzic and I am the ruler of Planet Pylon and these two are Biff and Laura. I have been the ruler ever since I successfully overthrew the light side. All light divine beings are trash so I will always take out the trash when I find it.”
Zeth’s eyes glare at them as he intensely frowns. “Making generalizations won’t get you far in life.”
Biff pounds on the jail cell. “Quiet, light trash, or I will kill you right this second!!”
Zeth rebukes Biff’s statement. “If you take out the ‘trash’ and kill light divine beings, why have you not killed me already?”
Laura points her fingers at Zeth and angrily responds. “There is one reason and one reason only that you are still alive!”
Zeth raises an eyebrow as he continues to frown. “Yeah? And what would that be?”
Ronzic responds. “I don’t know where you are from but I know for certain that you have cast a spell on the beauty and I demand that you lift it.”
Zeth’s frown ends as he looks at them in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Ronzic does not respond but he just walks through the jail cell bars like they are not even there to enter Zeth’s jail cell. He begins repeatedly punching Zeth in the face. As Ronzic continues punching, Biff and Laura just watch with serious facial expressions. After over a minute of punching, Ronzic finally stops when Zeth’s face, mouth, and nose are all bleeding.
Ronzic steps back as someone else enters the room.
Ronzic simply states, “This beauty.”
Ronzic points at Sasha as she walks up to the cell. He looks down at her visible cleavage with a smile.
Sasha looks almost sad.
Zeth’s mouth is agape as he looks at Sasha in shock. “Sasha, what’s going on!? Have they done anything to you!?”
Ronzic continues punching Zeth more. His face, nose, and mouth bleed even more. Once Ronzic is done punching Zeth, he leaves the jail cell by once again simply walking through the bars like they are not even there.
Ronzic looks at Zeth. “We will be back and you will undo the spell you put on this beauty! Until you do, the beatings will continue.”
As they all walk away, Sasha looks back at Zeth and gives him a very sad look before she turns her head forward again and walks away with the other three.
Once the four of them are fully out of the room, Zeth begins thinking to himself while still having a shocked facial expression. (“Why, Sasha!? We could have taken these guys out right here!? It can’t be that they are controlling her because they wouldn’t accuse me of putting a spell on her otherwise! Is there some other reason that she chose to go with them!? The very thought that she would actually betray us is so utterly ridiculous that it’s not even worth considering!”)
Narrator: Back on the Stargazer.
The ship has landed on the planet near where the burning remains of the wrecked ship crashed.
Jeff uses the intercom system. “Everyone! Prepare for a search and rescue mission!”
The other main heroes are ready to go.
Kurt grits his teeth. “There is definitely a pyramid on this planet so we need to be extra careful.”
Jeff is looking at the ship’s radar system and uses the intercom system again. “Multiple signals are approaching the ship from all sides! We have to protect the ship if they are hostile!”
He looks out the window and can see that the approaching signals are dark divine beings and demons.
Jeff uses the intercom system again. “I am almost certain those are hostiles. It’s time for battle!”
Emily pulls out her Shadow Sword. “We can definitely take them on!”
Narrator: Zeth is now a prisoner of ruling dark divine beings and Sasha is with them!? The other heroes are now surrounded too! Will they be able to protect the ship!?
Chapter 662 END
To be Continued in Chapter 663: The Blue-Eyed Dark Divine Being