Light Novel Volume 1 – Chapter 1 : A New Relationship
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On the present day, just a little over the Friday November, Yuu was on his usual way home after a supermarket detour. With a supermarket bag on his left hand and his school bag on his right arm. He looked at the sky, as if looking for something.

Future, huh… I never really looked towards something like that….

One of the things that happened in class was the question he couldn't answer. 'What is your plan for the future?' As someone who didn't care much about anything, he never knew what he wanted to do that long-term.

But after dozing off for a while, the stoplight had already reached zero, and the other people around him already started crossing. Apparently, the next second, he snapped back to reality, and crossed the pedestrian as well.

Even though he doesn't care about anything at all. There are still some things he just subconsciously does as he is someone who's practically being overfilled with kindness.

"Look out!!!"


A car, not too fast and not too slow but a hit from it would be dangerous. 

But in front of Yuu were two things. A small little girl, and the car that didn't seem to care about the stoplight at all. But as someone who is overfilled by kindness, his body moved on its own and leaped to the little girl, pushed her away from harm… even if it sacrificed himself… resulting in getting Yuu, hit by the car.

Miraculously, he didn't suffer from any major injuries, but he was bleeding out and unconscious. The people around him immediately did as much first aid treatment they could until an ambulance arrived.

A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived and took him to the nearest hospital. As he had just miraculously survived that without any major injuries, his body is still intact with just a little blood deficiency.

Beep…. Beep…. Beep…. A consistent, rhythmic beeping echoed in his ears as his consciousness slowly returned.

Am I dead?

The question filled his thoughts, but was immediately answered as the beeping got louder as his consciousness returned.

I guess I'm still alive huh…. I seriously expected I got isekai'd. Oh wait, it wasn't a truck that hit me, does that still count? Although, I can still feel my arms and legs and I don't feel anything major. Did I miraculously avoid major injuries? That's somewhat amazing….

His thoughts were still intact as he could make such thoughts, so he slowly tried to open his eyes.

"Yeah… he's really fun to be with…."

"Is that so?"

"Oh, looks like he's waking up. Well then, take your time with him, it's getting quite late, so I'll head home now."

"Are you sure? You don't want to talk to him?"

"Yeah, we can just do it tomorrow, some family time comes first, I guess…."

"I see. Then, take care on your way home."

There's people, huh… probably mom….

The boy that his mother was talking to left the room as Yuu tried to open his eyes.


Yuu's eyes twitched and opened up slowly as he saw the ceiling above him. He quickly turned to his side and saw his mother looking at him with a relieved, smiling face.


"How are you, Yuu?"

"Well, I feel surprisingly fine…."

His mother, Awagami Kana was warmly smiling at him as she held his hand.

"Oh, you're awake? You could've stayed asleep forever if you wanted to."

"What, you killing me or something?"

"Hahaha, just kidding. Here, apples, can you eat? Actually, can you even move?"

"My body feels completely fine, so I can. And don't treat me like someone dying."

"Well, you were dying."

The person who kept teasing him was his older sister, Awagami Hina. She's 8 years older than him, but even with all that teasing, she really cares for her younger brother.

"Hm, you seem quite fine for someone reckless."

"Yes, yes. I'm fine, thank you."


Another person entered the room and teased him as well. It was a guy that looked a little older than Hina. It was his big brother, Awagami Haruki.

The four of them together chatted for a while as Yuu ate. His mother also mentioned his friend had visited him. They took some time talking with each other, until the night deepened.

"Are you sure you're fine? You don't need anyone to stay with you?"

"Yeah, I'm not a little boy anymore. It's also getting pretty late already."

"Sure, but…"

"I'm fine, I'll just sleep anyway."

"I know. Then if you say it's fine, then we'll go. Have a good night, Yuu."

"Yeah, good night."

The three left his room after saying their goodbyes with a warm smile on their faces. Yuu had gone ahead and done what he said, sleeping. His body was still pretty weak from the fatigue, but he isn't in any harm. 


A day later, after his long, peaceful slumber. Yuu had woken up with rays of sunlight passing by the curtain.

"Oh, good morning, Yuu."

Yuu noticed a boy's voice coming from his side and immediately turned to it. The moment he saw that boy, his face immediately showed discomfort.

"Ugh, Kusokami, huh…."

The boy sitting next to his bed was one of his only few friends, Kurokami Sora, his classmate at the 3rd year of middle school on Asahi Gakuen. He is only called Kusokami by a few people due to overstyling his hair that just annoyingly increases his charm.

"You just woke up and you already have a sharp tongue. I guess you're fine then."

"What are you doing here…."

"Just completing my visit. Although, please use your blanket. It's pretty cold, you know."

"You don't have to tell me tha—"


Yuu immediately noticed something. That he didn't use his blanket last night when he slept.

"I put a blanket on you because you looked cold, also, here— breakfast."

"Ugh, it's so weird to imagine you putting a blanket on me as I slept. And it feels even weirder to get food from you."

"Just take your food!"

The two interacted for a while. Or rather, Yuu kept bullying him to his heart's content until he finally accepted the plate. But that time, Sora asked him a question.

"Hey, Yuu. I never really asked you something like this, and it's a weird time to be asking it as you eat, but…"

"Just say it already."

"I know it's been a year but… how do you still feel about Higabana-san?"

"That question huh…. Nothing much. Although, I can't say that I still like her… but at the same time, I also can't say that I don't like her…."

"I see. I won't pry any more then. Well then, do you want to talk to her?"

"I don't know…. But I'd prefer her not seeing me like this."

"Well, I didn't really care about what you answered. See ya!"

"Eh, what do you mean?!"

Before his words reached him, Sora had already left the room and closed the door. He immediately left the hospital and Yuu continued and finished his food.

Hmmm…. It's quite boring without anyone to talk to….

As he thought of that as he looked into the nothingness of the ceiling, a knock on the door came. He sat back up on his bed, and told "Come in—" as he looked at the door.

But the person who he saw was who he didn't expect.

"Higabana-san? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course. Why else would I be here?"

The girl, Higabana Aoi, walked towards him and sat down on the chair beside his bed. Yuu however just averted his gaze towards the window with slightly reddish cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" he heard a calm, kind voice coming near him, but he couldn't see the face of it, so he simply replied to her.

"I feel fine. Thank you for worrying…."

His voice was quiet, yet Aoi can still hear it.

"I see. I'm glad." Aoi sighed a relief as she said so, but she said it again, but differently this time. "I'm…..glad….."

Her voice was trembling, shaking and breaking. Yuu got worried about what happened to her voice, so he immediately turned to her.

"Higabana-san? Eh?! Higabana-san?!" but the moment he turned to her, he saw her face tearing up, but only for a glimpse. The next thing that happened didn't give him time to react, as Aoi had immediately leaped towards him and embraced him gently as she repeated the words, "I'm glad…."




"Idiot! What were you doing!" 

Even though her voice was getting louder, she showed no signs of anger, but rather, kindness and concern.


"...I wouldn't know what I'd do if you were gone…."

Her voice became quieter, but since she was hugging him, he could clearly hear what she had said and made his heart skip a beat.

"Higabana-san… sorry… for making you worry…."

"..." Aoi wiped her tears as she pulled away from him, "...idiot…."

"Can we please stop with the idiot?" Yuu said as he chuckled with his flustered, red face. But something he didn't notice is himself.

"Eh? Awagami-kun? Why are you crying as well?"

"Eh?" Yuu didn't notice it, so he touched his cheeks where tears had already fallen, and realized that he was crying.

 "You're right, why am I crying? Hahaha-"

Yuu continued to cry for a few minutes, with Aoi trying to comfort him.

"Sorry… I think I was just overwhelmed with emotions…."

"Is that so? You just suddenly cried, I didn't know what to do…."

"Yeah, sorry for making you worry again. But…."


Yuu lowered himself under his blanket and said in a quiet voice.

"...will you put up with my selfishness? And listen to me?...."

"That's…." Yuu had hid his face, hiding his reddened, embarrassed face, but Aoi was as well. "...sure….."

"Thank you…."

"Then? What will we be talking about?"

"…." Yuu answered in a quiet voice, but Aoi had received it, and was quite in shock.

"Eh? Me?"


"Then… I'll listen to you. But isn't it better if we can see each other?"

"Ah, right." Yuu sat back up with his still, slightly reddened cheeks.

"Hey, Higabana-san…."


"Do you remember that day?"

"That day… of course I do…."

"Yeah, it's already been over a year already, huh…. Please don't make that face, Higabana-san, it's just making it more awkward…." Yuu turned to Aoi, who was showing an uncomfortable look after that day was mentioned.

"But… the more time I saw you, the longer I got to see you at school. It just made it harder for me to let go of my feelings for you…." Yuu said as he looked onto the window, "...and without even realizing it, I may have just fallen even more. But, it wasn't a matter of like anymore, but rather, the feeling I felt for you was more of a love. But I guess that's what first love is, right?" Yuu looked at her with a warm smile on his face, and continued.

"That's why I think I suddenly cried. When I felt the kindness in you, when you suddenly embraced me, when you cried for me, and those words you said to me, just made me more sure of one thing."

"And that's?"

"That I didn't want to die. I couldn't bear seeing you cry in front of me. I wanted to spend more time with you, even if we didn't talk that much, nor even interacted, or even near each other. I wanted to see you even more… that I wanted… to be beside you…. I… wanted to be with you…."


Yuu wasn't looking at her, he was facing in front of him, not where Aoi was, so he couldn't exactly see her.

"Higabana-san?" the utter silence made him concerned of what her reaction was, so he turned to her to look at her, but immediately froze.

"...." Aoi's face was bright red, and her composure was as still as stone, but the voice she let out was cutely silent, but still heard. "....idiot…."


"Awagami, you idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot! Suddenly saying stuff like that, you idiot!" Aoi kept on smacking him lightly by his side, but Yuu just felt something like a massage on his side.

"H-Higabana-san, please stop!"

"But…" Aoi stopped her smacking, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"... I'm also an idiot…."

"Eh? Why?"

"Because…. I made you feel that way…."

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, Awagami-kun…" Aoi didn't raise her head, instead, she pressed it in more gently, while holding onto Yuu's shoulders. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way." her words were filled with kindness, but Yuu was still confused.

Ahh… I really lost to her…. I really do love her….

"I don't really get it, but it's fine. I'm okay now anyways."

"No, it's not. I want it so that you wouldn't feel that way ever again. And I want you to don't ever think about stuff like that again."

"Eh, but that's…."

Impossible… I mostly think of you whenever I see you… and now that I know what I really feel, it's just gonna get harder….

"Because…" but, Aoi continued her words as she pulled away from him.

".... I've always liked you, Awagami-kun…" she said with an angelic smile on her face as she looked at Yuu.

Eh? Like? Me? Higabana-san likes me? Hahaha, I must've misheard. No, I'm sure I did, that's impossible.

His thoughts were rampaging as the same goes for his heart. His heart was beating faster than it would, and his face was even redder. But it wasn't just him. He also noticed that Aoi's face was bright red as well, and her heart was beating so fast as well, which made him sure.

"... idiot…." that word didn't come from Aoi this time, it came from Yuu, as he averted his gaze to his side, avoiding eye to eye contact with Aoi, and avoiding her to see his face, as it is bright red right now.


"...suddenly saying that, that's unfair… you idiot…."

"Wha—?! You're the one who suddenly started saying those things about me!" Aoi slightly raised her voice, which made Yuu immediately turn to her.

"But you agreed about it!"

"Even so! That's still an unfair attack!"

"..." Yuu couldn't comment, or rather, he didn't, which made Aoi smirk as they looked at each other.

"Heh, I won."

"No… you haven't…"

"Is that so? Then, if you still have something to say—"

"I love you, Higabana-san." Yuu said with a straight face and a clear voice.

"..." her face immediately got even redder than it was, and she froze.

"Nnn…. Alright, I lost. Awagami-kun you idiot…."

"I see. Well then, can I do it again?"

"Do what?"

Yuu looked at her again, and held her hand, and firmly told her, "I love you, Higabana-san… will you go out with me?"

"You really are… unfair…."

"Hahaha, am I?"


"Haha, we should really stop with the idiot…"

"Yuu, you idiot…."

"Eh? Y-Yuu?!"


"Eh? That's a little too…"

"A-O-I!" Aoi kept on insisting as she slowly pushed her face towards his as he pulled away, until he got cornered.

"Unnn…. Alright, I lose on this, A-Aoi…."

"Yay! Hahaha—" Aoi happily smiled as she laughed with a cute smile on her face, which made Yuu's heart skip a beat and get a little flustered, but moreover, it made him say—


Yuu didn't speak on his thoughts, rather, he spoke that word out loud so that Aoi had clearly heard it. Once he had realized what he had done, he immediately looked at Aoi, who was now as red as a tomato.

"Ah, sorry… I accidentally said it out loud…."

"...why are you being sorry about it? I don't mind, I'm just surprised, but…"


"I look forward to hearing those words even more… from now on…."

"...." Now, it was Yuu's turn to become red and embarrassed.

The two pretty much spent a few hours together, until…

"Haa—…." Yuu yawned.

"Oh? Are you getting sleepy, Yuu?"

"Ah, no. I'm fine."

"No. Take a nap. It's gonna help you get better."

"Th-Then… can I be selfish again?"

"Yes, and you can be selfish whenever you want. But what is it?"

Yuu tucked himself under his blanket, all of him, even his face was completely buried under the blanket, but he put out his hand from the blanket, and told her.

"Can I… hold your hand?....."

"...." Aoi took a pause as Yuu had touched her hand with his.

"Yeah, of course. You can do it as long as you want to. Everyday…."

"Thank… you….." Yuu held her hand until he had fully fallen onto his slumber, and slept soundly.


Aoi, a few hours later however, couldn't control her desire to touch Yuu as he cutely slept. So she poked his cheeks here and there, and touched his hair from time to time.

"U-Uhm… Aoi? What is happening to me?"

"Eh?! Y-Yuu?!" Aoi instantaneously pulled away from Yuu as she realized he's already awake.

"Good morning? I guess? I'm just embarrassed, don't be so surprised."

"Y-Yeah… th-then… your lunch…"

"Thank you."

"You'll be checked after, both by the doctor and by your parents, so I'll be out for a while."

"Is that so?" Yuu said with an unsatisfied voice.

"What? You miss me already?"

"Wha—?!" Aoi said it as she grinned, teasing Yuu, but Yuu made an immediate counter attack.

"Y-Yeah, I do…. I want to always be with you! Is that a problem?!"

"!!?!" Aoi's face became bright red after this, but before she could say anything, she was immediately interjected.

"Oh, is that so?" another voice came from the door, it was the voice of a woman, a woman Yuu know immediately.

"Mom?! How long have you been there?"

"From the 'Good Morning' part."

"From the start, huh…." Yuu sighed in exasperation as he covered his face with his palm.

"Th-Then, I'll leave for a bit."

"Ah, no. Stay. I'll only come to visit him quickly."

"Th-Then…." Aoi, who had failed to escape, sat on the right side of Yuu, opposite of where his mother sat.

"Although, you seem even better than yesterday. Is that because of her? Actually, what's your name?"

"Ah, Yes…. I'm Higabana Aoi…."

"I see… Higabana, huh…. Yuu may not be so active, but he's a nice person!" Yuu's mother, Kana said in an enthusiastic voice.

"Mom!" Yuu exclaimed.

"Yeah. Yuu is really nice…."

"A-Aoi too?!"

"Oh? You're already calling each other by your first names?" Kana enthusiastically smirked at Yuu who was bright red.

The three of them chatted for a while more. Laughed with each other, and Kana basically teased their relationship as their faces became bright red, and until the doctor had come to check on Yuu.

"Yeah, he seems pretty fine now. It's really a miracle how you got out of that without major injuries, and how your body is so strong again this quickly. I say with full confidence that you can be discharged as early in the morning tomorrow. Then—" 

After giving the announcement, the doctor left the room, waving the back of his hand a goodbye 

"As he said. Well then, I'll leave you two here for a while, I have something to do. Also, here's your change of clothes."

"Ah— I'll go to the restroom for a bit too."

"Yeah. Thank you, take care, mom."

"Thank you."

The two left the room, Kana to go home, and Aoi to the restroom. But before that…

"Uhm… Awagami-san…."

"What is it? Aoi-chan?"

"The thing is… about Yuu… I—"

Aoi had shared her thoughts to Kana, who gave a warm smile to her and replied, "Yeah, sure. I'll be happy to!"

After their small chat, Aoi enthusiastically smiled as she went back to Yuu's room, sat on the chair beside him, and immediately took his hand.

"Aoi?" Yuu, shocked by Aoi suddenly taking his hand, turned to her and asked.

"Hey, Yuu…?" Aoi said in a soft voice as she lowered her head, hiding her face and current expression.

"What is it?" Yuu just warmly replied to her as he held her hand.

"How do you… want our relationship to be?...." Aoi's voice became softer as she asked that, but Yuu had received it, became slightly embarrassed, but he immediately answered with his honest, genuine feelings.

"Let's see…. I just want to be with you. Because I know that whenever I'm with you, I'll always be happy. Moreover… I want to…… always be with you….." Yuu told her so as he tightly held her hand and looked at her with a warm smile and gentle voice.

"I see…." Aoi replied as she held his hand tightly as well, and looked at him with her own, warm, angelic smile and said,

"I guess… I really do love you too much, Yuu."

"Aoi…." Yuu, surprised by her sudden words, turned red and flustered, but he calmly replied, "Yeah… I really love you too…."

"I love you, Yuu."

"I love you too, Aoi."

The two held their hands together and smiled at each other. Until…

"Is this a bad time to be interrupting?"

Someone suddenly spoke from the door.

"You of all people should know that. Kusokami."

"Why are you even here, Kusokami?"

"2 on 1, huh. Although, I just came here to check on him, but it seems like he's fine."

"Yeah, I am... stronger than I've ever been before actually."

"I know. Well then, I'll take my leave, you two would prefer to be alone, right?"


The two immediately turned red as Sora had left the room with a grin on his face.

After that, the two spent the next few hours alone, with little disturbances between their time together, until it got quite dark and late.

"Then, I'll be heading home now. Sleep well, okay? And don't forget your blanket. Good night, Yuu."

"Yeah, I won't. Good night, Aoi."

The night had come, and Aoi left, picked up by a car, driven by her father, and Yuu went to sleep. In the car however, Aoi didn't waste any time to ask her father one single thing.

"Hey, father…"

"What is it?"

"Is it fine if…."

Aoi talked with her dad for a few minutes as they went on their way home. Aoi's father showed her a warm smile from the very bottom of his heart, and asked her.

"Are you sure about it? Not having second thoughts?"

"Yes. I want to."

"I see… my little girl had grown, huh…. Awagami, huh. Well, I don't have any problem with it."

"Is that so? Thank you, father! But, I was also thinking…"

"Yeah, I know. He's discharged tomorrow, right? I'll drop you off tomorrow."

"I-Is that so… then, Thank You…."

Without even finishing her own words, her dad already knew what she's about to ask and immediately gave an answer, which made her impressed and shocked.

And so, the next morning came, and Yuu woke up, looked around him, and saw no one.

"Aoi, huh…." Yuu sat up and looked by the window as he muttered, "... what if it was all just a dream… I would rather not wake up from that kind of dream, though."

Yuu muttered to himself, but what he didn't know was that there is somebody listening, and that somebody is who he's thinking of and talking about right now.

"It's not a dream. And don't worry, you'll always wake up with me as your girlfriend. I told you to stop thinking about stuff like that, idiot…." Aoi entered the room and immediately sat beside him.

"Sorry… but it's… 7:00 AM on a Sunday morning, why are you here so early? And…." As he said so, Yuu's face turned into quite a discomforted and confused one, but Aoi already knew what this meant.

"Oh, is it possible that you think that I only confessed to you because of what situation you got to?"

"Th-That's…. Yeah…." Yuu didn't create any excuses and immediately agreed.

"Then… it's a little embarrassing, but…" Aoi stood up from her chair, leaned towards Yuu, who had immediately and instantaneously felt a sudden warmth on his cheek, as Aoi gave him a peck on it, which only lasted for a few seconds.

"Th-There…… is that fine?......."

"Th-That's…… quite unfair….."

The faces of the two became bright red and averted their gazes from each other to hide their own embarrassments.

"W-Well, anyways, I just thought that I'd be with my first boyfriend as he gets discharged." Aoi however, quickly changed, or rather, returned to the original topic.

"I-I see, thank you— wait, first?!" Yuu suddenly exclaimed, shocked by Aoi's words.

"Yeah…" Aoi timidly answered with a red face. "... you're also my… first love… Yuu…." Aoi said as she lowered her gaze and redness peeked out from her ears.

"...." Yuu's face became bright red as well as he looked at Aoi who said that.

"I-Is that so…" Yuu said as he scratched his head, "...then…. I guess I'm quite lucky to be going out with someone like you, Aoi…."

As if a counter attack was what Yuu had done, Aoi got even more flustered when Yuu said that.

"Awagami Yuu-kun. You are good to go now."

"Ah, thank you, doctor."

"Yes, be more careful."


The doctor came in and immediately left as soon as he gave the report. The two also immediately returned to their senses.

"Then… shall we go?"

"Yeah… raise your arms, both." 

"Eh? Why?"

"Why? I'm gonna change your clothes." Aoi nonchalantly answered.

"Eh?! Clothes?! I can do it myself but… you do know what you're saying right now, right? Aoi-san?!"

"Of course I…." Aoi then realizes what she had said, and becomes red up to her ear, "...will wait outside…."


Aoi left the room, and Yuu took the paper bag his mother left him yesterday, which had a pair of clothes to change into. Yuu changed his clothes, folded the patient gown elegantly and left it on the bed.

"S-Sorry for the delay…"

"Mmm… let's go!"

"Yeah, but where to?"

"Where? Your house, of course!" Aoi enthusiastically said as she clung onto Yuu's arm as they exited the hospital.

"Uhm, Aoi… aren't you a little… close?"

"I-Is that bad? Do you hate it?"

"Ah, no… it's just… embarrassing…."

"I-It's embarrassing for me too!"

"Is that so? Then…" Yuu forcefully yet gently freed his arm from her, and held her hand tightly as he averted his gaze, "...this will be less embarrassing…."

"Y-You're right…." Aoi, in reply, held his hand tightly as well.

The two continued to walk towards Yuu's house. Fortunately, the hospital was quite near his house, so there was no need for any transportation.

"Hey, Yuu…."

"Hm? What is it?"

The two, walking hand in hand together, with only so little distance away from each other, which is different from what they used to be. And Aoi immediately took Yuu's attention.

"What…. No…. Why did you… fall in love with me?...."


Aoi said it so quietly and quite cutely, but moreover, a little shyly. So Yuu thought it's best to give an answer immediately, which he did.

"Let's see…. You're cute, beautiful, nice, smart, athletic, or basically just perfect at everything."

"But that's just…" as Aoi tried to give her own complaint, Yuu immediately intervened, with a warm smile on his face.

"But I also recently learned something else. That you're really kind, and the faces and expressions, the genuine ones you showed only me…. But... there's also that feeling that I… wanted to keep those faces that you make all for myself…."

"That's… but there's still a side to me that you don't know… and you might not like it…" Aoi quietly said as her hand slowly loosened up.

But Yuu tightened it again, and replied to her in a kind, gentle and warm voice, "...then whatever it is, I'll accept it. After all— I love you, Aoi. Those faces and expressions you've only shown me, and whatever that side of yours is, I want to keep it for myself…."

"That's quite… monopolizing me, isn't it…."


"I see…. Then, I don't hate that… because I want to keep Yuu all for myself as well!" as embarrassed as she was, she said enthusiastically that it made Yuu's heart throb for an instant.

"Is that so…." Yuu just felt warmth all over him from those words alone, so he held her hand tightly, until he noticed something when he realized that they've arrived.

Oh? I haven't seen that car, do we have visitors?

"Well, we're here…."

"Ah, you're right."


Yuu courteously opened the door for her and lent her a guest slippers they had as he changed into his own pair of scissors. They both came in from the entrance and onto the living room, and as Yuu were about to greet them, he noticed something.

"I'm back— wait, what are all these luggages around here?!"

Apparently, the luggages and boxes are pretty much everywhere on the ground. Well, neatly lined up, not bothering any space. But it still gave Yuu the shock.

"Oh, Yuu. Welcome back~ and Aoi-chan, welcome~" the first one to greet them was Yuu's mother, but another person made Yuu quite shocked, but still greeted her.

"Good Day, Awagami-kun."

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Awagami Yuu." Yuu bowed his head as he greeted her, just around the same age as his mom. "Forgive my rudeness but, you are?"

"Yes. I'm—" but as she was just about to introduce herself, the person, the girl Yuu was holding hands with, intervened.



"Yeah. I'm Aoi's mom, Higabana Hana! Hello~" she said enthusiastically.

"You could at least tell me that you're coming…."

"Well, I did." she placed her hand on her cheek as she sighed exasperatedly.

"Ah—" Aoi took out her phone and saw messages from her mother. She must've not noticed it as she was preoccupied with her space with Yuu.

"Well, well, sit, you two. For now, it seems that Yuu want an explanation for this. Am I right, Yuu?" Yuu's mother said as she pulled the two into the sofa, eventually sitting together.

"Y-Yeah… please do…"

And so, Yuu's mother, along with Aoi's mother began explaining everything from the top. And additionally, the part where Aoi told Yuu's mother what she wanted to do.

"That's…" Yuu was shocked to hear those words and Aoi's thoughts yesterday, but Aoi immediately held his hand firmly.

"Yeah, Yuu, I also want to be with you… that's why…" then, she held it more firmly, looked at him with absolute resolve, in which Yuu had noticed as well as both looked eye to eye.

"Do you want to be with me too? Yuu?" Aoi said in a quiet and shy voice.

"That's… of course I do! I already said that—" as he was continuing his words, Aoi interjected by continuing her own words.

"Then… do you want to live with me?"

"That's…." Yuu paused as his heart fluttered and his face reddened a bit, but Aoi was looking at him with resolve, only showing little signs of embarrassment.

"Do you?" she asked him one more time, as if cornering him into being gently forced to an answer.

"I… want to…. But…." Yuu answered her shyly, but before finishing his sentence that ended with a "but", Aoi placed her fingers on his lips.

"No buts! After all…" Aoi paused in her gentle voice, and two other people came in, two men, laughing together.

"That's why we're here." Aoi's mother said.

"Oh, is it about time?"

"Time?" Yuu was confused, "....wait, dad?!" until he realized that his own father was one of the two men. It is also most likely that the other is Aoi's father.

"Yeah. Long time no see, Yuu. You have grown into a splendid man, huh…. I wonder if you'll be like me…."

"Did he accept?" the other man spoke, to which Aoi's mother answered an enthusiastic "Yes!" as the other two sat down as well.

"I see. Well then, let's get down to business, shall we, Ryuuto?"

"Yeah, Youta."

The two, Awagami Ryuuto, Yuu's father, is a chef going around the world. And Shinichi Youta, Aoi's father is the CEO of Japan's top companies, so they can pretty much take care of everything else.

"Well then, Aoi chose the house so I will be taking care of it, everything else included."

"Then, I'll vouch for the daily expenses."




In a really fast negotiation, everything is finished. From house expenses to allowance, everything was immediately decided by the two fathers of each side.

"These two never change huh…" Yuu's mother sighed exasperatedly.

"You're right. They're always this fast in making such decisions." Aoi's mother sighed exasperatedly as well as she replied.

"Eh, what?" the other two on the other hand were completely confused.

"Well, to summarize, we're basically classmates from high school."

"I… see?"

"That's right. How many years has it been?" Yuu's father however was the one who said so, and the one who replied was—

"Yeah. Around 23 years? I guess?" Aoi's father was the one who replied to him.

"I see…." the two more or less get it already.

"Well, enough talk, why don't we move you two now?"

"Move? But…"

"What? You having second thoughts?"

"No… it's just that… aren't you worried about your daughter living with me? I mean, what if I assaulted her or something?"

"Well, Aoi debated with me about it already, so we're fine. But, will you?" Aoi's father answered.

"Well, no, but… is it really that easy to trust me?" Yuu sulked as he held Aoi's hand tightly.

"The person who trusted you the most isn't us." Aoi's mother kindly said, "It was Aoi. She trusts and loves you so much that she's not even having any second thoughts about living with you."

The words of Aoi's mother made both of them blush and flustered.

"Although, if you want to make us trust you, you can do it now. Although, we already trust you enough."

"Then…" Yuu held Aoi's hand firmly, and straightened himself and filled himself with resolve, just as Aoi did earlier. He then raised his right hand as if to make a vow, which made them all turn to him. "I just want to… have a healthy relationship with Aoi…. That's why… I won't do anything to her to offend her or her parents and mine… nor will I ever make her cry…. And moreover… I won't ever touch her in a sexual way… until we…." Yuu took a small pause as his resolve slowly faded away from the thoughts of what he's about to say next.

"We?...." Aoi however turned to him with a gentle expression, which made Yuu look at her. 

Yuu held her hand more tightly and resolved himself once again.

"... get married… or something…."

Their parents already trust Yuu. But his words alone made their hearts warm up and made them trust him even more.

"..." Aoi however, was the one hit with pretty much a good critical strike, which made her heart rate increase. "... surprise attacks like that are unfair…" she said quietly, "...idiot…." and cutely.

Too cute….

Yuu had avoided saying it out loud this time, but their parents pretty much knew it from how sweet they were acting together.

"Well then, shall we go? To the house Aoi chose, Awagami-kun, Aoi?"



Yuu turned to Aoi after her father said so, which made her blush bright red.

They continued onto Aoi's father's car. Which went ahead towards their new house. The new house Aoi chose had two specific reasons for being chosen. One for being near their school, Asahi Gakuen. And the other is that it's pretty large, but simple. With two floors with two bedrooms, 2 bathroom rooms, with a bathtub, a kitchen, dining room, and living room.

One more thing is that Aoi's father not only took care of the house, he also took care of its appliances. Beds, stoves, refrigerator, a TV, A/C on practically everywhere you go in the house except the bathroom, but that's that. Everything else is empty, including food. 

"Sorry, Yuu, can you please take my last box here?" Aoi shouted from the second floor.

"Ah, yeah, coming~" Yuu immediately carried the box and went upstairs and onto her room.

"And~ there. I'm done, what about you, Yuu?" 

"Yeah, I just finished as well."

"I see. That took us quite a while huh…"

"Yeah, I'm tired~"

The two sat down on the living room sofa as they wiped their sweat. The two were left in the house, with their boxes and luggages left to their care as well. Their parents just left them with a "Good luck" and "Take care~ we'll visit you on holidays~"

After that, the two spent hours cleaning up the house and keeping their own stuff, leaving them sweating and now sitting on the sofa, short on breath.

"Th-Then, I'll take a quick bath first."

"Yeah… we'll also have to go buy some ingredients, it's already over 5, so we'll have dinner later, but for now, take a bath."


Aoi took her time in the bath, dipping herself in the warm water on the bathtub. But one thing is in common with the two right now. It's that they have the same thing in mind.

Living with Aoi, huh…

Living with Yuu….

Aoi then finished a few minutes later, changing the bathwater into a fresher, warm one.

"Then, your turn Yuu."


Yuu stood up, went to the bathroom, until he felt a resistance on his shirt. He turned to it and noticed that it's being tugged by small, gentle, somewhat fragile and beautiful white fingers.


"Can I ask… something selfish?...." Aoi said as she looked at the ground.

"Sure, but you can be selfish whenever you want to."

"Then… can I ask you to… take care of me… from now on?...."

"That's… of course I will… may it even be forever… but… sorry for this…"

"Eh?" Aoi tried to look at Yuu as she raised her head, but was immediately struck by yet another surprise attack, "eh?! Yuu?!"

Yuu, in a split second, immediately embraced her tightly, which gave her no time to react.

"Sorry… I couldn't hold myself when you said it like that…"

"But this is a little… embarrassing…."

"I know… but…." Yuu pulled away from her, and held her shoulders firmly with both hands.

"I will. I'll always take care of you. I'll always be with you, and I'll always make you happy…." Yuu's eyes were filled with determination, although his cheeks on the other hand were bright red, filled with embarrassment.

"I see… then—" now in Aoi's turn, she also embraced him tightly. "Thank you. I love you, Yuu…." she said quietly and cutely.

"I love you too, Aoi…." Yuu embraced her as well in reply to her embrace.

"Then— I'll take my bath now…."

"Yeah, I'll wait here…"


And so, Yuu took his time in the bath as Aoi waited on the sofa, fiddling on her phone. But both of them were on the same boat again, but now, their faces wore a warm smile.

A few minutes later, Yuu finished, and they didn't spend any more time but instead went ahead already as it was getting pretty late. Fortunately, the supermarket is also a close, walking distance.

"My father already deposited money on my account for our food. We can buy a week's worth now."

"A week? We won't buy for a month?"

"Well, yes, of course. We might not be able to use all of them, with just a week's worth, at least we can be sure that we can use most of it."

"Is that so?.... It's amazing how you've thought of it this much."

"Well, it should be normal— wait, is it possible that you didn't realize it? Aoi?" Yu stopped the moment he got a cart at the supermarket.

"Realize what?"

"..." Yuu looked at her in pity as he decided to just say it to her as they walked. "Well, it's basically the same as leaving us responsible for everything we'll do. It's amazing how the person who suggested this idea didn't think about this."

"W-Well, sorry, alright?! I-I just wanted to be with you as much as I could! Idiot Yuu…" Aoi pouted as she clung onto the shoulder Yuu's using to push the cart.

"..." Yuu didn't stop pushing the cart as she looked at her, but his heart warmed up and his face slightly reddened from her cute angry pout alone. The cuteness he witnessed gave him no choice but to say not on his thoughts, but enough for others to hear it.

"You're too cute, geez." Yuu averted his gaze as he silently said this, Aoi however didn't falter, but her cheeks slightly reddened and her heart fluttered, along with the words, "...I know…."

"Haa—" Yuu sighed, looked at Aoi, who was already looking at him, and gave her a warm smile, "Shall we start?" 


The two went around the supermarket for a while, as Yuu just randomly took ingredients, condiments, cans, meats and every possible thing that is on a decent and low price, without any order or recipe in mind. Aoi began to be confused by this, as to why Yuu is just placing anything on their cart, so she asked Yuu.

"What are you gonna cook today, Yuu? I don't think I can see a recipe possible from these ingredients…."

The ingredients he had placed on their cart is random, but there are still some possible recipes there, probably just something Aoi doesn't know or realize.

"Hm? Well, I don't actually have one."

"Eh? You don't?"

"Yeah. If I took a recipe, my mind might get preoccupied by that exact recipe and might even end up going overboard with the ingredients, which may be overpriced for our budget. So I'm only taking some good quality stuff that is cheap. We'll just think of a recipe later."

"Is that so?.... I don't think I can beat how you think about stuff like this…."

"Hahaha, well, I'm sure you'll still be able to help out with something."

"I just hope so…." Aoi sulked as Yuu chuckled at him.

"Well then, shall we go? We can go for stew tonight if you're fine?"

"Of course! And I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever Yuu cooks!"

"Haha— Is that so? Then stew for tonight, it is!"

The two went to the counter with their cart, paid their groceries, and bagged in two large grocery bags. Yuu went ahead and carried the two, but Aoi immediately snatched the other one from him.

"A-Aoi? That's heavy, you don't have to force yourself, I can carry them!"

"No, I need to."

"Eh? Why?"

"Because if I don't, then…." as the two talked as they walked towards the exit and eventually exited, Aoi walked closer to Yuu, and immediately held his hand. "...I can't do this…."

"... Alright…." Yuu just gave up and held her hand tightly as well, but this time, he interlocked his fingers to hers, and gently pulled her closer to him. 

"Oh! We do have a small problem though." on their way home, Yuu realized something and exclaimed.

"What is it?"

"What are we gonna do about school tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean… how are we going to explain our relationship?" the way they walked became slightly slower, and his voice as he said so slowly became quiet.

"How, you ask. We can just tell them we are fiances, living together. Is there a problem?"

"Is there a… of course there is! How do you think others will react to a boy and girl of the same age living together? And someone like me becomes your fiance…."

"I know how they'll react, but… I don't want to hide it." Aoi stopped, let go of his hand, and ran in front of him, and faced him.

"I don't want to hide my feelings for you anymore. I love Yuu and I don't care about what others will think!" Aoi said as she stood in front of him, shining under the moonlight and immediately made his heart flutter.

"I see… haha— alright… I lose…." Yuu walked ahead and stood beside her, held her hand again and began walking. "I guess we just both love each other so much…."

"You're right…."

"But… there will still be some we'll have to talk about, but we can just talk about it after dinner."

"I don't really get it, but okay…"

The two arrived home and entered, they kept the ingredients, leaving some for the stew. Yuu put on his apron, and called onto Aoi. "Will you help me, Aoi?" 

Aoi, who immediately heard this, hurried to the kitchen and enthusiastically answered, "Yes!"

"Thank you. Well then, can you peel and slice these?"

"Of course!"

The two worked in the kitchen together, but Yuu specifically took glances over Aoi and on her skills, which was pretty elegant on how she handles the ingredients. Which made him think, she's pretty good… and it's… beautiful… how she works… on his mind and returns to cooking.

"Then, that should be fine, you can wait in the living room for a while, I'll take care of everything else."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course. I appreciate your assistance…."

"Alright. I'll wait. Just call me if you need anything!" Aoi exclaimed as she exited the kitchen and headed towards the living room, where she then sat.

"Yeah!" and Yuu simply replied, and returned to cooking their dinner.

Yuu took a little over half an hour, so it's almost 8 PM already. As he finished cooking, he plated up for two people and placed them on the table along with water. 

"Aoi, let's eat."

"Ah- Yeah!" 

He called unto Aoi who enthusiastically answered as she cutely ran towards the dining room and sat across from Yuu.

"Wahhhh— this looks delicious!" Aoi looked at her plate with a huge smile on her face that made Yuu pretty happy as well. Aoi clapped her hands, and so did Yuu, and both said in unison, ""Thanks for the food~"" and picked up their spoons.

Aoi was the first one to take a spoonful of their food, with just a little bit of everything from the stew and rice, cooled out down with a gentle blow, which Yuu stared at and got mesmerized from the sight. 

"Ah- Delicious!!!!" as soon as Aoi had placed the spoonful into her mouth and savored it, she cheerfully exclaimed so.

"Is that so?" Yuu let out a sigh of relief as he also began eating his own food.

The two enjoyed and savored their first dinner together, with Yuu occasionally taking glances and being mesmerized by the cute, eating Aoi. Then, a few minutes later, the two had finished eating, and Yuu decided it was time to discuss what he had said earlier.

""Thank you for the food~"" the two again said in unison, but as Aoi was about to stand up, Yuu halted her by letting out a word.

"Well then. Shall we start?"

"Eh? What?"

Aoi however was still confused, as she was already earlier, she still doesn't know, or even realize what it is they're about to talk about. But, it's not that big a deal anyways, so Yuu started talking.

"Our daily lives, and of course— our responsibilities to do here. I would just like to discuss how we'll split them."

"I see."

"That being said, I would want to cook for us."

"Eh? Are you sure? I mean, I can cook to, even if it's just simple dishes, I would want to cook for Yuu too!"

"Is that so? Then I would also want to taste your dishes, Aoi."


The two smiled at each other, but one thing was concerning Aoi if she had made breakfast.

"Now that I think about it, what do you usually drink in the morning? Just water or coffee of some sort?"

"Ah, I drink coffee, but I don't like bitter ones."

"I see… alright!"

"Well then, how about the laundry?"

"Well, I can do it if you want to."

"Really? Thank you! I seriously don't get how to do it! I'll just help out in drying and folding them!" Yuu sighed a breath of relief as he warmly smiled at Aoi when he said so.

"Of course~!" and Aoi just simply and enthusiastically answered.

"Well, as for the bath—"

"Yeah, we'll go together right?"

"Yeah, we will— wait— NO!"

The two just nonchalantly exchanged that, but Yuu had realized what he said, as for Aoi however, it seemed that she said it without a thought of anything, without even realizing her own words.

"Eh? No?"

"O-Of course! There's no way we can take a bath together!"

"Ah—……." now that Yuu had pointed it out again, Aoi had finally realized what happened and turned bright red up to her ear. "Th-That's right, there's no way we can. Y-Yuu can go first then…." her words were stuttering and her face was really flustered.

"Y-Yeah… then I'll just change the water for a warmer one…."


After a few seconds of awkward silence between the two practically staring at each other with bright red faces, Yuu finishes up the discussion as he asks her for one important confirmation.

"Then, lastly. Are you sure you don't want to hide our relationship and I can just answer honestly?"

"Yeah! I don't hate that, in fact, I would want the whole world to know how much I love Yuu!" Aoi said it enthusiastically with only slight redness on her cheeks.

"Hahaha— that's a little bit too much, but okay. I won't hide it nor lie. I will answer honestly to their questions and show them how much I love you too, Aoi." Yuu however said it in a more firmer voice, which had reached Aoi's heart to make her flutter and turn more redder, but she immediately escaped by finishing it up.

"Th-Then, I guess that's that?"

"Yeah. Now, let's go." Yuu stood up, and offered a hand, which Aoi had misunderstood into something else.

"Yeah." Aoi held his hand as she stood up, but didn't realize what she misunderstood, so Yuu pointed it out immediately.

"Uhm. I appreciate the hand, but I'll be washing the plates…."

"Ah— th-that's right…." Aoi gave the plate to Yuu, and both went straight into the kitchen sink, and started washing their dishes.

"Thank you for helping out, Aoi."

"Of course!"

"Then, I'll take a quick shower now."

"Yeah, then I'll go after you."


Yuu went straight to the bathroom, filled the bathtub with warm water, soaked himself into it, and submerged half his head.

This is… not bad… I guess?.... 

Yuu took a few minutes in the bathtub thinking about how their new life will go, and realized it's already pretty late. So he stood up, took his shower and changed the water to a fresher and warmer one for Aoi.

"Aoi. I'm done."

"Ah— yeah! Coming!" Aoi rushed towards the bathroom and swapped out with Yuu, who was in his fresh new clothes, or rather, his pajamas and a towel on his head.

Yuu sat down on the sofa as he waited for Aoi as she took her shower. Fiddling with his phone for a few minutes, Aoi had finished taking her shower, and exited the bathroom, and Yuu immediately approached her as soon as she opened the door.

"Ah, you're—" Yuu froze up as he stared at Aoi, who was in her fresh, out-of-the-bath sleepwear, with some steam coming out of her and slightly wet hair. Yuu got mesmerized that even his thoughts had come out of his mouth, "...cute……."

"You're staring too much… I won't go anywhere so don't stare at me like this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you."

"Y-Yeah…. Then, shall we go?" this time, Yuu offered her a hand again, but there was no room for a misunderstanding anymore, and Aoi took this hand, and smiled at each other warmly.


The two headed upstairs, hand in hand, but got separated immediately, well, temporarily."

"Then, good night, Aoi."


Yuu entered his room, as Aoi did as well. Throwing his body into the bed, Yuu tucked himself under his blanket as he stared into the dark ceiling above him, but light immediately peeked out.

"Eh? What is it?" Yuu knew what and who this was, as there were only two of them in the house, and that girl approached him in the bed immediately.

Aoi didn't say any word and immediately lay down next to Yuu, who was confused and flustered. Even if the light is off, Yuu's face was clearly and obviously blushing bright red as Aoi just nonchalantly lay down next to him. But Aoi herself was embarrassed as well, with some redness on her cheeks.



"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping… in your room?"

"No. I don't want to."

"Don't want…. Why?"

"I… just want to be with Yuu…." Aoi shyly and quietly said as she tucked herself under the same blanket Yuu uses.

"I-Is that so?....."

"Mmm… but…."


"You're forgetting something…." Aoi's voice as she said this was different, and it was showing how embarrassed she is now.

"...." Yuu paused for a few seconds, but immediately realized what this was. "I see…. Then—" Yuu faced towards Aoi, offered her his shoulder, and Aoi placed her head onto it.

"This is… better…." Aoi said, but this time, note embarrassingly, but timidly, as if she was slowly falling into sleep.

"Mmm…. Then… good night, Aoi…."

"Yeah…." Aoi pulled herself closer to Yuu, and embraced him with both arms. "Good night, Yuu."

"..." in reply to this, Yuu placed his other arm over her, gently embracing her as well, as they slowly fell into slumber.

Thus, the first day of the two together, had ended as they embraced each other as they slowly fell asleep. But what comes next is the real challenge, well, for Yuu at least. As they will practically be observed and interrogated for quite a while.