Chapter 14- A sticky situation
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"I guess we have to finish this then." Kokoro walked over to see what Koto was doing. 

"I'm assuming this is the Wolf's Den?" Kokoro asked.


"What should we do with it."

"Enter it." 

"Right now?" Koto nodded his head as he started entering the dungeon. Kokoro was processing this, and had to run to catch up to Koto. *You are the first person the enter a dungeon. You are the first to enter the C-rank Wolf's Den* 

"This is a very nice discovery." [I beat a B-rank Hobgoblin chief, then this should be easy.]

"You're not scared, are you Kokoro?" Koto asked with a grin.

"Of course not, but i'll need you to carry me a bit."

"Yeah of course." 

"But first, take these." Koto took out two round bottles full of blue liquid. He tossed it to Kokoro, and she caught it. 

"What are these?"

"Low MP potions. Got them from a wolf drop."

"Never heard of them." [Course not. After seeing more of what Touyo could do, I realized she was basically a cheat.] {In the world of MFO, items are a mystery. You can have rock in your hands, and the game would tell you the name of such rock, but not the description.}

"Just use it in emergencies." Kokoro nodded. They continued walking down the tunnel, and didn't encounter a monster.

"Don't you think it's about time for us to face an enemy?" Kokoro Jinxed herself, and now it's time to fight enemies for the whole chapter. They soon encountered a group of dire wolves, and prepared to fight them. The wolves were distracted by something, so they decided to use the chance. Koto rushed behind them, and jumped over them straight into the middle of circle the wolves made. Koto unsheathed Kuroshi in the process of jumping, and dug Kuroshi into the ground once he landed.

"Earth Shatter." The ground started rumbling, and the cave's roof started falling down. As the roof of the cave started falling. Wind started stirring up in one place, then it moved the debris to hit every single one of the dire wolves. This all happened while the wolves were still processing what happened. *Level up* *Level up* Kokoro walked over to where Koto was standing, unharmed from the debris.

"I have to admit, that was amazing."

"Of.. course it was." Koto said while chugging a low MP potion. 

"Anyways, let's continue deeper into the cave." Kokoro sighed and followed Koto deeper inside. They continued to fight dire wolves, as more appeared the further they went. They continued for 30 minutes until they reached a massive door. 

"Pretty sure this is the boss room."

"Obviously Kokoro. However use one of your MP potions, I already used one." 

"I don't have to listen to you, but you're more experienced than me." Kokoro chugged down the MP potion and complained about it's bitter taste.

"Oh be quiet, it wasn't as bad as some other things I've drank. Anyways, I'm about to open the door." Koto pushed the massive doors open by himself, and saw complete darkness. 

"Do you see something that?" Kokoro pointed into the darkness, and Koto had to squint to see a glint of web. [Is that a spider web, but isn't this a wolf den?] Koto grabbed a rock and threw it onto the web. It stuck onto the web, and disappeared the instant it touched it. 

"Seems this will be trouble." 

"Should we head back?" 

"Not after heading this far." Koto made a fireball in his hand, and launched it at the web. The web eventually caught on fire from the fireball.

"That's our cue to enter." *You have entered the boss room. You are not able to leave the room.* Just as they entered, the doors slammed shut.

"There goes our escape."

"Don't worry, we'll kill the boss." Koto scanned the room to find the boss, but couldn't find it. Koto was perplexed, but some strange water dropped onto his face. [Water?] Koto looked up, and saw eight glowing red eyes staring down at him.

"Dodge!" The glowing eyes dropped down onto where Koto and Kokoro were standing. As koto dodged away, he bumped into something. He turned around to see what it was, and it was the original boss. It was all gnarled, bloodied with its insides outside. As Koto tried to turn around, he saw some dire wolves bodies laying next to each other. [Wait, is that why the dire wolves increased as we got closer to the boss room?] Koto connected the dots, and had a grim look.

"Kokoro! We entered a battle that cannot be won." Kokoro could assume what he meant, and almost gave up. 

"However, we won't and don't give up." Kokoro was surprised by Koto's sudden words. The spider's name and HP bar slowly appeared. The one that devour alls. Lvl 56, with three bars of HP.

"Kokoro, even if it's just chipping away at his massive HP bar, I need you to deal damage to it." Kokoro decided to trust Koto, after all, she didn't give up on some patients as a doctor. 

"Let's do this!"