Chapter 19- So called knight
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 Koto stared at the so called, knight of women, and wondered what this was.

"Don't worry, i'm here to help." Kurata flipped downwards while looking very dramatic. [So very chuni.] 

"Tsk, get him boys." The thugs charged at Kurata all at once. However, he dodged all their attacks with mild effort and knocked them all out.

"You won't die, but you deserve death." Kurata then walked over to Koto,

"Are you okay girlie?" 

"Can you.. not call me girlie?" Koto said, while trying to hold a smile.

"Of course, but then what shall I call you?" 

"Just call me Arako." [I'm pretty sure he's a player, so it's best if I give him my username.] 

"Alright Arako, you should be careful on the streets. Especially during the night." Kurata was about to leave, but Koto stopped him,

"Wait a second, you're a player aren't you?" Kurata tensed up at the word,

"So you're also a player?" Koto nodded,

"Well what is it that you want?"

"I want to help you with your quest." Kurata gasped in amazement.

"How'd you know I was doing a quest." Koto explained the past events with the 'thugs' before he showed up. 

"It does seem like it was related to my quest. Here, check the quest for yourself." Kurata opened the quest menu and flipped it for Koto to see.

*You have been chosen by the prince of the Rusa kingdom to help abolish slavery. Find the base of the slave traders, free all the slaves, and be the hero. This quest will affect the world of MFO.* [Can't believe I found another MS quest. Am I attracted to them or are they attracted to me?]

"Let me get straight to business. I want to help you with this quest." Murata thought about it, then agreed. Koto then sent a party request, and they joined together. 

"Now, what clues do you have about their base?" Kurata gave all his information about what he knew.

"So you can't pinpoint their exact location since they have magic that will kill them if they say anything."


"Now that is very troublesome." 

"Have you tried any other methods?"

"Not really, I just got this quest by chance." [This is a very bad start for a MS quest.] 

"Why don't we talk to the prince to gain info?"

"Oh no, please not him."

"Why not? What's wrong with him?" 

"He's um, scary." [Never thought the prince would be 'scary'.]

"Alright, we won't go to the prince." [But what should we do now?]

"Since we can't figure anything out for now. Let's separate and search the town for information."

"But where should we start?" 

"Obviously start right here, let's meet up back here at.." Koto opened the settings and checked the time with the digital clock that was there.

"24:00. Let's meet back in 4 hours, exactly 24:00." 


"Alrighty then. Our search begins." Koto and Kurata disappeared from there spots instantaneously. [The best thing I could do is look around the area from where the traders came from.] And so that's exactly what he did. He went to the alleyway they came from, but couldn't find anything. Since he couldn't find anything, he left the area to look in another area. He continued this process until 4 hours had past. Koto walked back to the meeting spot, pissed he couldn't find anything. 

"Did you find anything?" 


"Me neither." [Koto and Kurata were giving off a gloomy atmosphere, disappointed nothing came up. 

"I'm going to head off for tonight. Let's continue to look tomorrow, we might have to meet the king." Kurata said with a cold shiver. 

"Alright, i'll stay on just a bit longer to search further." They said their goodbyes and Kurata logged off. [He's hiding something. Maybe something to do with the quest? Well no matter, i'll have to be cautious of him.] Koto headed back to the alleyway the traders came from.

"This place should've been the spot. But I got nothing." The alleyway was now lit by the moonlight, and Koto could see more of it. Koto was going to turn away, but spotted something. He walked closer, and stood right in front of the dead end of the alleyway. He knocked on the wall, and sound echoed off of walls inside it. [It's hollow.] Koto started smirking,

"I can't believe I found it. Thank you moonlight for giving me a hint." Koto was thinking about what to do next. [I should definitely wait until Kurata comes back.] 

"For now though." Koto then slid his hand over the wall, feeling for a handle of some sorts. He found it, and opened it outwards. *You have located the slave trader's hideout. Due to this being a secret quest, it shall not be announced.* 

"Alright." Koto achieved his objective of finding it. So now, it's time for him to take a break. 

"Touyo, log me out." 

"Right away." Koto started fading away, and then completely disappeared. The town was just dead silence, not a sound. Not until footsteps came around the corner. The was a bearded man, wearing a trench coat, was well fit, and seemed to be observing where Koto was. He waited and waited, 

"I think she's gone. The coast is clear." He kept his hands in the coat, 

"Alright, i'll make sure to approach her in the most inconspicuous way next time." The guy then walked away, the tapping of his shoes get further and further.