Chapter 21- A mistake that cannot be reversed
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 Koto's dad, also known as Kiruto Aikoro, is a business man that cannot be compared to. He has jet black hair like his children, glasses, and has this overwhelming aura about him. He owns many companies and has an intellect of 155, which is in turn split between his children and increased their IQ to a certain extent. He mainly works as a doctor saving lives, which is why Kokoro is also a doctor. But what people don't know is that his children are put under heavy pressure. Once Koto and Kokoro were born, Kiruto was ecstatic about what could do in life.

However once he got his children a IQ test, he realized something. Koto was average, while his sister was moderately gifted and because of this difference. Kiruto paid no attention to Koto, while paying all his attention with Kokoro. Koto was an outcast from his family, the only person loving him was his mother. However she soon died in an accident, and Koto had nowhere to go but he decided to keep going to school until he could leave himself. In that moment, all the anger Koto had for his dad was rushing back to him. He clenched his hands in anger, but knew he couldn't do anything but listen to him.

"Why don't you follow me to my office. I want to talk to you about something." 

"Yes dad."

"Whatever." Two people, one guy and one woman, walked out from the shadows, and followed Kiruto as he started walking. [They're both wearing a bodyguard like outfit. So bodyguards, but he wouldn't need bodyguards. Unless.. It was for us!] Koto got even angrier, but calmed down. Koto and Kokoro were following them for a while. It was just silence, but Koto interrupted the silence.

"Who are these two?" Kiruto halted and turned to the people,

"Go ahead and introduce yourselves." The woman spoke first,

"I'm Akushi." The guy then spoke up,

"And I'm Gyohiro." 

"They're my bodyguards as you can tell, but I wouldn't think Koto could." Kiruto said while grinning. He then turned to face away to continue walking to his office. Koto was getting more and more pissed the longer he stayed with him. Kokoro, an empath, could sense that Koto was angry,

"Don't worry. I'm here to help if anything goes wrong." Kokoro then patted his shoulder and made a calm face. 

"You're right. It's just I can't with him."

"Me too, but I've learned to deal with him a bit over time." [Ha. I wish I could deal with him, even if it's a little bit.] They continued to his office and reached a fancy wooden door. Gyohiro and Akushi walked ahead and opened the doors for him. All three entered the room, with Gyohiro and Akushi waiting outside. Kiruto's office was in the regular square shape, but it was bigger than the norm. It had a window, with a desk in front of it and two chairs in front. Kiruto then sat down in his chair,

"Come, sit. I wanted to talk to you both about something." They both sat in the chairs, and waited for something to happen. 

"I've missed you my children." Koto slammed onto the desk,

"Hurry and get to business." The slam onto the desk alerted the bodyguards and they entered as quickly as possible. Kiruto however, quickly dismissed them.

"Since you want me to get straight to business." Kiruto locked his hands together, set his elbows onto the desk, and held his hands in front of his face, not covering his eyes.

"I've arranged a marriage for you Koto." It was complete silence, no one spoke, nor did anyone move. Koto and Kokoro were processing what he just said. 

"You're joking right? You.. you can't do that." Koto said with a anxious smile. 

"I can do that, and I just did." Koto was now sweating beads, he was now the niagara falls. Kokoro then spoke up,

"Dad, you're joking. You have to be." 

"As I've just said, i'm not." Koto was now in disarray. Thinking of what to do now.

"I'm not accepting this. Ain't know way in h*ll."

"Well, you don't have choice. You should at least contribute to this family. After all, you're absolutely pathetic, especially your mother." Koto snapped at his last words,

"You can call me pathetic all you want, but don't.. Don't speak of her like that!" Koto was about to go for the punch, but Gyohiro and Akushi stopped him. [What!? How are they so fast!?] 

"You must be thinking about how are their reflexes are so fast. Well, let's just say they had something put inside them." It didn't take Koto and Kokoro a while to figure out what he meant. Koto tried to resist, but to no avail. 

"Wait! Why did you tell me to come here?" Kokoro asked. 

"Well it was obviously to show you what happens when you disobey your father." Kokoro then froze, scared because she knew what he meant. 

"You may escort Koto and Kokoro out. I have business with them no longer." Gyohiro and Akushi nodded and obeyed Kiruto's orders. As Gyohiro and Akushi escorted Koto and Kokoro out the building, Kiruto stood up and looked out the window.

"Oh how I wish you would understand that you are powerless against me." Kiruto then held his hand up to his face and grinned a devil's grin.