Chapter 27- Fairy tale about a princess
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 [But how could a sword... I'm just not going to finish that thought.] Kuroshi started overwhelming the zombie, slowly making it panic. 

"Grr, don't think that you've won!" The zombie kept getting pushed back by the continuous attacks of Kuroshi. It seemed like every thing was going fine. Until Kuroshi's attacks started getting slower and slower. The zombie noticed this, and took advantage of it. The zombie saw an opening in Kuroshi's attack and hit him backwards. Kuroshi crashed through two houses until he struck the third house. 

"Kuroshi!" [Koto. I can't maintain this form anymore, I need you to finish him off .] [Roger, roger.] Koto got up from his resting place, and started sprinting towards Kuroshi. The zombie noticed this, and tried to grab him, but Koto narrowly dodged at the last second. Koto decided to shoot some enhanced fireballs, just to distract it a bit. 

"Heh, you think those things would hurt me?"

"Of course not, I just needed to buy time. Well not like it would matter." Koto neared Kuroshi, getting closer. 

"Kuroshi! I'm here!" 

"Yeah, I can hear you." They reached out for each others hands. They clasped hands, and Kuroshi transformed back into a sword. The zombie swung at them, but Koto jumped up,

"Fire Wheel" Koto cleanly cut the zombie's hand, and landed behind it.

"Eh, what the.." The zombie realized what happened and held his hand where Koto cut it. He fell down, seemingly dead. [Is he dead? The HP bar is gone. No, a cut to the hand wouldn't kill an undead.] Koto swung down Kuroshi, aiming for the head. Koto cut it clean off, and stared at the body. 

"Is that really it? I guess it is, though it doesn't feel right." Koto turned around to leave, sheathing Kuroshi. However the zombies body sprang back to life, and jumped at Koto. [Koto!]

"I already know." Koto quickly unsheathed Kuroshi, turned around and cut the zombie clean in half. 

"Lightning Flash" The zombie thought he would win with that tactic, but was surprised to see his split torso on the ground. 

"Tch, it didn't work." The zombie was about to put itself back together, but Koto stepped on one of its arms. 

"So you aren't a regular zombie? You were magically modified to be a Frankenstein undead type of monster. Well, that's what I'm assuming anyways." The zombie attacked with it's other arm, but Koto still had Kuroshi in his hands, and easily avoided it. 

"Anyhow, to kill you.. I'm assuming I'll have to burn you up." Koto said while holding up his hand, that was holding a small flame. The zombie's face turned grim,

"Oh no, we can talk this out right? Everything I said is in the past. We don't have to get so serious." 

"Oh don't worry, just tell me everything you know about the witch."

"The witch.. Oh you mean Diane-sama. Well she is-" The zombie cut himself off, his face started bubbling, then started shaking, and there was a hissing sound. 

"What is that?" Koto decided to think about it once he got to a far distance. Just as he got up to a nearby building, the zombie's body exploded. Launching zombie parts all over the place. Koto then whistled,

"Dang, that was such a pretty firework show." [You're not mad?] 

[Why would I?]

[If it was Elise, she would be pouting, and cursing out everyone and everything.]

[Well I'm not Elise.] It was just complete silence after that. 

[Are you not going to tell me about the whole transforming part?] 

[I was just hoping you would forget about that.]

"Like I would forget about the SECOND person to become a human suddenly." Koto got very angry, that he let his thoughts out by accident. 

[Alright, alright. I'm going to sum it to a very short story.] Kuroshi cleared his throat, then started his story,

[There once was a girl named Elise-] 

"Can you not make this a fairy tale?"

[Fine. There was a girl named Elise, she had a destiny to save the world. She took a guard, to help her explore the world and save it from a demon king. She picked me up on the way, and with other people did indeed save the world. But of course not without some sacrifices. She lost her powers, I grew weaker, she lost a dear one, and grew separate from others. I won't say anymore since Elise asked me to not tell you much.]

"Elise. Saved the world?" Koto didn't understand it, there was no way for Elise. Someone was young as Koto's virtual body, could save the world. 

"I-" Koto was about to ask some questions, but didn't because 1. there were zombies heading to there location because of the ruckus and 2. Kuroshi said he wasn't going to say anymore.

"Alright, I trust you. But let's continue with defeating the witch." [Yeah, let's hurry too.] Koto quickly left the scene just as the zombies were appearing.