~0:: Prologue
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I wonder when my obsession started?

Around when I was 14, I think?

After watching Kishimoto's Naruto when I was 9th grade, I've been engrossed.

The tales and worlds of  those imaginary worlds, the fights, emotions, characters... those things consumed me.

I discovered the reason for my existence.

I've been obsessed with them ever since...

Time passed like that, day by day.

I've joined the society as a working adult.

Even while climbing the corporate ladder and reaching heights that few could ever reach in their lifetimes, my obsession with them didn't decrease in the slightest.

And soon, I've become an old man.

Even now, when I'm on my death bed, my fascination is at an all-time high. Passing time only served to make me realize just how much I love them.

How I wish I could reincarnate in a world of magic and swords.

How I wish I can push my life in danger for riches and glory.

How I wish I can go on an eternal adventure for immortality...

It is with those thoughts that I've finally breathed my last.

"In the end, I'm just an ordinary person, huh..."

Darkness consumed me and I lost consciousness.

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<...System binding to host... binding complete...>

<Welcome, host! To a new world of adventure!>


Ahem, I'm a new author desu. I've written a few unworthy works before and after gathering much of my courage, I've decided to publish a new series here. Thank you for taking your time to read my series. I'm looking forward to our continued support!