Chapter 4 Faith Goggles
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Put on Your Faith Goggles Because God is everywhere!

"Okay children, form a circle, crisscross apple sauce! Now put on your faith goggles because today's lesson is all about faith! "

"Andrew! stop pulling Susan's hair, that's not a nice thing to do!"

"Oh, Heather, don't struggle; I know looking through the faith goggles is just a bit overwhelming. You will adjust, just give it a moment or two!"

"No Cody, we will not be discussing Sodom and Gamorrah today, you are all too young for that!"

"Graphic violence is why! It's labeled for mature audiences not curious minds."

"I do not care what Ryan said, the answer is still NO!"

"No Johnny, that is not how faith works, just because Troy prayed for Cody to be able to hear the story of Sodom and Gamorrah does not mean that it will just happen! At least not today." 

"Suzanne, yes, it will eventually happen, but it will happen on God-Time, not you time!"

Then a little soft voice chimes in, "But Miss Jillian, if Troy prays, and he believes, and eventually his prayer will be answered, isn't that exactly how faith works?" 

I get up and hand the study book to Mercedes, sit back down crisscross apple sauce, put on my Faith goggles, grab a juice box, because we are learning all about how God smote Sodom TODAY! 

Not a true story, the characters are derived from the personalities of my amazing pirates in age reversal, and how I would imagine me attempting to teach any Sunday school class. Neck deep in a bunch of I am not qualified to teach this class. And God sent a child to save the day in this little imaginary disaster of a Sunday School lesson. He also sent the Jesus Christ to save our souls.

We have faith, we pray in faith, we pray for faith, we pray with faith, we build faith, we show faith, we lead others to faith, but what does it all mean? 

Hebrews 11:1 explains that Faith is the substance and evidence of things we cannot see. Faith is substance and evidence. Faith is proof!

Sometimes we are in neck deep, about to drowned, and we have no clue how to save ourselves. Then God pops in and shows us the way. These times, "the showing times", give us the evidence and substance to know that God is real. These experiences create little strands of faith that bind, weave, and form the strong foundations of faith. 

Today I have to go get my driver's license renewed. And when I get there, I will be required to have an eye examination. Now without my glasses I will not pass that exam, because without my glasses I will not be able to see the signs. I personally think that Faith is much like putting on a pair of goggles/glasses that helps you see in otherwise impossible environments. The Faith Goggles! It makes the world clear and bright. It helps you see what God is trying to say to you, what things he is doing in your life, it helps you see the road signs that direct you to his kingdom and warn you of impending danger.

Faith Goggles, a God product. Tested and approved by billions of Christians. Available free to all believers everywhere, unlimited stock, just pray to get yours today! 

Just pray. Talk to God. Each time you pray you open yourself to see proof of his existence. God will strengthen your faith. He answers our prayers, he provides us with proof of his presence, he guides us, he sends us blessings, he opens and closes doors, he delivers, protects, and he is absolute. And as our faith grows, our faith acts as proof to others of his existence. 

Do you have your faith glasses on? God is working on wonderous things all around us. It's one heck of a show. And it's all good.


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