I will Destroy the World!
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Brrr, I’m up! Looks like even tho I’m not a biological entity I can still get mentally tired which is fair based on my “upbringing”, but absurd considering that my core is my heart, brain and all of other useful organs in synthetic form. Well enough of grumbling about absurdity, time for work.


Okay it seems like the subroutine works even while I blackout. The dungeon looks like I left it. Ah fuck, I forgot to add the order for it to plant stuff when there’s enough space and the location won’t obstruct envirovment and workers. Speaking off, Zodarii do pretty good job but I think I need to specialize them further.


I picked up one of the Zodarii that didn’t seem to work on anything important and began changing its structure. First off lungs I expanded the thorax and added one hole on each side between the legs. Holes were connected by small tubes to lungs with some organic barriers that only let through air. 


Secondly I shortened and thickened the legs with dense muscles. The joints were a little tricky so I used slightly modified joints of dogs, that I once read about in some research magazine. Since the joints wouldn’t work without a skeleton I changed some things around. The legs had a layer of hardened skin and thin but very dense bones that were attached to the rest of thorax by ligaments and exoskeleton protrusions.


Thirdly I expanded the whole ant 2 times of the previous size, but I made the exoskeleton thinner and more streamlined for the task of moving stuff around. Next thing on the menu was changing stages of life. So at first when a queen lays an egg, the other workers will chomp food and vomit nutrients on the egg which will absorb it and begin forming miniature version of new species. Then after the youngling is formed it will begin feeding off mana and parts of plants eventually switching completely to mana.


After complete switch and 10 days of growing up to adult size, the youngling will start working in the colony while developing it’s brain to achieve part sapience. This process from laid egg to fully grown adult will take about a week but the resulting species would live naturally about 8 years.

Congratulations on making biologically viable species!

Thanks to proper lungs and the ability to feed of mana , this species can become a real disaster to the rest of the world! Except not, thanks to your excessive feelings of specializing this species in moving stuff around it developed a calm and responsible personality that gets super excited whenever they get to move a lot of stuff in an impossibly small time frame.

That’s the main personality traits: calm, responsible, stubborn, passionate about moving stuff in imposible time frames.

The species raw threat ranking*: 9/10

The species threat ranking**:      4/10

Due to your efforts of making a new species you are able to name them and that name will be recognized by the System!

* raw threat is calculated by adding the overall defense and attack of a species along with the reproduction and survivability.

** Overall threat is calculated by counting all of the personality traits (PT) and stages of sapiency(*) and subtracting all of that from raw threat.

(*) each PT has a value of 1 if it’s good it’s -1 if bad it’s +1; Stages of sapiency are as follows: Bacteria>Sentient>Partly Sapient>Sapient>Sapient energy lifeform. The rating of each stage of sapiency are as follows: 0,1>0,6>1>2>3


4/10? Seriously? I hoped they would be more dangerous, but It’s not a terrible problem to have. I'll just make a professional soldier next. As for the name I think I’ll use seangán láidir which literally means strong ant in irish.


Now then let’s spawn the queen and 2 adults, but first I must update my subroutine so it won’t fucking delete them. 


Well, who’d have guessed that using that subroutine would exhaust my mind by a lot? Certainly, not me! WEE warm embrace of unconsciousness take me!