I will Preach you to Death!
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Now let’s speed up mining and figure out what ore is blocking me! As I neared the excavation sites I started feeling a small headache. That got me thinking that whatever is blocking me is either capable of thought or has magical/mental interference capabilities. 


By stuffing the nearest “ore” with my mana the thing didn’t seem fazed at any point also since my power allows me to manipulate ANY form of life. I had a confirmation that this thing isn’t alive and either creates passive interference in mana/mental energy.


Whoa, whoa hold the fucken horse, what do you mean by mental energy? Well, since my modern mind couldn’t process that I'm an entirely different being I sorta made up the mental energy as equivalent of stamina for fleshy beings. Why? 


Simple I run some experiments and it turns out as I expand my mana reserves I can longer stay awake. Previously I blacked out after the simplest things but now I just made two species and I’m okay


Next I picked some miners and ordered them to mine some chunks of normal stone. It took them about half an hour but when I allowed them to go back, they significantly slowed down. From that I could guess that the ore is blocking mana inside bodies of dungeon helpers and since I didn’t make specialized miners I should limit their intake of any mana and make them have instinctive teamwork that won’t be stopped by interference.


I got about ten miners gathered near my core and I began working on them. Firstly, I nearly killed them by expelling most of the mana inside them, next thing I made their frames smaller but sturdier and muscles thicker. 


Secondly, I made some small canisters out of chitin and placed them throughout their bodies, then I connected those to the respiratory system that was modified to pressurize the gas into these canisters. Allowing them to work in quite hostile environments. 


Third, I added an empty layer between muscles and carapace that will later be filled with mana and temperature insulated liquid which will help with stopping the ore interference and allow miners to work near a high heat environment.


Fourth, I made a change to their genome, they won’t grow past a certain point but their structure will improve slightly throughout their entire life. The small changes to their stomach so that they could strengthen themselves with various metals aren’t worth mentioning.


Fifth, the cardiovascular system was reworked with a bigger heart and an additional one placed in the middle of the thorax. The veins were slightly bigger, their blood had a very high content of iron and other materials that were common in plants and did a pretty good job at transporting oxygen.


The last change was in their stages of growth, mainly every stage was made longer to make sure none of them will have any mana inside or will ever need to consume one. Great, now onto their me..

Congratulations on specifying new Evolution Paths for species called Zodarii!

Due to user efforts in specializing the race called Zodarii new evolution paths were made, thanks to the species birth on the System integrated planet of TES they have an access to the System. Also as a thanks to expanding the lethal arsenal of the System your dungeon helpers under name of Zodarii and all subtypes gained Full sentience and all of the perks that are associated with it!


Congratulations on evolving your monsters into Sapient Dungeon Helpers!

Due to possessing Sapient Dungeon Helpers you unlocked the faith subtype of mana! Also every monster that is partly Sapient will now worship you as an equivalent to god. Because of their nature Sapient monsters will be able to pick a class and evolve into higher beings as part monsters and part Sapients.


Congratulations on unlocking the faith subtype of mana!

Due to your upbringing and race you can choose what type of faith your monsters will generate! Please pick one of 3 options of focuses of Faith mana:

  1. War - everything that counts as a conflict is included here (Burglary, Duels, Massacres etc).
  2. Farming - everything that counts as cultivation is included here (Animal husbandry, Plant Cultivation, Evolution of Sentients etc).
  3. Crafting - everything that counts as crafting is included here (Forging, Alchemy, Construction, Golem Assembly etc).

After picking the focus. Please describe your ideal believer with provided Focuses:

  1. Calm
    The worshipper won’t be easily startled by sudden appearances +1 Perception per Level
  2. Patient
    The worshipper won’t tire as easily +1 Endurance and +1 Willpower per level
  3. Curious
    The worshipper will try harder at finding basic truth of the world +2 Intelligence and + 1
    Wisdom per level
  4. Kind
    The worshipper will try to help everyone +1 to every stat upon taking class with holy attribute
  5. Honest
    The worshipper will be able to discern from aby lies + 1 to every stat upon taking class about discerning lies
  6. Hard Worker
    The worshipper won’t tire as easily and will feel relieved when working hard + 3 to every physical stat per level
  7. Workaholic
    The worshipper won’t lose stamina when working and will need less sleep + 2 to every physical stat except Endurance that will be put permamentaly at 1
  8. Unstable
    The worshipper will have better grasp at mana but won’t be able to control it well + 5 to every mental stat upon taking mage like class but will lose 1 willpower per level
  9. Ignorant
    The worshipper will be able to stop one ability per year that he hasn’t heard off (doesn’t include abilities of gods and beings that are worshipped by it)
  10. Evil
    The worshipper won’t lose sanity upon killing and doing acts of evil +1 to every stat per 10 kills of same species or 100 acts of stealing
  11. Liar
    The worshipper will be able to talk himself out of anything +1 to Charisma per level
  12. Lazy
    The worshipper will get thirsty and hungry more slowly +1 Endurance and Vitality per level

The absolute average of this world’s Human in stats:




















Hmm, Okay let’s cheese this! I pick 1 when my worshippers are fighting against everything other than themselves, I pick 2 when the war has ended or when my worshippers are starving, I pick 3 when my worshipper has a suitable class for it and wants to craft! 


My Ideal worshipper will be Calm, Patient, Curious and will be a Hard Worker and a Workaholic in times of peace or when not directly fighting. When fighting directly against everything other than my other worshippers, it will be Calm, Patient, Unstable, Evil, Hard worker, Lazy and Workaholic!


Congratulations on Cheesing your way into actually good religion!

Due to user defiance of system at the very start and not finished integration You were able to pick traits that will make your religion one of few that are very good at any task due to this All of other religions will be hostile to you and your worshippers will be able to preach only to other monsters from dungeons.

Based on traits of your ideal worshipper the System made a universal Law for your worshippers! 

You can’t kill others that worship the same being as you!

You will work day and night for the betterment of the society that worships the same being as yourself!

You will kill anyone that threatens society or being you all worship!

Due to your contributions to the System in finding bugs you will be awarded with the religion you made and 10% to every stat for any of your worshippers that possess the Archbishop like class!

Due to making your religion and awakening Faith subtype of mana please say names positions for every level of church of your religion and name for it!